/rbiblio.bib (5e036cb51df7456c1ef746e73341d21271709ba3) (3105 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

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	title = {Практический анализ временных рядов: прогнозирование со статистикой и машинное обучение},
	publisher = {СПб.: ООО <<Диалектика>>},
	year = {2021},
	author = {Нильсен, Эйлин },
	pages = {544},

	title = {Python 3. Самое необходимое},
	publisher = {СПб.: БХВ-Петербург},
	year = {2019},
	author = {Прохоренок, Н. А. and Дронов, В, А.},
	pages = {608},

	title = {Python для сложных задач},
	publisher = {СПб.: Питер},	
	year = {2018},
	author = {Дж. Вандер Плас},
	pages = {576},

	title = {Машинное обучение с использованием Python. Сборник рецептов},
	publisher = {СПб.: БХВ-Петербург},
	year = {2019},	
	author = {Крис Элбон},
	pages = {384},

	title = {Java 8. Полное руководство. Девятое издание.},
	publisher = {Вильямс},
	year = {2015},
	author = {Г. Шилдт},
	pages = {1376},
	owner = {oam},
	timestamp = {2011.05.10}

	title = {Изучаем Java},
	publisher = {Эксмо},
	year = {2012},
	author = {К. Сьерра},
	pages = {708},
	owner = {oam},
	timestamp = {2011.05.10}

	title = {Язык программирования Java и среда NetBeans. 2-е издание.},
	publisher = {BHV-СПб},
	year = {2009},
	author = {В. Монахов},
	pages = {702},
	owner = {oam},
	timestamp = {2011.05.10}

	title = {LaTeX по-русски},
	publisher = {СПб.: Корона-Век },
	year = {2016},
	author = {И. Котельников and П. Чеботаев},
	pages = {496},
	owner = {oam},

	title = {Набор и вёрстка в системе LaTeX},
	publisher = {М.:  МЦНМО},
	year = {2014},
	author = {С. М. Львовский},
	pages = {398,},
	owner = {oam},

  title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
  author = {{R Development Core Team}},
  organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
  address = {Vienna, Austria},
  year = {2010},
  langid = {english},
  note = {{ISBN} 3-900051-07-0},
  owner = {oam},
  timestamp = {2011.03.28},
  url = {http://www.R-project.org/}

  author = {Karline Soetaert and Thomas Petzoldt and R. Woodrow Setzer},
  title = {Solving differential equations in {R}},
  journal = {The R Journal},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {5 -- 15},
  number = {2},
  month = {December},
  langid = {english},
  owner = {oam},
  timestamp = {2011.03.28},
  url = {http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2010-2/RJournal_2010-2_Soetaert~et~al.pdf}

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