/AUTHORS (df01c6306393e7a8b180470b4beb8831e6c421e0) (179 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

Here will come, in chronological order, the people that helped me.
Thank you very much!

Ioana BOIE
Gabriel BOIE
Marian Stefan
Ioan Albescu
Nicolae Tipeiu
Bogdan Vatra
James Dean

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 9 f3c7a7c5da68804a1bdf391127ba34aed33c3cca .exclude
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100644 blob 179 df01c6306393e7a8b180470b4beb8831e6c421e0 AUTHORS
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100644 blob 53887 e7d7c91e97afd0747380465355feda21a5ff8b51 TODO
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040000 tree - 0f050870d726a27f1aa3e0cc8b8df18bf99ca2ed root
040000 tree - b32e82f9f8b43f5dbad243a3dc66d506cf23c747 samples
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100755 blob 242 bfcfb00931a643571fec9082e3308c6b68ca9189 spell_check.sh
040000 tree - 10b1d3fd0576f889852f0a2becc91ad3c9f9d6f0 tests
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