spicylord / clutils (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2019-07-04) (hash sha1)
An assortment of new and rewritten preexisting tools written by me.

/ins (81a9e921c58a4a0deb918f66fa236a710bf884ae) (105 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

cat - > ".temp~~"
for file in "$@"; do
	cat ".temp~~" "$file" | spng "$file"
rm ".temp~~"

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 35149 f288702d2fa16d3cdf0035b15a9fcbc552cd88e7 COPYING
100755 blob 645 b9f5cace83fbbf9f9fc4be6ed424ebfe48db5502 INSTALL
100644 blob 2429 d98741b40437761e17e1fa301e70952d8ff98387 README
100755 blob 2455 d027162577972ab786457bf7f29d99ae2bb3e074 c
100644 blob 4206 e26e8eeff1fc3865d6948622517caffc32b7923c clp.c
100644 blob 807 59c452396f94f50dbe567bc19530fd386a52b652 echo.c
100644 blob 807 35eac8cabc2dacefe6167f615177cc86c0ea0399 exho.c
100755 blob 105 81a9e921c58a4a0deb918f66fa236a710bf884ae ins
100644 blob 979 89b230aabe515c66e967be21a4d9dff3ac5248da nl.l
100644 blob 1932 d59401d46002608d4563dd4afdac5ff394ed8df4 sc.c
100644 blob 1004 b55bcc811cf0abac0308318c6c086ef94eed9c39 spng.c
100644 blob 1178 1433a0105fd7a07e7ede04214e26552241f36b64 tee.c
100644 blob 2099 f3b9072d9d355ecd3400a039b870593cc771a084 wc.c
100644 blob 807 962e0d90c8db83301b1e9d2ca50f9e09f27c752d yes.c
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