caubert / HW_Template (public) (License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) (since 2019-05-20) (hash sha1)
Latex macros and document to create easily homeworks, quizzes, exams and final exams for the computer science classes I teach.

/template.tex (2a4dc59cd1cca3f4312b9b1a641b48db5e6dc707) (3149 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

% Specific to the document
\newcommand{\hwNum}{2} % Number of the Homework / Quiz / Exam / Final.



% Debugging:
% \noindent Homework: \IfTagSetTF{hw}{true}{false}\\
% Quiz: \IfTagSetTF{qz}{true}{false}\\
% Exam: \IfTagSetTF{ex}{true}{false}\\
% Finale:	\IfTagSetTF{fi}{true}{false}

	\section{Part I -- Questions}

	Homework question.


\begin{exercise}[tags={qz}, points={12}]
	Quizz question.

\begin{problem}[tags={ex}, points={30}]
Test, examen.

\begin{problem}[tags={fi}, points={30}]
Test, final.


\begin{center}\LARGE \aldineleft \end{center}
\section{Part II -- Problems}

Problem for homework, and various useful snippets.

\SI{100}{\gram}, %

	\begin{tabular}{c c}
		\rowcolor{gray!40} \rule{0pt}{25pt} \textbf{Operation} & \textbf{Result}\\
		\mintinline{csharp}{3 + 4} & \mintinline{csharp}{7}\\
		\mintinline{csharp}{3 - 4} & \mintinline{csharp}{-1}\\
		\mintinline{csharp}{3 * 4} & \mintinline{csharp}{12}\\
		\mintinline{csharp}{6 / 2} & \mintinline{csharp}{3}\\
		\mintinline{csharp}{6 % 4} & \mintinline{csharp}{2}

Here is an example of execution, where the user input is underlined, and hitting \enquote{enter} is represented by {\symb ↵}:

Please, enter your name, followed by enter.
|\underline{Clément{\symb ↵}}|
Please, enter your area code, followed by enter.
|\underline{828{\symb ↵}}|
Your id is Clément828
Press any key to continue . . .

		- radius : float\hspace*{4em}\\
		+ setRadius(radiusParam : float) : void\\
		+ getRadius(): float\\
		+ getArea(): float\\\hline

public void SetRadius(double RadiusArgument)
radius = RadiusArgument;

See Listings~\ref{figex1}, where the user input is underlined, and hitting carriage return is represented by {\symb ↵}.

	Enter 'c' for 10x15cm, anything else for 8x11in.
	|\underline{c{\symb ↵}}|
	Is this your first time here? Type 'y' for 'yes'.
	|\underline{y{\symb ↵}}|
	Enter a number of copies.
	|\underline{90{\symb ↵}}|
	We cherish our new customers, so we are giving you a $3 discount!
	Your total is $13,50. You had a 10% discount!
	\caption{A First Example of Execution for Problem~\autoref{pb:test}}

	FName VARCHAR(30),
	LName VARCHAR(30),


Mode Type Size Ref File
040000 tree - a1136a5f7a1920eccd50038dff2d9e6598e392b2 latex
100644 blob 359 57c4371348ce14aac381e956cf4ee4f8a97755ac main.tex
100644 blob 3149 2a4dc59cd1cca3f4312b9b1a641b48db5e6dc707 template.tex
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