"Features / Product","RocketGit","Gitlab CE","GitHub","gitolite","Pagure.io","Gogs.io"
"License","Affero GPLv3+/#0f0","MIT/#0f0","Proprietary/#f00","GPLv2/#0f0","GPLv2 or later/#0f0","MIT/#0f0"
"Developers keep copyright when contributing {This is about contributing to the Git hosting project, not about projects hosted inside. Signing/agreeing a Contributor Licence Agreement (CLA) is very bad for free software.}","Yes","Yes?","n/a/#f00","Yes","Yes","Yes?"
"GNU Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations (see 3)","A (-A4, +A+0, +A+1, +A+2, +A+5)/#0f0","C/#f00","F/#f00","?","A?/#0f0","?"
"Easy installation {How easy can you install the software on your server?}","Yes","Yes","Yes?","Yes","Yes","Yes"
"SELinux policy {SELinux is an application firewall used to improve the security}","Yes","No","?","not needed/#0f0","?","?"
"Distro friendly {Is a 'yum/dnf/apt-get/etc. update' enough to update the software? Is it free of a inner package manager?}","Yes","No (see 1)","No (see 1)","Yes","Yes?","Yes?"
"Bug tracker","Yes","Yes","Yes","No","Yes","?"
"CLI commands (SSH) {Allow SSH commands to show the list of repositories, show a repo status etc.}","Yes","No","?","?","?","?"
"Anonymous push {With no user created, clone, make changes, will push result in a merge request, making it super easy to contribute to a project?}","Yes","No","No","No?","No","?"
"Languages available (i18n)",1,"?","?",1,"?",14
"Submodules {Are Git submodules supported?}","?","?","?","?","?","?"
"Usable with lynx","Yes","Yes","Yes","n/a","Yes","Yes"
"2fa (two-factor authentication)","Yes","Yes","Yes (see 2)","Yes","No","?"
"Web Hooks","Yes","Yes","Yes","No","Yes","Yes"
"Web Hooks - provide client certs","Yes","No","No","n/a","?","No"
"Web Hooks - authenticate server (CA cert)","Yes","No","No","n/a","?","No"
"OpenSSH AuthorizedKeysCommand","Yes","Yes","Yes","?","No","?"
"OpenSSH filter by key type and bits {Can it disable the keys based on types and number of bits?}","Yes","Yes","?","No","No","Yes"
"Detailed info about the SSH keys {Can it show: type, number of bits, when it was uploaded, when it was first/last used, how many times was used and last command?}","Yes","No","?","No","No","?"
"LDAP user authentication","Yes","Yes","?","No","No","Yes"
"LDAP groups","No","Yes","?","?","?","?"
"PAM user authentication","No","?","?","?","?","Yes"
"Git LFS","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","No","No"
"Lock repo with a message","Yes","?","?","?","?","?"
"Continuous integration","Yes","Yes","?","?","?","?"
"Code review","No","Yes","Yes","?","?","?"
"User custom pages","No","Yes","Yes","n/a","?","?"
"System resource friendly? {Is it light on CPU/memory/disk?}","Yes","No","?","Yes","?","?"
"Path control {Can it control which files are pushed with some regex?}","Yes","No","?","Yes","Yes","?"
"Refs control {Can it control with a regex what branches you fetch/push?}","Yes","Yes","?","?","Yes","?"
"IP control {Can it control from what IPs you can fetch/push?}","Yes","No","?","?","Yes?","?"
"[Product distribution/evaluation]",,,,,,
"KVM image available?","Yes","?","?","not needed/#0f0","?","?"
"VirtualBox image available?","Yes","?","?","not needed/#0f0","?","?"
"VMWare image available?","Yes","?","?","not needed/#0f0","?","?"
"Docker container available?","Yes","Yes","?","?","?","?"
"Number of code lines {JavaScript not included}","38k","360k","?","?","80k","520k"
"Size of the rpm package","392KiB/#0f0","287MiB/#f00","?","170KiB/#0f0","?","?"
"Page speed: Mobile","100/#0f0","7/#f00","52/#f00","n/a","69/#f00","28/#f00"
"Page speed: Desktop","100/#0f0","58/#f00","96/#0f0","n/a","86/#f00","82/#f00"
"CSS size","9KiB/#0f0","250KiB/#f00","560KiB/#f00","n/a","130KiB/#0f0","520KiB/#f00"
"JS size","0KiB/#0f0","1170KiB/#f00","670KiB/#f00","n/a","450KiB/#f00","350KiB/#f00"
"Runtime memory footprint","?","?","?","?","?","?"
"*","1) It has a not standard package manager; upgrading distro does not update the git software (pip, gem etc.). Or is a big archive including packages already found in the distribution.",,,,,
"*","2) Seems is not really secure: if key is leaking, the attacker can push.",,,,,
"*","3) Repo criteria by GNU: https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria.html",,,,,