/README.md (ac3944627b46e5914bc225d541cab61e13102ad4) (896 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

# Botly

This is a bot base for Discord, made using Discord.py API. The base consists
of an event handling core. It loads the reactions from the given parent module
directory. The reactions consists of a hook to an event, a trigger that defines
when it should activate and a reaction logic when it runs.

## Dependencies

- Discord.py API: https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py
- lxml

## Usage

Install the dependencies:

pip install discord.py

pip install lxml

Review the example robot for a presentation of the bot structure. It includes
a file documenting the available methods for event processing in the `reactions`

The Discord bot token should be set in the XML database file. An example of
this file is bundled with the example.

In your main, instantiate Botly along with the base module directory then the
UNIX path to the XML database file.

Run with python.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 896 ac3944627b46e5914bc225d541cab61e13102ad4 README.md
040000 tree - 7fe31426b83442fe984fbceaebdfe52b5027603f botly
100644 blob 172 3f148ab99d152565c46e51fd45e51030417f7faa example.py
040000 tree - 397dee229020cc10f79921f6d7253dcd4a117273 examplebot
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