List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
added EAN to the picklist automated the export pull 69605ee944f5b1a2f4b80238ce19ccacc15cbe80 Sebastian 2019-06-27 10:02:00
Fixed a bug with the upload folder on Windows 5d01a8a44bd2f9b77e45b082f274acb6abc4e26d Sebastian 2019-06-05 08:36:45
Added a difference check and refactoring + removal of old elements, Added a config path solution 914c5e14ba2c4051544b68d263726380e0ed4b29 Sebastian 2019-06-05 07:47:24
Fixed a bug that occured when there were 2 locations with the same sku and package and which caused the wrong writing the wrong numbers into the packagelist 75dde60e1034e5b3889b012d995fffbf4d9a296f Sebastian 2019-05-29 09:30:46
Added packlist fill script 8f3849dc0ad5fa4ad5ce9a6732429c6e647a5187 Sebastian 2019-05-10 15:42:12
Included an export to the storage list from Amazon, imporved useability by adding stops 810be612ed40559434e9ddacb904bc4a766b861d Sebastian 2019-05-09 10:24:36
Added a finish process and removed the order process fc33b421234ef320aa5a61f28cfb1e5d815477ca Sebastian 2019-05-08 13:02:21
Added a encoding sniffing to open the files in right encoding on Windows OS machines d0dbe5da1ca5810bfcc240a1e635ce053168b423 Sebastian 2019-05-06 14:54:04
Small usability improvements for the user to detect errors on different OS 2ec13ba3c85207c799eed1cf48ab1230d245a05f Sebastian 2019-05-06 08:25:54
Combined with the picklist creation project 4e5023c3c2bebc53794fe29edbcf9a7be93c826a Sebastian 2019-05-03 11:40:35
Created a building script for Linux based systems and made it possible to use the script from anywhere inside the filesystem e97b391d7b1cda885c99b6b483d414c75b288b75 Sebastian 2019-04-15 15:00:47
Added a working Linux executable Version, together with a different workspace creation process c84d49cf0f99fd3dcb7faabe82c125c8adc970cb Sebastian 2019-04-12 16:53:29
removed unnecessary files from the report and upload folder 94af82cbd9fd7f592fb6b421986c3d900f1bf532 Sebastian 2019-04-05 12:51:43
Added 2 options: a new order import to plenty and a fba shipment creation db5b9c168dabe3d6524b5674dd977044be286e0a Sebastian 2019-04-05 12:48:53
adjusted to another sync format and added a new export format that includes the sale price d33a1909c4f1ff88569509ad4510a5419e323136 Basti 2019-03-22 10:27:22
first Version of the Sync Upload de9ea87dff9ced84f635dd05d5ae039be870ae8a Basti 2019-03-19 16:32:44
First commit including Readme and folder structure 7e77aa7abd6013ce56d6878c7004973e32011a13 Basti 2019-03-19 10:44:36
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