/ReadMe (306dab5d612ce4698a6e2a74a879795ccdf1b7b2) (1434 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

Short:        Simple RSS (and Atom as well) client
Uploader:     ger-alex@seznam.cz (Aleksei Gerasimov)
Author:       ger-alex@seznam.cz (Aleksei Gerasimov)
Type:         comm/news
Version:      1.0
Architecture: ppc-morphos

Simple RSS (and Atom at some extent) client written in Hollywood for Amiga-flavored OSes. Unlike other RSS clients, IvoRSS stores locally only actual content of RSS channel, and doesn't bother user with tens of old read and unread messages.

AmiSSL v4

IvoRSS should work from any dedicated drawer.

1. For the case when something goes wrong, IvoRSS stores its data in ENVARC:Hollywood/ivorss
2. Loading of RSS channel icons can be opted out by -donotloadimages key in shell or by respective DONOTLOADIMAGES tooltip in Workbench icon.
3. If application suddenly freezes, may help increased stack size. However, I expect that 8192 KB will be enough already.

IvoRSS itself is open-sourced and distributed under terms of MIT license. However, one will require commercial copy of Hollywood (http://www.hollywood-mal.com/) to build it from the sources.

IvoRSS uses XMLParser, MUIRoyale and hURL plugins. They were written by Andreas Falkenhahn <andreas@airsoftsoftwair.de> 
Visit http://www.hollywood-mal.com/ for more information on Hollywood and its plugins.

RSS icon originally distributed by the Mozilla Foundation under a MPL license.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 7473 1ab45355102d3c454b8d83e05e4af10b0447dee3 128px-Feed-icon.png
100755 blob 6349 eeaf40384a6978792850e51646c94025c31c9263 AppWindow.xml
100755 blob 8785 7fee17752265459269a49f97c35cfec491142ffc IvoR.hws
100755 blob 9046 ece1e2c0dc67988012001ca4fbc9fca718932af8 IvoRSS.hws
100755 blob 7191 6291191cf3b1e9b7dd44493a09e26918f2c6e3d1 IvoRSS.png
100755 blob 1093 263306d87c51114b1320be2ee3277ea0bff99b1f LICENSE
100755 blob 1434 306dab5d612ce4698a6e2a74a879795ccdf1b7b2 ReadMe
100755 blob 4007 8956c1bb5d76b481d4e2458b16a64fbee8f6f9e6 feeds.hws
100755 blob 1694 83e47eb86860331dfe771f49029c00559a2f687e feedsdata.hws
100755 blob 9889 cad1c0c2b5cf75df84eeb6f99bfaec2f709be440 feedtree.hws
100755 blob 7305 d6eda6d26dcd117cbe3eeda270397ef72a592f83 lurk.hws
100755 blob 4509 bc7199647a0c1e5852186bbc856b28da9ecee5ee textfield.hws
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