/Makefile.in (7528f3903e2d8dfcb629e1dc04ab71dd518834d9) (2193 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

.PHONY: all
all:	selinux

.PHONY: selinux
	@echo "Building SELinux..."
	cd selinux && ./build.sh

.PHONY: clean
	make -C tests clean
	@-rm -f $(PRJ)-*.rpm $(PRJ)-*-*-*.tgz $(PRJ)-*.tar.gz
	@-rm -rf selinux/out
	@find . -type f -name '*.strace' -exec rm -f {} \;
	@find . -type f -name '*.log' -exec rm -f {} \;
	@find . -type f -name '*.out' -exec rm -f {} \;
	@find . -type f -name '*.bak' -exec rm -f {} \;

.PHONY: tests
	make -C tests all

install:	all
	@mkdir -pv $(I_USR_SHARE)/$(PRJ)
	cp -vdr inc hooks root scripts $(I_USR_SHARE)/$(PRJ)
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/xinetd.d
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/rg $(I_ETC)/xinetd.d/$(PRJ)
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/cron.d
	cp -vd samples/cron $(I_ETC)/cron.d/$(PRJ)
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/httpd/conf.d
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/rg.conf $(I_ETC)/httpd/conf.d/$(PRJ).conf
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)
	cp -vd --no-clobber samples/config.php $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/
	cp -vd samples/config.php $(I_ETC)/$(PRJ)/config.php.sample
	@mkdir -pv $(I_ETC)/logrotate.d
	cp -vd samples/logrotate $(I_ETC)/logrotate.d/$(PRJ)
	@echo "Installing log stuff..."
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)
	@-chown -R rocketgit:rocketgit $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)
	@-find $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ) -type d -exec chmod -R 0755 {} \;
	@-find $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ) -type f -exec chmod -R 0600 {} \;
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)-web
	@-chown -R apache:apache $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)-web
	@-find $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)-web -type d -exec chmod -R 0755 {} \;
	@-find $(I_VAR_LOG)/$(PRJ)-web -type f -exec chmod -R 0600 {} \;
	@echo "Installing varlib stuff..."
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/locks
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/repos
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/q_merge_requests
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/qstats
	@mkdir -pv $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)/sockets
	@echo "Fixing rights..."
	@-chown -R rocketgit:rocketgit $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ)
	@-find $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ) -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
	@-find $(I_VAR_LIB)/$(PRJ) -type f -exec chmod 0600 {} \;
	@echo "Installing SELinux stuff..."
	@mkdir -pv --mode=0755 $(I_USR_SHARE)/selinux/targeted
	cp -vd selinux/out/$(PRJ)-targeted.pp $(I_USR_SHARE)/selinux/targeted/$(PRJ).pp
	@echo "Done!"

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 9 f3c7a7c5da68804a1bdf391127ba34aed33c3cca .exclude
100644 blob 102 eaeb7d777062c60a55cdd4b5734902cdf6e1790c .gitignore
100644 blob 179 df01c6306393e7a8b180470b4beb8831e6c421e0 AUTHORS
100644 blob 1132 dd65951315f3de6d52d52a82fca59889d1d95187 Certs.txt
100644 blob 683 c61d848b6ba5c293c8a6d87e79849febd8f39e6c Compare.txt
100644 blob 202 76ae4b68b254d7b2fcc199dec13830136927826a History.txt
100644 blob 35147 94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 LICENSE
100644 blob 2193 7528f3903e2d8dfcb629e1dc04ab71dd518834d9 Makefile.in
100644 blob 3498 78f0d69281c2d11688b6b7bf5c9c1ad9b91c5d35 README
100644 blob 555 a29cbbe77edda976d6e63ab5a3f90c24dfdf88b7 README.vm
100644 blob 51190 da7761bb4450f1cabbaf6a98c307da736d039b91 TODO
100644 blob 1294 f22911eb777f0695fcf81ad686eac133eb11fcc4 TODO-plans
040000 tree - 21928e906ad2907a55c2e81c2a8b0502b586b8a0 artwork
100755 blob 30 92c4bc48245c00408cd7e1fd89bc1a03058f4ce4 configure
040000 tree - f67d3605efbd6422a8acdd953578991139266391 docs
100755 blob 13704 87c4881d7f32f8179d29d86ee17ddbe0f6254c57 duilder
100644 blob 291 8ede7ca4ccc219865c5337b80180d065a5828791 duilder.conf
040000 tree - d7ba62d78c4c4aa191a64ab04e9a28ce2685a893 hooks
040000 tree - 0a3b6b8f76af40b72a4aec1b19c084d49268531e inc
100644 blob 3452 145e8fc1881d31ac867f33a99d8b2ee1bc0be61b rocketgit.spec.in
040000 tree - bef26689b0e3dc4ec6409dbcf5a74359e1745441 root
040000 tree - 88e5257f8478ddcc90d97a018dbece44f2ba8296 samples
040000 tree - e1b926f359810c986982544cc49e28b2e4254c40 scripts
040000 tree - e65821f8fc7f41e65307fc940b6c193a01b3f708 selinux
100755 blob 204 55b754e1e2e5a70c65e2612fdb8cdec2f78e4e60 spell_check.sh
040000 tree - a4486e3a060cff59eb970cf8dc753aff569388fe tests
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