List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Checkpoint: apply xss protection only on output 553d3374edc1c93cb5af6d5807ead7d862fc5b61 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2015-03-05 22:14:42
Improved diff output (copy/rename/etc.) 823f8f1ff43c8db148d2b642da87ac10dc67543e Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2015-02-14 22:38:14
Bump version to 0.20 f794575c600cb52f12a406bf1945966b573c6209 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2015-01-27 23:12:33
Small fixes after beta deploy 10774b229bcb8eebf30781c602e300a2618b60c0 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2015-01-27 23:11:50
Checkpoint before non-storing tokens 14b76a10a18045ae9d6b71614772ca2ba0653034 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-12-20 09:03:38
Checkpoint a87a60265dd93710118fc92b13121b7d7296823b Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-12-16 21:19:16
Checkpoint c99a539501f24a82fb890a7ef59e2d97517246c5 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-12-10 21:25:25
Checkpoint 408ea6e114460b413daca5e96d1551ef04080a04 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-12-09 17:18:17
Checkpoint 70b59e41caa4a49a3f6580e104da0c8e6cec8658 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-11-20 04:42:44
Checkpoint 954ee41b76dcfe6920ebd36bd81453bc26276890 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-11-14 22:37:07
Checkpoint 91a81af5a65c575fa1d61ac9cc5eb759b746a9ed Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-10-29 04:19:22
Checkpoint 8aa274777cd39834ea3467399ec8b072a136e525 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-10-24 20:41:00
Checkpoint af5c3e9e60264219565f682fa909b9f829e0fa9d Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-10-23 19:50:16
Checkpoint c4115b92bd328d7b6931d2854f63d0fe7e685aad Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-10-09 17:35:54
Checkpoint d27058ed0323fbe336584a1155c4c02489ee641d Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-10-08 18:52:24
WIP c393b624a4544dd58b7c3a6c9e09bf5d94fba6c1 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-09-23 03:01:33
Checkpoint: added path rights and fixed mail sending 24aa6660e6ee2530739545da09869b116c77df3b Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-09-07 07:12:43
Checkpoint c769943b7cd003725a18731a1723616010582d50 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-09-06 05:43:17
Checkpoint after a lot of pause 53c17f78a3d70e22165de311ff56b094cb3b1096 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2014-04-14 18:23:27
Checkpoint - mostly fixes for tests and switch to sql_params 28830fcf28cf8f3ae0f59bf1205281820df1307a Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2013-07-16 19:42:15
Commit 553d3374edc1c93cb5af6d5807ead7d862fc5b61 - Checkpoint: apply xss protection only on output
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2015-03-05 22:14
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2015-03-05 22:14
Parent(s): 823f8f1ff43c8db148d2b642da87ac10dc67543e
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 994f09f94b985b69961e6383970878a646b920fa
File Lines added Lines deleted
History.txt 2 0
TODO 46 14
inc/ 159 0
inc/admin/admin.php 4 0
inc/admin/plans/plans.php 3 1
inc/admin/repos/repos.php 8 14
inc/admin/users/users.php 8 18
inc/ 9 7
inc/ 1 0
inc/ 1 1
inc/ 1 2
inc/ 2 1
inc/ 1 0
inc/ 16 11
inc/ 13 39
inc/ 3 2
inc/ 1 0
inc/ 16 12
inc/ 27 44
inc/ 1 0
root/index.php 1 0
root/themes/default/admin/invites/invites.html 29 0
root/themes/default/admin/invites/sent.html 1 1
root/themes/default/admin/menu.html 5 4
root/themes/default/admin/plans/add_edit.html 21 21
root/themes/default/admin/plans/list/line.html 1 1
root/themes/default/admin/plans/menu.html 3 3
root/themes/default/admin/repos/menu.html 6 0
root/themes/default/admin/users/menu.html 6 0
root/themes/default/index.html 33 45
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new.body.txt 7 7
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new.subj.txt 1 1
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new_note.body.txt 4 4
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new_note.subj.txt 1 1
root/themes/default/main.css 74 43
root/themes/default/repo/add_edit.html 9 9
root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_close.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_edit.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_reopen.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_unwatch.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_watch.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/bug/bug_add_edit.html 9 9
root/themes/default/repo/bug/list/line.html 7 7
root/themes/default/repo/bug/not_found.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/bug/note_add.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/bug/show.html 12 12
root/themes/default/repo/create_ok.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/edit_ok.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/main.html 8 8
root/themes/default/repo/menu.html 5 5
root/themes/default/suggestion.html 1 1
root/themes/default/user/add_edit.html 2 1
root/themes/default/user/repo/menu.html 5 5
root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo/line.html 1 1
root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo_path/line.html 1 1
root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo_refs/line.html 1 1
root/themes/default/user/settings/menu.html 4 4
samples/rg.conf 3 7
scripts/cron.php 6 3
scripts/events.php 1 0
tests/Makefile 14 1
tests/bug.php 4 15
tests/config.php 2 2
tests/email.php 1 1
tests/ 113 0
tests/hook_update_help.php 5 28
tests/ 20 6
tests/http_admin.php 85 0
tests/http_bug.php 146 0
tests/http_create_account.php 5 7
tests/http_csrf.php 1 3
tests/http_settings.php 6 6
tests/keys.php 2 1
tests/repo.php 9 17
tests/util.php 2 2
File History.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index f4b3527..46759b7)
1 History from RocketGit point-of-view
1 2
2 3 2015-01-24 - Created first official RocketGit server (rg2), thanks to Petre. 2015-01-24 - Created first official RocketGit server (rg2), thanks to Petre.
4 2015-03-04 - Gitorious aquired by Gitlab
File TODO changed (mode: 100644) (index 720c2b6..56be1d1)
5 5 accounts. After this, I will remove this plan? accounts. After this, I will remove this plan?
6 6 [ ] In mail-ul phase1, ar trebui adaugata si misiunea acestui proiect. [ ] In mail-ul phase1, ar trebui adaugata si misiunea acestui proiect.
7 7 Eventual un FAQ care sa contina si cum vom sustine acest proiect Eventual un FAQ care sa contina si cum vom sustine acest proiect
8 din punct de vedere financiar.
9 [ ] Admin section is not working!
10 [ ] "Running since" apare cu "?"! Rezolvat, dar se pare ca cache-uim raspunsuri
11 negative de la cache daemon. Vrem asta?!
12 [ ] Nu pot sa adaug bug-uri (nu apare form-ul si nici hint-urile)!
8 din punct de vedere financiar. Nu uita de repo-uri privat/publice.
13 9 [ ] Se pare ca sesiunea expira, indifierent daca e activa (apas butoane)! [ ] Se pare ca sesiunea expira, indifierent daca e activa (apas butoane)!
14 [ ] authorized_keys is missing from 'state' table. Is normal?
15 [ ] 'first_install' is not present in 'state' table.
16 [ ] Move into cron the duty for setting first_install and install_id!
17 Maybe other stuff also.
18 [ ] Seems I cache not set values: first_install is still "?"!
19 [ ] Drop OUTPUT to prevent some attacks? Document in README?
20 [ ] git_diff2array is not parsing correctly the diff --git header.
21 [ ] Fix rg_git_diff to take in consideration last flags and fields from
22 diff2array.
10 [ ] Convert var.subvar to var::subvar because php replaces '.' with '_'!
11 [ ] Accessing a file with '"' inside, is not working.
12 See"xx\"yy"
13 [ ] First page: our mission, how do I install it etc.?
14 [ ] In mail trebuie sa existe un link catre site-ul principal.
15 [ ] themes/default/repo/bug/note_add.html. @@note@@ is correct?
16 [ ] In themes/default/mail/* are we allowed with '.'? Should be '::'?
17 [ ] Seems we are stuck processing events in events.php daemon because we are
18 stuck in 'accept'. We should keep processing the events queue.
19 [ ] phase1: add in mail a text like: "...any info ... reply to this e-mail"
20 [ ] Check 'description_nice' and apply this everywhere. Maybe we should unset
21 'description', so people will not be tempted to use it.
22 Maybe just overwrite 'description'. And then continue with 'note'
23 unit testing.
24 Planul este sa auditez peste tot dca folosesc variabile luate cu
25 rg_var_str, rg_var_re & rg_var_cookie_re. si le trintesc pe
26 output fara a le trece prin template sau rg_xss_safe.
27 Apoi, ar trebui sa fac si nl2br pe toate textele, just in case.
28 Nu e OK. Trebuie doar pentru anumite cazuri: la o descriere pe pagina
29 proiectului, e nevoie. Dar intr-un form, in textarea, nu e nevoie.
30 Apoi as putea elimina description_nice.
31 Am o idee. Sa introduc un string de forma '<xss>' in toate cimpurile
32 folosite la unit testing si apoi sa testez prezenta acestor cimpuri
33 in output-ul curl-ului. Daca e prezent, buba!
34 [ ] Test closing a bug/watch/unwatch/etc.
23 35 [ ] [ ]
24 36
38 [ ] Before custom hooks, allow enforcing a custom regex for a commit.
39 [ ] rg_repo_delete trebuie sa stearga si rights si bugs si notes si bug files
40 si watch-uri.
41 [ ] For unit testing, we need to pass a debug para in http requests and the
42 mails to be saved in a folder, so we can parse them and verify them.
43 [ ] Expose "git reflog".
44 [ ] Should I allow state select when adding a bug? Better to consider it open?
45 [ ] Add regex for label filtering, maybe for other fields?
46 [ ] Add regex for search?
47 [ ] When showing diff, for the list of files, make links to chunks inside page.
48 [ ] php-opcache in docs?
49 [ ] Drop OUTPUT to prevent some attacks? Document in README?
50 [ ] Seems I cache not set values: first_install is still "?"!
51 [ ] Move into cron the duty for setting first_install and install_id!
52 Maybe other stuff also.
53 [ ] 'first_install' is not present in 'state' table.
54 [ ] authorized_keys is missing from 'state' table. Is normal?
55 [ ] "Running since" apare cu "?"! Rezolvat, dar se pare ca cache-uim raspunsuri
56 negative de la cache daemon. Vrem asta?!
57 [ ] Admin section is not working!
26 58 [ ] Replace -=ROCKETGIT=- with a random generated code. [ ] Replace -=ROCKETGIT=- with a random generated code.
27 59 [ ] La mail-ul de creare repo, las prea mult spatiu intre "Hello!" si "Repo is". [ ] La mail-ul de creare repo, las prea mult spatiu intre "Hello!" si "Repo is".
28 60 [ ] Seems I cannot reliable kill cache.php. It becomes a zombie! [ ] Seems I cannot reliable kill cache.php. It becomes a zombie!
File inc/ added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..81381f6)
1 <?php
2 $INC = isset($INC) ? $INC : dirname(__FILE__);
3 require_once($INC . "/");
5 /*
6 * Event functions
7 */
8 $rg_admin_functions = array(
9 6000 => "rg_admin_invite",
10 6001 => "rg_admin_invite_one"
11 );
12 rg_event_register_functions($rg_admin_functions);
14 /*
15 * Event for invites
16 */
17 function rg_admin_invite($db, $event)
18 {
19 $ret = array();
21 rg_log_ml("DEBUG: event[list]=" . print_r($event['list'], TRUE));
22 foreach ($event['list'] as $line) {
23 $line = trim($line);
24 if (empty($line))
25 continue;
27 $t = explode('|', $line, 2);
29 $ret[] = array_merge($event,
30 array(
31 'category' => 6001,
32 'prio' => 100,
33 'email' => trim($t[0]),
34 'name' => trim($t[1])
35 )
36 );
37 }
39 return $ret;
40 }
42 /*
43 * Event for invites (one e-mail version)
44 */
45 function rg_admin_invite_one($db, $event)
46 {
47 global $rg_admin_email;
49 $rg = array();
50 $subject = preg_replace('/{NAME}/', $event['name'], $event['subject']);
51 $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode(trim($subject)) . "?=";
52 $header = rg_template("mail/common.head.txt", $rg);
53 $body = preg_replace('/{NAME}/', $event['name'], $event['body']);
55 $r = mail($event['email'], $subject, $body, $header,
56 "-f $rg_admin_email");
58 if ($r === FALSE)
59 return FALSE;
61 return array();
62 }
64 /*
65 * Deals with invites
66 */
67 function rg_admin_invites_high_level($db, $rg)
68 {
69 rg_log_enter("rg_admin_invites_high_level");
71 $ret = "";
73 $inv = array();
74 $inv['list'] = "";
75 $inv['subject'] = "";
76 $inv['body'] = "";
78 $errmsg = array();
79 $show_form = TRUE;
80 while (1) {
81 if (rg_var_int("doit") == 0)
82 break;
84 $inv['list'] = rg_var_str("inv::list");
85 $inv['subject'] = rg_var_str("inv::subject");
86 $inv['body'] = rg_var_str("inv::body");
88 if (!rg_valid_referer()) {
89 $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again";
90 break;
91 }
93 if (!rg_token_valid($db, $rg, FALSE)) {
94 $errmsg[] = "invalid token; try again";
95 break;
96 }
98 if (empty($inv['list'])) {
99 $errmsg[] = "list is empty";
100 break;
101 }
103 if (empty($inv['subject'])) {
104 $errmsg[] = "subject is empty";
105 break;
106 }
108 if (empty($inv['body'])) {
109 $errmsg[] = "body is empty";
110 break;
111 }
113 $list = explode("\n", trim($inv['list']));
114 foreach ($list as $line) {
115 $line = trim($line);
116 if (empty($line))
117 continue;
119 $t = explode('|', $line, 2);
120 if (count($t) != 2) {
121 $errmsg[] = 'invalid line: ' . rg_xss_safe($line);
122 } else {
123 if (!strstr($t[0], '@'))
124 $errmsg[] = 'invalid e-mail in line: ' . rg_xss_safe($line);
125 }
126 }
127 if (!empty($errmsg))
128 break;
130 $event = array(
131 'category' => 6000,
132 'prio' => 50);
133 $event = array_merge($event, $inv);
134 $event['list'] = $list;
135 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
136 if ($r !== TRUE) {
137 $errmsg[] = "cannot add event (" . rg_event_error() . ")";
138 break;
139 }
141 rg_event_signal_daemon("", 0);
143 $ret .= rg_template("admin/invites/sent.html", $rg);
144 $show_form = FALSE;
145 break;
146 }
148 if ($show_form) {
149 $rg['inv'] = $inv;
150 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
151 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
152 $ret .= rg_template("admin/invites/invites.html", $rg);
153 }
155 rg_log_exit();
156 return $ret;
157 }
159 ?>
File inc/admin/admin.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 5e31f9d..da00594)
... ... case 'repos': // repos
25 25 include($INC . "/admin/repos/repos.php"); include($INC . "/admin/repos/repos.php");
26 26 $_admin .= $_admin_repos; $_admin .= $_admin_repos;
27 27 break; break;
29 case 'invites': // invites
30 $_admin = rg_admin_invites_high_level($db, $rg);
31 break;
28 32 } }
29 33
30 34 $rg['menu']['sub1'][$_subop] = 1; $rg['menu']['sub1'][$_subop] = 1;
File inc/admin/plans/plans.php changed (mode: 100644) (index e35fd30..0b5ae6c)
... ... rg_log("FILE: /inc/admin/plans/plans");
4 4 $_admin_plans = ""; $_admin_plans = "";
5 5
6 6 $_op = empty($paras) ? "list" : array_shift($paras); $_op = empty($paras) ? "list" : array_shift($paras);
7 rg_log("DEBUG: _op=$_op sparas=" . rg_array2string($paras));
7 8 switch ($_op) { switch ($_op) {
8 9 case 'list': // list case 'list': // list
9 10 $_admin_plans .= rg_plan_list_high_level($db, $rg); $_admin_plans .= rg_plan_list_high_level($db, $rg);
10 11 break; break;
11 12
12 13 case 'edit': // edit case 'edit': // edit
13 $rg['id'] = empty($paras) ? 0 : array_shift($paras);
14 $rg['pi'] = array();
15 $rg['pi']['id'] = empty($paras) ? 0 : array_shift($paras);
14 16 // no break here // no break here
15 17 case 'add': // add case 'add': // add
16 18 $_admin_plans .= rg_plan_edit_high_level($db, $rg); $_admin_plans .= rg_plan_edit_high_level($db, $rg);
File inc/admin/repos/repos.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 3c1288c..e1bce41)
... ... $_admin_repos = "";
5 5
6 6 $_op = empty($paras) ? "list" : array_shift($paras); $_op = empty($paras) ? "list" : array_shift($paras);
7 7
8 // menu
9 $_m = array(
10 "list" => array(
11 "text" => "List repositories",
12 "op" => "list"
13 ),
14 "add" => array(
15 "text" => "Add repository",
16 "op" => "add"
17 )
18 );
19 rg_menu_add($rg_menu, $_m, $_op);
21 8 switch ($_op) { switch ($_op) {
22 case 'list': // list
9 case 'add':
10 $_admin_repos .= "Not yet implemented";
11 break;
13 default: // list
23 14 $_uid = 0; $_uid = 0;
24 15 $_admin_repos .= rg_repo_list($db, $rg, "TODO: fix url", $_uid); $_admin_repos .= rg_repo_list($db, $rg, "TODO: fix url", $_uid);
25 16 break; break;
26 17 } }
27 18
19 $rg['menu']['sub2'][$_op] = 1;
20 $rg['HTML:submenu2'] = rg_template("admin/repos/menu.html", $rg);
28 22 ?> ?>
File inc/admin/users/users.php changed (mode: 100644) (index f43d53f..e5db139)
... ... $_op = empty($paras) ? "list" : array_shift($paras);
7 7 $target = empty($paras) ? "" : array_shift($paras); $target = empty($paras) ? "" : array_shift($paras);
8 8 $target_ui = rg_user_info($db, 0, $target, ""); $target_ui = rg_user_info($db, 0, $target, "");
9 9
10 // menu
11 $_m = array(
12 "list" => array(
13 "text" => "List users",
14 "op" => "list"
15 ),
16 "add" => array(
17 "text" => "Add user",
18 "op" => "add"
19 )
20 );
21 rg_menu_add($rg_menu, $_m, $_op);
23 10 // TODO: security: CSRF! // TODO: security: CSRF!
24 11 $_show_list = 1; $_show_list = 1;
25 12 switch ($_op) { switch ($_op) {
... ... case 'edit': // edit
32 19
33 20 case 'suspend': case 'suspend':
34 21 if (!rg_user_suspend($db, $rg, $target_ui, 1)) if (!rg_user_suspend($db, $rg, $target_ui, 1))
35 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_suspend.html");
22 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_suspend.html", $rg);
36 23 break; break;
37 24
38 25 case 'unsuspend': case 'unsuspend':
39 26 if (!rg_user_suspend($db, $rg, $target_ui, 0)) if (!rg_user_suspend($db, $rg, $target_ui, 0))
40 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_unsuspend.html");
27 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_unsuspend.html", $rg);
41 28 break; break;
42 29
43 30 case 'make_admin': case 'make_admin':
44 31 if (!rg_user_make_admin($db, $rg, $target_ui, 1)) if (!rg_user_make_admin($db, $rg, $target_ui, 1))
45 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_admin.html");
32 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_admin.html", $rg);
46 33 break; break;
47 34
48 35 case 'remove_admin': case 'remove_admin':
49 36 if (!rg_user_make_admin($db, $rg, $target_ui, 0)) if (!rg_user_make_admin($db, $rg, $target_ui, 0))
50 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_unadmin.html");
37 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_unadmin.html", $rg);
51 38 break; break;
52 39
53 40 case 'remove': case 'remove':
54 41 if (!rg_user_remove($db, $rg, $target_ui)) if (!rg_user_remove($db, $rg, $target_ui))
55 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_remove.html");
42 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_remove.html", $rg);
56 43 break; break;
57 44 } }
58 45
46 $rg['menu']['sub2'][$_op] = 1;
47 $rg['HTML:submenu2'] = rg_template("admin/users/menu.html", $rg);
59 49 if ($_show_list == 1) if ($_show_list == 1)
60 50 $_admin_users .= rg_user_list($db); $_admin_users .= rg_user_list($db);
61 51
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index c06caed..16a0f44)
... ... function rg_bug_set_error($str)
14 14 { {
15 15 global $rg_bug_error; global $rg_bug_error;
16 16 $rg_bug_error = $str; $rg_bug_error = $str;
17 rg_log('set_error: ' . $str);
17 18 } }
18 19
19 20 function rg_bug_error() function rg_bug_error()
... ... function rg_bug_event_add_one($db, $event)
64 65
65 66 // send e-mail // send e-mail
66 67 $event[''] = $ui['email']; $event[''] = $ui['email'];
67 $r = rg_mail("mail/user/repo/bug/new", $event);
68 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/repo/bug/new", $event);
68 69 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
69 70 break; break;
70 71
... ... function rg_bug_event_note_add_one($db, $event)
139 140
140 141 // send e-mail // send e-mail
141 142 $event[''] = $ui['email']; $event[''] = $ui['email'];
142 $r = rg_mail("mail/user/repo/bug/new_note", $event);
143 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/repo/bug/new_note", $event);
143 144 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
144 145 break; break;
145 146
... ... function rg_bug_cosmetic($db, &$row)
296 297 } }
297 298
298 299 if (isset($row['body'])) if (isset($row['body']))
299 $row['HTML:body'] = nl2br($row['body']);
300 $row['HTML:body'] = nl2br(rg_xss_safe($row['body']));
300 301
301 302 if (isset($row['itime'])) if (isset($row['itime']))
302 303 $row['creation'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i", $row['itime']); $row['creation'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i", $row['itime']);
... ... function rg_bug_note_list($db, $repo_id, $bug_id, $offset)
1079 1080 else else
1080 1081 $row['owner'] = "?"; $row['owner'] = "?";
1081 1082
1082 $row['HTML:note'] = nl2br($row['note']);
1083 $row['HTML:note'] = nl2br(rg_xss_safe($row['note']));
1083 1084 unset($row['note']); unset($row['note']);
1084 1085
1085 1086 $ret[] = $row; $ret[] = $row;
... ... function rg_bug_label_html($db, $labels)
1242 1243 $a = array(); $a = array();
1243 1244 if (!empty($labels)) { if (!empty($labels)) {
1244 1245 foreach ($labels as $label) foreach ($labels as $label)
1245 $a[] = array("HTML:label" => $label);
1246 $a[] = array("HTML:label" => rg_xss_safe($label));
1246 1247 } }
1247 1248
1248 1249 $ret = rg_template_table("repo/bug/list_labels", $a, array()); $ret = rg_template_table("repo/bug/list_labels", $a, array());
... ... function rg_bug_label_html($db, $labels)
1259 1260 function rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, &$rg) function rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1260 1261 { {
1261 1262 rg_log_enter("rg_bug_edit_high_level"); rg_log_enter("rg_bug_edit_high_level");
1263 rg_log_ml("DEBUG: rg: " . print_r($rg, TRUE));
1262 1264
1263 1265 $ret = ""; $ret = "";
1264 1266
... ... function rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1280 1282 break; break;
1281 1283 } }
1282 1284
1285 $rg['bug'] = rg_array_merge($rg['bug'], "", rg_bug_vars());
1283 1287 if (!rg_valid_referer()) { if (!rg_valid_referer()) {
1284 1288 $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again"; $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again";
1285 1289 break; break;
... ... function rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1290 1294 break; break;
1291 1295 } }
1292 1296
1293 $rg['bug'] = rg_array_merge($rg['bug'], "", rg_bug_vars());
1295 1297 $bug_id = rg_bug_edit($db, $rg['login_ui'], $rg['ri'], $bug_id = rg_bug_edit($db, $rg['login_ui'], $rg['ri'],
1296 1298 $rg['bug']); $rg['bug']);
1297 1299 if ($bug_id === FALSE) { if ($bug_id === FALSE) {
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 63c3373..64df4a3)
... ... function rg_cache_set_error($str)
27 27 { {
28 28 global $rg_cache_error; global $rg_cache_error;
29 29 $rg_cache_error = $str; $rg_cache_error = $str;
30 rg_log($str);
30 31 } }
31 32
32 33 function rg_cache_error() function rg_cache_error()
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 8d75c78..fd65dda)
... ... function rg_event_process_queue($db, &$notify_list)
238 238 . " FOR UPDATE" . " FOR UPDATE"
239 239 . " LIMIT 100"; . " LIMIT 100";
240 240 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
241 $no_of_events = rg_sql_num_rows($res);
242 241 if ($res === FALSE) { if ($res === FALSE) {
243 242 rg_event_set_error("Cannot load job list" rg_event_set_error("Cannot load job list"
244 243 . " (" . rg_sql_error() . ")"); . " (" . rg_sql_error() . ")");
245 244 break; break;
246 245 } }
247 246
247 $no_of_events = rg_sql_num_rows($res);
248 248 while (($row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res))) { while (($row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res))) {
249 249 $params = array("id" => $row['id']); $params = array("id" => $row['id']);
250 250
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index cd78d8e..363ea10)
... ... $rg_git_error = "";
11 11 function rg_git_set_error($str) function rg_git_set_error($str)
12 12 { {
13 13 global $rg_git_error; global $rg_git_error;
15 rg_log($str);
16 14 $rg_git_error = $str; $rg_git_error = $str;
15 rg_log($str);
17 16 } }
18 17
19 18 function rg_git_error() function rg_git_error()
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index d47956d..f8a01cf)
... ... function rg_keys_set_error($str)
10 10 { {
11 11 global $rg_keys_error; global $rg_keys_error;
12 12 $rg_keys_error = $str; $rg_keys_error = $str;
13 rg_log($str);
13 14 } }
14 15
15 16 function rg_keys_error() function rg_keys_error()
... ... function rg_keys_event_notify_user($db, $event)
102 103 // TODO: Take care: we already deleted the keys. We cannot inspect // TODO: Take care: we already deleted the keys. We cannot inspect
103 104 // them anymore! Maybe put info in the event. // them anymore! Maybe put info in the event.
104 105
105 $r = rg_mail("mail/user/key/" . $event['op'], $event);
106 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/key/" . $event['op'], $event);
106 107 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
107 108 return FALSE; return FALSE;
108 109
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 6363762..55c15ea)
... ... function rg_mr_set_error($str)
16 16 { {
17 17 global $rg_mr_error; global $rg_mr_error;
18 18 $rg_mr_error = $str; $rg_mr_error = $str;
19 rg_log($str);
19 20 } }
20 21
21 22 function rg_mr_error() function rg_mr_error()
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index eac55df..25cafb8)
... ... function rg_plan_set_error($str)
11 11 { {
12 12 global $rg_plan_error; global $rg_plan_error;
13 13 $rg_plan_error = $str; $rg_plan_error = $str;
14 rg_log($str);
14 15 } }
15 16
16 17 function rg_plan_error() function rg_plan_error()
... ... function rg_plan_list($db)
155 156 $id = $row['id']; $id = $row['id'];
156 157
157 158 // fixes // fixes
158 $row['HTML:description'] = nl2br($row['description']);
159 $row['HTML:description'] = nl2br(rg_xss_safe($row['description']));
159 160 unset($row['description']); unset($row['description']);
160 161
161 162 $ret[$id] = $row; $ret[$id] = $row;
... ... function rg_plan_list_high_level($db, $rg)
256 257 } }
257 258
258 259 $list = rg_var_str("delete_list"); $list = rg_var_str("delete_list");
259 261 $r = rg_plan_remove($db, $list); $r = rg_plan_remove($db, $list);
260 262 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
261 263 $rg['errmsg'] = rg_plan_error(); $rg['errmsg'] = rg_plan_error();
... ... function rg_plan_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
284 286 { {
285 287 rg_log("plan_edit_high_level rg:" . rg_array2string($rg)); rg_log("plan_edit_high_level rg:" . rg_array2string($rg));
286 288
287 $id = rg_var_uint("");
289 if (isset($rg['pi']['id']))
290 $id = $rg['pi']['id'];
291 else
292 $id = 0;
288 293
289 294 $ret = ""; $ret = "";
290 295 $pi = array(); $pi = array();
... ... function rg_plan_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
319 324
320 325 $pi = array(); $pi = array();
321 326 $pi['id'] = $id; $pi['id'] = $id;
322 $pi['name'] = rg_var_str("");
323 $pi['description'] = rg_var_str("pi.description");
324 $pi['disk_mb'] = rg_var_uint("pi.disk_mb");
325 $pi['users'] = rg_var_uint("pi.users");
326 $pi['bw'] = rg_var_uint("");
327 $pi['speed'] = rg_var_uint("pi.speed");
328 $pi['position'] = rg_var_uint("pi.position");
329 $pi['max_public_repos'] = rg_var_uint("pi.max_public_repos");
330 $pi['max_private_repos'] = rg_var_uint("pi.max_private_repos");
327 $pi['name'] = rg_var_str("pi::name");
328 $pi['description'] = rg_var_str("pi::description");
329 $pi['disk_mb'] = rg_var_uint("pi::disk_mb");
330 $pi['users'] = rg_var_uint("pi::users");
331 $pi['bw'] = rg_var_uint("pi::bw");
332 $pi['speed'] = rg_var_uint("pi::speed");
333 $pi['position'] = rg_var_uint("pi::position");
334 $pi['max_public_repos'] = rg_var_uint("pi::max_public_repos");
335 $pi['max_private_repos'] = rg_var_uint("pi::max_private_repos");
331 336
332 337 if (!rg_valid_referer()) { if (!rg_valid_referer()) {
333 338 $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again"; $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again";
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index dfb5451..0f698c4)
... ... function rg_repo_event_notify_user($db, $event)
424 424 { {
425 425 rg_prof_start("repo_event_notify_user"); rg_prof_start("repo_event_notify_user");
426 426
427 $r = rg_mail("mail/user/repo/" . $event['op'], $event);
427 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/repo/" . $event['op'], $event);
428 428 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
429 429 return FALSE; return FALSE;
430 430
... ... function rg_repo_lookup_by_old_name($db, $uid, $old_name)
744 744
745 745 $ret = FALSE; $ret = FALSE;
746 746 while (1) { while (1) {
747 $c = rg_cache_get("repo_by_name::$uid::$old_name");
747 $c = rg_cache_get("repo_by_old_name::$uid::$old_name");
748 748 if ($c !== FALSE) { if ($c !== FALSE) {
749 749 $ret = $c; $ret = $c;
750 750 break; break;
... ... function rg_repo_lookup_by_old_name($db, $uid, $old_name)
769 769 else else
770 770 $ret = $row['repo_id']; $ret = $row['repo_id'];
771 771
772 rg_cache_set("repo_by_name::$uid::$old_name", $ret);
772 rg_cache_set("repo_by_old_name::$uid::$old_name", $ret);
773 773 break; break;
774 774 } }
775 775
... ... function rg_repo_git_done($db, $repo_id)
1164 1164 return $ret; return $ret;
1165 1165 } }
1166 1166
1167 /*
1168 * High level function to delete rights ids
1169 */
1170 function rg_repo_admin_delete_rights($db, $rg, $obj_id, &$errmsg)
1171 {
1172 $errmsg = array();
1174 $list = rg_var_str("rights_delete_ids");
1176 if (!rg_valid_referer()) {
1177 $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again";
1178 return;
1179 }
1181 if (!rg_token_valid($db, $rg, FALSE)) {
1182 $errmsg[] = "invalid token; try again";
1183 return;
1184 }
1186 $r = rg_repo_rights_delete_list($db, $obj_id, $list);
1187 if ($r === FALSE) {
1188 $errmsg[] = rg_rights_error();
1189 return;
1190 }
1191 }
1193 1167 /* /*
1194 1168 * High level function for Repo -> Admin -> Rights -> Repo/Refs/Path rights menu. * High level function for Repo -> Admin -> Rights -> Repo/Refs/Path rights menu.
1195 1169 */ */
... ... function rg_repo_admin_rights($db, $rg, $type)
1210 1184 $a['edit_id'] = rg_var_uint("edit_id"); $a['edit_id'] = rg_var_uint("edit_id");
1211 1185 $a['username'] = rg_var_str("username"); $a['username'] = rg_var_str("username");
1212 1186 $a['rights'] = rg_rights_a2s(rg_var_str("rights")); $a['rights'] = rg_rights_a2s(rg_var_str("rights"));
1213 $a['misc'] = rg_var_str_core("misc");
1187 $a['misc'] = rg_var_str("misc");
1214 1188 $a['ip'] = rg_var_str("ip"); $a['ip'] = rg_var_str("ip");
1215 1189 $a['prio'] = rg_var_uint("prio"); $a['prio'] = rg_var_uint("prio");
1216 1190 $a['description'] = rg_var_str("description"); $a['description'] = rg_var_str("description");
... ... function rg_repo_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1441 1415 break; break;
1442 1416 } }
1443 1417
1418 $rg['ri']['repo_id'] = rg_var_uint("repo_id");
1419 $rg['ri']['master'] = rg_var_uint("master");
1420 $rg['ri']['name'] = rg_var_str("name"); // TODO: filter name!
1421 $rg['ri']['max_commit_size'] = rg_var_uint("max_commit_size");
1422 $rg['ri']['description'] = rg_var_str("description");
1423 $rg['ri']['public'] = rg_var_bool("public");
1424 rg_repo_cosmetic($rg['ri']);
1425 //rg_log_ml("CHECK: after repo edit: rg[ri]=" . print_r($rg['ri'], TRUE));
1444 1427 if (!rg_valid_referer()) { if (!rg_valid_referer()) {
1445 1428 $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again"; $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again";
1446 1429 break; break;
... ... function rg_repo_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1452 1435 break; break;
1453 1436 } }
1454 1437
1455 $rg['ri']['repo_id'] = rg_var_uint("repo_id");
1456 $rg['ri']['master'] = rg_var_uint("master");
1457 $rg['ri']['name'] = rg_var_str("name"); // TODO: filter name!
1458 $rg['ri']['max_commit_size'] = rg_var_uint("max_commit_size");
1459 $rg['ri']['description'] = rg_var_str_core("description");
1460 $rg['ri']['public'] = rg_var_bool("public");
1461 rg_repo_cosmetic($rg['ri']);
1462 //rg_log_ml("CHECK: after repo edit: rg[ri]=" . print_r($rg['ri'], TRUE));
1464 1438 $r = rg_repo_edit($db, $rg['login_ui'], $rg['ri']); $r = rg_repo_edit($db, $rg['login_ui'], $rg['ri']);
1465 1439 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
1466 1440 $errmsg[] = rg_repo_error(); $errmsg[] = rg_repo_error();
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 7c93605..1daa749)
... ... function rg_rights_set_error($str)
16 16 { {
17 17 global $rg_rights_error; global $rg_rights_error;
18 18 $rg_rights_error = $str; $rg_rights_error = $str;
19 rg_log($str);
19 20 } }
20 21
21 22 function rg_rights_error() function rg_rights_error()
... ... function rg_rights_cosmetic($db, &$row)
211 212 $row['ip'] = ""; $row['ip'] = "";
212 213
213 214 if (empty($row['ip'])) if (empty($row['ip']))
214 $row['nice.ip'] = "Any";
215 $row['ip_nice'] = "Any";
215 216 else else
216 $row['nice.ip'] = $row['ip'];
217 $row['ip_nice'] = $row['ip'];
217 218
218 219 if (!isset($row['description'])) if (!isset($row['description']))
219 220 $row['description'] = ""; $row['description'] = "";
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 51718f6..95b424a)
... ... function rg_sql_set_error($str)
17 17 { {
18 18 global $rg_sql_error; global $rg_sql_error;
19 19 $rg_sql_error = $str; $rg_sql_error = $str;
20 rg_log($str);
20 21 } }
21 22
22 23 function rg_sql_error() function rg_sql_error()
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 45838ef..0759ac2)
1 1 <?php <?php
2 $INC = isset($INC) ? $INC : dirname(__FILE__);
2 3 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
3 4 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
4 5 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
... ... function rg_user_set_error($str)
27 28 { {
28 29 global $rg_user_error; global $rg_user_error;
29 30 $rg_user_error = $str; $rg_user_error = $str;
31 rg_log($str);
30 32 } }
31 33
32 34 function rg_user_error() function rg_user_error()
... ... function rg_user_event_notify_user($db, $event)
70 72 rg_log("user_event_notify_user: event=" . rg_array2string($event)); rg_log("user_event_notify_user: event=" . rg_array2string($event));
71 73
72 74 if (strcmp($event['op'], "rename") == 0) { if (strcmp($event['op'], "rename") == 0) {
73 $r = rg_mail("mail/user/rename", $event);
75 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/rename", $event);
74 76 } else { } else {
75 $r = rg_mail("mail/user/welcome", $event);
77 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/welcome", $event);
76 78 } }
77 79 // TODO: we may want to return here an error? // TODO: we may want to return here an error?
78 80
... ... function rg_user_link_by_name($db, $event)
115 117 } }
116 118
117 119 $by_id_rel = rg_user_path_by_id_rel($event['ui.uid']); $by_id_rel = rg_user_path_by_id_rel($event['ui.uid']);
120 if (is_link($by_name))
121 unlink($by_name);
118 122 if (symlink($by_id_rel, $by_name) === FALSE) { if (symlink($by_id_rel, $by_name) === FALSE) {
119 123 rg_user_set_error("cannot symlink $by_id_rel <- $by_name ($php_errormsg)!"); rg_user_set_error("cannot symlink $by_id_rel <- $by_name ($php_errormsg)!");
120 124 return FALSE; return FALSE;
... ... function rg_user_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1426 1430 if ($rg['doit'] != 1) if ($rg['doit'] != 1)
1427 1431 break; break;
1428 1432
1429 if (!rg_valid_referer()) {
1430 $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again";
1431 break;
1432 }
1434 if (!rg_token_valid($db, $rg, FALSE)) {
1435 $errmsg[] = "invalid token; try again";
1436 break;
1437 }
1439 1433 $ui = array(); $ui = array();
1440 1434 $ui['uid'] = $rg['target_ui']['uid']; $ui['uid'] = $rg['target_ui']['uid'];
1441 1435 $ui['username'] = rg_var_str("username"); $ui['username'] = rg_var_str("username");
... ... function rg_user_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1449 1443 $ui['session_time'] = rg_var_uint("session_time"); $ui['session_time'] = rg_var_uint("session_time");
1450 1444 $ui['confirm_token'] = rg_id(20); $ui['confirm_token'] = rg_id(20);
1451 1445
1446 if (!rg_valid_referer()) {
1447 $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again";
1448 break;
1449 }
1451 if (!rg_token_valid($db, $rg, FALSE)) {
1452 $errmsg[] = "invalid token; try again";
1453 break;
1454 }
1452 1456 if (($rg['login_ui']['is_admin'] != 1) && ($ui['is_admin'] != 0)) { if (($rg['login_ui']['is_admin'] != 1) && ($ui['is_admin'] != 0)) {
1453 1457 $errmsg[] = "you are not admin, you cannot give admin rights"; $errmsg[] = "you are not admin, you cannot give admin rights";
1454 1458 break; break;
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 2012982..a2710a5)
... ... function rg_load()
144 144 return intval(file_get_contents("/proc/loadavg")); return intval(file_get_contents("/proc/loadavg"));
145 145 } }
146 146
147 /*
148 * Outputs a string to browser, XSS safe
149 * Thanks OWASP!
150 */
151 function rg_xss_safe($str)
152 {
153 return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8');
154 }
147 156 /* /*
148 157 * Builds URLs * Builds URLs
149 158 */ */
... ... function rg_re_userpage($ui)
171 180 if ($ui['organization'] == 0) if ($ui['organization'] == 0)
172 181 $prefix = "/user"; $prefix = "/user";
173 182
174 $s = $prefix . "/" . $ui['username'];
183 $s = $prefix . "/" . rg_xss_safe($ui['username']);
175 184
176 185 return rg_re_url($s); return rg_re_url($s);
177 186 } }
... ... function rg_re_repopage($ui, $repo_name)
185 194 exit(1); exit(1);
186 195 } }
187 196
188 $s = rg_re_userpage($ui) . "/" . $repo_name;
197 $s = rg_re_userpage($ui) . "/" . rg_xss_safe($repo_name);
189 198
190 199 return rg_re_url($s); return rg_re_url($s);
191 200 } }
... ... function rg_re_repo_ssh($organization, $user, $repo)
229 238 $prefix = "/user"; $prefix = "/user";
230 239
231 240 return "ssh://rocketgit@" . $rg_ssh_host . $port return "ssh://rocketgit@" . $rg_ssh_host . $port
232 . $prefix . "/" . $user . "/" . $repo;
241 . $prefix . "/" . rg_xss_safe($user) . "/" . rg_xss_safe($repo);
233 242 } }
234 243
235 244 function rg_re_repo_git($organization, $user, $repo) function rg_re_repo_git($organization, $user, $repo)
... ... function rg_re_repo_git($organization, $user, $repo)
247 256 $prefix = "/user"; $prefix = "/user";
248 257
249 258 return "git://" . $rg_git_host . $port return "git://" . $rg_git_host . $port
250 . $prefix . "/" . $user . "/" . $repo;
259 . $prefix . "/" . rg_xss_safe($user) . "/" . rg_xss_safe($repo);
251 260 } }
252 261
253 function rg_var_str_core($name)
262 function rg_var_str($name)
254 263 { {
255 264 $ret = ""; $ret = "";
256 265
... ... function rg_var_str_core($name)
264 273 return $ret; return $ret;
265 274 } }
266 275
267 /*
268 * Outputs a string to browser, XSS safe
269 * Thanks OWASP!
270 */
271 function rg_xss_safe($str)
272 {
273 return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8');
274 }
276 function rg_var_str($name)
277 {
278 $ret = rg_var_str_core($name);
280 if (is_string($ret))
281 return rg_xss_safe($ret);
283 if (is_array($ret)) {
284 $ret2 = array();
285 foreach ($ret as $k => $v)
286 $ret2[$k] = rg_xss_safe($v);
287 return $ret;
288 }
290 return "";
291 }
293 276 function rg_var_int($name) function rg_var_int($name)
294 277 { {
295 278 $r = rg_var_str($name); $r = rg_var_str($name);
... ... function rg_var_uint($name)
319 302 function rg_var_bool($name) function rg_var_bool($name)
320 303 { {
321 304 $r = rg_var_str($name); $r = rg_var_str($name);
322 if (strcmp($r, "1") == 0)
305 if (strcmp($r, '1') == 0)
323 306 return 1; return 1;
324 307
325 308 return 0; return 0;
... ... function rg_var_bool($name)
328 311 function rg_var_re($name, $re) function rg_var_re($name, $re)
329 312 { {
330 313 $a = rg_var_str($name); $a = rg_var_str($name);
331 return preg_replace($re, "", $a);
314 return preg_replace($re, '', $a);
332 315 } }
333 316
334 317 /* /*
... ... function rg_var_cookie_re($name, $re)
339 322 if (!isset($_COOKIE[$name])) if (!isset($_COOKIE[$name]))
340 323 return ""; return "";
341 324
342 return preg_replace($re, "", $_COOKIE[$name]);
325 return preg_replace($re, '', $_COOKIE[$name]);
343 326 } }
344 327
345 328 /* /*
... ... function rg_prepare_replace_helper($a, $prefix, &$what, &$values)
464 447 if (empty($prefix)) if (empty($prefix))
465 448 $add = ""; $add = "";
466 449 else else
467 $add = ".";
450 $add = "::";
468 451
469 452 $new_prefix = $prefix . $add . $k; $new_prefix = $prefix . $add . $k;
470 453
... ... function rg_replace_conditionals($block, &$data)
658 641 */ */
659 642 function rg_file_get_contents($f) function rg_file_get_contents($f)
660 643 { {
661 if (!file_exists($f)) {
662 rg_log("CHECK: file $f does not exists. cwd=" . getcwd());
644 if (!file_exists($f))
663 645 return ""; return "";
664 }
665 646
666 647 $c = file_get_contents($f); $c = file_get_contents($f);
667 648 if ($c === FALSE) { if ($c === FALSE) {
... ... function rg_date2ts_last_second($s)
1172 1153 * Function to send e-mails * Function to send e-mails
1173 1154 * TODO: Replace mail() with rg_mail everywhere. * TODO: Replace mail() with rg_mail everywhere.
1174 1155 */ */
1175 function rg_mail($template, $more)
1156 function rg_mail_template($template, $more)
1176 1157 { {
1177 1158 global $rg_admin_name, $rg_admin_email; global $rg_admin_name, $rg_admin_email;
1178 1159
1179 rg_prof_start("mail");
1180 rg_log("mail: $template, more=" . rg_array2string($more));
1160 rg_prof_start("mail_template");
1161 rg_log("mail_template: $template, more=" . rg_array2string($more));
1181 1162
1182 1163 // Account was not confirmed, so do not send mail // Account was not confirmed, so do not send mail
1183 1164 if (empty($more[''])) if (empty($more['']))
... ... function rg_mail($template, $more)
1194 1175 $header = trim($header); $header = trim($header);
1195 1176 $body = rg_template($template . ".body.txt", $more); $body = rg_template($template . ".body.txt", $more);
1196 1177
1197 rg_log("CHECK: mail(" . $more[''] . ", $subject, $body, $header, -f $rg_admin_email");
1198 $ret = mail($more[''], $subject, $body, $header, "-f $rg_admin_email");
1178 rg_log("CHECK: mail_template(" . $more[''] . ",
1179 $subject, $body, $header, -f $rg_admin_email");
1180 $ret = mail($more[''], $subject, $body, $header,
1181 "-f $rg_admin_email");
1199 1182 if ($ret === FALSE) if ($ret === FALSE)
1200 1183 rg_log("Sending mail failed to=" . $more[''] . " subject=$subject!"); rg_log("Sending mail failed to=" . $more[''] . " subject=$subject!");
1201 1184
1202 rg_prof_end("mail");
1185 rg_prof_end("mail_template");
1203 1186 return $ret; return $ret;
1204 1187 } }
1205 1188
File inc/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 93c52d8..0dc1937)
... ... function rg_watch_set_error($str)
11 11 { {
12 12 global $rg_watch_error; global $rg_watch_error;
13 13 $rg_watch_error = $str; $rg_watch_error = $str;
14 rg_log($str);
14 15 } }
15 16
16 17 function rg_watch_error() function rg_watch_error()
File root/index.php changed (mode: 100644) (index cfc3b5e..0ce3e3b)
... ... include_once($INC . "/");
20 20 include_once($INC . "/"); include_once($INC . "/");
21 21 include_once($INC . "/"); include_once($INC . "/");
22 22 include_once($INC . "/"); include_once($INC . "/");
23 include_once($INC . "/");
23 24 include_once($INC . "/ver.php"); include_once($INC . "/ver.php");
24 25
25 26 rg_prof_start("MAIN"); rg_prof_start("MAIN");
File root/themes/default/admin/invites/invites.html added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..64ead77)
1 <div class="formarea">
3 <div class="formarea_title">Send invites</div><br />
5 @@errmsg@@
7 <form method="post" action="/op/admin/invites">
8 <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
9 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
11 <label for="inv::list" class="form_item_title">People list (email|name pairs)</label><br />
12 <textarea name="inv::list" rows="20" cols="100">@@inv::list@@</textarea>
13 <br />
14 <br />
16 <label for="inv::subject" class="form_item_title">Subject</label><br />
17 <input type="text" name="inv::subject" size="100" value="@@inv::subject@@" />
18 <br />
19 <br />
21 <label for="inv::body" class="form_item_title">Body of e-mail ({NAME} will be replaced with the name defined above)</label><br />
22 <textarea name="inv::body" rows="20" cols="100">@@inv::body@@</textarea>
23 <br />
24 <br />
26 <input type="submit" name="button" value="Send" />
28 </form>
29 </div>
File root/themes/default/admin/invites/sent.html copied from file root/themes/default/repo/tree/nodata.html (similarity 63%) (mode: 100644) (index fa1a030..05cb590)
1 1 <div class="ok"> <div class="ok">
2 Empty tree.
2 Invites sent.
3 3 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/admin/menu.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 63ce6e3..ad92539)
1 <div class="menu">
1 <div class="menu menu2">
2 2 <ul> <ul>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu.sub1.plans@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url@@/plans">Plans</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu.sub1.users@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url@@/users">Users</a></li>
5 <li><a @@if(@@menu.sub1.repos@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url@@/repos">Repos</a></li>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub1::plans@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/plans">Plans</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub1::users@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/users">Users</a></li>
5 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub1::repos@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/repos">Repos</a></li>
6 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub1::invites@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/invites">Invites</a></li>
6 7 </ul> </ul>
7 8 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/admin/plans/add_edit.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 605a96a..ca17966)
4 4
5 5 @@errmsg@@ @@errmsg@@
6 6
7 <form method="post" action="@@url@@">
8 <input type="hidden" name="" value="" />
7 <form method="post" action="/op/admin/plans/add">
8 <input type="hidden" name="pi::id" value="@@pi::id@@" />
9 9 <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
10 10 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
11 11
12 <label for="pi.position" class="form_item_title">Position in the list</label><br />
13 <input type="text" name="pi.position" value="@@pi.position@@" />
12 <label for="pi::position" class="form_item_title">Position in the list</label><br />
13 <input type="text" name="pi::position" value="@@pi::position@@" />
14 14 <br /> <br />
15 15 <br /> <br />
16 16
17 <label for="" class="form_item_title">Name</label><br />
18 <input type="text" name="" value="" />
17 <label for="pi::name" class="form_item_title">Name</label><br />
18 <input type="text" name="pi::name" value="@@pi::name@@" />
19 19 <br /> <br />
20 20 <br /> <br />
21 21
22 <label for="pi.description" class="form_item_title">Description</label><br />
23 <textarea name="pi.description" rows="4" cols="50">@@pi.description@@</textarea>
22 <label for="pi::description" class="form_item_title">Description</label><br />
23 <textarea name="pi::description" rows="4" cols="50">@@pi::description@@</textarea>
24 24 <br /> <br />
25 25 <br /> <br />
26 26
27 <label for="pi.disk_mb" class="form_item_title">Maximum disk space (MiB, 0 = unlimited)</label><br />
28 <input type="text" name="pi.disk_mb" value="@@pi.disk_mb@@" />
27 <label for="pi::disk_mb" class="form_item_title">Maximum disk space (MiB, 0 = unlimited)</label><br />
28 <input type="text" name="pi::disk_mb" value="@@pi::disk_mb@@" />
29 29 <br /> <br />
30 30 <br /> <br />
31 31
32 <label for="pi.users" class="form_item_title">Maximum number of co-workers (0 = unlimited)</label><br />
33 <input type="text" name="pi.users" value="@@pi.users@@" />
32 <label for="pi::users" class="form_item_title">Maximum number of co-workers (0 = unlimited)</label><br />
33 <input type="text" name="pi::users" value="@@pi::users@@" />
34 34 <br /> <br />
35 35 <br /> <br />
36 36
37 <label for="pi.speed" class="form_item_title">Maximum speed (kbit/s, 0 = unlimited)</label><br />
38 <input type="text" name="pi.speed" value="@@pi.speed@@" />
37 <label for="pi::speed" class="form_item_title">Maximum speed (kbit/s, 0 = unlimited)</label><br />
38 <input type="text" name="pi::speed" value="@@pi::speed@@" />
39 39 <br /> <br />
40 40 <br /> <br />
41 41
42 <label for="" class="form_item_title">Maximum bandwidth (MiB/month, 0 = unlimited)</label><br />
43 <input type="text" name="" value="" />
42 <label for="pi::bw" class="form_item_title">Maximum bandwidth (MiB/month, 0 = unlimited)</label><br />
43 <input type="text" name="pi::bw" value="@@pi::bw@@" />
44 44 <br /> <br />
45 45 <br /> <br />
46 46
47 <label for="pi.max_public_repos" class="form_item_title">Maximum number of public repos (0 = unlimited)</label><br />
48 <input type="text" name="pi.max_public_repos" value="@@pi.max_public_repos@@" />
47 <label for="pi::max_public_repos" class="form_item_title">Maximum number of public repos (0 = unlimited)</label><br />
48 <input type="text" name="pi::max_public_repos" value="@@pi::max_public_repos@@" />
49 49 <br /> <br />
50 50 <br /> <br />
51 51
52 <label for="pi.max_private_repos" class="form_item_title">Maximum number of private repos (0 = unlimited)</label><br />
53 <input type="text" name="pi.max_private_repos" value="@@pi.max_private_repos@@" />
52 <label for="pi::max_private_repos" class="form_item_title">Maximum number of private repos (0 = unlimited)</label><br />
53 <input type="text" name="pi::max_private_repos" value="@@pi::max_private_repos@@" />
54 54 <br /> <br />
55 55 <br /> <br />
56 56
57 <input type="submit" name="button" value="@@if( == 0){{Add}}{{Edit}}" />
57 <input type="submit" name="button" value="@@if(@@pi::id@@ == 0){{Add}}{{Edit}}" />
58 58
59 59 </form> </form>
60 60 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/admin/plans/list/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 34d0261..2247ad3)
10 10 <td>@@if(@@disk_mb@@ == 0){{Unlimited}}{{@@disk_mb@@}}</td> <td>@@if(@@disk_mb@@ == 0){{Unlimited}}{{@@disk_mb@@}}</td>
11 11 <td>@@if(@@max_public_repos@@ == 0){{Unlimited}}{{@@max_public_repos@@}}</td> <td>@@if(@@max_public_repos@@ == 0){{Unlimited}}{{@@max_public_repos@@}}</td>
12 12 <td>@@if(@@max_private_repos@@ == 0){{Unlimited}}{{@@max_private_repos@@}}</td> <td>@@if(@@max_private_repos@@ == 0){{Unlimited}}{{@@max_private_repos@@}}</td>
13 <td><a href="@@url@@/edit/@@id@@">[Edit]</a></td>
13 <td><a href="/op/admin/plans/edit/@@id@@">[Edit]</a></td>
14 14 </tr> </tr>
15 15
File root/themes/default/admin/plans/menu.html changed (mode: 100644) (index ee13f0b..52181d0)
1 <div class="menu">
1 <div class="menu menu2">
2 2 <ul> <ul>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu.sub2.list@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url@@/list">List</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu.sub2.add@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url@@/add">Add</a></li>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub2::list@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/plans/list">List</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub2::add@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/plans/add">Add</a></li>
5 5 </ul> </ul>
6 6 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/admin/repos/menu.html added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..58c3889)
1 <div class="menu menu2">
2 <ul>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub2::list@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/repos/list">List</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub2::add@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/repos/add">Add</a></li>
5 </ul>
6 </div>
File root/themes/default/admin/users/menu.html added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..6675e94)
1 <div class="menu menu2">
2 <ul>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub2::list@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/users/list">List</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub2::add@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin/users/add">Add</a></li>
5 </ul>
6 </div>
File root/themes/default/index.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 99c6856..1b584b5)
12 12 <div id="container"> <div id="container">
13 13
14 14 <div id="header"> <div id="header">
15 <table>
16 <tbody>
17 <tr>
18 <td>
19 <div class="logo"><a href="/">RocketGit</a></div>
20 </td>
15 <a class="logo" href="/">RocketGit</a>
21 16
22 @@if("@@login_ui.username@@" != ""){{
23 <td>
24 <div class="user"><a href="@@login_ui.homepage@@">@@login_ui.username@@</a></div>
25 </td>
26 }}{{}}
17 <div id="menus">
18 <!-- main menu -->
19 <div class="menu">
20 <ul>
21 @@if(@@login_ui::uid@@ != 0){{<li><a @@if(@@menu::settings@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/settings">Settings</a></li>}}{{}}
22 <li><a @@if(@@menu::repo@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/repo">Repositories</a></li>
23 @@if(@@login_ui::is_admin@@ == 1){{<li><a @@if(@@menu::admin@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin">Admin</a></li>}}{{}}
24 @@if(@@login_ui::uid@@ != 0){{<li><a @@if(@@menu::suggestion@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/suggestion">Suggestion</a></li>}}{{}}
25 @@if(@@login_ui::uid@@ != 0){{<li><a @@if(@@menu::logout@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/logout?token=@@logout_token@@">Logout</a></li>}}{{}}
26 </ul>
27 </div>
28 </div>
27 29
28 <td>
29 <div id="menus">
30 <!-- main menu -->
31 <div class="menu">
32 <ul>
33 @@if(@@login_ui.uid@@ == 0){{<li><a @@if(@@menu.login@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/login">Login</a></li>}}{{}}
34 @@if(@@login_ui.uid@@ != 0){{<li><a @@if(@@menu.settings@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/settings">Settings</a></li>}}{{}}
35 <li><a @@if(@@menu.repo@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/repo">Repositories</a></li>
36 @@if(@@login_ui.is_admin@@ == 1){{<li><a @@if(@@menu.admin@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/admin">Admin</a></li>}}{{}}
37 @@if(@@login_ui.uid@@ != 0){{<li><a @@if(@@menu.suggestion@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/suggestion">Suggestion</a></li>}}{{}}
38 @@if(@@login_ui.uid@@ != 0){{<li><a @@if(@@menu.logout@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/logout?token=@@logout_token@@">Logout</a></li>}}{{}}
39 </ul>
40 </div>
41 <!-- submenus -->
42 @@submenu1@@
43 @@submenu2@@
44 </div>
45 </td>
46 </tr>
47 </tbody>
48 </table>
30 <div class="user">
31 @@if("@@login_ui::username@@" != ""){{
32 <a href="@@login_ui::homepage@@">@@login_ui::username@@</a>
33 }}{{
34 <a href="/op/login">Sign in</a>
35 }}
36 </div>
49 37 </div> <!-- header --> </div> <!-- header -->
38 <!-- submenus -->
39 @@submenu1@@
40 @@submenu2@@
50 42
51 43 <div id="main_container"> <div id="main_container">
52 44 <div id="main"> <div id="main">
55 47 </div> <!-- main_container --> </div> <!-- main_container -->
56 48
57 49 <div id="footer"> <div id="footer">
58 <table>
59 <tbody>
60 <tr>
61 <td>
62 <img src="@@IMG:logo/rg4.png@@" alt="RocketGit" /><br />
63 <b>RocketGit</b>
64 </td>
50 <div id="footer_logo">
51 <img src="@@IMG:logo/rg4.png@@" alt="RocketGit logo" /><br />
52 <a class="logo" href="/">RocketGit</a>
53 </div>
65 54
66 <td>
55 <div id="footer_info">
56 For any information, please contact us at<br />
67 57 Copyright: <a href="">Catalin(ux) M. BOIE</a><br /> Copyright: <a href="">Catalin(ux) M. BOIE</a><br />
68 58 Version: @@rg_version@@<br /> Version: @@rg_version@@<br />
69 Running since: @@first_install_text@@
70 </td>
71 </tr>
72 </tbody>
73 </table>
59 Running since: @@first_install_text@@<br />
60 <i>Git was created by Linus Torvalds.</i>
61 </div>
74 62 </div> <!-- footer --> </div> <!-- footer -->
75 63
76 64 </div> <!-- container --> </div> <!-- container -->
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new.body.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index a7395e9..87b151d)
1 1 Hello! Hello!
2 2
3 A new bug was added to repo '':
4 '@@bug.title@@'.
3 A new bug was added to repo '@@repo::name@@':
4 '@@bug::title@@'.
5 5
6 6 Description: Description:
7 @@bug.body@@
7 @@bug::body@@
8 8
9 The bug was added by '@@bug.who_added_text@@'.
10 It is assigned to '@@bug.assigned_to_text@@'.
11 State: @@bug.state_text@@
9 The bug was added by '@@bug::who_added_text@@'.
10 It is assigned to '@@bug::assigned_to_text@@'.
11 State: @@bug::state_text@@
12 12
13 Link to bug: @@bug.url@@
13 Link to bug: @@bug::url@@
14 14
15 15 -- --
16 16 RocketGit Team RocketGit Team
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new.subj.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 846e469..e610874)
1 New bug: '@@bug.title@@' (
1 New bug: '@@bug::title@@' (@@repo::name@@)
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new_note.body.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index ecb9c56..c452da7)
1 1 Hello! Hello!
2 2
3 3 A new note was added to bug A new note was added to bug
4 '@@bug.title@@',
5 repo ''.
6 The note was added by '@@note.who_added_text@@'.
4 '@@bug::title@@',
5 repo '@@repo::name@@'.
6 The note was added by '@@note::who_added_text@@'.
7 7
8 8 @@note@@ @@note@@
9 9
10 Link to bug: @@bug.url@@
10 Link to bug: @@bug::url@@
11 11
12 12 -- --
13 13 RocketGit Team RocketGit Team
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new_note.subj.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 7099617..524b277)
1 New note for '@@bug.title@@' (
1 New note for '@@bug::title@@' (@@repo::name@@)
File root/themes/default/main.css changed (mode: 100644) (index c37097c..a86ff11)
3 3 padding: 0; padding: 0;
4 4 } }
5 5
6 html {
7 height: 100%;
8 }
6 10 body { body {
7 font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;
8 font-size: 10pt;
11 font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
12 font-size: 11pt;
9 13 line-height: 105%; line-height: 105%;
10 background-color: #DDDDDD;
14 background-color: #CCCCCC;
15 height: 100%;
11 16 } }
12 17
13 18 table { table {
... ... th, td {
29 34 } }
30 35
31 36 code { code {
32 font-size: 8pt;
37 font-size: 9pt;
33 38 font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
34 39 } }
35 40
36 41 form input[type="text"], form input[type="password"], form textarea, form select, form checkbox { form input[type="text"], form input[type="password"], form textarea, form select, form checkbox {
37 border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
38 font-size: 10pt;
39 padding: 1px;
42 border: 1px solid #999998;
43 font-size: 11pt;
44 padding: 2px;
45 margin: 2px 0px;
40 46 } }
41 47 form select option { padding: 1px 4px 1px 4px; } form select option { padding: 1px 4px 1px 4px; }
42 48 form input[type="submit"] { form input[type="submit"] {
43 49 color: #FF0000; color: #FF0000;
44 50 display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
45 51 font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
46 font-size: 10pt;
47 padding: 1px 4px 1px 4px;
52 font-size: 11pt;
53 padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
48 54 cursor: pointer; cursor: pointer;
49 border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
55 border: 1px solid #999998;
50 56 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #EEEEEE, #DDDDDD); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #EEEEEE, #DDDDDD);
51 57 margin-top: 2px; margin-top: 2px;
52 58 margin-bottom: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px;
53 59 } }
54 60
55 #container { }
61 #container {
62 width: 100%;
63 height: 100%;
64 display: table;
65 }
56 66
57 67 .logo { .logo {
58 padding: 3px 0px;
59 }
60 .logo a {
61 font-size: 11pt;
68 display: inline;
69 float: left;
70 font-size: 15pt;
62 71 font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
63 72 text-decoration: none; text-decoration: none;
73 text-shadow: 0 0 2px yellow;
64 74 color: red; color: red;
65 padding: 3px 12px 3px 0px;
75 padding: 6px 12px 6px 0px;
66 76 } }
67 77
68 78 .user { .user {
69 padding: 3px 0px;
79 padding: 6px 0px;
80 display: inline;
81 float: right;
70 82 } }
71 83 .user a { .user a {
72 84 font-size: 11pt; font-size: 11pt;
73 85 font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
74 86 text-decoration: none; text-decoration: none;
75 color: #0000FF;
76 padding: 3px 12px 3px 0px;
87 color: #000000;
88 text-shadow: 0 0 3px #ffffff;
89 xxx-padding: 3px 12px 3px 0px;
90 xxx-padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px;
77 91 } }
78 92
79 93 #menus { #menus {
80 94 display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
81 95 padding-left: 10px; padding-left: 10px;
96 display: inline;
97 float: left;
82 98 } }
83 99
84 .menu { padding: 3px 0px; }
100 .menu { padding: 6px 0px; }
85 101 .menu ul { list-style-type: none; } .menu ul { list-style-type: none; }
86 102 .menu ul li { display: inline; } .menu ul li { display: inline; }
87 103 .menu ul li a { .menu ul li a {
88 104 text-decoration: none; text-decoration: none;
89 105 color: #FFFFFF; color: #FFFFFF;
90 font-size: 11pt;
106 font-size: 12pt;
91 107 font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
92 padding: 3px 12px 3px 0px;
108 padding: 3px 12px 3px 12px;
93 109 } }
94 110 .menu ul li a:hover { color: #FF0000; } .menu ul li a:hover { color: #FF0000; }
95 .menu ul li a.selected { color: #BBBBBB; }
111 .menu ul li a.selected { background-color: #BBBBBB; }
96 112 .menu ul li a.selected:hover { color: #CCCCCC; } .menu ul li a.selected:hover { color: #CCCCCC; }
97 113
114 .menu2 { background-color: #BBBBBB; }
98 116 .junk {} .junk {}
99 117
100 118 .branches_and_tags { padding: 3px 0px; margin: 3px 0px; } .branches_and_tags { padding: 3px 0px; margin: 3px 0px; }
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
104 122 color: black; color: black;
105 123 border: 1px solid #cccccc; border: 1px solid #cccccc;
106 124 border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
107 font-size: 9pt;
125 font-size: 10pt;
108 126 } }
109 127 .branch a { background-color: #a0ffa0; } .branch a { background-color: #a0ffa0; }
110 128 .tag a { background-color: #ffffa0; } .tag a { background-color: #ffffa0; }
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
130 148
131 149 #main_container { #main_container {
132 150 min-height: 400px; min-height: 400px;
133 background-color: #EEEEEE;
134 151 width: 100%; width: 100%;
135 152 } }
136 153
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
140 157 } }
141 158
142 159 #footer { #footer {
160 width: 100%;
143 161 overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
144 162 border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
145 padding: 5px 15px 5px 15px;
146 }
147 #footer table {
148 border-collapse: collapse;
149 border: 0;
150 border-spacing: 0;
163 background-color: #888888;
164 padding: 0 15px;
165 display: table-row;
166 vertical-align: bottom;
167 }
168 #footer_logo {
169 padding: 10px 0;
170 float: left;
171 margin-left: 12px;
172 display: block;
173 border: 1px white;
151 174 } }
152 #footer table td {
153 padding: 3px 40px 3px 0;
154 border: 0;
155 font-size: 10pt;
175 #footer_info {
176 color: #ffffff;
177 background-color: #888888;
178 padding: 5px;
179 font-size: 11pt;
156 180 line-height: 120%; line-height: 120%;
157 background-color: #DDDDDD;
181 float: left;
182 margin-left: 20px;
183 display: block;
184 border: 1px white;
158 185 } }
159 186
160 187 .horizontal_buttons { .horizontal_buttons {
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
166 193 border: 0; border: 0;
167 194 border-spacing: 0; border-spacing: 0;
168 195 } }
196 .horizontal_buttons table tbody {
197 background-color: #cccccc;
198 }
169 199 .horizontal_buttons table td { .horizontal_buttons table td {
170 200 padding: 0; padding: 0;
201 padding-right: 2px;
171 202 border: 0; border: 0;
172 203 } }
173 204
174 205 .formarea { .formarea {
175 206 margin-top: 5px; margin-top: 5px;
176 border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
207 border: 1px solid #999998;
177 208 padding: 5px; padding: 5px;
178 209 border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
179 210 display: table; display: table;
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
183 214 font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
184 215 font-size: 13pt; font-size: 13pt;
185 216 border: 0; border: 0;
186 border-bottom: 2px solid #CCCCCC;
217 border-bottom: 2px solid #999998;
187 218 } }
188 219
189 220 #profiling { #profiling {
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
208 239 .rg_plans_list {} .rg_plans_list {}
209 240
210 241 .blob_title { .blob_title {
211 font-size: 10pt;
242 font-size: 11pt;
212 243 color: red; color: red;
213 244 } }
214 245
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
230 261 .submenu { .submenu {
231 262 border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
232 263 border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
233 background-color: #888888;
264 background-color: #999999;
234 265 margin-bottom: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px;
235 266 display: block; display: block;
236 267 padding-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
252 283 } }
253 284
254 285 .repo_desc { .repo_desc {
255 font-size: 9pt;
286 font-size: 10pt;
256 287 color: #888888; color: #888888;
257 288 margin: 3px 0px; margin: 3px 0px;
258 289 } }
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
265 296 display: inline; display: inline;
266 297 border: 1px solid #cccccc; border: 1px solid #cccccc;
267 298 border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
268 font-size: 8pt;
299 font-size: 9pt;
269 300 padding: 3px 3px; padding: 3px 3px;
270 301 background-color: #E5E5FF; background-color: #E5E5FF;
271 302 } }
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
289 320 color: black; color: black;
290 321 border: 1px solid #cccccc; border: 1px solid #cccccc;
291 322 border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
292 font-size: 9pt;
323 font-size: 10pt;
293 324 background-color: #a0d0ff; background-color: #a0d0ff;
294 325 } }
295 326
File root/themes/default/repo/add_edit.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 4715d89..e2b56be)
5 5 @@errmsg@@ @@errmsg@@
6 6
7 7 <form method="post" action="@@form_url@@/@@if(@@ri.repo_id@@ == 0){{create}}{{edit}}"> <form method="post" action="@@form_url@@/@@if(@@ri.repo_id@@ == 0){{create}}{{edit}}">
8 <input type="hidden" name="repo_id" value="@@ri.repo_id@@" />
9 <input type="hidden" name="master" value="@@ri.master@@" />
8 <input type="hidden" name="repo_id" value="@@ri::repo_id@@" />
9 <input type="hidden" name="master" value="@@ri::master@@" />
10 10 <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
11 11 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
12 12
13 @@if("@@ri.master_name@@" != ""){{Master repo: @@ri.master_name@@<br />}}{{}}
13 @@if("@@ri::master_name@@" != ""){{Master repo: @@ri::master_name@@<br />}}{{}}
14 14
15 15 <label for="name" class="form_item_title">Name</label><br /> <label for="name" class="form_item_title">Name</label><br />
16 <input type="text" name="name" value="" />
16 <input type="text" name="name" value="@@ri::name@@" />
17 17 <br /> <br />
18 18 <br /> <br />
19 19
20 20 <label for="max_commit_size" class="form_item_title">Max commit size (bytes, 0 = unlimited)</label><br /> <label for="max_commit_size" class="form_item_title">Max commit size (bytes, 0 = unlimited)</label><br />
21 <input type="text" name="max_commit_size" value="@@ri.max_commit_size@@" />
21 <input type="text" name="max_commit_size" value="@@ri::max_commit_size@@" />
22 22 <br /> <br />
23 23 <br /> <br />
24 24
25 25 <label for="description" class="form_item_title">Description</label><br /> <label for="description" class="form_item_title">Description</label><br />
26 <textarea name="description" rows="4" cols="30">@@ri.description@@</textarea>
26 <textarea name="description" rows="4" cols="30">@@ri::description@@</textarea>
27 27 <br /> <br />
28 28 <br /> <br />
29 29
30 30 <label for="public" class="form_item_title">Public or private</label><br /> <label for="public" class="form_item_title">Public or private</label><br />
31 31 <select name="public"> <select name="public">
32 <option value="0"@@if(@@ri.public@@ == 0){{ selected="selected"}}{{}}>Private</option>
33 <option value="1"@@if(@@ri.public@@ == 1){{ selected="selected"}}{{}}>Public</option>
32 <option value="0"@@if(@@ri::public@@ == 0){{ selected="selected"}}{{}}>Private</option>
33 <option value="1"@@if(@@ri::public@@ == 1){{ selected="selected"}}{{}}>Public</option>
34 34 </select> </select>
35 35 <br /> <br />
36 36
37 <input type="submit" name="button" value="@@if(@@ri.repo_id@@ == 0){{Create}}{{Update}}" />
37 <input type="submit" name="button" value="@@if(@@ri::repo_id@@ == 0){{Create}}{{Update}}" />
38 38
39 39 </form> </form>
40 40 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_close.html changed (mode: 100644) (index c7415ad..c57de52)
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug.url@@">
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug::url@@">
2 2 <input type="hidden" name="close_reopen" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="close_reopen" value="1" />
3 3 <input type="hidden" name="state" value="2" /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="2" />
4 4 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_edit.html changed (mode: 100644) (index ee5c4b2..1fb238d)
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug.url@@">
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug::url@@">
2 2 <input type="hidden" name="edit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="edit" value="1" />
3 3 <!-- no need for token --> <!-- no need for token -->
4 4
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_reopen.html changed (mode: 100644) (index d4b2497..a0645e9)
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug.url@@">
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug::url@@">
2 2 <input type="hidden" name="close_reopen" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="close_reopen" value="1" />
3 3 <input type="hidden" name="state" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="1" />
4 4 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_unwatch.html changed (mode: 100644) (index a3e1789..1ba3d8d)
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug.url@@">
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug::url@@">
2 2 <input type="hidden" name="unwatch" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="unwatch" value="1" />
3 3 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
4 4
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/b_watch.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 6178b85..f6a97fa)
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug.url@@">
1 <form method="post" action="@@bug::url@@">
2 2 <input type="hidden" name="watch" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="watch" value="1" />
3 3 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
4 4
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/bug_add_edit.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 952fec6..dfd3140)
1 1 <div class="formarea"> <div class="formarea">
2 2
3 <div class="formarea_title">@@if(@@bug.bug_id@@ == 0){{Add bug}}{{Edit bug}}</div><br />
3 <div class="formarea_title">@@if(@@bug::bug_id@@ == 0){{Add bug}}{{Edit bug}}</div><br />
4 4
5 5 @@errmsg@@ @@errmsg@@
6 6
7 <form method="post" action="@@url_repo@@/bug/@@if(@@bug.bug_id@@ == 0){{add}}{{@@bug.bug_id@@}}">
8 <input type="hidden" name="edit" value="@@if(@@bug.bug_id@@ == 0){{0}}{{1}}" />
7 <form method="post" action="@@url_repo@@/bug/@@if(@@bug::bug_id@@ == 0){{add}}{{@@bug::bug_id@@}}">
8 <input type="hidden" name="edit" value="@@if(@@bug::bug_id@@ == 0){{0}}{{1}}" />
9 9 <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
10 10 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
11 11
12 12 <label for="title" class="form_item_title">Title</label><br /> <label for="title" class="form_item_title">Title</label><br />
13 <input type="text" name="title" value="@@bug.title@@" size="80" />
13 <input type="text" name="title" value="@@bug::title@@" size="80" />
14 14 <br /> <br />
15 15 <br /> <br />
16 16
17 17 <label for="body" class="form_item_title">Description</label><br /> <label for="body" class="form_item_title">Description</label><br />
18 <textarea name="body" rows="5" cols="80">@@bug.body@@</textarea>
18 <textarea name="body" rows="5" cols="80">@@bug::body@@</textarea>
19 19 <br /> <br />
20 20 <br /> <br />
21 21
22 22 <label for="state" class="form_item_title">State</label><br /> <label for="state" class="form_item_title">State</label><br />
23 @@bug.state_select@@
23 @@bug::state_select@@
24 24 <br /> <br />
25 25 <br /> <br />
26 26
27 27 <label for="assigned_to" class="form_item_title">Assign to</label><br /> <label for="assigned_to" class="form_item_title">Assign to</label><br />
28 <input type="text" name="assigned_to" value="@@bug.assigned_to@@" size="80" />
28 <input type="text" name="assigned_to" value="@@bug::assigned_to@@" size="80" />
29 29 <br /> <br />
30 30 <br /> <br />
31 31
32 32 <label for="labels" class="form_item_title">Labels (comma or Enter separated)</label><br /> <label for="labels" class="form_item_title">Labels (comma or Enter separated)</label><br />
33 <textarea name="labels" rows="3" cols="80">@@bug.labels@@</textarea>
33 <textarea name="labels" rows="3" cols="80">@@bug::labels@@</textarea>
34 34 <br /> <br />
35 35 <br /> <br />
36 36
37 <input type="submit" name="button" value="@@if(@@bug.bug_id@@ == 0){{Add bug}}{{Update}}" />
37 <input type="submit" name="button" value="@@if(@@bug::bug_id@@ == 0){{Add bug}}{{Update}}" />
38 38
39 39 </form> </form>
40 40 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/list/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 8437433..ca58293)
1 1 <tr> <tr>
2 <td><a href="@@url_repo@@/bug/@@bug.bug_id@@">@@bug.bug_id@@</a></td>
3 <td>@@bug.creation@@</td>
4 <td><a href="@@url_repo@@/bug/@@bug.bug_id@@">@@bug.title@@</a></td>
5 <td>@@bug.state_text@@</td>
6 <td>@@bug.owner@@</td>
7 <td>@@if("@@bug.assigned_to@@" == ""){{-}}{{@@bug.assigned_to@@}}</td>
8 <td>@@bug.updated@@</td>
2 <td><a href="@@url_repo@@/bug/@@bug::bug_id@@">@@bug::bug_id@@</a></td>
3 <td>@@bug::creation@@</td>
4 <td><a href="@@url_repo@@/bug/@@bug::bug_id@@">@@bug::title@@</a></td>
5 <td>@@bug::state_text@@</td>
6 <td>@@bug::owner@@</td>
7 <td>@@if("@@bug::assigned_to@@" == ""){{-}}{{@@bug::assigned_to@@}}</td>
8 <td>@@bug::updated@@</td>
9 9 </tr> </tr>
10 10
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/not_found.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 121db38..f794458)
1 1 <div class="warning"> <div class="warning">
2 Bug <b>@@bug.bug_id@@</b> not found.
2 Bug <b>@@bug::bug_id@@</b> not found.
3 3 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/note_add.html changed (mode: 100644) (index dd3163e..28dbf9a)
4 4
5 5 @@note_errmsg@@ @@note_errmsg@@
6 6
7 <form method="post" action="@@bug.url@@">
7 <form method="post" action="@@bug::url@@">
8 8 <input type="hidden" name="note_add_doit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="note_add_doit" value="1" />
9 9 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
10 10
File root/themes/default/repo/bug/show.html changed (mode: 100644) (index ecf8fd8..ac91cd5)
8 8 <td>@@watch_form@@</td> <td>@@watch_form@@</td>
9 9 <td>@@close_form@@</td> <td>@@close_form@@</td>
10 10 <td> <td>
11 <form method="post" action="@@bug.url@@">
12 <input type="hidden" name="del_undel" value="@@if(@@bug.deleted@@ == 0){{1}}{{2}}" />
11 <form method="post" action="@@bug::url@@">
12 <input type="hidden" name="del_undel" value="@@if(@@bug::deleted@@ == 0){{1}}{{2}}" />
13 13 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
14 <input type="submit" name="button" value="@@if(@@bug.deleted@@ == 0){{Delete}}{{Undelete}}" />
14 <input type="submit" name="button" value="@@if(@@bug::deleted@@ == 0){{Delete}}{{Undelete}}" />
15 15 </form> </form>
16 16 </td> </td>
17 17 </tr> </tr>
23 23 @@bug_edit@@ @@bug_edit@@
24 24
25 25 <div class="bug_description"> <div class="bug_description">
26 <div class="bug_title">#@@bug.bug_id@@ - @@bug.title@@</div>
27 State: @@bug.state_text@@<br />
28 Insertion date (UTC): @@bug.creation@@<br />
29 Last update (UTC): @@bug.updated@@<br />
30 Reporter: <b>@@bug.owner@@</b><br />
31 Assigned to: <b>@@if("@@bug.assigned_to@@" == ""){{-}}{{@@bug.assigned_to@@}}</b><br />
32 @@if(@@bug.deleted@@ != 0){{
33 <font color="red">Deleted by: @@bug.deleted_who_name@@ (@@bug.deleted_text@@ UTC)</font><br />
26 <div class="bug_title">#@@bug::bug_id@@ - @@bug::title@@</div>
27 State: @@bug::state_text@@<br />
28 Insertion date (UTC): @@bug::creation@@<br />
29 Last update (UTC): @@bug::updated@@<br />
30 Reporter: <b>@@bug::owner@@</b><br />
31 Assigned to: <b>@@if("@@bug::assigned_to@@" == ""){{-}}{{@@bug::assigned_to@@}}</b><br />
32 @@if(@@bug::deleted@@ != 0){{
33 <font color="red">Deleted by: @@bug::deleted_who_name@@ (@@bug::deleted_text@@ UTC)</font><br />
34 34 }}{{}} }}{{}}
35 35 </div> </div>
36 36
37 37 <div class="bug_body"> <div class="bug_body">
38 @@bug.body@@
38 @@bug::body@@
39 39 </div> </div>
40 40
41 41 @@labels_html@@ @@labels_html@@
File root/themes/default/repo/create_ok.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 15e118c..6c59536)
1 1 <div class="ok"> <div class="ok">
2 2 Repository was created with success. Repository was created with success.
3 Click <a href="@@ri.home@@">here</a> to go to the repository home.
3 Click <a href="@@ri::home@@">here</a> to go to the repository home.
4 4 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/repo/edit_ok.html changed (mode: 100644) (index ae8743b..ad9792e)
1 1 <div class="ok"> <div class="ok">
2 2 Repository was updated with success. Repository was updated with success.
3 @@if(@@ri.renamed@@ == 1){{Go to new home <a href="@@ri.home@@">here</a>}}{{}}
3 @@if(@@ri::renamed@@ == 1){{Go to new home <a href="@@ri::home@@">here</a>}}{{}}
4 4 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/repo/main.html changed (mode: 100644) (index e3b3bf1..5b41e3b)
2 2 <div class="repo_header"> <div class="repo_header">
3 3 <div> <div>
4 4 <div class="repo_title"> <div class="repo_title">
5 <a href="@@url_user@@">@@page_ui.username@@</a> / <a href="@@url_repo@@"></a>
6 (@@if(@@ri.public@@ == 1){{public}}{{private}})
5 <a href="@@url_user@@">@@page_ui::username@@</a> / <a href="@@url_repo@@">@@ri::name@@</a>
6 (@@if(@@ri::public@@ == 1){{public}}{{private}})
7 7 </div> </div>
8 8 <div class="repo_desc"> <div class="repo_desc">
9 @@ri.description_nice@@
9 @@ri::description_nice@@
10 10 </div> </div>
11 11
12 12 @@urls@@ @@urls@@
14 14
15 15 <div class="menu submenu"> <div class="menu submenu">
16 16 <ul> <ul>
17 <li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu.history@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/history">Last events</a></li>
18 <li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu.source@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/source">Source</a></li>
19 <li><a @@if( == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/mr">Merge requests</a></li>
20 <li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu.bug@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/bug">Bugs</a></li>
21 @@if(@@can_admin@@ == 1){{<li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu.admin@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin">Admin</a></li>}}{{}}
17 <li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu::history@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/history">Last events</a></li>
18 <li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu::source@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/source">Source</a></li>
19 <li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu::mr@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/mr">Merge requests</a></li>
20 <li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu::bug@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/bug">Bugs</a></li>
21 @@if(@@can_admin@@ == 1){{<li><a @@if(@@per_repo_menu::admin@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin">Admin</a></li>}}{{}}
22 22 </ul> </ul>
23 23 </div> </div>
24 24 @@repo_submenu@@ @@repo_submenu@@
File root/themes/default/repo/menu.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 624a850..f8cd2f3)
1 <div class="menu">
1 <div class="menu menu2">
2 2 <ul> <ul>
3 3 <li> <li>
4 <a @@if(@@menu.sub1.list@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/repo/list">List</a>
4 <a @@if(@@menu::sub1::list@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/repo/list">List</a>
5 5 </li> </li>
6 6 <li> <li>
7 @@if(@@login_ui.uid@@ != 0){{
8 <a @@if(@@menu.sub1.create@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/repo/create">Create</a>
7 @@if(@@login_ui::uid@@ != 0){{
8 <a @@if(@@menu::sub1::create@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/repo/create">Create</a>
9 9 }}{{ }}{{
10 10 }} }}
11 11 </li> </li>
12 12 <li> <li>
13 <a @@if( == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/repo/search">Search</a>
13 <a @@if(@@menu::sub1::search@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/repo/search">Search</a>
14 14 </li> </li>
15 15 </ul> </ul>
16 16 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/suggestion.html changed (mode: 100644) (index be7dc80..dde9b37)
8 8 <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
9 9 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
10 10
11 @@if(login_ui.uid == 0){{
11 @@if(login_ui::uid == 0){{
12 12 <label for="suggestion" class="form_item_title">Suggestion</label><br /> <label for="suggestion" class="form_item_title">Suggestion</label><br />
13 13 <input type="text" name="email">@@email@@ /> <input type="text" name="email">@@email@@ />
14 14 <br /> <br />
File root/themes/default/user/add_edit.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 7969027..97701ff)
37 37 }}{{ }}{{
38 38 }} }}
39 39
40 @@if(@@login_ui.is_admin@@ == 1){{
40 @@if(@@login_ui::is_admin@@ == 1){{
41 41 <label for="is_admin" class="form_item_title">Admin?</label><br /> <label for="is_admin" class="form_item_title">Admin?</label><br />
42 42 <select name="is_admin"> <select name="is_admin">
43 43 <option value="0"@@if(@@is_admin@@ == 0){{ selected="selected"}}{{}}>No, I will give rights later</option> <option value="0"@@if(@@is_admin@@ == 0){{ selected="selected"}}{{}}>No, I will give rights later</option>
45 45 </select> </select>
46 46 <br /> <br />
47 47 <br /> <br />
48 }}{{
48 49 }} }}
49 50
50 51 <label for="plan_id" class="form_item_title">Plan</label><br /> <label for="plan_id" class="form_item_title">Plan</label><br />
File root/themes/default/user/repo/menu.html changed (mode: 100644) (index fa41462..2762ce6)
1 1 <div class="menu submenu"> <div class="menu submenu">
2 2 <ul> <ul>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu.repo.edit@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/edit">Edit</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu.repo.repo_rights@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/repo_rights">Repo rights</a></li>
5 <li><a @@if(@@menu.repo.refs_rights@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/refs_rights">Refs rights</a></li>
6 <li><a @@if(@@menu.repo.path_rights@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/path_rights">Path rights</a></li>
7 <li><a @@if(@@menu.repo.delete@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/delete">Delete</a></li>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu::repo::edit@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/edit">Edit</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu::repo::repo_rights@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/repo_rights">Repo rights</a></li>
5 <li><a @@if(@@menu::repo::refs_rights@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/refs_rights">Refs rights</a></li>
6 <li><a @@if(@@menu::repo::path_rights@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/path_rights">Path rights</a></li>
7 <li><a @@if(@@menu::repo::delete@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="@@url_repo@@/admin/delete">Delete</a></li>
8 8 </ul> </ul>
9 9 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index a227605..5b68566)
4 4 <td>@@who_name@@</td> <td>@@who_name@@</td>
5 5 <td>@@itime_text@@</td> <td>@@itime_text@@</td>
6 6 <td>@@username@@</td> <td>@@username@@</td>
7 <td>@@nice.ip@@</td>
7 <td>@@ip_nice@@</td>
8 8 <td>@@rights_text@@</td> <td>@@rights_text@@</td>
9 9 <td>@@description@@</td> <td>@@description@@</td>
10 10 <td>@@if(@@can_be_deleted@@ == 1){{<a href="@@url_repo@@/admin/repo_rights?edit_id=@@right_id@@">Edit</a>}}{{N/A}}</td> <td>@@if(@@can_be_deleted@@ == 1){{<a href="@@url_repo@@/admin/repo_rights?edit_id=@@right_id@@">Edit</a>}}{{N/A}}</td>
File root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo_path/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 6637dde..2aa9dff)
4 4 <td>@@who_name@@</td> <td>@@who_name@@</td>
5 5 <td>@@itime_text@@</td> <td>@@itime_text@@</td>
6 6 <td>@@username@@</td> <td>@@username@@</td>
7 <td>@@nice.ip@@</td>
7 <td>@@ip_nice@@</td>
8 8 <td>@@misc@@</td> <td>@@misc@@</td>
9 9 <td>@@rights_text@@</td> <td>@@rights_text@@</td>
10 10 <td>@@description@@</td> <td>@@description@@</td>
File root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo_refs/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 75c334d..a28f7f5)
4 4 <td>@@who_name@@</td> <td>@@who_name@@</td>
5 5 <td>@@itime_text@@</td> <td>@@itime_text@@</td>
6 6 <td>@@username@@</td> <td>@@username@@</td>
7 <td>@@nice.ip@@</td>
7 <td>@@ip_nice@@</td>
8 8 <td>@@misc@@</td> <td>@@misc@@</td>
9 9 <td>@@rights_text@@</td> <td>@@rights_text@@</td>
10 10 <td>@@description@@</td> <td>@@description@@</td>
File root/themes/default/user/settings/menu.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 27a4339..f0ee360)
1 <div class="menu">
1 <div class="menu menu2">
2 2 <ul> <ul>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu.sub1.edit_info@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/settings/edit_info">Edit info</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu.sub1.change_pass@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/settings/change_pass">Change password</a></li>
5 <li><a @@if(@@menu.sub1.keys@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/settings/keys">SSH keys</a></li>
3 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub1::edit_info@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/settings/edit_info">Edit info</a></li>
4 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub1::change_pass@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/settings/change_pass">Change password</a></li>
5 <li><a @@if(@@menu::sub1::keys@@ == 1){{class="selected"}}{{}} href="/op/settings/keys">SSH keys</a></li>
6 6 </ul> </ul>
7 7 </div> </div>
File samples/rg.conf changed (mode: 100644) (index f0f4010..a600ac6)
17 17 #RewriteLog /var/log/httpd/rg-Rewrite.log #RewriteLog /var/log/httpd/rg-Rewrite.log
18 18 #RewriteLogLevel 3 #RewriteLogLevel 3
19 19
20 # index.php is special
21 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/index\.php
22 RewriteRule .* /index.php?rwe=1 [L,QSA]
24 20 # Allow .ico, 'themes' folder and any txt file (think robots.txt) # Allow .ico, 'themes' folder and any txt file (think robots.txt)
25 21 # Also, avoid scripts that are looking for exploits # Also, avoid scripts that are looking for exploits
26 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(favicon\.ico|themes|.*\.txt|.*\.php)
27 RewriteRule .* - [L]
22 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(favicon\.ico|themes/.*|robots\.txt|.*\.php.*)$
23 RewriteRule .* - [last]
28 24
29 25 # all rest # all rest
30 RewriteRule (.*) /index.php?rwe=1&vv=$1 [L,QSA]
26 RewriteRule (.*) /index.php?rwe=1&vv=$1 [last,qsappend]
31 27
32 28
33 29 # Security # Security
File scripts/cron.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 31e5202..aef77a3)
... ... if ((gmdate("H") == 0) && (gmdate("i") == 3)) {
45 45 while (1) { while (1) {
46 46 rg_log("Compute repository sizes if dirty..."); rg_log("Compute repository sizes if dirty...");
47 47 // delete 'dirty' files // delete 'dirty' files
48 $sql = "SELECT uid, repo_id, master FROM repos";
48 $sql = "SELECT uid, repo_id, master, disk_used_mb FROM repos";
49 49 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
50 50 if ($res === FALSE) { if ($res === FALSE) {
51 51 // TODO: rg_internal_error? it must notify me in case of problems // TODO: rg_internal_error? it must notify me in case of problems
... ... if ((gmdate("H") == 0) && (gmdate("i") == 3)) {
59 59
60 60 $all_files = $row['master'] == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; $all_files = $row['master'] == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
61 61 $disk_used = rg_repo_size($repo_path, $all_files); $disk_used = rg_repo_size($repo_path, $all_files);
62 $disk_used_mb = $disk_used === FALSE ? 0 : intval($disk_used / 1024 / 1024);
62 63 if ($disk_used === FALSE) { if ($disk_used === FALSE) {
63 64 rg_log("Could not open dir!"); rg_log("Could not open dir!");
65 } else if ($disk_used == $row['disk_used_mb']) {
66 // do nothing
64 67 } else { } else {
65 $disk_used_mb = intval($disk_used / 1024 / 1024);
66 68 $sql = "UPDATE repos SET disk_used_mb = $disk_used_mb" $sql = "UPDATE repos SET disk_used_mb = $disk_used_mb"
67 69 . " WHERE repo_id = " . $row['repo_id']; . " WHERE repo_id = " . $row['repo_id'];
68 70 $res2 = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res2 = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
... ... if ((gmdate("H") == 0) && (gmdate("i") == 3)) {
92 94 while (($row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res))) { while (($row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res))) {
93 95 $sql = "UPDATE users" $sql = "UPDATE users"
94 96 . " SET disk_used_mb = " . $row['disk_used_mb'] . " SET disk_used_mb = " . $row['disk_used_mb']
95 . " WHERE uid = " . $row['uid'];
97 . " WHERE uid = " . $row['uid']
98 . " AND disk_used_mb != " . $row['disk_used_mb'];
96 99 $res2 = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res2 = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
97 100 rg_sql_free_result($res2); rg_sql_free_result($res2);
98 101 } }
File scripts/events.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 15b038c..2d97904)
... ... require_once($INC . "/");
26 26 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
27 27 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
28 28 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
29 require_once($INC . "/");
29 30 require_once($INC . "/ver.php"); require_once($INC . "/ver.php");
30 31
31 32 rg_prof_start("MAIN"); rg_prof_start("MAIN");
File tests/Makefile changed (mode: 100644) (index 9ed0791..f1a7992)
1 tests := token util log state cache prof db event rights keys user repo git bug \
1 tests := \
2 http_admin http_bug \
3 token util log state cache prof db event rights keys user repo git bug \
2 4 hook_update http_create_account http_login http_settings http_csrf hook_update http_create_account http_login http_settings http_csrf
3 5 .PHONY: $(tests) .PHONY: $(tests)
4 6
5 7 all: $(tests) all: $(tests)
8 @echo "All OK. Good work!"
9 @ls -l err-*
12 ./
6 13
7 14 token: token:
8 15 php token.php php token.php
... ... http_settings:
61 68 http_csrf: http_csrf:
62 69 php http_csrf.php php http_csrf.php
63 70
71 http_bug:
72 php http_bug.php
74 http_admin:
75 php http_admin.php
64 77 .PHONY: clean .PHONY: clean
65 78 clean: clean:
66 79 @rm -f *.log *.strace *.strace.* *.out *.lock err-* @rm -f *.log *.strace *.strace.* *.out *.lock err-*
File tests/bug.php changed (mode: 100644) (index a80f5b4..d694270)
... ... require_once("common.php");
16 16
17 17 // defaults // defaults
18 18 $uid = 1; $uid = 1;
19 $ui = array("uid" => $uid, "username" => "userX", "organization" => 0, "email" => "");
19 $ui = array("uid" => $uid, "username" => "userX", "organization" => 0, "email" => "",
20 "confirmed" => 1);
20 21 $repo_name = "bug-A"; $repo_name = "bug-A";
21 22
22 rg_log("Creating a repo");
23 $new = array();
24 $new['repo_id'] = 0;
25 $new['master'] = 0;
26 $new['name'] = $repo_name;
27 $new['max_commit_size'] = 0;
28 $new['description'] = "desc";
29 $new['git_dir_done'] = 0;
30 $new['public'] = 1;
31 $r = rg_repo_edit($db, $ui, $new);
32 if ($r === FALSE) {
33 rg_log("Cannot insert a repo (" . rg_repo_error() . ")!");
34 exit(1);
35 }
24 rg_test_repo_create($db, $ui, $new);
36 25
37 26 $data = array("bug_id" => 0, $data = array("bug_id" => 0,
38 27 "title" => "Bug title", "title" => "Bug title",
File tests/config.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 48971f8..213185a)
... ... $rg_sql_debug = 1;
7 7 $rg_session_time = 3600; $rg_session_time = 3600;
8 8 $rg_keys_file = "afile.txt"; $rg_keys_file = "afile.txt";
9 9 $rg_scripts = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); $rg_scripts = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
10 $rg_repo_allow = '/^[\pL\pN\pP_]*$/uUD';
10 $rg_repo_allow = '/^[\pL\pN\pP_<>]*$/uUD';
11 11 $rg_repo_min_len = 1; $rg_repo_min_len = 1;
12 12 $rg_repo_max_len = 100; $rg_repo_max_len = 100;
13 $rg_user_allow = '/^[\pL\pN\pP_]*$/uUD';
13 $rg_user_allow = '/^[\pL\pN\pP_<>]*$/uUD';
14 14 $rg_user_min_len = 1; $rg_user_min_len = 1;
15 15 $rg_user_max_len = 20; $rg_user_max_len = 20;
16 16 $rg_ssh_paras = "no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty"; $rg_ssh_paras = "no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty";
File tests/email.php changed (mode: 100644) (index f6aba01..6cd2534)
... ... $more = array(
21 21 "to" => "" "to" => ""
22 22 ); );
23 23
24 $r = rg_mail("mail/user/key/new", $more);
24 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/key/new", $more);
25 25 print_r($r); print_r($r);
26 26 ?> ?>
File tests/ added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..5f070ef)
1 <?php
2 // Some helper functions dealing with users/repos/bugs/etc.
4 /*
5 * Creating a user
6 */
7 $_user_id = 1;
8 $_testns = 'main';
9 function rg_test_create_user($db, &$rg_ui)
10 {
11 global $_testns;
12 global $_user_id;
14 if (!is_array($rg_ui))
15 $rg_ui = array();
17 $username = $_testns . '-user-' . $_user_id . '<xss>';
19 $new = array();
20 $new['uid'] = 0;
21 $new['organization'] = 0;
22 $new['username'] = $username;
23 $new['realname'] = 'realname-' . $_user_id . '<xss>';
24 $new['email'] = 'email-' . $_user_id . '<xss>';
25 $new['is_admin'] = 0;
26 $new['rights'] = '';
27 $new['session_time'] = 3600;
28 $new['confirm_token'] = '';
29 $new['confirmed'] = 0;
30 $new['plan_id'] = 0;
31 $new['pass'] = 'pass-' . $_user_id;
32 $new['pass2'] = 'pass-' . $_user_id;
33 $_user_id++;
35 // Delete old user
36 $sql = 'DELETE FROM users WHERE username = \'' . $new['username'] . '\'';
37 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
38 if ($res === FALSE) {
39 rg_log("Cannot delete old user: " . rg_sql_error());
40 exit(1);
41 }
42 rg_sql_free_result($res);
44 rg_cache_unset('username_to_uid::' . $username);
46 $rg_ui = array_merge($new, $rg_ui);
47 $r = rg_user_edit($db, $rg_ui);
48 if ($r === FALSE) {
49 rg_log("Cannot create user (" . rg_user_error() . ")!");
50 exit(1);
51 }
52 $rg_ui['uid'] = $r;
54 return TRUE;
55 }
57 /*
58 * Creating a repo helper
59 * You can enforce a repo-id by setting extra['repo_id'].
60 */
61 $_repo_id = 1;
62 function rg_test_create_repo($db, $rg_ui, &$extra)
63 {
64 global $_testns;
65 global $_repo_id;
67 if (!is_array($extra))
68 $extra = array();
70 $repo_id = isset($extra['repo_id']) ? $extra['repo_id'] : 0;
72 rg_log("Creating a repo");
73 $new = array();
74 $new['master'] = 0;
75 $new['name'] = $_testns . '-repo-' . $_repo_id . '<xss>';
76 $new['max_commit_size'] = 0;
77 $new['description'] = 'desc line1\ndesc line2' . '<xss>';
78 $new['git_dir_done'] = 0;
79 $new['public'] = 1;
80 $_repo_id++;
82 rg_log("Deleting repo " . $repo_id);
83 $sql = 'DELETE FROM repos WHERE repo_id = ' . $repo_id
84 . ' OR name = \'' . $new['name'] . '\'';
85 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
86 if ($res === FALSE) {
87 rg_log("Cannot delete old repo: " . rg_sql_error());
88 exit(1);
89 }
90 rg_sql_free_result($res);
92 $extra = array_merge($new, $extra);
93 $extra['repo_id'] = 0;
95 $r = rg_repo_edit($db, $rg_ui, $extra);
96 if ($r === FALSE) {
97 rg_log("Cannot insert a repo (" . rg_repo_error() . ")!");
98 exit(1);
99 }
101 if ($repo_id > 0) {
102 $sql = "UPDATE repos SET repo_id = $repo_id"
103 . " WHERE repo_id = " . $extra['repo_id'];
104 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
105 rg_sql_free_result($res);
106 $new['repo_id'] = $repo_id;
107 rg_cache_unset('repo_by_name::' . $rg_ui['uid']);
108 }
110 return TRUE;
111 }
113 ?>
File tests/hook_update_help.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 688b407..a8f9bc8)
... ... require_once($INC . "/");
11 11 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
12 12 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
13 13 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
14 require_once("");
14 15
15 16 rg_log_set_file(dirname(__FILE__) . "/hook_update_help.log"); rg_log_set_file(dirname(__FILE__) . "/hook_update_help.log");
16 17
... ... rg_log("repo_id=$repo_id repo_uid=$repo_uid uid=$uid rights=$rights");
38 39 $rg_ui = array("uid" => $uid, $rg_ui = array("uid" => $uid,
39 40 "username" => "user-hook-update", "username" => "user-hook-update",
40 41 "email" => "", "email" => "",
41 "organization" => 0);
42 "organization" => 0,
43 "confirmed" => 1);
42 44
43 45 $a = array(); $a = array();
44 46 $a['right_id'] = 100; $a['right_id'] = 100;
... ... if (strcmp($op, "init") == 0) {
57 59 $sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE uid = $uid"; $sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE uid = $uid";
58 60 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
59 61 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
60 $sql = "DELETE FROM repos WHERE repo_id = $repo_id";
61 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
62 rg_sql_free_result($res);
63 62 $sql = "DELETE FROM rights WHERE obj_id = $repo_id"; $sql = "DELETE FROM rights WHERE obj_id = $repo_id";
64 63 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
65 64 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
... ... if (strcmp($op, "init") == 0) {
84 83 } }
85 84 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
86 85
87 rg_log("Creating a repo");
88 $new = array();
89 $new['uid'] = $repo_uid;
90 $new['repo_id'] = 0;
91 $new['master'] = 0;
92 $new['name'] = "A";
93 $new['max_commit_size'] = 0;
94 $new['description'] = "desc";
95 $new['git_dir_done'] = 0;
96 $new['public'] = 0;
97 $r = rg_repo_edit($db, $rg_ui, $new);
98 if ($r === FALSE) {
99 rg_log("Cannot insert a repo (" . rg_repo_error() . ")!");
100 exit(1);
101 }
103 $sql = "UPDATE repos SET repo_id = $repo_id"
104 . " WHERE repo_id = " . $new['repo_id'];
105 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
106 if ($res === FALSE) {
107 rg_log("Cannot switch repo_id (" . rg_sql_error() . ")!");
108 exit(1);
109 }
110 rg_sql_free_result($res);
86 $new = array('repo_id' => $repo_id, 'uid' => $repo_uid, 'public' => 0);
87 rg_test_create_repo($db, $rg_ui, $new);
111 88 } else if (strcmp($op, "repo") == 0) { } else if (strcmp($op, "repo") == 0) {
112 89 $v = rg_rights_set($db, "repo", $a); $v = rg_rights_set($db, "repo", $a);
113 90 if ($v === FALSE) { if ($v === FALSE) {
File tests/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 5d3d08d..f422f51)
... ... if (!isset($test_ua))
6 6 /* /*
7 7 * Data is an array * Data is an array
8 8 */ */
9 function do_req($url, $data, $headers)
9 function do_req($url, &$data, &$headers)
10 10 { {
11 11 global $test_ua, $test_referer; global $test_ua, $test_referer;
12 12
13 //rg_log_ml("do_req url[$url] data=" . print_r($data, TRUE)
14 // . "headers=" . print_r($headers, TRUE));
13 if (!is_array($data))
14 $data = array();
16 if (!is_array($headers)) {
17 rg_log("Headers is not an array, reset it.");
18 $headers = array();
19 }
15 20
16 //$sdata = http_build_query($data);
21 rg_log_ml("do_req url[$url] data=" . print_r($data, TRUE)
22 . "headers=" . print_r($headers, TRUE));
17 23
18 24 $c = curl_init($url); $c = curl_init($url);
19 25 if (count($data) > 0) { if (count($data) > 0) {
... ... function do_req($url, $data, $headers)
49 55 $ret['sid'] = $matches[1]; $ret['sid'] = $matches[1];
50 56 } }
51 57
58 // Check for XSS
59 if (strstr($ret['body'], '<xss>')) {
60 file_put_contents('http_xss.out', $ret['body']);
61 rg_log("Found <xss> token! Check http_xss.out. Not good!");
62 exit(1);
63 }
52 65 // find token // find token
53 66 $x = preg_match('/ name="token" value="([a-zA-Z0-9]*)"/', $ret['body'], $matches); $x = preg_match('/ name="token" value="([a-zA-Z0-9]*)"/', $ret['body'], $matches);
54 67 if (($x === FALSE) || (!isset($matches[1]))) { if (($x === FALSE) || (!isset($matches[1]))) {
... ... function do_req($url, $data, $headers)
70 83 if ($x > 0) { if ($x > 0) {
71 84 if (strncmp($url, "http://", 7) == 0) if (strncmp($url, "http://", 7) == 0)
72 85 $url = substr($url, 7); $url = substr($url, 7);
73 //rg_log("url=$url");
86 rg_log("redirect to url=$url");
74 87 $t = explode("/", $url, 2); $t = explode("/", $url, 2);
75 88 $new = "http://" . $t[0] . trim($matches[1]); $new = "http://" . $t[0] . trim($matches[1]);
76 89 //rg_log("Redirecting to $new..."); //rg_log("Redirecting to $new...");
77 90 $data = array(); $data = array();
78 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $ret['sid']);
91 if (!empty($ret['sid']))
92 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $ret['sid']);
79 93 $f = do_req($new, $data, $headers); $f = do_req($new, $data, $headers);
80 94 if (empty($f['sid'])) if (empty($f['sid']))
81 95 $f['sid'] = $ret['sid']; $f['sid'] = $ret['sid'];
File tests/http_admin.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..a097976)
1 <?php
2 error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
3 ini_set("track_errors", "On");
5 $INC = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../inc";
6 require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php");
7 require_once($INC . "/");
8 require_once($INC . "/");
9 require_once("");
10 require_once("");
12 rg_log_set_file("http_admin.log");
14 $rg_sql = "host=localhost user=rocketgit dbname=rocketgit connect_timeout=10";
15 $rg_no_db = TRUE;
16 require_once("common.php");
18 $_testns = 'http_admin';
19 $rg_cache_enable = TRUE;
21 $rg_user_max_len = 60;
23 $rg_ui = array('is_admin' => 1);
24 rg_test_create_user($db, $rg_ui);
26 // First we need to load the form so we can get the token
27 // We provide an old cookie to test if we generate a new pre-login one
28 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/login", $data, $headers);
29 if ($r === FALSE) {
30 rg_log("Cannot load login form.");
31 exit(1);
32 }
33 $good_sid = $r['sid'];
34 $good_token = $r['token'];
37 rg_log("Do the login (sid=$good_sid token=$good_token)...");
38 $data = array(
39 "doit" => 1,
40 "token" => $good_token,
41 "user" => $rg_ui['username'],
42 "pass" => $rg_ui['pass'],
43 "lock_ip" => 0);
44 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
45 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/login", $data, $headers);
46 if ($r === FALSE) {
47 rg_log_ml("Cannot login: " . print_r($r, TRUE));
48 exit(1);
49 }
50 if (strstr($r['body'], "invalid user or pass")) {
51 rg_log_ml("Login invalid. r=" . print_r($r, TRUE));
52 exit(1);
53 }
55 rg_log("Loading invites form...");
56 $url = "/op/admin/invites";
57 $data = array();
58 $r = do_req($test_url . $url, $data, $headers);
59 if ($r === FALSE) {
60 rg_log("Cannot load add bug form.");
61 exit(1);
62 }
63 $token = $r['token'];
65 rg_log("Posting invites form (token=$token)...");
66 $data = array('doit' => 1, 'token' => $token,
67 'inv::list' => "|a\|b b2 b3<xss>\n",
68 'inv::subject' => 'Invite 1 - hello {NAME}<xss>',
69 'inv::body' => "Hello {NAME}!\n\nYou are invited, {NAME}!<xss>");
70 $r = do_req($test_url . $url, $data, $headers);
71 if ($r === FALSE) {
72 rg_log("Cannot post bug request.");
73 exit(1);
74 }
75 // test invites here
76 /*
77 if ($row['state'] != 1) {
78 rg_log("State is not 1 but " . $row['state']);
79 exit(1);
80 }
81 */
83 rg_prof_log();
84 rg_log("Done!");
85 ?>
File tests/http_bug.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b589b16)
1 <?php
2 error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
3 ini_set("track_errors", "On");
5 $INC = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../inc";
6 require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php");
7 require_once($INC . "/");
8 require_once($INC . "/");
9 require_once("");
10 require_once("");
12 rg_log_set_file("http_bug.log");
14 $rg_sql = "host=localhost user=rocketgit dbname=rocketgit connect_timeout=10";
15 $rg_no_db = TRUE;
16 require_once("common.php");
18 $_testns = 'http_bug';
19 $rg_cache_enable = TRUE;
21 rg_test_create_user($db, $rg_ui);
22 rg_test_create_user($db, $rg_ui2);
23 rg_test_create_repo($db, $rg_ui, $repo);
25 // First we need to load the form so we can get the token
26 // We provide an old cookie to test if we generate a new pre-login one
27 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/login", $data, $headers);
28 if ($r === FALSE) {
29 rg_log('Cannot load login form.');
30 exit(1);
31 }
32 $good_sid = $r['sid'];
33 $good_token = $r['token'];
36 rg_log("Do the login (sid=$good_sid token=$good_token)...");
37 $data = array(
38 "doit" => 1,
39 "token" => $good_token,
40 "user" => $rg_ui['username'],
41 "pass" => $rg_ui['pass'],
42 "lock_ip" => 0);
43 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
44 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/login", $data, $headers);
45 if ($r === FALSE) {
46 rg_log_ml('Cannot login: ' . print_r($r, TRUE));
47 exit(1);
48 }
49 if (strstr($r['body'], "invalid user or pass")) {
50 rg_log_ml('Login invalid. r=' . print_r($r, TRUE));
51 exit(1);
52 }
54 rg_log("Loading bug form...");
55 $url = "/user/" . $rg_ui['username'] . "/" . $repo['name'] . "/bug/add";
56 $data = array();
57 $r = do_req($test_url . $url, $data, $headers);
58 if ($r === FALSE) {
59 rg_log('Cannot load add bug form.');
60 exit(1);
61 }
62 $token = $r['token'];
64 rg_log("Posting bug form (token=$token)...");
65 $labels = array('a/b', 'uu::bb', '<xss>'); sort($labels);
66 $data = array('doit' => 1, 'edit' => 1, 'token' => $token,
67 'title' => 'Title1 space<xss>',
68 'body' => 'aasasasassa<xss>',
69 'state' => 1,
70 'assigned_to' => $rg_ui2['username'],
71 'labels' => implode(' ', $labels));
72 $r = do_req($test_url . $url, $data, $headers);
73 if ($r === FALSE) {
74 rg_log('Cannot post bug request.');
75 exit(1);
76 }
77 rg_log_ml("CHECK: headers=" . print_r($headers, TRUE));
78 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE repo_id = ' . $repo['repo_id'];
79 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
80 $row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res);
81 rg_sql_free_result($res);
82 if ($row['assigned_uid'] != $rg_ui2['uid']) {
83 rg_log('assigned_uid is not ' . $rg_ui2['uid']
84 . ', but ' . $row['assigned_uid'] . '!');
85 exit(1);
86 }
87 if ($row['state'] != 1) {
88 rg_log('State is not 1 but ' . $row['state'] . '!');
89 exit(1);
90 }
91 $bug_id = $row['bug_id'];
92 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bug_labels WHERE repo_id = ' . $repo['repo_id']
93 . ' AND bug_id = ' . $bug_id;
94 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
95 $g = array();
96 while (($row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res))) {
97 $g[] = $row['label'];
98 }
99 rg_sql_free_result($res);
100 sort($g);
101 $p1 = implode(' ', $labels);
102 $p2 = implode(' ', $g);
103 if (strcmp($p1, $p2) != 0) {
104 rg_log('Labels are different [' . $p1 . '] != [' . $p2 . ']!');
105 exit(1);
106 }
109 rg_log("Testing adding a note");
111 rg_log("Loading note form...");
112 $url = "/user/" . $rg_ui['username'] . "/" . $repo['name'] . "/bug/1";
113 $data = array();
114 $r = do_req($test_url . $url, $data, $headers);
115 if ($r === FALSE) {
116 rg_log("Cannot load bug page.");
117 exit(1);
118 }
119 $token = $r['token'];
121 rg_log("Posting note add form (token=$token)...");
122 $note = 'This is a note<xss>';
123 $data = array('note_add_doit' => 1, 'token' => $token,
124 'note' => $note);
125 $r = do_req($test_url . $url, $data, $headers);
126 if ($r === FALSE) {
127 rg_log('Cannot post bug request.');
128 exit(1);
129 }
130 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bug_notes WHERE repo_id = ' . $repo['repo_id']
131 . ' AND bug_id = ' . $bug_id;
132 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
133 $row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res);
134 rg_sql_free_result($res);
135 if ($row['note'] != $note) {
136 rg_log('Note is not ok [' . $note . '] != [' . $row['note'] . ']!');
137 exit(1);
138 }
139 if ($row['uid'] != $rg_ui['uid']) {
140 rg_log('uid is not ok [' . $row['uid'] . '] != [' . $rg_ui['uid'] . ']!');
141 exit(1);
142 }
144 rg_prof_log();
145 rg_log("Done!");
146 ?>
File tests/http_create_account.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 8760e4c..34397c7)
... ... require_once("common.php");
16 16
17 17 rg_log("Test create account"); rg_log("Test create account");
18 18 // First we need to load the form so we can get the token // First we need to load the form so we can get the token
19 $data = array();
20 $headers = array();
21 19 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/create_account", $data, $headers); $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/create_account", $data, $headers);
22 20 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
23 21 rg_log("Cannot load create_account page!"); rg_log("Cannot load create_account page!");
... ... $good_token = $r['token'];
29 27 $uniq = time(); $uniq = time();
30 28
31 29 // Second, do the request // Second, do the request
32 $username = "http1-$uniq";
30 $username = "http1-$uniq<xss>";
33 31 $data = array( $data = array(
34 32 "uid" => 0, "uid" => 0,
35 33 "doit" => 1, "doit" => 1,
36 34 "token" => $good_token, "token" => $good_token,
37 35 "username" => $username, "username" => $username,
38 "realname" => "http1-$uniq real name",
39 "email" => "http_create_account_$",
40 "pass" => "cucurigu",
41 "pass2" => "cucurigu",
36 "realname" => "http1-$uniq real name<xss>",
37 "email" => "http_create_account_$uniq<xss>",
38 "pass" => "cucurigu<xss>",
39 "pass2" => "cucurigu<xss>",
42 40 "plan_id" => 9, "plan_id" => 9,
43 41 "session_time" => 60 "session_time" => 60
44 42 ); );
File tests/http_csrf.php changed (mode: 100644) (index adf3de7..d3e758a)
... ... test_set_ua("user-agent-2");
44 44 $data = array( $data = array(
45 45 "doit" => 1, "doit" => 1,
46 46 "token" => $good_token, "token" => $good_token,
47 "suggestion" => "bla bla bla"
47 "suggestion" => "bla bla bla<xss>"
48 48 ); );
49 49 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid); $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
50 50 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/suggestion?t=post_suggestion_form_diff_ua", $data, $headers); $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/suggestion?t=post_suggestion_form_diff_ua", $data, $headers);
... ... if (!stristr($r['body'], "invalid referer")) {
91 91 rg_log("Testing logout CSRF (wrong token)..."); rg_log("Testing logout CSRF (wrong token)...");
92 92 test_set_ua("user-agent-1"); test_set_ua("user-agent-1");
93 93 test_set_referer($test_url); test_set_referer($test_url);
94 $data = array();
95 94 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid); $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
96 95 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/logout?t=wrong_token&token=0cb2c9f6e8405eadfef1ccd00c99e3ff", $data, $headers); $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/logout?t=wrong_token&token=0cb2c9f6e8405eadfef1ccd00c99e3ff", $data, $headers);
97 96 if (stristr($r['body'], "You are now logged out")) { if (stristr($r['body'], "You are now logged out")) {
... ... if (stristr($r['body'], "You are now logged out")) {
104 103 rg_log("Testing logout CSRF (token passed in cookie)..."); rg_log("Testing logout CSRF (token passed in cookie)...");
105 104 test_set_ua("user-agent-1"); test_set_ua("user-agent-1");
106 105 test_set_referer($test_url); test_set_referer($test_url);
107 $data = array();
108 106 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid . "; token=" . $good_logout_token); $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid . "; token=" . $good_logout_token);
109 107 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/logout?t=token_passed_by_cookie", $data, $headers); $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/logout?t=token_passed_by_cookie", $data, $headers);
110 108 if (stristr($r['body'], "You are now logged out")) { if (stristr($r['body'], "You are now logged out")) {
File tests/http_settings.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 1374426..4837ef5)
... ... if ($r === FALSE) {
116 116 } }
117 117
118 118 rg_log("Posting edit info form"); rg_log("Posting edit info form");
119 $realname = "Catalin(ux) M. BOIE ($now)";
119 $realname = "Catalin(ux) M. BOIE ($now)<xss>";
120 120 $session_time = intval($now / 393956); $session_time = intval($now / 393956);
121 121 $data = array( $data = array(
122 122 "doit" => 1, "doit" => 1,
123 123 "token" => $r['token'], "token" => $r['token'],
124 124 "uid" => 4, "uid" => 4,
125 "username" => "catab",
125 "username" => "catab<xss>",
126 126 "realname" => $realname, "realname" => $realname,
127 127 "plan_id" => 5, "plan_id" => 5,
128 128 "session_time" => $session_time "session_time" => $session_time
... ... if (!strstr($r['body'], "Information was updated with success")) {
136 136 } }
137 137
138 138 rg_log("Verify against database"); rg_log("Verify against database");
139 $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'catab'";
139 $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'catab<xss>'";
140 140 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
141 141 $row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res); $row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res);
142 142 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
... ... if ($r === FALSE) {
167 167 exit(1); exit(1);
168 168 } }
169 169 rg_log("Posting keys form"); rg_log("Posting keys form");
170 $key = "ssh-dss YWFh comment";
170 $key = "ssh-dss YWFh comment<xss>";
171 171 $data = array("add" => 1, "token" => $r['token'], "key" => $key); $data = array("add" => 1, "token" => $r['token'], "key" => $key);
172 172 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid); $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
173 173 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=post_key_form_add", $data, $headers); $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=post_key_form_add", $data, $headers);
... ... if ($r === FALSE) {
176 176 rg_log_ml("Cannot upload key: " . print_r($r, TRUE)); rg_log_ml("Cannot upload key: " . print_r($r, TRUE));
177 177 exit(1); exit(1);
178 178 } }
179 $sql = "SELECT * FROM keys WHERE key = '$key'";
179 $sql = "SELECT * FROM keys WHERE key = 'ssh-dss YWFh commentxss'";
180 180 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
181 181 $rows = rg_sql_num_rows($res); $rows = rg_sql_num_rows($res);
182 182 if ($rows > 0) if ($rows > 0)
... ... if ($r === FALSE) {
198 198 exit(1); exit(1);
199 199 } }
200 200 rg_log("Posting delete keys form"); rg_log("Posting delete keys form");
201 $key = "ssh-dss YWFh comment";
201 $key = "ssh-dss YWFh comment<xss>";
202 202 $data = array("delete" => 1, "token" => $r['token'], "key_delete_ids[$key_id]" => "on"); $data = array("delete" => 1, "token" => $r['token'], "key_delete_ids[$key_id]" => "on");
203 203 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid); $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
204 204 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=post_key_form_del", $data, $headers); $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=post_key_form_del", $data, $headers);
File tests/keys.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 7836276..903c351)
... ... $rg_sql_debug = 1;
20 20 // Defaults // Defaults
21 21 $rg_admin_email = ""; $rg_admin_email = "";
22 22
23 $rg_ui = array("uid" => 1, "is_admin" => 0, "email" => "");
23 $rg_ui = array("uid" => 1, "is_admin" => 0, "email" => "",
24 "confirmed" => 1);
24 25
25 26 $sql = "DELETE FROM keys"; $sql = "DELETE FROM keys";
26 27 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
File tests/repo.php changed (mode: 100644) (index c3d876d..82c3003)
... ... require_once($INC . "/");
11 11 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
12 12 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
13 13 require_once($INC . "/"); require_once($INC . "/");
14 require_once("");
14 15
15 16 rg_log_set_file("repo.log"); rg_log_set_file("repo.log");
16 17
... ... $sql = "DELETE FROM repos";
24 25 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
25 26 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
26 27
28 $sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE uid = 12";
29 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
30 rg_sql_free_result($res);
27 32 rg_log("rg_repo_path 1"); rg_log("rg_repo_path 1");
28 33 $e = $rg_repos . "/by_id/11/22/33/44/11223344/repos/by_id/55.git"; $e = $rg_repos . "/by_id/11/22/33/44/11223344/repos/by_id/55.git";
29 34 $c = rg_repo_path_by_id(0x11223344, 55); $c = rg_repo_path_by_id(0x11223344, 55);
... ... if ($res === FALSE) {
116 121 exit(1); exit(1);
117 122 } }
118 123
119 rg_log("Creating a repo");
120 $new = array();
121 $new['repo_id'] = 0;
122 $new['master'] = 0;
123 $new['name'] = "A";
124 $new['max_commit_size'] = 0;
125 $new['description'] = "desc";
126 $new['git_dir_done'] = 0;
127 $new['public'] = 1;
128 $r = rg_repo_edit($db, $rg_ui, $new);
129 if ($r === FALSE) {
130 rg_log("Cannot insert a repo (" . rg_repo_error() . ")!");
131 exit(1);
132 }
124 rg_test_create_repo($db, $rg_ui, $new);
133 125 $repo_id = $new['repo_id']; $repo_id = $new['repo_id'];
134 126
135 127 $ri = rg_repo_info($db, $repo_id, 0, ""); $ri = rg_repo_info($db, $repo_id, 0, "");
... ... if ($r !== TRUE) {
189 181 rg_log("Cannot set rights (" . rg_rights_error() . ")!"); rg_log("Cannot set rights (" . rg_rights_error() . ")!");
190 182 exit(1); exit(1);
191 183 } }
192 $e = "AB"; // will not match the above right but the one injected
193 $r = rg_rights_get($db, $ri['repo_id'], "repo", $uid, $a['uid'], 0);
184 $e = "AaB"; // will not match the above right but the one injected
185 $r = rg_rights_get($db, $ri['repo_id'], "repo", $uid /*owner */, $a['uid'] /* user */, 0);
194 186 $c = isset($r['list'][0]['rights']) ? $r['list'][0]['rights'] : "_BAD_"; $c = isset($r['list'][0]['rights']) ? $r['list'][0]['rights'] : "_BAD_";
195 187 if (strcmp($c, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($c, $e) != 0) {
196 rg_log("Non-owner did not get correct rights: c=$c e=$e.");
188 rg_log("Non-owner (uid " . $a['uid']. ") did not get correct rights: c=$c e=$e.");
197 189 rg_log_ml("r=" . print_r($r, TRUE)); rg_log_ml("r=" . print_r($r, TRUE));
198 190 exit(1); exit(1);
199 191 } }
File tests/util.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 2f4db61..184ee4b)
... ... $a = array("ri" => array("repo_id" => "1", "name" => "repo1"));
80 80 rg_prepare_replace_helper($a, "", $what, $values); rg_prepare_replace_helper($a, "", $what, $values);
81 81 $w = rg_array2string($what); $w = rg_array2string($what);
82 82 $v = rg_array2string($values); $v = rg_array2string($values);
83 $ew = "ri.repo_id=[/@@ri.repo_id@@/uU][/]";
84 $ev = "ri.repo_id=[1][repo1]";
83 $ew = "ri::repo_id=[/@@ri\:\:repo_id@@/uU] ri::name=[/@@ri\:\:name@@/uU]";
84 $ev = "ri::repo_id=[1] ri::name=[repo1]";
85 85 if ((strcmp($w, $ew) != 0) || (strcmp($v, $ev) != 0)) { if ((strcmp($w, $ew) != 0) || (strcmp($v, $ev) != 0)) {
86 86 echo "Wrong prepare_replace: [$w] != [$ew] OR [$v] != [$ev]!\n"; echo "Wrong prepare_replace: [$w] != [$ew] OR [$v] != [$ev]!\n";
87 87 exit(1); exit(1);
Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global "your_name_here"
git config --global "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://

Clone this repository using git:
git clone git://

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a merge request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin main