/KNOWN_BUGS.md (60e12dd6cedaa3d4106ce642145e109443c6a84d) (3094 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)


- Add triggers and stored procedures?
- Add content on Security and "Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles."
- Add six first questions of Exam #2 Fall 2017
- Mention / discuss propagate options, and UNIQUE / NOT NULL, etc. options on particular attributes, during the discussion on how to map E.R. diagram to the relational model.



- Re-type img/ and organize them (FunDep, ER, UML, Rel, Design, Misc?).
- There is no clear naming convention for the files in the fig/ folder.
- Add "question" environments to _all_ the problems.
- "Inline" small code with `ALTER TABLE STAFF ADD PRIMARY KEY(Id);`{.sqlmysql}
- Add list of problems for exams.
- Make separation of lecture in another way. Or remove it?
- Make all the common part of the template.def into a common file?
- There is no good naming convention for the labels in the markdown file.
- Include relevant code
- Add example environment?
- Having one bib. per section: <https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/771>. Warning, this is a different issue from using `--reference-location=block --reference-links`  cf. <https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html>.


- The source code is often more complicated than needed.
- The colors should be unified, and kept to a low number.
- Start using <https://gist.github.com/rodneyrehm/40e7946c0cff68a31cea> to draw the diagrams for the documentation ?
- That every ER diag. has a (correct) description.


- fig_svg should wait for fig to be completed before starting.
- The Phony rules should be called only if needed.


- Add alt text
- Add the possibility for the table of content to "follow" the reading, expanding the titles as we go, and highlighting the current section under reading. This could be achieved using something similar to <https://jsfiddle.net/vu6hN/28/> (cf. <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27610892/highlight-menu-on-scrolling-if-reach-div>).
- Make a more "mobile-friendly" version. Defer loading of image?


- The header are sometimes wrong (in the "Exercises" or "Problems" section, they keep the header of the last section).
- Offer multiple pdf format (binder, fewer margins?)


- It could be of interest to offer other formats (cf. <http://pandoc.org/> for a complete list), like `epub` or `docx`.


- Compress / optimize outputs?
- Add ressources from colleagues:
    - <http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/dscb.html>
    - <https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/textbooks/database-design-2nd-edition>
    - <https://www.irif.fr/~amelie/BD.html>


- Check with `jhove 00_sum.pdf`, `pdfinfo 00_sum.pdf` the validity of the document.
- Check that order of exercises / problems match introduction in lecture.
- Check that solution of exercises numbering match exercise numbering.
- Inline descriptions?
- In the abbreviations, S.Q.L. and U.M.L. and E.R., etc, or drop the .?
- Consistency, in general.
- Spelling, in general.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 389 8052619aa396d4180904e6a2dca7d10e1774e5a0 CONTRIB.md
100644 blob 3094 60e12dd6cedaa3d4106ce642145e109443c6a84d KNOWN_BUGS.md
100644 blob 17177 45e6f62aefef35ec4efdd5799f7116cae04ebec9 LICENSE.md
100644 blob 3216 40eb9225dcc7394aeb8b3a3d567f568d23c15ea8 README.md
040000 tree - 0ef53f83283451afbcb9300a10c87a27b6f4e484 notes
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