List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Working on Ch. 4, adding the content of the weekly announcements to the core of the document, added illustrations on the conversion E.R. -> Rel. model, fixed various typos. 1995837f41c1508ae809d5a91065bdefd5bd6c03 2019-03-22 17:27:51
Fixing exercise and normalization in Chapter 4. 7aa4b9a581daf7144dd485ba791b7707585088b8 2019-03-20 18:55:42
Quick fix on UML diagrams. 86a52b2f6ce92750bdb2c33eaa4dbc4497322e1c 2019-03-18 18:37:24
Adding some missing files. 0c090f6d43e84b71ca5e1f6d3e8d1aa0d733824d 2019-03-18 18:28:32
Fixing the style for line numbers, adding information for weak entities, drawing some figures (for crow's notation, for alternative notations), removing various images. 26ce9a96701649988cfdfcb3e61011f4e154896d 2019-03-18 18:25:09
Added solution to quiz #4. db0de8ba5c6605d77fdbc076f3a9e5b3851d83e0 2019-03-15 20:57:13
Added questions for Quiz #4. 30d908601e9431ec0901d4001ddbf99bf14f75d0 2019-03-15 17:52:24
Worked on narrative in Chapter 4, mostly ER diagrams. 9e0cc5fc5a2b4087fe1191f1ba5926f87ad5a7bd 2019-03-12 18:57:16
Updated list of known bugs. d51ff0a5bb73f09eb8d3eb7520ebb77555911e69 2019-03-12 17:09:22
Updating the README with the list of new files. bb35e21746d958d649b226a5857150d975d85403 2019-03-07 15:20:04
Adding a list of bug, and the sketch of a guide to contribute. 3a94b1fa49aee97001a45325f3f10f09475bf388 2019-03-07 15:14:38
Fixed the size of the images, added mention of the support of Affordable Learning Georgia. 485cf486d8d2b08427e5d02eda56d5b7a9495b38 2019-03-05 19:37:39
Finishing homework #5. e322bc945941083b0649557d9ad6bdbb8308c10c 2019-03-04 15:10:15
Preparing homework 5 2b9ba64d1d36ae9f413929947cac5e6cddceb3dc 2019-03-01 20:06:12
Some fixes and added quiz #3. d73c356f1bec9679f7123bc508c1863f8de40aef 2019-02-28 20:34:04
Working on solutions for problems in Chapter 3. 0da378f97cea97fa2b3614f1b611a3b5bdf42632 2019-02-26 19:56:23
Forgot one exercise in exam. 611bbe4cc68f802bfffd7bdfc70c3433a70eceb5 2019-02-22 20:39:07
Quick fix c22751b88c377a40dd2c037a706409aa29ef3ce2 2019-02-22 20:37:21
Various editing, fixing some of the solutions in Chapter 3 and some of the exercises in Chapter 4. 1e1d8dd576329b20aa3b7f9344aaecb9d11fc6f4 2019-02-22 20:22:09
Added the rest of the first exam for Fall 2019. 0d5a839282b1ae6e6c07e7b12a74ff2f0f2f3b86 2019-02-22 20:03:02
Commit 1995837f41c1508ae809d5a91065bdefd5bd6c03 - Working on Ch. 4, adding the content of the weekly announcements to the core of the document, added illustrations on the conversion E.R. -> Rel. model, fixed various typos.
Author date (UTC): 2019-03-22 17:27
Committer name:
Committer date (UTC): 2019-03-22 17:27
Parent(s): 7aa4b9a581daf7144dd485ba791b7707585088b8
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: b194f7f1a430e7355963c3f462d619cdf01ed6d9
File Lines added Lines deleted 2 0
notes/code/sql/HW_FACULTY.sql 11 4
notes/fig/er/Book.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Book2.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Computer_User.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Desk.tex 13 0
notes/fig/er/Doula.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Gym.tex 3 3
notes/fig/er/MappingRelationships1.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/MappingRelationships2.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Software_Dep.tex 14 0
notes/fig/fd/DriverExample1.tex 3 4
notes/fig/fd/DriverExample2.tex 16 0
notes/fig/fd/Example2NF1.tex 3 3
notes/fig/fd/Example2NF2.tex 1 1
notes/fig/fd/Example2NF3.tex 1 1
notes/fig/fd/StudentExample1.tex 4 4
notes/fig/fd/StudentExample2.tex 15 0
notes/fig/rel_mod/COMPUTER_USER.tex 19 0
notes/fig/rel_mod/DESK.tex 20 0
notes/fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships2.tex 27 0
notes/fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships3.tex 5 3
notes/fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships4.tex 15 0
notes/fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships5.tex 22 0
notes/img/ER_To_Rel1.jpeg 0 0
notes/ 202 29
File changed (mode: 100644) (index f4a2f9e..60e12dd)
4 4 - Add triggers and stored procedures? - Add triggers and stored procedures?
5 5 - Add content on Security and "Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles." - Add content on Security and "Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles."
6 6 - Add six first questions of Exam #2 Fall 2017 - Add six first questions of Exam #2 Fall 2017
7 - Mention / discuss propagate options, and UNIQUE / NOT NULL, etc. options on particular attributes, during the discussion on how to map E.R. diagram to the relational model.
7 9
9 11 ======= =======
File notes/code/sql/HW_FACULTY.sql changed (mode: 100644) (index 81becd9..8157e45)
8 8
10 10 Fname VARCHAR(15), -- No String! Fname VARCHAR(15), -- No String!
11 Room INT, -- shorthad for INTEGER, are also available: SMALLINT, FLOAT, REAL, DEC
12 Title CHAR(3), -- fixed-length string, padded with blanks if needed
11 Room INT, -- shorthad for INTEGER, are also available: SMALLINT, FLOAT, REAL, DEC
12 -- The "REAL" datatype is like the "DOUBLE" datatype of C# (they are actually synonyms in SQL):
13 -- more precise than the "FLOAT" datatype, but not as exact as the "NUMERIC" datatype.
14 -- cf.
15 Title CHAR(3), -- fixed-length string, padded with blanks if needed
13 16 Tenured BIT(1), Tenured BIT(1),
14 Nice BOOLEAN, -- True / False (= 0) / Unknown
15 Hiring DATE,
17 Nice BOOLEAN, -- True / False (= 0) / Unknown
18 Hiring DATE, -- The DATE is always supposed to be entered in a YEAR/MONTH/DAY variation.
19 -- To tune the way it will be displayed, you can use the "DATE_FORMAT" function
20 -- (cf.,
21 -- but you can enter those values only using the "standard" literals
22 -- (cf. )
16 23 Last_seen TIME, Last_seen TIME,
17 24 FavoriteFruit ENUM('apple','orange','pear'), FavoriteFruit ENUM('apple','orange','pear'),
18 25 PRIMARY KEY(Fname, Hiring) PRIMARY KEY(Fname, Hiring)
File notes/fig/er/Book.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b227341)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (PERSON) {PERSON};
6 \node [relationship] (BOUGHT) [right=of PERSON] {BOUGHT} edge node[above]{$\cM$} (PERSON);
7 \node [entity] [right = of BOUGHT] {BOOK} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (BOUGHT);
8 \node [entity] [below = of BOUGHT] {LIBRARY} edge node[left]{$\cO$} (BOUGHT);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Book2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..98c4cbb)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node [entity] (PERSON) {PERSON};
6 \node [relationship] (POSSESSES) [right=of PERSON] {POSSESSES} edge node[above]{$1$} (PERSON);
7 \node [entity] (BOOK) [right = of POSSESSES] {BOOK} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (POSSESSES);
8 \node [relationship] (SELLS) [below left = 1cm of BOOK] {SOLD BY} edge node[below right]{$\cM$} (BOOK);
9 \node [entity] (LIBRARY) [below = of POSSESSES] {LIBRARY} edge node[left]{$\cO$} (SELLS);
10 \node [relationship] (VISITS) [below right = 1.8cm of PERSON] {VISITS} edge node[above right]{$\cN$} (LIBRARY) edge node[above right]{$\cO$} (PERSON);
11 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Computer_User.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..da638ea)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (COMPUTER) {COMPUTER};
6 \node[attribute] (mid) [left of=COMPUTER] {\key{MAC}} edge (COMPUTER);
7 \node[multi attribute] (User) [right of=COMPUTER] {User} edge (COMPUTER);
8 \node[attribute] [above right of=User] {Name} edge (User);
9 \node[attribute] [right of=User] {Email} edge (User);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Desk.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..3e00be8)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (DESK) {DESK};
6 \node[attribute] (pid) [left of=DESK] {\key{Serial}} edge (DESK);
7 \node[multi attribute] [above of=DESK] {Color} edge (DESK);
8 \node[attribute] (Location) [right of=DESK] {Location} edge (DESK);
9 \node[attribute] [above right of=Location] {Building} edge (Location);
10 \node[attribute] [right of=Location] {Room} edge (Location);
11 \end{tikzpicture}
13 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Doula.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..564a1cf)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
6 \node[ident relationship] (COVERS) [below right of=HEALTHCAREPROVIDER] {COVERS} edge node[above, pos=0.3] {$1$} (HEALTHCAREPROVIDER);
7 \node[weak entity] (PERSON) [right = 1cm of COVERS] {INSUREE} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.7] {$\cN$} (COVERS);
8 \node[ident relationship] (ISFOLLOWEDBY) [above right of =PERSON] {IS FOLLOWED BY} edge node[above, pos=0.7] {$1$} (PERSON);
9 \node[weak entity] (DOULA) [right = 1cm of ISFOLLOWEDBY] {DOULA} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.3] {$\cM$} (ISFOLLOWEDBY);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Gym.tex changed (mode: 100644) (index 86d3fbb..9470d04)
3 3
4 4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em] \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 5 \node [entity] (MEMBER) {MEMBER}; \node [entity] (MEMBER) {MEMBER};
6 \node [relationship] (RESERVES) [right=of MEMBER] {RESERVES} edge node[above]{$(0,1)$} (MEMBER);
7 \node [entity] [right = of RESERVES] {EQUIPMENT} edge node[above]{$(0,1)$} (RESERVES);
8 \node [entity] [below = of RESERVES] {TIME\_SLOT} edge node[left]{$(0, \cN)$} (RESERVES);
6 \node [relationship] (RESERVES) [right=of MEMBER] {RESERVES} edge node[above]{$1$} (MEMBER);
7 \node [entity] [right = of RESERVES] {EQUIPMENT} edge node[above]{$1$} (RESERVES);
8 \node [entity] [below = of RESERVES] {TIME\_SLOT} edge node[left]{$\cN$} (RESERVES);
9 9 \end{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
10 10 \end{document} \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/MappingRelationships1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..adea4ed)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[relationship] (contains){REL.};
6 \node[entity] (ENTA) [left = 1cm of contains] {ENT. A} edge[total] node[above] {$1$} (contains);
7 \node[attribute] [above of= ENTA] {\key{KeyA}} edge (ENTA);
8 \node[entity] (ENTB) [right = 1cm of contains] {ENT. B} edge node[above]{$1$} (contains);
9 \node[attribute] [above of= ENTB] {\key{KeyB}} edge (ENTB);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/MappingRelationships2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..3f62bde)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[relationship] (contains){REL.};
6 \node[entity] (ENTA) [left = 1cm of contains] {ENT. A} edge[total] node[above] {$1$} (contains);
7 \node[attribute] [above of= ENTA] {\key{KeyA}} edge (ENTA);
8 \node[entity] (ENTB) [right = 1cm of contains] {ENT. B} edge[total] node[above]{$1$} (contains);
9 \node[attribute] [above of= ENTB] {\key{KeyB}} edge (ENTB);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Software_Dep.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..4006738)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (SOFTWARE) {SOFTWARE};
6 \node [relationship] (REQUIRES) [above=of SOFTWARE] {REQUIRES};
7 \draw (REQUIRES.east) -- node[right]{Requirement} node[right, pos = 0.8]{$\cN$} (SOFTWARE);
8 \draw (REQUIRES.west) -- node[left, pos = 0.8]{$\cM$}(SOFTWARE);
9 \node [attribute] (id) [right= .5cm of SOFTWARE] {\key{Id}} edge (SOFTWARE);
10 \node [attribute, above right of = id] {Version} edge (id);
11 \node [attribute, below right of = id] {Name} edge (id);
12 \end{tikzpicture}
14 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/DriverExample1.tex copied from file notes/fig/fd/Example2NF1.tex (similarity 52%) (mode: 100644) (index 3580f2f..4ad8c7d)
3 3
4 4 \begin{dependency} \begin{dependency}
5 5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style. \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& \(A_4\) \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
6 |[none]| DRIVER \(\big(\) \& State \& Driver\_Licence\_Num \& Name \& Governor) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 7 \end{deptext} \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=2]{2}{4}{}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=3]{2}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=4]{2}{6}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{2}{5}{}
12 11 \end{dependency} \end{dependency}
13 12
14 13 \end{document} \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/DriverExample2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..696ae3c)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| DRIVER \(\big(\) \& \ul{State} \& \ul{Driver\_Licence\_Num} \& Name) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| GOVERNOR \(\big(\) \& \ul{State} \& Governor \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{2}{}
12 \end{dependency}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Example2NF1.tex changed (mode: 100644) (index 3580f2f..69e9586)
5 5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style. \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 6 |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& \(A_4\) \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\ |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& \(A_4\) \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 7 \end{deptext} \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=2]{2}{4}{}
8 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{2}{6}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{3}{6}{}
9 10 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=3]{2}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=4]{2}{6}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{5}{}
12 12 \end{dependency} \end{dependency}
13 13
14 14 \end{document} \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Example2NF2.tex changed (mode: 100644) (index c70eced..c364a66)
6 6 |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R'' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_4\)\& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\ |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R'' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_4\)\& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 7 \end{deptext} \end{deptext}
8 8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=2]{3}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 10 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{}
11 11 \depedge[lvl=1]{11}{12}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{11}{12}{}
12 12 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{3}{} \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{3}{}
File notes/fig/fd/Example2NF3.tex changed (mode: 100644) (index da1b16a..be82209)
6 6 |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& \(A_4\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\ |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& \(A_4\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 7 \end{deptext} \end{deptext}
8 8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=2]{3}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 10 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{}
11 11 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{9}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{9}{}
12 12 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{3}{} \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{3}{}
File notes/fig/fd/StudentExample1.tex copied from file notes/fig/fd/Example2NF1.tex (similarity 52%) (mode: 100644) (index 3580f2f..5675e56)
3 3
4 4 \begin{dependency} \begin{dependency}
5 5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style. \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& \(A_4\) \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
6 |[none]| STUDENT \(\big(\) \& \ul{Login} \& Name \& Major \& Major\_Head) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 7 \end{deptext} \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=2]{2}{4}{}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{} \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=3]{2}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=4]{2}{6}{}
10 % \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{4}{5}{}
12 12 \end{dependency} \end{dependency}
13 13
14 14 \end{document} \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/StudentExample2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..4c64174)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| STUDENT \(\big(\) \& \ul{Login} \& Name \& Major ) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| HEAD \(\big(\) \& \ul{Major} \& Major\_Head \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{}
11 % \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{4}{5}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{4}{}
13 \end{dependency}
15 \end{document}
File notes/fig/rel_mod/COMPUTER_USER.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..be4d792)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
5 % COMPUTER_COLOR(Compter (PK, FK referencing COMPUTER.MAC), Name, Email)
7 \Frame(0,0){1}[COMPUTER]{
8 MAC/PK};
10 \Frame(5, 0){2}[COMPUTER\_USER]{
11 Computer/PK,
12 Name/A,
13 Email/A};
16 (MAC1)++(0,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -- ++(-0,0) coordinate (inter)
17 -- (Computer2 |- inter) --++(0,0.5);
18 \end{tikzpicture}
19 \end{document}
File notes/fig/rel_mod/DESK.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..96caeb3)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 % DESK(Serial(PK), Building, Room)
5 % DESK_COLOR(Desk (PK, FK referencing DESK.Serial))
7 \Frame(0,0){1}[DESK]{
8 Serial/PK,
9 Building/A,
10 Room/A};
12 \Frame(5, 0){2}[DESK\_COLOR]{
13 Desk/PK,
14 Color/A};
16 \draw[FK] % From DESK_COLOR.Desk to DESK.Serial
17 (Serial1)++(0,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -- ++(-0,0) coordinate (inter)
18 -- (Desk2 |- inter) --++(0,0.5);
19 \end{tikzpicture}
20 \end{document}
File notes/fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..65409b4)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 % ENT.A(KeyA (PK))
5 % ENT.B(KeyB (PK))
6 % MAPPING(KeyA (PK, FK referencing ENT.A.KeyA), KeyB(FK referencing ENT.B.KeyB))
8 \Frame(0,0){1}[ENT.A]{
9 KeyA/PK};
12 \Frame(4, 0){2}[MAPPING]{
13 KeyA/PK,
14 KeyB/A};
16 \Frame(8, 0){3}[ENT.B]{
17 KeyB/PK};
19 \draw[FK] % From MAPPING.KeyA to ENT.A.KeyA
20 (KeyA1)++(0,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -- ++(-0,0) coordinate (inter)
21 -- (KeyA2 |- inter) --++(0,0.5);
23 \draw[FK] % From MAPPING.KeyB to ENT.B.KeyB
24 (KeyB3)++(0,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -- ++(-0,0) coordinate (inter)
25 -- (KeyB2 |- inter) --++(0,0.5);
26 \end{tikzpicture}
27 \end{document}
File notes/fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships3.tex copied from file notes/fig/uml/Generalization.tex (similarity 53%) (mode: 100644) (index 08a00b4..7ed05a9)
1 1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone} \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 2 \input{template.def} \input{template.def}
3 3
4 \begin{tikzpicture}
5 \draw[>=open triangle 60,->] (0,0) to (1,0);
6 \end{tikzpicture}
4 % ENT.A.AND.B.(KeyA (PK), KeyB)
7 5
6 \Frame(0,0){1}[ENT.A.AND.B.]{
7 KeyA/PK,
8 KeyB/A};
9 \end{tikzpicture}
8 10 \end{document} \end{document}
File notes/fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships4.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..5d4bbe9)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 % ENT.A(KeyA (PK), Rel(FK referencing Ent.A.KeyA))
6 \Frame(0,0){1}[ENT.A]{
7 KeyA/PK,
8 Rel/A};
10 \draw[FK] % From MAPPING.KeyA to ENT.A.KeyA
11 (KeyA1)++(0,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -- ++(-0,0) coordinate (inter)
12 -- (Rel1 |- inter) --++(0,0.5);
14 \end{tikzpicture}
15 \end{document}
File notes/fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships5.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b512773)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 % ENT.A(KeyA (PK))
5 % REL(KeyA1 (PK, FK referencing Ent.A.KeyA), KeyA2 (FK referencing Ent.A.KeyA))
7 \Frame(0,0){1}[ENT.A]{
8 KeyA/PK};
10 \Frame(4, 0){2}[REL]{
11 KeyA1/PK,
12 KeyA2/A};
14 \draw[FK] % From REL.KeyA to ENT.A.KeyA
15 (KeyA1)++(.1,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -- ++(-0,0) coordinate (inter)
16 -- (KeyA12 |- inter) --++(0,0.5);
18 \draw[FK] % From REL.KeyA to ENT.A.KeyA
19 (KeyA1)++(-.1,0) -- ++(0,-.8) -- ++(-0,0) coordinate (inter)
20 -- (KeyA22 |- inter) --++(0,0.8);
21 \end{tikzpicture}
22 \end{document}
File notes/img/ER_To_Rel1.jpeg deleted (index 808b4e5..0000000)
File notes/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 28dac44..10f66bc)
... ... The three last sublanguages being dubbed "**D**ata **M**anipulation **L**anguage
1069 1069 | "Common" / Relational | SQL | | "Common" / Relational | SQL |
1070 1070 | :--: | :--: | | :--: | :--: |
1071 1071 | "Database" | Schema | | "Database" | Schema |
1072 | "Set of databases" | Catalog (collection of named schema) |
1072 | "Set of databases" | Catalog (named collection of schema)^[For a clarification on the distinction between catalog and schemas, you can refer to e.g. <>.] |
1073 1073 | Relation | Table | | Relation | Table |
1074 1074 | Tuple | Row | | Tuple | Row |
1075 1075 | Attribute | Column, or Field | | Attribute | Column, or Field |
1682 1682 ~~~ ~~~
1683 1683
1684 There are no `if…then…else` statements in `SQL`, but you can do something similar with `CASE` (cf. <>).
1685 However, note that `SQL` is probably _not_ the right place to try to control the flow of execution.
1687 Even with three times (!) the verbose option, MySQL does not give more insight as to whenever it drops comparing values once a NULL was encountered (cf. <>, you can log-in using `mysql -u testuser -p --password=password -v -v -v` to activate the most verbose mode).
1688 Normally, `EXPLAIN` (<>) should be useful in determining whenever MySQL uses some form of short-cut evaluation when comparing with `NULL`{.sqlmysql}, but I could not make it work.
1684 1690 ## Various Tools ## Various Tools
1685 1691
1686 1692 For `DISTINCT`, `ALL` and `UNION`, cf. [@Textbook6, 4.3.4] or [@Textbook7, 6.3.4]. For `DISTINCT`, `ALL` and `UNION`, cf. [@Textbook6, 4.3.4] or [@Textbook7, 6.3.4].
1687 1693 For `ORDER BY` , cf. [@Textbook6, 4.3.6] or [@Textbook7, 6.3.6]. For `ORDER BY` , cf. [@Textbook6, 4.3.6] or [@Textbook7, 6.3.6].
1688 1694 For aggregate functions, cf. [@Textbook6, 5.1.7] or [@Textbook7, 7.1.7]. For aggregate functions, cf. [@Textbook6, 5.1.7] or [@Textbook7, 7.1.7].
1689 1695
1698 Something that is not exactly a constraint, but that can be used to "qualify" domains, is the `AUTO_INCREMENT`{.sqlmysql} feature of MySQL.
1699 Cf. <>, you can have MySQL increment a particular attribute (most probably intended to be your primary key) for you.
1690 1701
1691 1702 ### Transactions ### Transactions
1692 1703
... ... We indicate the ratio on the edges:
3820 3831
3821 3832 ![](fig/er/Constraint1) ![](fig/er/Constraint1)
3822 3833
3834 Note that reflexive relations can have any ratio as well.
3835 An example of $M:N$ recursive relation could be:
3837 ![](fig/er/Software_Dep)
3823 3839 ##### Participation constraint ##### Participation constraint
3824 3840
3825 3841 **Minimum** number of relationships instances that an entity can participat it, a.k.a. "minimum cardinality constraint". **Minimum** number of relationships instances that an entity can participat it, a.k.a. "minimum cardinality constraint".
... ... As an exercise, you can look at the relationships TEACHING, MENTORING and EMITED
3859 3875
3860 3876 #### Relationships of degree higher than two #### Relationships of degree higher than two
3861 3877
3862 To determine cardinality ratio: fix all but one, wonder how many can be in that relationship.
3878 Of course, relationships can have a degree higher than two.
3864 3879 An example of a ternary relation could be: An example of a ternary relation could be:
3865 3880
3866 3881 ![](fig/er/Account) ![](fig/er/Account)
3867 3882
3868 The idea is that Customer Y and Bank Z could be in relationship with more than $1$ account (hence the "N").
3883 To determine cardinality ratio, one should fix all but one parameters, and wonder how many values of the remaining parameter can be in that relationship.
3885 Four our example, Customer Y and Bank Z could be in relationship with more than $1$ account (hence the "N").
3869 3886 On the oppsite, Customer Y and Account K would be in relationship with only $1$ bank (hence the "1" on the bottom), and Bank Z and Account K would belong to only $1$ customer (hence the $1$ on the left). On the oppsite, Customer Y and Account K would be in relationship with only $1$ bank (hence the "1" on the bottom), and Bank Z and Account K would belong to only $1$ customer (hence the $1$ on the left).
3870 3887
3888 It is sometimes impossible to do without relations with arity greater than $2$.
3889 For instance, consider the following two diagrams:
3891 ![](fig/er/Book)
3893 ![](fig/er/Book2)
3895 You should realize that they convey different information.
3896 For instance, you can know for a fact that a person visit a library only if they bought something in it, while the second diagram de-correlate the act of buying with the visit to a library.
3897 Similarly, the second diagram could give you a hint that a person that owns a copy of a book Z and visits a library X that sells it could also visit it, but you won't know that for sure.
3871 3899 An example of recursive ternary relation could be: An example of recursive ternary relation could be:
3872 3900
3873 3901 ![](fig/er/Parents) ![](fig/er/Parents)
... ... Whenever the pet entity type is involved in other relationships or not should he
3921 3949 - Owner can itself be weak! - Owner can itself be weak!
3922 3950 - The degree of the identifying relationship can be more than 2 (cf. e.g., <>). - The degree of the identifying relationship can be more than 2 (cf. e.g., <>).
3923 3951
3952 Another example of weak entity whose owner is weak as well could be:
3954 ![](fig/er/Doula)
3956 The idea being that the Health care provider cares about an insuree only if they are covered by them, and that they care about the doula only if they are currently helping one of their insuree.
3924 3958 ### Alternative Notations {#sec:alternative-notation} ### Alternative Notations {#sec:alternative-notation}
3925 3959
3926 3960 Multiple notations have been used to represent the ratio and constraint on relationship. Multiple notations have been used to represent the ratio and constraint on relationship.
... ... Using four tools: Relations, Attributes, Primary Keys, Foreign Keys.
4005 4039
4006 4040 ### Algorithm ### Algorithm
4007 4041
4042 We will use three techniques to represent some of the relationships, the foreign key approach, the merged relations approach and the cross-reference approach.
4043 They are detailled and illustrated after the algorithm, which goes as follows:
4008 4045 \# | | is mapped to | \# | | is mapped to |
4009 4046 -- | ---------- | ---------------- -- | ---------- | ----------------
4010 1 | Strong Entity | Relation with all the simple attributes. Decompose complex attributes. Pick a key to be the PK, if it is composite, take its elements.
4011 2 | Weak Entity | Relation with all the simple attributes. Decompose complex attributes. Add as a foreign key the primary key of the relation corresponding to the owner entity type, and make it a primary key. If the owner entity type is itself weak, start with it.
4047 1 | Strong Entity | Relation with all the simple attributes. Decompose complex (composite) attributes. Pick a key to be the PK, if it is composite, take its elements.
4048 2 | Weak Entity | Relation with all the simple attributes. Decompose complex attributes. Add as a foreign key the primary key of the relation corresponding to the owner entity type, and make it a primary key, in addition to the partial key of the weak entity. If the owner entity type is itself weak, start with it.
4012 4049 3 | Binary $1:1$ Relationship Types | Foreign Key, Merge Relations or Cross-Reference approach 3 | Binary $1:1$ Relationship Types | Foreign Key, Merge Relations or Cross-Reference approach
4013 4050 4 | Binary $1:N$ Relationship Types | Foreign Key or Cross-Reference approach 4 | Binary $1:N$ Relationship Types | Foreign Key or Cross-Reference approach
4014 4051 5 | Binary $M:N$ Relationship Types | Cross-Reference approach 5 | Binary $M:N$ Relationship Types | Cross-Reference approach
4015 4052 6 | $n$-ary Relationship Types | Cross-Reference approach 6 | $n$-ary Relationship Types | Cross-Reference approach
4016 7 | Multivalued Attributes | Create a new relation, whose primary key is the foreign key to the entity.
4053 7 | Multivalued Attributes | Create a new relation, whose primary key is the foreign key to the relation corresponding to the entity.
4017 4054
4018 4055 #. Foreign Key Approach: Chose one of the relation (preferably with total participation constraint, or on the N side), add a foreign key and all the attributes of the relationship. #. Foreign Key Approach: Chose one of the relation (preferably with total participation constraint, or on the N side), add a foreign key and all the attributes of the relationship.
4019 4056 #. Merged Relation Approach: If both participations are total, just merge them. Primary key = just pick one, and add a `NOT NULL` constraint on the other. #. Merged Relation Approach: If both participations are total, just merge them. Primary key = just pick one, and add a `NOT NULL` constraint on the other.
4020 #. Cross-Reference or Relationship Relation Approach: Create a lookup table with two (or more!) foreign keys, pick one of them (or the one on the N side, or both if $M:N$, or all if $n$-ary) as the primary key.
4057 #. Cross-Reference or Relationship Relation Approach: Create a lookup table with an appropriate number of foreign keys, pick some of them (the one on the $N$ side, both if the ratio is $M:N$, for $n$-ary it is a bit more complex, cf. example below) as the primary key.
4059 Every time a relationships have attributes, they are mapped to the resultiong relation.
4061 Let us look in more details at some of those steps.
4062 For strong entities, using steps 1 and 7, the following:
4064 ![](fig/er/Desk)
4066 would give:
4068 ![
4069 DESK(Serial(PK), Building, Room)
4070 DESK_COLOR(Desk (PK, FK referencing DESK.Serial))
4071 ](fig/rel_mod/DESK)
4072 \
4075 And note that if Serial was a complex attribute, we would just "unfold" it, or decompose it, and make all the resulting attributes the primary key of the relation.
4076 If one of the attribute was at the same time multi-valued and composite, as follows:
4078 ![](fig/er/Computer_User)
4021 4079
4022 **Bug: + Propagate option? Cascade, most of the time: weak entity type, lookup tables, etc.**
4080 Then we would obtain:
4023 4081
4024 ![](img/ER_To_Rel1.jpeg){width=90%}
4082 ![
4084 COMPUTER_COLOR(Compter (PK, FK referencing COMPUTER.MAC), Name, Email)
4085 ](fig/rel_mod/COMPUTER_USER)
4086 \
4088 For relationships, things are a bit more complicated.
4089 Consider the following:
4091 ![](fig/er/MappingRelationships1)
4093 Since it is a $1:1$ relationship where one of the side has a partial constraint, we have the choice between two approaches.
4094 The foreign key approach would give:
4096 ![
4097 ENT.A(KeyA (PK), FK (FK to ENT.B.KeyB))
4098 ENT.B(KeyB (PK))
4099 ](fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships1)
4100 \
4102 Note that we could also have added the foreign key on the side of ENT.B, referencing the key of ENT.A.
4103 But since ENT.A has a total participation constraint, we know that the value of FK will always exist, whereas some entities in ENT.B may not be in relationship with an entity from ENT.A, creating the (nefast) need for `NULL`{.sqlmysql} values.
4105 For the same diagram, the cross-reference approach would give:
4107 ![
4108 ENT.A(KeyA (PK))
4109 ENT.B(KeyB (PK))
4110 MAPPING(KeyA (PK, FK referencing ENT.A.KeyA), KeyB(FK referencing ENT.B.KeyB))
4111 ](fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships2)
4112 \
4114 Similarly, note that, in MAPPING, KeyB, or KeyA and KeyB, would also be valid primary keys, but that it makes more sense to have KeyA being the primary key, since we know that ENT.A has a total participation constraint, but ENT.B does not.
4116 If both participation constraints were total, as follows:
4118 ![](fig/er/MappingRelationships2)
4120 Then we could use the merged relations approach, and get:
4122 ![
4123 ENT.A.AND.B.(KeyA (PK), KeyB)
4124 ](fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships3)
4125 \
4127 We picked KeyA to be the primary key for the same reason as before.
4128 Note that merging the two entities into one relation also means that you have eventually to do some work on the relations that were referring to them.
4130 Of course, if ENT.A and ENT.B are the same entity (that is, REL is recursive), we would get:
4132 ![
4133 ENT.A(KeyA (PK), Rel(FK referencing Ent.A.KeyA))
4134 ](fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships4)
4135 \
4137 or
4139 ![
4140 ENT.A(KeyA (PK))
4141 REL(KeyA1 (PK, FK referencing Ent.A.KeyA), KeyA2 (FK referencing Ent.A.KeyA))
4142 ](fig/rel_mod/MappingRelationships5)
4143 \
4145 depending on the approach we chose.
4147 Binary $1:N$ and binary $M:N$ relationships are dealt with in a similar way, using foreign key or cross-reference approaches.
4148 The most difficult part of the mapping is with $n$-ary relationships: we have to use cross-reference approaches, but determining the primary key is not an easy task.
4149 Consider the following^[This developement was actually asked at <>.]:
4151 ![](fig/er/Gym)
4153 The arity constraints here can be rephrased as:
4155 - A member can reserve a particular equipment at multiple time slots (the $N$),
4156 - An equipment can be reserved at a particular time slot by only one member (the $1$ on the left),
4157 - A member can reserve only one equipment per time slot (the $1$ on the right).
4159 And note that there is no total participation constraint.
4161 To reprent the RESRVES relationship, we need to create a relation with attributes referencing the primary key of MEMBER, the primary key of TIME\_SLOT, and the primary key of EQUIPMENT.
4162 Making them all the primary key does not represent the fact that the same equipment cannot be booked twice during the same slot, nor that a member can book only one equipment per slot, but allows members to reserve a particular equipment at multiple time slots.
4163 To improve this situation, we can either
4165 #. take the foreign key to MEMBER and the foreign key to TIME\_SLOT to be the primary key of this relation,
4166 #. or take the foreign key to EQUIPMENT and the foreign key to TIME\_SLOT to be the primary key of this relation.
4168 Both solutions enforce only _some_ of the requirement expressed by the E.R. diagram.
4025 4169
4026 4170
4027 4171 ### Outro ### Outro
... ... Multivalued attribute | Relation and foreign key
4038 4182 Value set | Domain Value set | Domain
4039 4183 Key attribute | Primary key Key attribute | Primary key
4040 4184
4041 **Worked on PB 2 and 3 of HW4, that needs to be adapted. Needs to be written more properly. Cf. Drawing in Lecture 16's notes.**
4043 **Need to work on a better example, includings $n$-ary relationship, and propagate options.**
4185 You can have a look at e.g. <> to get a slightly different explanation of this conversion, and additional pointers.
4044 4186
4045 4187
4046 4188 ## Guidelines and Normal Form ## Guidelines and Normal Form
... ... Goals:
4054 4196 #. Minimum redundancy #. Minimum redundancy
4055 4197 #. Make queries easy (avoid redundant work, make `select` / `join` easy) #. Make queries easy (avoid redundant work, make `select` / `join` easy)
4056 4198
4199 For E.R. diagrams, some of the usual techniques^[Cf. for instance <>.] are:
4201 - Limit the use of weak entity sets.
4202 - Don't use an entity when an attribute will do.
4057 4204 ### General rules ### General rules
4058 4205
4059 4206 #### Semantics #### Semantics
... ... Think about their dependencies, and list them:
4152 4299
4153 4300 "What *is*.", can disprove some of the assumptions made previously, but shouldn't add new dependencies based on it (they may be by chance!). "What *is*.", can disprove some of the assumptions made previously, but shouldn't add new dependencies based on it (they may be by chance!).
4154 4301
4155 - Maybe `TEACHER.Office` → `TEACHER.Name` does not hold, because teachers share office?
4156 - Maybe `TEACHER.Name` → `MARKER.Brand` and `MARKER.Color` hold?
4302 - Maybe `TEACHER.Office` → `TEACHER.Name` does not hold, because teachers share offices?
4303 - Maybe `TEACHER.Name` → `MARKER.Brand` and `MARKER.Color` seemed to be enforced by the state, but we should not add a functional dependency based on that: there are no "requirement" that a Teacher must always buy the same brand and color, this could simply true be by chance so far and should not be imposed to the teachers.
4157 4304
4158 4305 A particular state cannot enforce a FD, but it can negate one. A particular state cannot enforce a FD, but it can negate one.
4159 4306
... ... For each attribute $A$ of the relation whose primary key is $A_1, …, A_n$:
4311 4458 - Remove $A$ from the original relation, as well as all the functional dependencies involving it, - Remove $A$ from the original relation, as well as all the functional dependencies involving it,
4312 4459 - Add a foreign key from $\{A'_1, …, A'_k\}$ to their original counterparts in the original relation. - Add a foreign key from $\{A'_1, …, A'_k\}$ to their original counterparts in the original relation.
4313 4460
4314 #### Notes and examples
4461 #### Examples
4463 We can have a look at another example:
4465 ![](fig/fd/DriverExample1)
4467 Note that \{State, Driver\_Licence\_Num\}, would be a valid primary key for this relation, and that adding it would make it a relation in 1NF.
4469 As we can see, the name "Driver" is somehow counter-intuitive, since the relation also carries information about Governors.
4470 This relation is actually not in 2NF, because the FD \{State, Driver\_Licence\_Num\} → Governor is not fully functional.
4471 A possible way to fix it is to get:
4473 ![](fig/fd/DriverExample2)
4475 As you can see, the 2NF helped us in separating properly the entities.
4477 An example of a relation that is in 2NF but not in 3NF could be:
4479 ![](fig/fd/StudentExample1)
4481 As we can see, all the non-prime attributes are fully functionaly dependent from Login, which is our primary key.
4482 But, obviously, one of this dependecy is transitive, and breaks the 3NF.
4483 A way to fix it is:
4485 ![](fig/fd/StudentExample2)
4315 4486
4316 CCL: every FD $X → Y$ s.t. $X$ is a proper subset of the primary key, or a non-prime attribute, is problematic.
4487 As we can see, 3NF also helped us in separating properly the entities, in a slightly different way.
4489 In conclusion, we can observe that every FD $X → Y$ s.t. $X$ is a proper subset of the primary key, or a non-prime attribute, is problematic.
4317 4490 2NF is a guarantee that every entity has its own relation, 3NF is a way to avoid data inconsistency. 2NF is a guarantee that every entity has its own relation, 3NF is a way to avoid data inconsistency.
4318 4491
4319 4492 --- ---
... ... This last feature can be used for weak entities, but not only.
4420 4593
4421 4594 Some of those subtleties depend on your need, and are subjective, but are important tool to design properly a database, and relieving the programmer from the burden of figuring out many details. Some of those subtleties depend on your need, and are subjective, but are important tool to design properly a database, and relieving the programmer from the burden of figuring out many details.
4422 4595
4596 <!--
4423 4597 ### Missing? ### Missing?
4424 4598
4425 4599 On Generalization On Generalization
... ... and
4429 4603 Example of Use Case Example of Use Case
4430 4604
4431 4605 **Example: cf. review session.** **Example: cf. review session.**
4606 -->
4433 4607
4434 4608 ## Exercises {-} ## Exercises {-}
4435 4609
... ... Author\_name | → | Author\_affil
5219 5393
5220 5394 --- ---
5221 5395
5223 Problem (From UML to relational model -- DRIVER) +.#UMLtoRELDriver
5224 ~
5226 Consider the UML diagram below, and convert it to the relational model.
5227 Don't forget to indicate primary and foreign keys.
5229 ![](fig/uml/Driver)
5231 ---
5233 5396 Problem (Normal form of the CONTACT relation) +.#NormalizeContact Problem (Normal form of the CONTACT relation) +.#NormalizeContact
5234 5397 ~ ~
5235 5398
... ... Problem (From business statements to dependencies -- KEYBOARD) +.#BusinessToDepe
5323 5486 #. Based on those statements, what could be a key for this relation? #. Based on those statements, what could be a key for this relation?
5324 5487 #. Assuming all those functional dependencies hold, and taking the primary key you identified at the previous step, what is the degree of normality of this relation? Justify your answer. #. Assuming all those functional dependencies hold, and taking the primary key you identified at the previous step, what is the degree of normality of this relation? Justify your answer.
5325 5488
5489 ---
5491 Problem (From UML to relational model -- DRIVER) +.#UMLtoRELDriver
5492 ~
5494 Consider the UML diagram below, and convert it to the relational model.
5495 Don't forget to indicate primary and foreign keys.
5497 ![](fig/uml/Driver)
5326 5499
5327 5500 ## Solution to Selected Problems {-} ## Solution to Selected Problems {-}
5328 5501
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