/README (6f9d78a091c2cb8cee3698636689e87bbe384bb1) (1847 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

This project has no more meaning: AMD has a full team of developers working on
the open source driver.
The complexity of the AMD GPU hardware interface makes this work beyond
"reasonable" reach for a one man part-time hobby, without internal doc,
support and co-workers.

I keep it online for the records.

At the time of writting, the graphic stack on linux is quite unpleasant:
 - The path used to achieve something finally "working", was really sluggish
   and clumsy.
 - GPU hardware interface complexity is going insane for non-pertinent reasons.
   Things could be done differently and way simpler. My best guess is related
   to planned obsolescence to artificially maintain jobs.  The only way to fix
   this point: to go high performance hardware design with brain dead hardware
   interfaces and proper hardware modularity (PCIE north bridge finally ok on
   consumer systems would help a lot).
 - the linux DRM is kludgy and poorly designed (the worst being the TTM and
   non-atomic mode setting).
 - the shader compilation framework is worse than gcc. Even open source SPIR-V
   vulkan is a shame to a sane brain, even though I expect that bloat to
   "work" one day (meaning be fast).


The only legal licence for device driver on linux based operating systems is
the linux modified GNU GPLv2. No closed source/GNU GPL*not*v2 is legal.

See COPYING at the root of the official linux kernel tree


How to use it?

Install the source into a linux kernel source tree with src_install shell script:
./src_install $LINUX_SOURCE_TREE

configure, then compile your linux kernel.


Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 1847 6f9d78a091c2cb8cee3698636689e87bbe384bb1 README
100644 blob 195 5568fe38bd0ff02b9b8f3e58fc0597abc9bf0c6d TODO
040000 tree - deb3e725c1a8a6198ab24a477299f3d72965dcc1 drivers
040000 tree - 1294eb3b60723192a6a4c3560384d5beb1f2f477 include
100644 blob 18693 ca442d313d86dc67e0a2e5d584b465bd382cbf5c license.md
100755 blob 1072 9f30b3deb6d42fd5bbd7a5c726f6b75318d8ba1c src_install
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