/feeds.hws (8b7ccc28d9a68590d798197957c23d1809c7f400) (619 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

dFeeds = CreateList() ;defaultFeeds

Function p_DefaultFeed(parent$, id$)
	InsertItem(dFeeds, {id=id$, name=id$, isNode=False, parent=parent$})

Function p_DefaultGroup(name$)
	InsertItem(dFeeds, {id=name$, name="\27b"..name$, isNode=True, parent="Root"})

;"GNU/Linux Open Hardware PowerPC notebook Feed"
p_DefaultFeed("PowerPC", "https://www.powerpc-notebook.org/en/feed/")
;"GNU/Linux Open Hardware PowerPC notebook Comments Feed"
p_DefaultFeed("PowerPC", "https://www.powerpc-notebook.org/en/comments/feed/")


@INCLUDE "testfeeds.hws"

Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 7473 1ab45355102d3c454b8d83e05e4af10b0447dee3 128px-Feed-icon.png
100755 blob 4232 688580a99e22655c5ddb65535d438adde0cc2dcd AppWindow.xml
100755 blob 7196 ba15c31ebd6851de4a870b7958f505fa87f6b839 IvoRSS.hws
100755 blob 619 8b7ccc28d9a68590d798197957c23d1809c7f400 feeds.hws
100755 blob 1899 974ac454957f3f48351ee481115a0ac6a9d23dd4 feedtree.hws
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