/include/wolf.h (8b61a583cbf95f7df26a1a10a4d6a94e681160f0) (3207 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

#ifndef WOLF_H
#define WOLF_H

#ifndef FWORLD_H
#  error Include fworld.h before wolf.h so the world can be referenced.

#ifndef NE_H
#  error Include ne.h before wolf.h so the wolves can operate.

#include <cmath>

#include <vector>

namespace wolf {

struct Wolf {
	size_t entity_index;
	int member;
	ne_Population population;

NE_REAL DoWolfStuff(
		Wolf* w,
		fworld::World* world,
		double d ){

	auto &ent = world->entities[w->entity_index];
	auto &net = w->population[w->member];
	long long
		x = ent.x + 0.5,
		y = ent.y + 0.5;
	// For type reasons.
	const NE_REAL NH = -0.5, Z = 0.0, H = 0.5, P = 1.0, F = 4.0;
	// Proximity values are inverted because larger values stimulate.
	NE_REAL inputs[6] = {
		static_cast<NE_REAL>( ent.direction ) / F,
		-( world->tileBlocking( x, y - 1, true ) ? H : Z ) + P
		-( world->tileBlocking( x, y - 2, true ) ? H : Z ), // North
		-( world->tileBlocking( x, y + 1, true ) ? H : Z ) + P
		-( world->tileBlocking( x, y + 2, true ) ? H : Z ), // South
		-( world->tileBlocking( x - 1, y, true ) ? H : Z ) + P
		-( world->tileBlocking( x - 2, y, true ) ? H : Z ), // West
		-( world->tileBlocking( x + 1, y, true ) ? H : Z ) + P
		-( world->tileBlocking( x + 2, y, true ) ? H : Z ),  // East
		NH // Extra stimulation to stabilize the network.

	int old_direction = 0;
	double speed = 0.0;

	auto MoveEnt = [&](){
		NE_REAL outputs[4];
		ne_GetOutputs( &net, inputs, outputs );
			moveX = std::max( Z, outputs[3] ) - std::max( Z, outputs[2] ),
			moveY = std::max( Z, outputs[1] ) - std::max( Z, outputs[0] );
		if( moveX > 1.2 || moveX < -1.2 ){
			moveX = 0.0;
		if( moveY > 1.2 || moveY < -1.2 ){
			moveY = 0.0;
			oldX = ent.x,
			oldY = ent.y;
		old_direction = ent.direction;
		world->moveEntity( ent, moveX * 1.0, moveY * -1.0, d );
			diffX = ent.x - oldX,
			diffY = ent.y - oldY;
		speed = std::sqrt( diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY ) / d;


	NE_REAL bonus = ( (long long)( ent.x + 0.5 ) != x || (long long)( ent.y + 0.5 ) != y ) ? 0.75 : 0.0;
	return net.fitness * 0.5 + speed * ( ent.direction == old_direction ? 1.0 : 0.1 ) + bonus;

void AI(
		std::vector<Wolf>* wolves,
		fworld::World* world,
		unsigned int rand_seed,
		double d ){

	for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
		for( auto &w : *wolves ){
			if( w.member >= stb_sb_count( w.population ) ){
				ne_Iterate( &w.population, rand_seed, 0.7, 0.003, 0 );
				w.member = 0;
			w.population[w.member].fitness = DoWolfStuff( &w, world, d * 0.5 );

std::vector<Wolf> GetWolves(
		fworld::World* world,
		unsigned int rand_seed ){

	int topovalues[9] = { 6, 50, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 16, 4 };
	int* topology = NULL;
	topology = stb_sb_add( topology, 9 );
	for( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ){
		topology[i] = topovalues[i];

	std::vector<Wolf> wolves;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < world->entities.size(); i++ ){
		auto &ent = world->entities[i];
		if( ent.type == "wolf" ){
			Wolf w = {};
			w.entity_index = i;
			w.member = 0;
			w.population = ne_RandomNetworks( topology, 20, rand_seed );
			wolves.push_back( w );

	stb_sb_free( topology );

	return wolves;

} // namespace wolf

#endif // WOLF_H

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100755 blob 8 e9a74187b02a27b165dfa4f93bf6f060376d0ee6 steam_appid.txt
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