Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 7473 1ab45355102d3c454b8d83e05e4af10b0447dee3 128px-Feed-icon.png
100755 blob 5559 b4b21e48b891dd64eb9d1bc4a2897ce50bb139ac AppWindow.xml
100755 blob 3296 87f34b200c7e6abd9235c437a1927c745832e729 IvoR.hws
100755 blob 8539 5fb3546290c06f2b7077fbedb85cef583a60e574 IvoRSS.hws
100755 blob 7191 6291191cf3b1e9b7dd44493a09e26918f2c6e3d1 IvoRSS.png
100755 blob 4405 6f1fc460afb31e6e38cd78dd01c0debaae6f5343 feeds.hws
100755 blob 1694 83e47eb86860331dfe771f49029c00559a2f687e feedsdata.hws
100755 blob 8773 a1ac5af9c9ebafc5b2a012753079ee9602fbb98f feedtree.hws
100755 blob 6412 f39265cc944ed3be89260bc28f32c3805794fb0d lurk.hws
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