List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Added a functional test for http.postBuffer problem ff650d024cd5f82f796a225c204e156c9e1213f4 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-26 20:07:47
Added a 'Thanks' section e7c9731dd32fe48befc58bf08044fd5649f523f4 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-26 20:06:49
Some big fixes for push over http 56ebd277c71c50e40af9465cd3867dc885f054b9 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-26 20:00:53
Do not recursively set the rights - not needed a9edce3101ad2450b67a575265827aa69efd5c63 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-17 07:16:01
Cosmetic changes 4bb36da63972e7e152e4e476e84ed55baba02911 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-15 09:29:09
Add possibility for admin to limit the git log --patch limit 1865405c40ebe92aa1bc6fd4569dcbb0e3af476c Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-15 09:28:46
Silent curl in API functional test e6808bc97d201fd4944de0ad2982c3090ae4743a Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-15 06:31:04
Fixed a lot of tests which used time() for different fields and sometime lost the time race 6a61493189d07110d3c5fdbe34ea0725d5abbd3b Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-15 06:25:40
Fixed the crash with big diffs by setting a limit 788e15942d8272685764a25b640eba2c07046437 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-15 06:24:30
Allow .well-known folder access 90519cd03bf64839d1a9fc2497e58bd63d8ce6f3 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-04-12 16:50:16
When an un-auth user is visiting a user page with no repo, do not invite to create a repo 6904e1eac3f46c281ae6b4757bcaa16d2acc6169 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-27 15:23:52
Added a 'push' target in Makefile to not forget to push tags... 92a9b78e26d8a3e7b466f5aa45678dd2db8d4310 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-26 14:29:55
Bump version to 0.67 6f1c9a6d7f7d40d65def54e23a3590556a346bb8 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-26 09:44:32
Cosmetic cb68f1921782a503675c592dc7484aa26b8815b6 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-26 09:37:41
Improve state handling: do not check for an old value; verify if table exists before doing a select 17d8eb4b4592dd96e62a8da74d87d3d3b26aeb86 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-26 09:37:01
Impoved debug for cache 4d6349f7143d61583e6d2d9612c89b55af4eea97 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-26 09:36:08
I cannot be sure if the data is stored only in Germany. And we do backups in Romania. 1610c997dbda53c0a21e301b51832d9285ecbcf2 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-26 08:24:46
Removed a not used variable 4d2bab105c6f7748ca53d9a8301a2da320153d53 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-21 20:15:29
tests: ignore some dirs 7260fc44f8d0197b917bc13a0ac19eb8c58d4534 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-21 20:01:03
Link to anon push doc 42dbfdc9ad5fad0157388f239f790f2e8f4de7c2 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2017-03-21 20:00:45
Commit ff650d024cd5f82f796a225c204e156c9e1213f4 - Added a functional test for http.postBuffer problem
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2017-04-26 20:07
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2017-04-26 20:07
Parent(s): e7c9731dd32fe48befc58bf08044fd5649f523f4
Signing key:
Tree: 39c7418304c04ecedca65ca4a323e6da2adb5d3d
File Lines added Lines deleted
tests/ 1 1
tests/git.php 1 0
tests/git_big_push.php 69 0
File tests/ changed (mode: 100755) (index 6f3fe70..a804fd0)
1 1 #!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
2 2
3 tests="admin_set_git by_http wh_lambda http_keys http_forgot \
3 tests="git_big_push admin_set_git by_http wh_lambda http_keys http_forgot \
4 4 api wh_cloud pr_anon wh_http ssh http_totp totp git_log1 \ api wh_cloud pr_anon wh_http ssh http_totp totp git_log1 \
5 5 http_admin http_bug \ http_admin http_bug \
6 6 http_create_account http_login http_settings http_csrf http_top \ http_create_account http_login http_settings http_csrf http_top \
File tests/git.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 60db4e1..f317f79)
... ... system('rm -rf temp_repos/git_big_diff');
209 209
210 210 // TODO: test with one good/bad commit and with an empty one // TODO: test with one good/bad commit and with an empty one
211 211
212 213 rg_log('OK!'); rg_log('OK!');
213 214 ?> ?>
File tests/git_big_push.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..91a5188)
1 <?php
2 error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
3 ini_set("track_errors", "On");
5 $INC = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../inc';
6 require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php');
7 require_once($INC . '/');
8 require_once($INC . '/');
9 require_once(__DIR__ . '/');
10 require_once(__DIR__ . '/');
12 rg_log_set_file("git_big_push.log");
14 $rg_sql = "host=localhost user=rocketgit dbname=rocketgit connect_timeout=10";
15 $rg_no_db = TRUE;
16 require_once("common.php");
18 $_testns = 'git_big_push';
19 $rg_cache_enable = TRUE;
21 $rg_git_debug = 100;
24 rg_test_create_user($db, $rg_ui);
25 rg_test_create_repo($db, $rg_ui, $repo);
26 $r = test_login($test_url, $rg_ui, $good_sid);
27 if ($r === FALSE) {
28 rg_log("Cannot login!");
29 exit(1);
30 }
33 putenv('git_username=' . $rg_ui['username']);
34 putenv('git_password=' . $rg_ui['pass']);
35 putenv('GIT_ASKPASS=' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/ask_pass');
38 rg_log('');
39 rg_log_enter('Testing push with a big file...');
40 $remote = escapeshellarg($repo['clone_url_http']);
41 $r = rg_exec('mkdir -p temp_repos && cd temp_repos'
42 . ' && rm -rf git_big_push && mkdir git_big_push && cd git_big_push'
43 . ' && git init'
44 . ' && git remote add origin ' . $remote
45 . ' && dd if=/dev/zero of=a bs=1M count=2'
46 . ' && git add a'
47 . ' && git commit -a -m "aaa"'
48 . ' && git config http.postBuffer 8000',
49 '', FALSE, FALSE);
50 if ($r['ok'] != 1) {
51 rg_log_ml('Could not exec repo script (part 1): ' . $r['errmsg'] . '!');
52 exit(1);
53 }
54 $r = rg_exec('cd temp_repos/git_big_push'
56 . ' && git push origin master',
57 '', FALSE, FALSE);
58 if ($r['ok'] != 1) {
59 if (!strstr($r['errmsg'], 'git config http.postBuffer')) {
60 rg_log_ml('Could not exec repo script (part 2): ' . $r['errmsg'] . '!');
61 exit(1);
62 }
63 }
64 rg_log_exit();
65 system('rm -rf temp_repos/git_big_push');
68 rg_log('OK!');
69 ?>
Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global "your_name_here"
git config --global "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://

Clone this repository using git:
git clone git://

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a merge request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin main