kapstok / NHL-DePa2 (public) (License: Unspecified) (since 2018-11-09) (hash sha1)
Design Patterns school project; a GUI using multiple Design Patterns.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 247 e3a425337e7facc62ee7ed7a3c2a74025b98969c .gitignore
100644 blob 477 87b8a451dffdd8adb645346f66ae0bb27a0691bc README.md
100644 blob 223 d998cf4e28f9bf19ccee8066e0840ab0ee01484d dub.json
100644 blob 60 979754a49248a51ccdc87ce475bb25294d51f4d8 dub.selections.json
100644 blob 105 6b9604040e718d320720638e0542d6c5e770e41c example.sav
040000 tree - 83ed21c834b9c02ac5f3fcb7865d13c9b7a0f2f4 source
040000 tree - 3a940cde8f6a70bfe482fc7d014627b96285c4c5 uml
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