libreboot / lbwww (public) (License: Unspecified) (since 2023-04-11) (hash sha1)
libreboot website (markdown files).
Date (UTC) User Event
2024-04-17 00:31 libreboot Reference refs/heads/master updated from e0400031b95252f7ae44d99ac9cde12ba157df93 to 87a56ba0011eeb37b624ae004e26d17be7759885
2024-04-16 13:29 libreboot Reference refs/heads/master updated from 20e2f572fb88d78e8979ba86bfdfd29eea226b98 to e0400031b95252f7ae44d99ac9cde12ba157df93
2024-04-15 20:19 libreboot Reference refs/heads/master updated from b47f09e497525dca2317d1652f9a73fb8ca94664 to 20e2f572fb88d78e8979ba86bfdfd29eea226b98
2024-04-11 11:10 libreboot Reference refs/heads/master updated from 14f649771fb422d6f9c3f0bc051d4698a400f5e1 to b47f09e497525dca2317d1652f9a73fb8ca94664
2024-04-11 11:05 libreboot Reference refs/heads/master updated from 240bfc950eda66a63b94d2a6080d466c284b3e48 to 14f649771fb422d6f9c3f0bc051d4698a400f5e1
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