List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
best month 049d1757e5bab195dbd4374c0f3cba19a263e0e2 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 22:01:20
best year 9c830895cacc9ae9206901d3eabdc6b21488d718 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 21:57:46
fix docblock 20f563de5a256acde8c4a2335bf5779c670c61a0 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 21:22:50
strong typing c5314f47704760d3720f0c92bd3da9e3c7299eea Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 21:15:11
change boolean to bool and add /neo/fastest?hazardous=(true|false) aa0b6fc0d2ab78404e4677863aafae1dd27bead0 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 21:07:44
fix cases 7fd7024355b538de353f032f69f8e4a1ee5f0b6b Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 20:56:14
/neo/hazardous 61f9c4506a8ddf037f6cd670afdaa4f38f44829c Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 20:54:40
cleanup 98f98692a290d3cd6e76b36e48be6610754640db Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 20:54:24
update nasa.start with parameters 4cec4383b574a0ac874e463cacfc006fb001f14c Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 20:32:01
import from api 41affca95695f99674971d59dc3e098ef54a934b Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 19:34:49
initialize on first run a7eb6521e87bf6f7fc8ac746db7241300473b549 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 17:26:30
update build scripts 0ca23c79e7f0c2e0a2beae8ea676d1bc6c6c237f Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 16:23:17
neo bundle, neo entity, empty command 5df95da9f7d462e891685b5556abeae1abdd28b4 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 16:11:31
add mysql 798d32267444f4f26ce9215817720217970c5e06 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 14:33:00
run and build script a91daf3d789ac334eca951731504f1a17e79952d Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 10:52:34
remove security checks 613463e0180c3e812194b0bac40aaef508d99823 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 10:52:12
add nasa api key a4f8c147880e69994a988a176298ed54dacc53db Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 08:45:17
hello world json 636f0cca5234693152d25e8a6f7f2e812b39fa16 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 08:29:56
empty symfony app 9c121393c6caf39150b1eeaa274c978edef1425e Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-26 23:05:32
update default nginx config 87638100759fe5cec69d45fbbcf7bbda3464131a Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-26 23:03:30
Commit 049d1757e5bab195dbd4374c0f3cba19a263e0e2 - best month
Author: Ivaylo Iliev
Author date (UTC): 2017-08-27 22:01
Committer name: Ivaylo Iliev
Committer date (UTC): 2017-08-27 22:01
Parent(s): 9c830895cacc9ae9206901d3eabdc6b21488d718
Signing key:
Tree: 4cbec84373ca4492a8647578b595145e8c6ac1f7
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/nasa/src/NeoBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php 16 0
src/nasa/src/NeoBundle/Repository/NeoRepository.php 20 0
File src/nasa/src/NeoBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 76b509f..93a0740)
... ... class DefaultController extends Controller
55 55
56 56 return $this->json([ 'year' => $year ]); return $this->json([ 'year' => $year ]);
57 57 } }
59 /**
60 * Month with most ateroids
61 *
62 * Calculate and return a month with most ateroids
63 *
64 * @Route("/neo/best-month")
65 * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
66 */
67 public function bestMonthAction(Request $request)
68 {
69 $neoRepository = $this->get('neo.repository');
70 $month = $neoRepository->findMonthWithMostRecords($request->get('hazardous', 'false') === 'true');
72 return $this->json([ 'month' => $month ]);
73 }
58 74 } }
File src/nasa/src/NeoBundle/Repository/NeoRepository.php changed (mode: 100644) (index b3f3261..86cc865)
... ... class NeoRepository extends EntityRepository
63 63 return $result[0]['year']; return $result[0]['year'];
64 64 } }
65 65
66 /**
67 * @param bool $isHazardous
68 * @return mixed
69 */
70 public function findMonthWithMostRecords(bool $isHazardous = false)
71 {
72 $sql = "select monthname(approach_at) month from neo where is_hazardous=:isHazardous group by monthname(approach_at) order by count(id) desc limit 1";
73 $params = [
74 'isHazardous' => $isHazardous
75 ];
77 $em = $this->getEntityManager();
78 $stmt = $em->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
79 $stmt->execute($params);
81 $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
83 return $result[0]['month'];
84 }
66 86 /** /**
67 87 * @param bool $isHazardous * @param bool $isHazardous
68 88 * @return bool * @return bool
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