Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 7473 1ab45355102d3c454b8d83e05e4af10b0447dee3 128px-Feed-icon.png
100755 blob 6230 4cb8ee12f0d4c9305bf09d7be87c2f47fedc94ed AppWindow.xml
100755 blob 8479 7caf44c8c20610365b9c07e694f929a8e11925fe IvoR.hws
100755 blob 9046 e69aeb684804834e5082b4446b7fddcbb113ab69 IvoRSS.hws
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100755 blob 1093 263306d87c51114b1320be2ee3277ea0bff99b1f LICENSE
100755 blob 1434 306dab5d612ce4698a6e2a74a879795ccdf1b7b2 ReadMe
100755 blob 3074 fede0916d964c9a202901c7822b639cd2542ef95 feeds.hws
100755 blob 1694 83e47eb86860331dfe771f49029c00559a2f687e feedsdata.hws
100755 blob 9725 77b847a99e4c1dcf4055fe3c3a9e8dcdd4de2bc1 feedtree.hws
100755 blob 7106 27cae87059a0e63308bda4614c779b4499cc3d4d lurk.hws
100755 blob 4509 bc7199647a0c1e5852186bbc856b28da9ecee5ee textfield.hws
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