catalinux / srh (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2016-02-04) (hash sha1)
srh = Stop Row Hammer
Try to stop the row hammer attacks. It is a work in progress.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 72 40b387ae36ded988685cc8108dbdaf2e7de7f034 .gitignore
100644 blob 333 32669016806dd39dcc190fee1f69a06642358537 Makefile
100644 blob 23 5ffbfa89637fc0bfc5b1a303388831cafe879574 README
100644 blob 279 e4a55fc2c8c9060d715e21b3c3ad2c65a987eb78 TODO
100644 blob 269 3d34cdef605d7446782940ea9f8206227589cdc8 attack1.c
100644 blob 154 08ea52985366c69654500a419a0fa65e4a9b02d4 attack1b.c
100644 blob 448 517db291cc7c6b5d732b1699a27b9d134d5f53eb attack2.c
100644 blob 13020 e3414ce61a21a6782fb0f48b144c548ccf9e5de5 srhd.c
100755 blob 303 680eca40e00f4e8d982d027495b0674a28629573
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