spicylord / clutils (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2019-07-04) (hash sha1)
An assortment of new and rewritten preexisting tools written by me.
List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
added examples and instructions for clp, spng, and sc in the README 313a86755e40d909861bc95a11b75bbb109012c9 spicylord 2019-07-04 19:25:33
made regex slightly neater ac8eda8f7290e5f138edac12f789b1215de90719 spicylord 2019-07-04 18:31:55
fixed outputting garbled text into clipboard file a100287acf1993ae13130e036d7104bd2afe4585 spicylord 2019-07-04 18:30:34
fixed install script to compile clp.c instead of clb.c 54a54b5da1a122e69ed62bc0f030f11044a62fb9 spicylord 2019-07-04 13:47:33
added email a04151394c9a4b3afe23e8ebd11939fe7892737d spicylord 2019-07-04 02:58:00
initial commit 484a7ed27b1835a962cec85cc6f55a20d4a95b46 spicylord 2019-07-04 02:50:23
Commit 313a86755e40d909861bc95a11b75bbb109012c9 - added examples and instructions for clp, spng, and sc in the README
Author: spicylord
Author date (UTC): 2019-07-04 19:25
Committer name: spicylord
Committer date (UTC): 2019-07-04 19:25
Parent(s): ac8eda8f7290e5f138edac12f789b1215de90719
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: f8e4cb75ba20e43aaae1bd3db1abf0e7d31fec61
File Lines added Lines deleted
File README changed (mode: 100644) (index cc37ebb..022773f)
1 this is a collection of programs that I wrote for fun.
1 his is a collection of programs that I wrote for fun.
2 2 Some, like spng, are programs that I thought were Some, like spng, are programs that I thought were
3 3 unnecessarily large (referring to "sponge" from unnecessarily large (referring to "sponge" from
4 4 the moreutils project, its like 300 lines, where the moreutils project, its like 300 lines, where
... ... mine is only 18.) I am even writing my own original
6 6 software, like clp. Its like a clipboard/clipboard software, like clp. Its like a clipboard/clipboard
7 7 manager for standard input and output. manager for standard input and output.
8 8
10 9 clp: clp:
11 10 Insert by piping in standard input ex. Insert by piping in standard input ex.
12 echo lmao | clb i
11 echo lmao | clp i
13 12 that uses its "i" option. This will copy the stdin that uses its "i" option. This will copy the stdin
14 13 into your ~/.clipboard file as an entry. into your ~/.clipboard file as an entry.
15 14 the -f option will set your clipboard file to be the -f option will set your clipboard file to be
... ... and clp p will print the latest entry.
21 20 the same works with the "d" option, except the same works with the "d" option, except
22 21 it deletes the entries. it deletes the entries.
23 22 clp c just counts the entries and ends the program. clp c just counts the entries and ends the program.
23 i: insert
24 p: print
25 d: delete
26 c: count
27 ex. clp -f clipfile i < echo.c # outputs echo.c into clipfile since -f was specified
28 clp -f clipfile ,p # outputs everything in clipfile.
30 sc:
31 takes input files/standard output and changes their
32 cases based on the option. Options: -l, -u, -s.
33 -l: lower case
34 -u: upper case
35 -s: swaps cases
36 ex. sc -l filename
24 37
25 38 spng: spng:
26 39 allows you to pipe things from a file back into that file allows you to pipe things from a file back into that file
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