gdr / tuntox (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2017-01-24) (hash sha1)
Tunnel TCP connections over the Tox protocol

/ (59799b0ded35ed81dcaf0e4a32fcf974a0339836) (869 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

* Install c-toxcore (libtoxav and the DNS client are not required)
* git clone
* cd tuntox
* make

The makefile creates a static binary by default. If you're not a fan of static binaries, `make tuntox_nostatic`. 

One reason to do so may be if you'd like to resolve hostnames on the tuntox server (invoke client with `-L` instead of `-L 80:`). 

Static linking breaks hostname resolution, but IMHO the pros overweight the cons.

## MacOS build
Basically the same as above but:

* static compiling is removed - you can't do this on MacOS platform (no, just don't)
* because of removed `-static` you can't resolve hostnames (you can always put it into `hosts` file in your system)

If you'd like to build on Mac do: `make -f Makefile.mac`

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 281 8b6eea76cbea14a93132b1ec7744f471c073041c .gitignore
100644 blob 2038 44555dd0851d66df2f887362f3eb94cd4fc60b67 .travis.yml
100644 blob 869 59799b0ded35ed81dcaf0e4a32fcf974a0339836
100644 blob 35058 2061be2b732ea86101a7c0d5f4df0bbbfb830a30
100644 blob 899 33ea64b85fa65567e5b8ca34ede0ce6644868c21 Makefile
100644 blob 637 ee41cdaf376b4cb8eca51751b170e4c698167dda Makefile.mac
100644 blob 5986 6007e7592ba7d409ba66a1e1d7b92369b7423524
100644 blob 1829 3c5751556266109b70e7e3088f9918dc43c8f8f8
100644 blob 19197 aaa3f67c50eda0587d47c485c80de3de2e076be7 client.c
100644 blob 719 db71d40fb0270358a0fe473be54812acd544b6a4 client.h
100644 blob 3956 44281c9e202e8688cad141b05ec6a02364a3dc69
100644 blob 176 52f9d71f3415d613e0cf73edd6d05a2a27fdfd8a gitversion.c
100644 blob 2085 acb45b84f5abf7ead93318f1680d0a3af1bdc070 log.c
100644 blob 705 11d07d5557d3a46cdb1fc923252c9b197458d277 log.h
100644 blob 549 a9095f6b9cc0f97ddc698e07a4606b37822ba61c mach.c
100644 blob 287 5ac9a4e29fbb831ba2cfa6dc98589ffaf381b91b mach.h
100644 blob 41738 367897ffc8acb8b18a0afe67807d9c44ea62c54b main.c
100644 blob 3316 106525fa1bb0e36f8e2083fa9ca65bd20803ef7c main.h
040000 tree - 9fc0b45bf62d115143aae3926e70bbb221d1d982 scripts
100644 blob 34382 c6d3857ba5e846807a81f089575fa64058c81496 tox_bootstrap.h
100644 blob 12536 75e9dc5ed9399120416e8da5f24d1ccde41cf901 utarray.h
100644 blob 61492 7205c67efa27c66884c8d4d1c8a105d4854a0548 uthash.h
100644 blob 4006 a2f60deeed5ba62684753f2aef363d06ff76ded2 util.c
100644 blob 638 7dced6b423b39797c2589660864ea61cc34d5416 util.h
100644 blob 55882 b5f3f04c104785a57d8280c37c1b19b36068e56e utlist.h
100644 blob 11555 867442c843dbe6bf096a488e3ce9ec6323809f7f utstring.h
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