Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 11 b8372e6f3e55d70bea16af8b9b57a1f11cc89b11 .gitignore
100644 blob 1210 cf1ab25da0349f84a3fdd40032f0ce99db813b8b LICENSE
100644 blob 2035 c186961772400b47ceb1ece2b46323687112cb13
100755 blob 721 df2bdb1e793b6970ed8b7ff3210f1ef3650b1c43 build
040000 tree - 2cc458de5b4f9342021c76c1d6a33af73fdcf2f3 docker
100755 blob 1841 f453bc572c48774df7f148fd4b3e73eb913f9c05 run
040000 tree - f7a6205856a0492ba858dd4a165ce02570bb0a26 src
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