catalinux / rgfs (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2020-11-11) (hash sha1)
Allows mapping of RocketGit storage area into a local directory

/TODO (9a1f283f5ae0a1189f1613a36e5c48e129796823) (195 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

== Urgent ==
[ ] When testing if (i < r) it may only an empty message which is not correct!
[ ] 

== Not so urgent ==
[ ] Some errors are fatal and we should exit, not retry to re-connect.
[ ] 

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 160 52a45e91ab9c3d923b6c401dd14b1cfc0fed12eb .gitignore
100644 blob 34520 dba13ed2ddf783ee8118c6a581dbf75305f816a3 LICENSE
100644 blob 665 9467d461f79bf4723b7de94db043b2cb1fe57754
100644 blob 29 e214257f87a28e8fb0413b627cf7ee76ade2e94c
100644 blob 302 ad312665f4c0e01302a79eba2e5681c4a002e3f2 README
100644 blob 195 9a1f283f5ae0a1189f1613a36e5c48e129796823 TODO
100755 blob 30 92c4bc48245c00408cd7e1fd89bc1a03058f4ce4 configure
100755 blob 17506 9320430ec7cae0ebd1f2edd0ca465674fd92dc7c duilder
100644 blob 1371 b56983813706365cf53bfc60c7850a97abc99b6b duilder.conf
100644 blob 29296 3629c0376ed7fa230ea360303e1f52d306ff40d0 rgfs.c
100644 blob 837 83798611843ddcee6436ae28d1adf3e92c446b3e
100644 blob 254 6ceece32128f84d4ccf568595dfc81046abdace2
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