/Makefile.in (1c4ccf9cceb2e56ae71334442aff3183b242c333) (3624 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

.PHONY: all
all:	selinux compare

.PHONY: selinux
	@echo "Building SELinux..."
	cd selinux && ./build.sh

compare: compare.csv
	php misc/compare.php compare.csv root/themes/default/compare.html

.PHONY: clean
	make -C tests clean
	@-rm -f $(PRJ)-*.rpm $(PRJ)-*-*-*.tgz $(PRJ)-*.tar.gz
	@-rm -rf selinux/out
	@find . -type f -name '*.strace' -exec rm -f {} \;
	@find . -type f -name '*.log' -exec rm -f {} \;
	@find . -type f -name '*.out' -exec rm -f {} \;
	@find . -type f -name '*.bak' -exec rm -f {} \;

.PHONY: tests
	make -C tests all

install:	all
	@mkdir -pv $(I_USR_SHARE)/$(PRJ)
	cp -vdr inc hooks root scripts $(I_USR_SHARE)/$(PRJ)
	@echo "Installing configs..."
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/cron.d
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/cron $(I_ETC)/cron.d/$(PRJ)
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/httpd/conf.d
	cp -vd              samples/rg.conf $(I_ETC)/httpd/conf.d/$(PRJ).conf.sample
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/rg.conf $(I_ETC)/httpd/conf.d/$(PRJ).conf
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/nginx/conf.d
	cp -vd              samples/nginx.conf $(I_ETC)/nginx/conf.d/$(PRJ).conf.sample
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/nginx.conf $(I_ETC)/nginx/conf.d/$(PRJ).conf
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)
	cp -vd              samples/config.php $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/config.php.sample
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/config.php $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/
	cp -vd              samples/php-fpm.conf $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/php-fpm.conf.sample
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/php-fpm.conf $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/
	cp -vd              samples/pool.conf $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/pool.conf.sample
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/pool.conf $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/
	cp -vd              samples/worker-main.conf $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/worker-main.conf.sample
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/worker-main.conf $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/ssh/sshd_config.d
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/sshd-akc.conf $(I_ETC)/ssh/sshd_config.d/90-rocketgit-akc.conf
	@mkdir -pv $(I_USR)/lib/systemd/system
	cp -vd samples/*.service samples/*.socket $(I_USR)/lib/systemd/system/
	systemctl daemon-reload || :
	@echo "Installing tools..."
	@mkdir -pv $(I_USR_SBIN)
	cp -vd tools/* $(I_USR_SBIN)/
	@-chown root:root $(I_USR_SBIN)/rg_*
	@echo "Installing log stuff..."
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)
	@-chown rocketgit:rocketgit $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)
	@chmod 0770 $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)
	@echo "Installing varlib stuff..."
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/locks
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/repos
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/q_merge_requests
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/qstats
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/sockets
	@echo "Fixing rights..."
	@-chown rocketgit:rocketgit $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)
	@-chmod 0771 $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/tmp
	@chmod 0770 $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/tmp
	@echo "Done!"

.PHONY: push
	git push origin master
	git push origin --tags

.PHONY: docker
	@docker run --name rp --tty --detach \
	@(cd docker && sh prepare.sh)
	@docker run --name rg --tty --publish-all --link rp --detach \
		--volume ${PWD}:/usr/share/rocketgit:ro \
		--volume ${PWD}/docker/prepare/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/rocketgit.conf \
	@echo "Exported ports:"
	docker port rg
	@echo "Add in your /etc/hosts file the docker IP and 'drg' name."
	@echo "To attach to the rg machine: docker exec --tty --interactive rg bash"

.PHONY: docker-stop
	@-docker stop rp rg
	@-docker rm rp rg

# Computes the number of lines of the project
.PHONY: nol
	find . -type f \( -name '*.php' -o -name '*.sh' \) -exec cat {} \; \
		| wc -l

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 9 f3c7a7c5da68804a1bdf391127ba34aed33c3cca .exclude
100644 blob 95 3e2e24ae7f12c3618604c014e2a5cdbc7572d73d .gitignore
100644 blob 375 1f425bcd2049c526744d449511094fc045ceac74 AUTHORS
100644 blob 1726 0b42c523c41c3cfc383d498cc37d26281be1aa2f History.txt
100644 blob 34520 dba13ed2ddf783ee8118c6a581dbf75305f816a3 LICENSE
100644 blob 3624 1c4ccf9cceb2e56ae71334442aff3183b242c333 Makefile.in
100644 blob 5325 96c40d868ce10b715299085ccffb30f96a730cf3 README
100644 blob 188839 9914b9e0a8f3ed1a12f30cbca0755794bd020f3d TODO
100644 blob 1294 f22911eb777f0695fcf81ad686eac133eb11fcc4 TODO-plans
100644 blob 203 a2863c67c3da44126b61a15a6f09738c25e0fbe0 TODO.perf
100644 blob 967 56bbaa7c937381fb10a2907b6bbe056ef8cc824a TODO.vm
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100644 blob 5292 cf28f2fcc8c67fb2c6931cf14605c5def5c11bbe compare.csv
100755 blob 30 92c4bc48245c00408cd7e1fd89bc1a03058f4ce4 configure
040000 tree - 95ddaae080957b012821ed8cc3f4e808e1060023 debian
040000 tree - 360183b3f53e23b7573907810044fb4af88b6798 docker
040000 tree - f67d3605efbd6422a8acdd953578991139266391 docs
100755 blob 18252 e2438615edba7066a730ed6a796a5302263f1f37 duilder
100644 blob 536 7e0f9f9a4c6536df1468b15d8cbaef008958d8c8 duilder.conf
040000 tree - 1a62427b7e1e1e78bbb0c05f5d7bc62d7306e4d3 hooks
040000 tree - 7ed64544bef93486b3681dfc5f7fa9f4ff1b0897 inc
040000 tree - e255ce234c3993998edc12bc7e93fff555376eda misc
100644 blob 5773 dd6d166e2f6cea5b0023a34c628fb84eb28ad885 rocketgit.spec
040000 tree - 4e577c5d7f7466205acda5f42d11f03c6638fa64 root
040000 tree - 897b857a401525bd5a85e6bd8c0067a270f4ea07 samples
040000 tree - 0fb315f2f9cfc9950876c69a7b330d8e667e0c44 scripts
040000 tree - 23d2decf7e4cd61adf8d5b02174dd405f8d7f3de selinux
100755 blob 256 462ccd108c431f54e380cdac2329129875a318b5 spell_check.sh
040000 tree - 7aaa439e933ed8d68898a4997891520fe942277a techdocs
040000 tree - 87abf4bce39e519b982449f35b3dd7ace9b7ea03 tests
040000 tree - e810d7397575886ef495708d571eb3675f6928ba tools
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git clone git://git.rocketgit.com/user/catalinux/rocketgit

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... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
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