List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
show items list ee6686fc57690fc236aefc334861dbf0fd65b2ce Alex 2022-06-19 01:42:38
parse channel title and description 96ec5e38931158d27a75c0fe922fd14a8647dba1 Alex 2022-06-18 23:53:49
add XML parser... 4f2d6297a47fe2f9f377bf9ce5afd9545cf9ae2f Alex 2022-06-18 14:29:17
prepare textfield b88f2e78f55a4ba7e62f674bcdf38615f3d3eb09 Alex 2022-06-18 02:35:37
initial commit 702a1b31f80bf565bf20cc6ecc4e9d748d772363 Alex 2022-06-17 23:42:13
Commit ee6686fc57690fc236aefc334861dbf0fd65b2ce - show items list
Author: Alex
Author date (UTC): 2022-06-19 01:42
Committer name: Alex
Committer date (UTC): 2022-06-19 01:42
Parent(s): 96ec5e38931158d27a75c0fe922fd14a8647dba1
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 9d1e06e34169295043149ca9694bb3bd9757dab4
File Lines added Lines deleted
AppWindow.xml 9 3
IvoRSS.hws 21 4
File AppWindow.xml changed (mode: 100755) (index 81e5404..ac82708)
15 15
16 16 <window id="win" muiid="MAIN" title="IvoRSS" screentitle="IvoRSS 0.1" notify="closerequest" menustrip="mainstrip" appwindow="true"> <window id="win" muiid="MAIN" title="IvoRSS" screentitle="IvoRSS 0.1" notify="closerequest" menustrip="mainstrip" appwindow="true">
17 17 <hgroup> <hgroup>
18 <listview id="lv3" frame="readlist" notify="appmessage"><column/></listview>
18 <listview id="lv3" frame="readlist" notify="appmessage" weight="50"><column/></listview>
19 19 <vgroup> <vgroup>
20 20 <text id="channel_title" PreParse="\33b"></text> <text id="channel_title" PreParse="\33b"></text>
21 21 <text id="channel_description"></text> <text id="channel_description"></text>
22 <listview id="lv1" frame="readlist" notify="appmessage"><column/></listview>
23 <floattext id="textfield" weight="50" background="readlistback" tabsize="4" justify="true">
23 <listview id="articles" notify="appmessage">
24 <column title="Title"/>
25 <column title="PubDate"/>
26 <column title="Category"/>
28 </listview>
29 <floattext id="textfield" background="readlistback" tabsize="4" justify="true">
24 30
25 31 </floattext> </floattext>
26 32
File IvoRSS.hws changed (mode: 100755) (index 08af059..47ae817)
... ... mui.Set("textfield", "Text", text$)
60 60 channel_level = True channel_level = True
61 61 current_element$ = Nil current_element$ = Nil
62 62
63 current_item = {title="", pubdate="", category=""}
63 64
64 65 Function StartElement(p, name$, attrs) Function StartElement(p, name$, attrs)
65 66 current_element$ = name$ current_element$ = name$
66 67
69 68 If name$ = "item" Then channel_level = False If name$ = "item" Then channel_level = False
70 69
71 70
... ... Function StartElement(p, name$, attrs)
77 76 EndFunction EndFunction
78 77
79 78 Function EndElement(p, name$) Function EndElement(p, name$)
80 current_element$ = Nil
79 current_element$ = nil
80 If name$ = "item"
81 mui.DoMethod("articles", "Insert", "Bottom",
82 current_item.title,
83 current_item.pubdate,
84 current_item.category)
85 current_item = {title="", pubdate="", category=""}
86 EndIf
81 87 EndFunction EndFunction
82 88
83 89
... ... Function CharacterData(p, str$)
85 91 If channel_level If channel_level
86 92 If current_element$ = "title" Then mui.Set("channel_title", "Contents", str$) If current_element$ = "title" Then mui.Set("channel_title", "Contents", str$)
87 93 If current_element$ = "description" Then mui.Set("channel_description", "Contents", str$) If current_element$ = "description" Then mui.Set("channel_description", "Contents", str$)
95 else
96 If current_element$ = "title" Then current_item.title = str$
97 If current_element$ = "pubDate" Then current_item.pubdate = str$
98 If current_element$ = "category"
99 If current_item.category = ""
100 current_item.category = str$
101 Else
102 current_item.category = current_item.category .. ", " .. str$
103 EndIf
104 Endif
88 105 EndIf EndIf
89 106 EndFunction EndFunction
90 107
91 108
92 109 p = XMLParser.New({StartElement = StartElement, EndElement=EndElement, CharacterData = CharacterData}) p = XMLParser.New({StartElement = StartElement, EndElement=EndElement, CharacterData = CharacterData})
93 Assert(p:Parse(text$))
110 p:Parse(text$)
94 111 p:Close() p:Close()
95 112
96 113
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