List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Update Naming 1017cd664b47b82f8f2689a1f295d8948e193eff Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:33:59
Update Naming 522d6f2f656e4d96db8e5bc81e626c6ba51b5a09 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:31:06
Update Naming 24cde6ec7174b70496a62d0b1dd3d0c955513a84 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:30:10
Update Naming 606049c713b804956cc4f3c9a2700887125dc3e3 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:29:16
Update Naming e2d70be8c8cf05c10be7194f5a86ad84a71dcba2 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:27:09
Update Naming b297f088e45d4cab3bca47272eb5d7d283997815 poonamveeral 2020-04-09 16:16:43
Update Naming 562ba67f4338884279c312eddf7fd1688d314da3 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:16:01
Update Naming fa669e84e04edadb029e834caedf56223b897fe0 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:09:31
Update Naming 12eb5e6aea619c56222817878567db2e23aacc41 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:05:26
Update Naming d39a8ec969e2d9023dfa75e39aadd537ef3c79e3 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 16:02:16
Naming Convention Updated 2ba945dc245814e8cc0641482b053c953e65e779 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-09 15:51:43
Update d62f8789a67b025a618b2047c6bbaa912e617834 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-08 19:00:25
update 6fd8bae9a3068318513bb261f79a0a07d3c87f17 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-08 15:37:39
Update be9ca4670f042e27dfd60082cf0b081401dc072d poonamveeral 2020-04-08 14:29:08
Rename Print.tex to print.tex 8a2253b100e8fb661c03e410e61c87e6e0dd768a poonamveeral 2020-04-08 13:45:56
Rename alt_Not_03.tex to alt_not_03.tex ab653337fe4266a333d22178c33bd5d5c3ca3613 poonamveeral 2020-04-08 13:37:09
Rename alt_Not_02.tex to alt_not_02.tex a79c527d3aa97f29fa835406eb2fd6bfca80e616 poonamveeral 2020-04-08 13:36:52
Rename alt_Not_01.tex to alt_not_01.tex ce6ec02b5543682869d3dd782576e6a7c27cf5b5 poonamveeral 2020-04-08 13:36:36
Update 3d3106fe10b24fcccedbdcc6c20c1d7a4c3e0801 poonamveeral 2020-04-08 13:31:56
Rename book_Exo.tex to book_exo.tex 2fc98bb8f1b8dc8793fe1d9eaae4babeff760624 poonamveeral 2020-04-08 13:25:08
Commit 1017cd664b47b82f8f2689a1f295d8948e193eff - Update Naming
Author: Poonam Veeral
Author date (UTC): 2020-04-09 16:33
Committer name: Poonam Veeral
Committer date (UTC): 2020-04-09 16:33
Parent(s): 522d6f2f656e4d96db8e5bc81e626c6ba51b5a09
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 08f6d86eb702c73c18d473f528f60655f58cf15c
File Lines added Lines deleted
Naming 4 4
File Naming changed (mode: 100644) (index deaa07c..9a9563f)
93 93 * SQL folder has Homework Files. * SQL folder has Homework Files.
94 94 * Every Homework will be followed by HW_ and filename. * Every Homework will be followed by HW_ and filename.
95 95
96 | Example | HW_HomeworkName |
96 | Example | HW_HomeworkName.sql |
97 97 | -----------| --------------- | | -----------| --------------- |
98 98 #### **XML** #### **XML**
99 99 * XML Files in Code Folder * XML Files in Code Folder
100 100 * Camel case is a common naming rule in JavaScripts. * Camel case is a common naming rule in JavaScripts.
101 101 * Uppercase first letter in each word except the first * Uppercase first letter in each word except the first
102 102
103 | Example | firstName |
103 | Example | firstName.xml |
104 104 | ----------- | ---------- | | ----------- | ---------- |
105 105
106 106
122 122 # Figure Name # Figure Name
123 123
124 124 * Figures Names should follow the Underscore Case. * Figures Names should follow the Underscore Case.
125 * everything is in lower case and the words are separated by underscores.
126 * This convention is also popularly known as snake case.
125 * Everything is in lower case and the words are separated by underscores.
126 * This convention is also popularly known as snake case.
127 127
128 128 | Example | figure_name.svg | | Example | figure_name.svg |
129 129 | ---------- | --------------- | | ---------- | --------------- |
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