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test.cpp has been added 9ed8bd00fad587723cff328230c69e3d67dde408 qr9xhrt4kr 2020-04-29 20:35:46
Commit 9ed8bd00fad587723cff328230c69e3d67dde408 - test.cpp has been added
Author: qr9xhrt4kr
Author date (UTC): 2020-04-29 20:35
Committer name: qr9xhrt4kr
Committer date (UTC): 2020-04-29 20:35
Signing key:
Tree: 9042bae3385685a6e30f06a3bfb0f890666bf5f5
File Lines added Lines deleted
test.cpp 117 0
File test.cpp added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..9fcb40b)
1 #ifndef WITHOUT_EASY
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <string>
5 #include <sqlite3.h>
6 #include "mastodon-cpp.hpp"
7 #include "easy/all.hpp"
9 using namespace Mastodon;
11 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
12 //creating of api object for instance without auth token
13 Easy::API masto("", "");
15 //getting of the last local statuses
16 return_call ret = masto.get(API::v1::timelines_public,
17 {
18 {"local", {"true"}},
19 {"limit", {"5"}}
20 });
22 //if error was not returned
23 if(ret) {
24 std::cout << "local statuses were retrieved\n";
26 //connecting to sql database
27 sqlite3* db;
28 if(sqlite3_open("/root/workspace/mastodontest/statuses.db", &db)) {
29 std::cerr << "can't open database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
30 return 255;
31 }
32 sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
34 //converting of answers to vector of strings
35 for(const string &strstatus : Easy::json_array_to_vector(ret.answer)) {
36 //getting of content of the statuses
37 Easy::Status status(strstatus);
38 std::string content = status.content();
39 std::cout << content << "\n";
41 //getting uri and repliece count
42 int repliesCount = status.replies_count();
43 std::string tootURI = status.uri();
44 std::cout << "\033[32;2m[" << tootURI << "]: This toot has " << repliesCount << " replies.\033[0m\n";
46 //checking if uri of toot is already exists in database
47 std::string sql = "SELECT * FROM statuses WHERE (tooturi = '";
48 sql += tootURI;
49 sql += "');";
50 std::cout << "executing sql request: " << sql.c_str() << "\n";
51 sqlite3_prepare(db, sql.c_str(), sql.length()+1, &stmt, NULL);
52 int done = 0, rows = 0;
53 while(done == 0) {
54 switch(sqlite3_step(stmt)) {
55 case SQLITE_ROW:
56 rows += 1;
57 break;
58 case SQLITE_DONE:
59 done = 1;
60 break;
61 }
62 }
63 sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
64 std::cout << "Found " << rows << " rows\n";
65 if(rows == 0) { //if uri of a toot was not found in the database, then insert it into the table with current count of replies
66 sql = "INSERT INTO statuses (tooturi, repliescount) VALUES ('"; sql += tootURI; sql += "', "; if(repliesCount == 0) sql += "0"; else sql += repliesCount; sql += ");";
67 std::cout << "executing sql request: " << sql << "\n\n";
68 sqlite3_exec(db, sql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL);
69 } else { //if uri of a toot was found, then update database info
70 sql = "UPDATE statuses set repliescount = "; if(repliesCount == 0) sql += "0"; else sql += repliesCount; sql += " WHERE tooturi = '"; sql += tootURI; sql += "';";
71 std::cout << "executing sql request: " << sql << "\n\n";
72 sqlite3_exec(db, sql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL);
73 }
74 } //end of converting
76 //select top 3 toots with max replies count
77 std::string sql = "SELECT tooturi, repliescount FROM statuses ORDER BY repliescount DESC LIMIT 3;";
78 std::cout << "executing sql request: " << sql << "\n";
79 sqlite3_prepare(db, sql.c_str(), sql.length()+1, &stmt, NULL);
80 int done = 0;
81 while(done == 0) {
82 switch(sqlite3_step(stmt)) {
83 case SQLITE_ROW:
84 std::cout << sqlite3_column_text(stmt,0) << "\n";
85 break;
86 case SQLITE_DONE:
87 done = 1;
88 break;
89 default:
90 std::cout << "error\n";
91 done = 1;
92 break;
93 }
94 }
96 sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
97 sqlite3_close(db);
98 } else { //error of getting local statuses
99 std::cerr << ret.error_message << std::endl;
101 //printing of a http status code
102 if(ret.http_error_code != 0) {
103 std::cerr << "http status code is "
104 << std::to_string(ret.http_error_code) << "\n";
105 }
106 return ret.error_code;
107 }
108 return 0;
109 }
111 #else
113 #include <cstdio>
115 int main() { std::printf("mastodon-cpp was compiled without Easy support.\n"); return 255; }
117 #endif
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