iam-git / ArLan (public) (License: MIT) (since 2021-11-13) (hash sha1)
ArLan is an gopher client for Amiga flavour OSes (originally for AROS). Written in freepascal.

/ReadMe (4b340345c4ae30c28b68b5d45dd255e6c6531ed2) (541 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

ArLan_0.1: Simple Gopher client (originally) for AROS.

ArLan is result of my amateur tinkering in FreePascal.
homepage: gopher://smol.pub/iam/arlan
e-mail: ger-alex@seznam.cz

Souce code can be found on

MUIClass package (and examples) authored by
Dr. rer. nat. Marcus Sackrow is extensively used

Fetch function was stolen from Little gopher client's code
Kostas Michalopoulos <badsector@runtimeterror.com>

Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 541 4b340345c4ae30c28b68b5d45dd255e6c6531ed2 ReadMe
100755 blob 17800 0978a58982f582f25a7ecf07180e5e291bc5f8e3 arlan.pas
100755 blob 2379 6c8ad90e7583d80c442f3e6d2abbfeeba6ce016a doublelinked.pas
100755 blob 3123 9f5f66755008c22abc8d9d706be723bed977474b misc.pas
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