List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Add files via upload 4b23b55a1a74e30626ffb0908597a02b8c05c1ba poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:17:53
Add files via upload 7de4d7172002df5784c6585a382de55f35d909a8 poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:17:30
Add files via upload e7780bd581399dcc09a61771e79515b4e5eff1c2 poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:16:37
Initial commit 19b3cf0fb56429d4c4b5aabb08367390540246d5 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-02 15:09:01
Commit 4b23b55a1a74e30626ffb0908597a02b8c05c1ba - Add files via upload
Author: poonamveeral
Author date (UTC): 2020-04-02 15:17
Committer name: GitHub
Committer date (UTC): 2020-04-02 15:17
Parent(s): 7de4d7172002df5784c6585a382de55f35d909a8
Signing key: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
Signing status: E
Tree: de09c59791822d32802e27ba1b51453ae5f75497
File Lines added Lines deleted
notes/bib/bib.bib 122 0
notes/bib/entry.bib 11 0
notes/bib/test_entry.tex 8 0
File notes/bib/bib.bib added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..f5da919)
1 @book{Textbook6,
2 Author = {Elmasri, Ramez and Navathe, Shamkant B. },
3 Title = {Fundamentals of Database Systems (6th Edition)},
4 Publisher = {Pearson},
5 Year = {2010},
6 ISBN = {0136086209}
7 }
9 @book{Textbook7,
10 Author = {Elmasri, Ramez and Navathe, Shamkant B. },
11 Title = {Fundamentals of Database Systems (7th Edition)},
12 Publisher = {Pearson},
13 Year = {2015},
14 ISBN = {0133970779}
15 }
17 @book{Watt2014,
18 author = {Watt, Adrienne and Eng, Nelson},
19 title = {Database Design (2nd Edition)},
20 Publisher = {Victoria, B.C.: BCcampus},
21 year = 2014,
22 url={}
23 }
26 @book{NoSQLDistilled,
27 Author = {Pramod J. Sadalage and Martin Fowler},
28 Title = {NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence},
29 Publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional},
30 Year = {2012},
31 ISBN = {0321826620}
32 }
34 @book{Sullivan2015,
35 Author = {Sullivan, Dan},
36 Title = {NoSQL for Mere Mortals},
37 Publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional},
38 Year = {2015},
39 ISBN = {0134023218},
40 }
42 @article{Andrew2016,
43 author = {Pavlo, Andrew and Aslett, Matthew},
44 title = {What's Really New with NewSQL?},
45 journal = {{SIGMOD} Record},
46 volume = {45},
47 number = {2},
48 pages = {45--55},
49 year = {2016},
50 doi = {10.1145/3003665.3003674}
51 }
53 @book{Gaddis2014,
54 Author = {Gaddis, Tony },
55 Title = {Starting Out with Java: Early Objects (5th Edition)},
56 Publisher = {Pearson},
57 Year = {2014},
58 ISBN = {0133776743}
59 }
61 @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/osdi/ChangDGHWBCFG06,
62 author = {Fay Chang and
63 Jeffrey Dean and
64 Sanjay Ghemawat and
65 Wilson C. Hsieh and
66 Deborah A. Wallach and
67 Michael Burrows and
68 Tushar Chandra and
69 Andrew Fikes and
70 Robert Gruber},
71 title = {Bigtable: {A} Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (Awarded
72 Best Paper!)},
73 booktitle = {7th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation {(OSDI}
74 '06), November 6-8, Seattle, WA, {USA}},
75 pages = {205--218},
76 year = {2006},
77 crossref = {DBLP:conf/osdi/2006},
78 url = {}
79 }
81 @proceedings{DBLP:conf/osdi/2006,
82 editor = {Brian N. Bershad and
83 Jeffrey C. Mogul},
84 title = {7th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation {(OSDI}
85 '06), November 6-8, Seattle, WA, {USA}},
86 publisher = {{USENIX} Association},
87 year = {2006},
88 url = {[0]=im_group_audience%3A137},
89 isbn = {1-931971-47-1}
90 }
92 @inproceedings{Lakshman2009,
93 author={Lakshman, Avinash and Malik, Prashant},
94 url={},
95 title={Cassandra - A Decentralized Structured Storage System},
96 crossref={Ladis2009},
97 booktitle={LADIS 2009},
98 }
100 @proceedings{Ladis2009,
101 url={},
102 title={The 3rd ACM SIGOPS International Workshop on Large Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware},
103 month={October},
104 year={2009}
105 }
107 @book{knuth1989mathematical,
108 title={Mathematical Writing},
109 author={Knuth, Donald E. and Larrabee, Tracy and Roberts, Paul M.},
110 isbn={9780883850633},
111 series={MAA notes},
112 year={1989},
113 publisher={Mathematical Association of America}
114 }
116 @book{FactsOnFile,
117 Author = {Manser, Martin H.},
118 title={The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs},
119 Publisher = {Facts on File},
120 Year = {2007},
121 ISBN = {0816066736},
122 }
File notes/bib/entry.bib added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..44bbdf8)
1 @report{AubertCSCI3410-DatabaseSystems,
2 author={Aubert, Clément},
3 title={CSCI 3410 - Database Systems},
4 url={},
5 urldate={2019-11-03},
6 year={2019},
7 institution={{School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University}},
8 location={Augusta, Georgia, USA},
9 langid={en},
10 type={Lecture notes}
11 }
File notes/bib/test_entry.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..95032c9)
1 \documentclass{article}
2 \usepackage[backend=bibtex8]{biblatex}
3 \bibliography{entry}
5 \begin{document}
6 \nocite{*}
7 \printbibliography
8 \end{document}
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