/ReadMe (97f474b5028df48f4d11a448ac01abc9fb11a00b) (3064 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

Short:        Simple RSS (and Atom as well) client
Uploader:     ger-alex@seznam.cz (Aleksei Gerasimov)
Author:       ger-alex@seznam.cz (Aleksei Gerasimov)
Type:         comm/news
Version:      1.1.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos, ppc-amigaos, ppc-morphos, i386-aros

Simple RSS (and Atom at some extent) client written in Hollywood for Amiga-flavored OSes. 
Unlike other RSS clients, IvoRSS stores locally only actual content of RSS channel, 
and doesn't bother user with tens of old read and unread messages.

AmiSSL v4

IvoRSS should work from any dedicated drawer.

Copy IvoRSS binary to previously installed drawer. 

Special apologize for Amiga users:
IvoRSS is an Hollywood project. It was so easy for me to coble together all the needed components that Hollywood had out of the box.
I believe that programs should be written on compiled languages whenever it's possible.
I am not sure if IvoRSS will be usable on real Amiga at all.

Special apologize for AROS users:
It's a shame to provide http-based client without https support at 2022. 
But I typed "RSS" in AROS Archives and.. Nothing! Just nothing, AROS Archives don't knot that word!
There is neither old, neither buggy, neither without https...
I know that AROS users pray for an SSL library for years (I am too), but can do nothing with it either 

1. Fixed crash for uncovered HTML characters
2. Finally, any smallest change of "article" will trigger IvoRSS to show it as unread. 
   But at least left and rigth sides of application will be consistent.
3. Changed a little bit layout to look a little bit better under AmigaOS4
4. Added glow icon for AmigaOS3
5. Created kind of glow icon for AmigaOS4

1. Reworked parsing in Explore window
2. Downloading is reworked, IvoRSS tracks modified time on server
3. Changed New/Read identification, there are still false positives, but should be less of them
4. Now MUI&MUIRoyale set up to not let labels to explode and break layout
5. More &HtMl_characters; are covered 
6. More Amiga related feeds out of the box

1. For the case when something goes wrong, IvoRSS stores its data in ENVARC:Hollywood/ivorss
2. Loading of RSS channel icons can be opted out by -donotloadimages key in shell or by respective DONOTLOADIMAGES tooltip in Workbench icon.
3. If you encounter network issues with IvoRSS, setting up USEDEFAULTDOWNLOADER tooltip may help
4. If application suddenly freezes, may help increased stack size. However, I expect that 8192 KB will be enough already.

IvoRSS itself is open-sourced and distributed under terms of MIT license. However, one will require commercial copy of Hollywood (http://www.hollywood-mal.com/) to build it from the sources.

IvoRSS uses XMLParser, MUIRoyale and hURL plugins. They were written by Andreas Falkenhahn <andreas@airsoftsoftwair.de> 
Visit http://www.hollywood-mal.com/ for more information on Hollywood and its plugins.

RSS icon originally distributed by the Mozilla Foundation under a MPL license.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 6407 e72a76d6b87c502f01cb106825d3faf3176883d3 AppWindow.xml
100755 blob 8938 222f6ab47ea55ef359df8b59f15bff1b47d1876d IvoR.hws
100755 blob 9409 924c086890226fa30343f3464fba31c7e4cbbb87 IvoRSS.hws
100755 blob 1093 263306d87c51114b1320be2ee3277ea0bff99b1f LICENSE
100755 blob 3064 97f474b5028df48f4d11a448ac01abc9fb11a00b ReadMe
100755 blob 4055 b99bd5bded6a665cc292d0774c58dbc4ac60ddd3 feeds.hws
100755 blob 1694 83e47eb86860331dfe771f49029c00559a2f687e feedsdata.hws
100755 blob 13204 5d5e42c17a06d36208115778a13998d6c7a22d84 feedtree.hws
040000 tree - 7be1150404eabeaa6a719b670e11826856e148e5 icons
100755 blob 7312 3608e21fca8793013d5273cd5a692f1a41825b65 lurk.hws
100755 blob 10998 28e795e1a81dfb2c263fe9d0235665da33facc45 textfield.hws
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