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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<application id="app" base="IVORSS">
    <menustrip id="mainstrip">
        <menu title="Project">
            <item id="menu_about" notify="selected">About...</item>
            <item id="menu_about_mui" notify="selected">About MUI...</item>
            <item id="menu_about_muiroyale" notify="selected">About MUI Royale...</item>
            <item id="menu_quit" notify="selected" shortcut="Q">Quit</item>
        <menu title="Settings">
            <item id="menu_muisettings" notify="selected">MUI...</item>
	<window id="win" muiid="MAIN" title="IvoRSS" screentitle="IvoRSS 0.1" notify="closerequest" menustrip="mainstrip" appwindow="true">
			<listview id="lv3" frame="readlist" notify="appmessage" weight="50"><column/></listview>
				<text id="channel_title" PreParse="\33b"/>
				<text id="channel_description"/>
				<listview id="articles" notify="active">
			   <column title="Title"/>
			   <column title="PubDate"/>
			   <column title="Category"/>
			<text id="item_title" PreParse="\33b"/>
			<floattext id="textfield" background="readlistback" tabsize="4" justify="true">


Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 1328 0f65b59dce47886f8888168c3eec87515dcbe253 AppWindow.xml
100755 blob 3335 ee41046341dd9882e258b76c859b18bf5f22d7d2 IvoRSS.hws
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