List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Putting all latex material aside, changing class. e43fb54e6ecb0ec4669ed16feba940b47ee3e35c 2018-05-21 15:14:48
Gathering references, fixing many small typos, adding references in bib. 4f5281a0770f07d2f48f36462ab25f0a3945f4e0 2018-05-21 04:54:59
Finished merging exercises into lecture notes! 36e1f79080a8ac56837632bcac2c119fc3efa24f 2018-05-20 18:50:54
Almost done with the homeworks! f82824a2ca9769a0ecf8fc75d6bf1cae1ef3c7a4 2018-05-20 05:23:43
Travail sur intégration des exos dans les notes. c5a6676f85953c7bec9bb2de99bed3552ecf52af 2018-05-20 05:04:30
Les exercises compilent :-) d4230fce5210d1d8905a42d11634e49e82217541 2018-05-19 19:09:56
Progrès sur exercises. 40dd86cdc624209a2282d4437921f46325c2cfa1 2018-05-19 18:34:07
Working on exercises. 42549c8d28249f1ecf85dd21f6d004ae63c533ad 2018-05-19 05:43:04
Working on incorporating the exercises. f32148faeb8b11425fe9a57770db9bc85ae02c34 2018-05-19 04:51:37
working on sum for exo. 5fb55d2c31b06161ade3a7cae707485d8c02447a 2018-05-18 21:12:56
Adding various small notes. 5eac6e0b19441fca9a3f70f239d5cbbc4d769976 2018-05-17 20:37:14
First pass over! ea1e4f6ddabd91287d10384dc8f28565a762526b 2018-05-17 19:26:28
Working on notes on normal forms. 58bfcedc6bd6336592a5f93a43ffc0aaf64fa8f6 2018-05-16 16:40:12
Initial commit, draft of lecture notes. 200d2739bca881d60c7c9381b16f5a4d6384ff29 2018-05-16 15:35:36
Commit e43fb54e6ecb0ec4669ed16feba940b47ee3e35c - Putting all latex material aside, changing class.
Author date (UTC): 2018-05-21 15:14
Committer name:
Committer date (UTC): 2018-05-21 15:14
Parent(s): 4f5281a0770f07d2f48f36462ab25f0a3945f4e0
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 6420633fe8e7264bef595180210e14180d94dee9
File Lines added Lines deleted
notes/ 0 2
notes/ 26 23
File notes/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 9720a93..18836d1)
... ... use --top-level-division=chapter?
14 14 TO DO TO DO
15 15 ======= =======
16 16
17 - Integrate homework.
19 17 - Make nice drawing - Make nice drawing
20 18
21 19 - Organize scans (FunDep, ER, UML, Rel, Design, Misc?). - Organize scans (FunDep, ER, UML, Rel, Design, Misc?).
File notes/ changed (mode: 100644) (index f64e5b3..9c11bc0)
... ... institute: Augusta University
10 10 dir: ltr dir: ltr
11 11 lang: en lang: en
12 12 numbersections: true numbersections: true
13 mainfont: Linux Libertine O
13 14 keywords: keywords:
14 15 - Computer Science - Computer Science
15 16 - Database - Database
16 17 - MySQL programming - MySQL programming
17 18 header-includes: header-includes:
18 - \usepackage[table]{xcolor}
19 - \setromanfont[Ligatures={Common,TeX}]{Linux Libertine O}
20 - \setmainfont[Ligatures={Common,TeX}]{Linux Libertine O}
21 - \setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono Light}
22 - \setmonofont[SmallCapsFont={Latin Modern Mono Caps}]{Latin Modern Mono Light}
23 - \usepackage{xunicode}
24 - \usepackage{fvextra}
25 - \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Highlighting}{Verbatim}{breaklines,commandchars=\\\{\}}
26 - \definecolor{lgray}{HTML}{e6e7e8}
27 19 - \usepackage{latex/packages} - \usepackage{latex/packages}
28 - \colorlet{lightgray}{gray!20}
29 20 --- ---
30 21
31 22 <!-- <!--
... ... pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --toc --filter pandoc-citeproc --top-level
33 24 --> -->
34 25
35 26
36 References are listed at the very end of this document, [here](#references).
27 References are listed at the very end of this document, [here](#ref).
37 29 We will be using, as a textbook, [@Textbook6; @Textbook7], you can take one edition or the other. We will be using, as a textbook, [@Textbook6; @Textbook7], you can take one edition or the other.
38 30
39 31 A A
... ... The syllabus is at <>.
46 38
47 39 All section starts with a list of ressources and ends with exercises, solution to the exercises, and problems. All section starts with a list of ressources and ends with exercises, solution to the exercises, and problems.
48 40
41 ## TODO
43 - Color support?
44 - List drawing and sort them, then add drawing in Latex, find a way for a separate compilation.
45 - Make separation of lecture in another way.
46 - Add example environment?
47 - Add title to problem, and solve their naming / referencing issue.
49 50
50 51 # Introduction # Introduction
51 52
... ... UPDATE ADDRESS SET Habitants = 3 WHERE Number = 120;
2166 2167 ~~~ ~~~
2167 2168
2168 2169
2169 ### Repetiting Tuples in MySQL {#repetition}
2170 ### Repetiting Tuples in MySQL
2172 Problem +.#repetition
2170 2173
2171 2174 Log in as `testuser` and create a database `HW_2Q4`. Tell MySQL that you want to use that database, and create a table (I will assume you named it `EXAMPLE` in the following, but you are free to name it the way you want) with at least two attributes that have different data types. Don't declare a primary key yet. Answer the following: Log in as `testuser` and create a database `HW_2Q4`. Tell MySQL that you want to use that database, and create a table (I will assume you named it `EXAMPLE` in the following, but you are free to name it the way you want) with at least two attributes that have different data types. Don't declare a primary key yet. Answer the following:
2172 2175
... ... Log in as `testuser` and create a database `HW_2Q4`. Tell MySQL that you want to
2207 2210
2208 2211 ### Prof Revisited ### Prof Revisited
2209 2212
2213 Problem +.#profrevisited
2210 2215 Create the `PROF`, `STUDENT`, `DEPARTMENT` and `GRADE` tables as during the lecture. Create the `PROF`, `STUDENT`, `DEPARTMENT` and `GRADE` tables as during the lecture.
2211 2216 Populate them with some data. Populate them with some data.
2212 2217
2446 2451 ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'Train' for key 'PRIMARY' ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'Train' for key 'PRIMARY'
2447 2452 ~~~ ~~~
2448 2453
2449 ### Solution For Prof Revisited
2454 ### Solution For @problem:profrevisited
2450 2455
2451 %Solution +.#
2452 2456
2453 2457 ~~~{.sqlmysql} ~~~{.sqlmysql}
... ... OR
3715 3719 \draw (car) edge[total] node[above, sloped]{$N$} (accident); \draw (car) edge[total] node[above, sloped]{$N$} (accident);
3716 3720 \end{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
3717 3721
3718 Problem +.#
3722 Problem +.#ERtoREL
3719 3723
3720 3724 Apply the ER-to-Relation mapping to your ER diagram from the previous problem. Apply the ER-to-Relation mapping to your ER diagram from the previous problem.
3721 3725
... ... Normalize the "FLIGHT" relation to its third normal form.
3799 3803 You can indicate your steps, justify your reasoning, and indicate the foreign keys if you want to, but don't have to. You can indicate your steps, justify your reasoning, and indicate the foreign keys if you want to, but don't have to.
3800 3804
3801 3805
3803 Problem +.#Bike
3806 Problem +.#bike
3804 3807
3805 3808 This problem asks you to convert business statements into dependencies. This problem asks you to convert business statements into dependencies.
3806 3809 Consider the following relation: Consider the following relation:
... ... Author\_name | → | Author\_affil
3864 3867
3865 3868
3866 3869 Problem +.# Problem +.#
3867 Consider the following requirements for a UNIVERSITY database, used to keep track of students' transcripts.
3870 ~ Consider the following requirements for a UNIVERSITY database, used to keep track of students' transcripts.
3868 3871
3869 3872 #. The university keeps track of each student's name, student number, class (freshman, sophomore, …, graduate), major department, minor department (if any), and degree program (B.A., B.S., …, Ph.D.). #. The university keeps track of each student's name, student number, class (freshman, sophomore, …, graduate), major department, minor department (if any), and degree program (B.A., B.S., …, Ph.D.).
3870 3873 Student number has unique values for each student. Student number has unique values for each student.
... ... Note that a car can have at most one driver, \(N\) passengers, \(N\) insurances,
4028 4031 3. Convert the E.-R. diagram to a U.M.L. class diagram. Comparing Figure 7.16 with Figure 7.2 from your textbook should guide you. 3. Convert the E.-R. diagram to a U.M.L. class diagram. Comparing Figure 7.16 with Figure 7.2 from your textbook should guide you.
4029 4032
4030 4033
4031 Problem +.#MYSQLW
4034 Problem +.#mysqlw
4032 4035
4033 4036 In this exercise, we will install and explore the basic functionalities of MySQL Workbench, which is a cross-platform, open-source, and free graphical interface for database design. In this exercise, we will install and explore the basic functionalities of MySQL Workbench, which is a cross-platform, open-source, and free graphical interface for database design.
4034 4037
... ... In this exercise, we will install and explore the basic functionalities of MySQL
4044 4047
4045 4048 Problem +.#ReverseEng Problem +.#ReverseEng
4046 4049
4047 *This problem requires you to have successfully completed @probleme:MYSQLW and @problem:ERtoREL.*
4050 *This problem requires you to have successfully completed @problem:mysqlw and @problem:ERtoREL.*
4048 4051
4049 Using the relational database schema you obtained in question~\ref{ERtoREL} of @problem:ERtoREL, write the `SQL` implementation of that database.
4052 Using the relational database schema you obtained in @problem:ERtoREL, write the `SQL` implementation of that database.
4050 4053 Then, using MySQL Workbench, use the "Reverse Engineering" function to obtain a E.E.R. diagram of your database, and compare it with the U.M.L. diagram you draw in question~ \ref{ERtoUML} of @problem:ERtoREL. Then, using MySQL Workbench, use the "Reverse Engineering" function to obtain a E.E.R. diagram of your database, and compare it with the U.M.L. diagram you draw in question~ \ref{ERtoUML} of @problem:ERtoREL.
4051 4054 Apart from the difference inherent to the nature of the diagram (i.e., U.M.L. Vs E.E.R.), how are they the same? How do they differ? Is the automated tool as efficient and accurate as you are? Apart from the difference inherent to the nature of the diagram (i.e., U.M.L. Vs E.E.R.), how are they the same? How do they differ? Is the automated tool as efficient and accurate as you are?
4052 4055
... ... We can normalize it as
4200 4203 - Because of \{Book title\} → \{ Book\_type\} → \{ List\_price\}\\ - Because of \{Book title\} → \{ Book\_type\} → \{ List\_price\}\\
4201 4204 (Book Title, Publisher, Book Type) and (Book Type, List Price), (Author Name, Author Affiliation), (Author Name, Book Title). (Book Title, Publisher, Book Type) and (Book Type, List Price), (Author Name, Author Affiliation), (Author Name, Book Title).
4202 4205
4203 Solution for @probleme:MYSQLW
4206 Solution for @problem:mysqlw
4204 4207 ~ For "Car", we need to create an attribute, like "vin". ~ For "Car", we need to create an attribute, like "vin".
4205 4208 For "Car Insurance", "Policy Number" is perfect. For "Car Insurance", "Policy Number" is perfect.
4206 4209
... ... On top of the [references](references), were useful in the writing of those note
5369 5372 - <> - <>
5370 5373
5371 5374
5372 # References {#references}
5375 # References {#ref}
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