spicylord / clutils (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2019-07-04) (hash sha1)
An assortment of new and rewritten preexisting tools written by me.
List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
added email a04151394c9a4b3afe23e8ebd11939fe7892737d spicylord 2019-07-04 02:58:00
initial commit 484a7ed27b1835a962cec85cc6f55a20d4a95b46 spicylord 2019-07-04 02:50:23
Commit a04151394c9a4b3afe23e8ebd11939fe7892737d - added email
Author: spicylord
Author date (UTC): 2019-07-04 02:58
Committer name: spicylord
Committer date (UTC): 2019-07-04 02:58
Parent(s): 484a7ed27b1835a962cec85cc6f55a20d4a95b46
Signing key:
Tree: 7326e0e67e70a4c54593ddbc469b43d5936053e4
File Lines added Lines deleted
File README changed (mode: 100644) (index bc124fd..cc37ebb)
... ... ex. gofmt file.go | spng file.go
31 31 To compile, type "./INSTALL". I do not recommend replacing To compile, type "./INSTALL". I do not recommend replacing
32 32 the versions already in your /usr/bin or /bin, the versions already in your /usr/bin or /bin,
33 33
34 for any issues and changes you would like to see,
35 email me at sl@airmail.cc
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