ravas / dxfdedup (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2017-04-04) (hash sha1)
dxfdedup removes duplicates from DXF files. Python 3.6+ and ezdxf are required. This project is in the alpha stage.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 35146 20d40b6bceca3a6c0237d7455ebf1820aeff3680 LICENSE
100644 blob 1602 137bb768cd8eb9030c8d4a6d5ec1f62db572d720 README.md
100644 blob 3222 404816812322db6a6fb561bed01c33d266d59bf7 __init__.py
040000 tree - b2ee66e64b32c0d71a0b551d5e3607a48207cefa identifiers
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