List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
textfield: cover more html characters aecd5997b5f1db463524550a9f3a784701c080c8 Alex 2022-07-27 04:59:07
feedtree: polish status messages 3eb570cfff3d3f8d285542954368cf11aa449615 Alex 2022-07-27 02:54:45
feedtree: implement direct work with curl's easy interface 7ff0dc14b7a436545cedf9ea3d3c8e724dba323c Alex 2022-07-27 02:36:08
IvoRSS: prepare optional parametr UseDefaultDownloader c167731044a81a2091f93557d7d908f671c20133 Alex 2022-07-26 02:32:56
feedtree: prepare custom curl handling 70eb6c5f40d698b4ad017752f54daed1a09647d5 Alex 2022-07-26 02:01:24
feedtree: explicitly mark when GroupFetch is ready and show time spent 83fe01fb883fcc66849da02eecbdc61f6ea52b99 Alex 2022-07-25 01:18:47
feedtree: rework fetcher to not rely on guids 760fc788f0297847469290a5c75e3df95da3cfe8 Alex 2022-07-24 22:25:26
IvoRSS: change version to 1.1 It's time to release! 8f883741fce50dc3e9c869c2e41e1fb8b67b0048 Alex 2022-07-24 04:19:12
feeds: add even more Amiga related feeds b19a07dcdd1f198e6fff88f13c16962e6ab73084 Alex 2022-07-24 04:18:08
feedtree: reload rss channel whenever user decides to fetch 52c6dde8b832490b873b02d2157da3bc81b73e54 Alex 2022-07-24 04:10:09
lurk: seru na to, parser spouštím pro každej link zvlášť 5b0a792527510716e36da04e36689765907500c2 Alex 2022-07-24 02:06:56
do not let text labels to explode eeec1ccb6b0c3c90e2e0803021817a07489c1093 Alex 2022-07-24 01:36:32
IvoR: use title and guid as unique identificators. Hash them to avoid numerous issues with serializer 5a6fe4419c9cfdd0a03e18dfb45cf6fb47fff582 Alex 2022-07-24 01:16:36
lurk: use raw encoding where is possible. Use italic font style for possible rss channels 102d33ee8611a392b048d4c640bf27d9ad93d6a8 Alex 2022-07-23 23:34:34
feedtree: bacha na mezery v indexech d286760ac19d7b5cf4c3b591a2818f37f2ece3d7 Alex 2022-07-23 23:32:34
textfiled: malinkatá puntičkářská změna 4dc5b68943d1b28fa4f83bd4289e3887668b668f Alex 2022-07-23 21:58:13
feedtree: guid-less channels workaround 99e7e725b1e5ec6a3682b2fbd670f3a719d5727c Alex 2022-07-23 02:14:23
lurk: rework links parsing 27d2aa01be8796427acc9753918a25ca336a523f Alex 2022-07-23 01:50:51
lurk: accept more possible MIME types 851689d4324eea12e0c2ecca65557a130006d253 Alex 2022-07-22 23:58:37
pridat mezeru 9e6e85bc191e313bbe842052bd92671bfece74c1 Alex 2022-07-21 02:18:44
Commit aecd5997b5f1db463524550a9f3a784701c080c8 - textfield: cover more html characters
Author: Alex
Author date (UTC): 2022-07-27 04:59
Committer name: Alex
Committer date (UTC): 2022-07-27 04:59
Parent(s): 3eb570cfff3d3f8d285542954368cf11aa449615
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: c30e882b64f245b0f43f22be0fa4f43c7c06a40e
File Lines added Lines deleted
textfield.hws 286 3
File textfield.hws changed (mode: 100755) (index bc71996..5b70109)
... ... Function tf_HtmlCharacters(html$)
44 44
45 45 ;č A teď... ;č A teď...
46 46 html$ = PatternReplaceStr(html$, "&#(%d+);", Chr) html$ = PatternReplaceStr(html$, "&#(%d+);", Chr)
47 html$ = PatternReplaceStr(html$, "&(.-);", htmlChr)
47 48
48 49 Return(html$) Return(html$)
49 50 EndFunction EndFunction
50 51
52 Function htmlChr(str$)
53 Local code = RawGet(html_table, str$)
54 Return(IIf(IsNil(code), "&"..str$, Chr(code)))
55 EndFunction
51 56
52 57
53 58 Function tf_ParseHTML(html$) Function tf_ParseHTML(html$)
... ... Function tf_StripHTML(html$)
99 104 ;html$ = PatternReplaceStr(html$, "<span.->", "") ;html$ = PatternReplaceStr(html$, "<span.->", "")
100 105
101 106 html$ = PatternReplaceStr(html$, "<.->", "") html$ = PatternReplaceStr(html$, "<.->", "")
104 107 Return(html$) Return(html$)
105 EndFunction
108 EndFunction
111 html_table = {}
112 html_table["amp"] = 38
113 html_table["lt"] = 60
114 html_table["gt"] = 62
116 html_table["nbsp"] = 160
117 html_table["iexcl"] = 161
118 html_table["cent"] = 162
119 html_table["pound"] = 163
120 html_table["curren"] = 164
121 html_table["yen"] = 165
122 html_table["brvbar"] = 166
123 html_table["sect"] = 167
124 html_table["uml"] = 168
125 html_table["copy"] = 169
126 html_table["ordf"] = 170
127 html_table["laquo"] = 171
128 html_table["not"] = 172
129 html_table["shy"] = 173
130 html_table["reg"] = 174
131 html_table["macr"] = 175
132 html_table["deg"] = 176
133 html_table["plusmn"] = 177
134 html_table["sup2"] = 178
135 html_table["sup3"] = 179
136 html_table["acute"] = 180
137 html_table["micro"] = 181
138 html_table["para"] = 182
139 html_table["cedil"] = 184
140 html_table["sup1"] = 185
141 html_table["ordm"] = 186
142 html_table["raquo"] = 187
143 html_table["frac14"] = 188
144 html_table["frac12"] = 189
145 html_table["frac34"] = 190
146 html_table["iquest"] = 191
147 html_table["times"] = 215
148 html_table["divide"] = 247
151 html_table["OElig"] = 338
152 html_table["oelig"] = 339
153 html_table["Scaron"] = 352
154 html_table["scaron"] = 353
155 html_table["Yuml"] = 376
156 html_table["fnof"] = 402
157 html_table["circ"] = 710
158 html_table["tilde"] = 732
159 html_table["ensp"] = 8194
160 html_table["emsp"] = 8195
161 html_table["thinsp"] = 8201
162 html_table["zwnj"] = 8204
163 html_table["zwj"] = 8205
164 html_table["lrm"] = 8206
165 html_table["rlm"] = 8207
166 html_table["ndash"] = 8211
167 html_table["mdash"] = 8212
168 html_table["lsquo"] = 8216
169 html_table["rsquo"] = 8217
170 html_table["sbquo"] = 8218
171 html_table["ldquo"] = 8220
172 html_table["rdquo"] = 8221
173 html_table["bdquo"] = 8222
174 html_table["dagger"] = 8224
175 html_table["Dagger"] = 8225
176 html_table["bull"] = 8226
177 html_table["hellip"] = 8230
178 html_table["permil"] = 8240
179 html_table["prime"] = 8242
180 html_table["Prime"] = 8243
181 html_table["lsaquo"] = 8249
182 html_table["rsaquo"] = 8250
183 html_table["oline"] = 8254
184 html_table["euro"] = 8364
185 html_table["trade"] = 8482
186 html_table["larr"] = 8592
187 html_table["uarr"] = 8593
188 html_table["rarr"] = 8594
189 html_table["darr"] = 8595
190 html_table["harr"] = 8596
191 html_table["crarr"] = 8629
192 html_table["lceil"] = 8968
193 html_table["rceil"] = 8969
194 html_table["lfloor"] = 8970
195 html_table["rfloor"] = 8971
196 html_table["loz"] = 9674
197 html_table["spades"] = 9824
198 html_table["clubs"] = 9827
199 html_table["hearts"] = 9829
200 html_table["diams"] = 9830
205 html_table["nbsp"] = 160
206 html_table["iexcl"] = 161
207 html_table["cent"] = 162
208 html_table["pound"] = 163
209 html_table["curren"] = 164
210 html_table["yen"] = 165
211 html_table["brvbar"] = 166
212 html_table["sect"] = 167
213 html_table["uml"] = 168
214 html_table["copy"] = 169
215 html_table["ordf"] = 170
216 html_table["laquo"] = 171
217 html_table["not"] = 172
218 html_table["shy"] = 173
219 html_table["reg"] = 174
220 html_table["macr"] = 175
221 html_table["deg"] = 176
222 html_table["plusmn"] = 177
223 html_table["sup2"] = 178
224 html_table["sup3"] = 179
225 html_table["acute"] = 180
226 html_table["micro"] = 181
227 html_table["para"] = 182
228 html_table["middot"] = 183
229 html_table["cedil"] = 184
230 html_table["sup1"] = 185
231 html_table["ordm"] = 186
232 html_table["raquo"] = 187
233 html_table["frac14"] = 188
234 html_table["frac12"] = 189
235 html_table["frac34"] = 190
236 html_table["iquest"] = 191
237 html_table["Agrave"] = 192
238 html_table["Aacute"] = 193
239 html_table["Acirc"] = 194
240 html_table["Atilde"] = 195
241 html_table["Auml"] = 196
242 html_table["Aring"] = 197
243 html_table["AElig"] = 198
244 html_table["Ccedil"] = 199
245 html_table["Egrave"] = 200
246 html_table["Eacute"] = 201
247 html_table["Ecirc"] = 202
248 html_table["Euml"] = 203
249 html_table["Igrave"] = 204
250 html_table["Iacute"] = 205
251 html_table["Icirc"] = 206
252 html_table["Iuml"] = 207
253 html_table["ETH"] = 208
254 html_table["Ntilde"] = 209
255 html_table["Ograve"] = 210
256 html_table["Oacute"] = 211
257 html_table["Ocirc"] = 212
258 html_table["Otilde"] = 213
259 html_table["Ouml"] = 214
260 html_table["times"] = 215
261 html_table["Oslash"] = 216
262 html_table["Ugrave"] = 217
263 html_table["Uacute"] = 218
264 html_table["Ucirc"] = 219
265 html_table["Uuml"] = 220
266 html_table["Yacute"] = 221
267 html_table["THORN"] = 222
268 html_table["szlig"] = 223
269 html_table["agrave"] = 224
270 html_table["aacute"] = 225
271 html_table["acirc"] = 226
272 html_table["atilde"] = 227
273 html_table["auml"] = 228
274 html_table["aring"] = 229
275 html_table["aelig"] = 230
276 html_table["ccedil"] = 231
277 html_table["egrave"] = 232
278 html_table["eacute"] = 233
279 html_table["ecirc"] = 234
280 html_table["euml"] = 235
281 html_table["igrave"] = 236
282 html_table["iacute"] = 237
283 html_table["icirc"] = 238
284 html_table["iuml"] = 239
285 html_table["eth"] = 240
286 html_table["ntilde"] = 241
287 html_table["ograve"] = 242
288 html_table["oacute"] = 243
289 html_table["ocirc"] = 244
290 html_table["otilde"] = 245
291 html_table["ouml"] = 246
292 html_table["divide"] = 247
293 html_table["oslash"] = 248
294 html_table["ugrave"] = 249
295 html_table["uacute"] = 250
296 html_table["ucirc"] = 251
297 html_table["uuml"] = 252
298 html_table["yacute"] = 253
299 html_table["thorn"] = 254
300 html_table["yuml"] = 255
303 html_table["OElig"] = 338
304 html_table["oelig"] = 339
307 html_table["Scaron"] = 352
308 html_table["scaron"] = 353
311 html_table["Yuml"] = 376
313 html_table["fnof"] = 402
315 html_table["circ"] = 710
317 html_table["tilde"] = 732
322 html_table["ensp"] = 8194
323 html_table["emsp"] = 8195
325 html_table["thinsp"] = 8201
326 html_table["zwnj"] = 8204
327 html_table["zwj"] = 8205
329 html_table["lrm"] = 8206
330 html_table["rlm"] = 8207
333 html_table["ndash"] = 8211
334 html_table["mdash"] = 8212
336 html_table["lsquo"] = 8216
337 html_table["rsquo"] = 8217
338 html_table["sbquo"] = 8218
340 html_table["ldquo"] = 8220
341 html_table["rdquo"] = 8221
342 html_table["bdquo"] = 8222
344 html_table["dagger"] = 8224
345 html_table["Dagger"] = 8225
346 html_table["bull"] = 8226
348 html_table["hellip"] = 8230
350 html_table["permil"] = 8240
352 html_table["prime"] = 8242
353 html_table["Prime"] = 8243
355 html_table["lsaquo"] = 8249
356 html_table["rsaquo"] = 8250
359 html_table["oline"] = 8254
361 html_table["frasl"] = 8260
363 html_table["euro"] = 8364
365 html_table["image"] = 8465
367 html_table["weierp"] = 8472
369 html_table["real"] = 8476
371 html_table["trade"] = 8482
373 html_table["alefsym"] = 8501
375 html_table["larr"] = 8592
376 html_table["uarr"] = 8593
377 html_table["rarr"] = 8594
378 html_table["darr"] = 8595
379 html_table["harr"] = 8596
381 html_table["crarr"] = 8629
383 html_table["lArr"] = 8656
384 html_table["uArr"] = 8657
385 html_table["rArr"] = 8658
386 html_table["dArr"] = 8659
387 html_table["hArr"] = 8660
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