/feedtree.hws (e11c68227d7c7a277fa08a96955e79162e9c8934) (2674 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

dFeeds = CreateList() ;defaultFeeds
InsertItem(dFeeds, {id="PowerPC" , name="PowerPC", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
InsertItem(dFeeds, {
	name="GNU/Linux Open Hardware PowerPC notebook Feed",
	isNode=False, parent="PowerPC"})
InsertItem(dFeeds, {
	name="GNU/Linux Open Hardware PowerPC notebook Comments Feed", 
	isNode=False, parent="PowerPC"})

;<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="GNU/Linux Open Hardware PowerPC notebook &raquo; Feed" href="https://www.powerpc-notebook.org/en/feed/" />
;<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="GNU/Linux Open Hardware PowerPC notebook &raquo; Comments Feed" href="https://www.powerpc-notebook.org/en/comments/feed/" />

InsertItem(dFeeds, {id="Amiga" , name="Amiga", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
;InsertItem(dFeeds, {id="" , name="John Doe", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
;InsertItem(dFeeds, {id= , name="John Doe", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
;InsertItem(dFeeds, {id= , name="John Doe", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
;InsertItem(dFeeds, {id= , name="John Doe", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
;InsertItem(dFeeds, {id= , name="John Doe", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
;InsertItem(dFeeds, {id= , name="John Doe", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
;InsertItem(dFeeds, {id= , name="John Doe", isNode=True, parent="Root"})
;InsertItem(dFeeds, {id= , name="John Doe", isNode=True, parent="Root"})

;name, isNode, id, parent
Function p_InsertNode(i, t, listtree$)
	Local flags$ = IIf(t.isNode, "List", "")
	DebugPrint(i, t.id)
	mui.DoMethod(listtree$, "Insert", t.name, t.id, t.parent, "Tail", flags$)

Function p_FillListTree(listtree$, treetable)
	mui.Set(listtree$, "Quiet", True)
	;č ForEach začíná od 1 a teprve na konci se vrací k 0
	;ForEach(treetable, p_InsertNode, listtree$)

	For _i, t In IPairs(treetable)
    	mui.DoMethod(listtree$, "Insert",
					t.name, t.id, t.parent, "Tail", IIf(t.isNode, "List", ""))
	mui.Set(listtree$, "Quiet", False)

Function p_DumpFeedTree(listtree$)
	cFeeds = CreateList() ;currentFeeds
	p_DumpListTree(listtree$, cFeeds, "Root", "Root")

;č tohle musí být rekurzivní 
Function p_DumpListTree(listtree$, tabletree, nodeid, muiid)
	Local isFound, t = mui.DoMethod(listtree$, "GetEntry", muiid, "Head", "")
	While isFound
		InsertItem(tabletree, {id=t.id, name=t.name, isNode=t.node, parent=nodeid})
		If t.Node = True Then p_DumpListTree(listtree$, tabletree, t.id, t.muiid)
		isFound, t = mui.DoMethod(listtree$, "GetEntry", t.muiid, "Next", "")

Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 7473 1ab45355102d3c454b8d83e05e4af10b0447dee3 128px-Feed-icon.png
100755 blob 4170 c1f46b463040fdc650a7b1bd2d809c2b3b480b68 AppWindow.xml
100755 blob 5570 36ee3e1659b48fc561c56ce05e578cd5b8a9dd3d IvoRSS.hws
100755 blob 2674 e11c68227d7c7a277fa08a96955e79162e9c8934 feedtree.hws
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