Features / Product,RocketGit,Gitlab CE,GitHub,gitolite,Pagure.io,Gogs.io
License,Affero GPLv3+/#0f0,MIT/#0f0,Proprietary/#f00,GPLv2/#0f0,GPLv2 or later/#0f0,MIT/#0f0
Developers keep copyright when contributing (see 1),Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,?
GNU Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations (see 4),"A (-A4, +A+0, +A+1, +A+2, +A+5)/#0f0",C/#f00,F/#f00,?,A?/#0f0,?
Easy installation,Yes,No,Yes?,Yes,Yes,Yes
SELinux policy,Yes,No,?,not needed/#0f0,?,?
Distro friendly,Yes,No (see 2),No (see 2),Yes,Yes?,Yes?
Bug tracker,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,?
CLI commands (SSH),Yes,?,?,?,?,?
Anonymous push,Yes,No,No,No?,No,?
Languages available,1,?,?,1,?,14
Usable with lynx,Yes,Yes,Yes,n/a,Yes,Yes
2fa (two-factor authentication),Yes,Yes,Yes (see 3),?,No,?
Web Hooks,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes
Web Hooks - provide client certs,Yes,No,No,n/a,?,No
Web Hooks - authenticate server (CA cert),Yes,No,No,n/a,?,No
OpenSSH AuthorizedKeysCommand,Yes,Yes,Yes,?,No,?
OpenSSH filter by key type and bits,Yes,No,?,No,No,Yes
OpenSSH nice info about the keys,Yes,No,?,No,No,?
LDAP user authentication,No,Yes,?,?,?,Yes
PAM user authentication,No,?,?,?,?,Yes
Git LFS,No,Yes,?,?,?,?
Lock repo with a message,Yes,?,?,?,?,?
Continuous integration,Yes,Yes,?,?,?,?
Code review,No,Yes,Yes,?,?,?
Path control,Yes,No,?,Yes,Yes,?
Refs control,Yes,Yes,?,?,Yes,?
IP control,Yes,No,?,?,Yes?,?
Size of the rpm package,380KiB/#0f0,287MiB/#f00,?,170KiB/#0f0,?,?
Page speed: Mobile (speed/user experience),90/96,32/90,67/96,n/a,54/67,32/72
Page speed: Desktop,96,?,81,n/a,64,26
CSS size,9KiB,250KiB,560KiB,n/a,130KiB,520KiB
JS size,0KiB,1170KiB,670KiB,n/a,450KiB,350KiB
*,"1) This is about contributing to the Git hosting project, not about projects hosted inside. Signing a Contributor Licence Agreement (CLA) is very bad for free software.",,,,,
*,"2) It has a not standard package manager; upgrading distro does not update the git software (pip, gem etc.). Or is a big archive including packages already found in the distribution.",,,,,
*,"3) Seems is not really secure: if key is leaking, the attacker can push.",,,,,
*,4) Repo criteria by GNU: https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria.html,,,,,