sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro
List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
EDLF64: clean munmap of the executable itself 1ed67b684b7c154cbb7eea742cb8eef0c7790dbc Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-09 17:37:27
last ffpmeg before breaking nyanmp 36cded2ce51a6df8edfcffc71094695fa8ad871c Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-09 15:05:32
Gfx stack update b2050ef1941139d255c61c2c82e24e6de364c5b4 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-08 16:58:03
improve EDLF64 draft 48938c705c4f10e898677ec6e321dfad8d892f3f Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-07 18:36:15
elf toolbox and less toxic format draft a2ab4235350f04975de513911b7a340e2eb50ef3 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-07 17:26:40
update of some image pagkages 7d8a5e8a5e20ab58e585a5f9d4270054285dba8c Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-05 23:14:01
gcc 12.2 won't build c++ threading all the time. d8560808bd62a198bc446153602c658141238c01 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-02 16:56:10
Gfx stack update 50e5991a466541ebb88456918f6cc0bad7e1bfb8 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-01 13:19:49
refreshing various components 22c025e6a7019283775b45742a8095a26d1d9b51 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-01 00:16:51
Gfx stack update d91a56e63cb4e61ce950166ee90977f9cb0f7c57 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-06-24 17:28:11
Gfx stack update 5053fdee70c5a2656a39391f9ec0924b680cb63f Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-06-17 13:08:44
Gfx stack update a8f4d317da64e4728a07332d7b312b0163a9a117 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-06-10 13:00:40
Gfx stack update 5a50b752ee1174f40b4ac04b0c4ea40def0f003e Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-06-03 13:07:31
Gfx stack update 8d0226a320e934c81b0ffbca7203ab25cfc801ae Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-05-27 13:19:40
Gfx stack update 1b4924dbae0b406ec5f8e9fdc85d0c9c5899d505 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-05-20 19:39:21
Gfx stack update 98ed4e3167334c8e605f642d8cadb9249078bf84 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-05-13 14:54:30
Gfx stack update 9adee44d5eb4278e6beb28ec35cae1d7a61bfa49 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-05-06 17:58:22
Gfx stack update a1e169843a89e65cbeefe0582bc27f5981f2501e Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-04-30 13:34:07
links: 2.29 0b4834c00b761ea5633e94dc31841fe4c0124ac5 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-04-25 16:27:54
Gfx stack update 1049238ce63d50e058a2f9e96c8651f52c64db15 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-04-22 17:10:22
Commit 1ed67b684b7c154cbb7eea742cb8eef0c7790dbc - EDLF64: clean munmap of the executable itself
Author: Sylvain BERTRAND
Author date (UTC): 2023-07-09 17:37
Committer name: Sylvain BERTRAND
Committer date (UTC): 2023-07-09 17:37
Parent(s): 36cded2ce51a6df8edfcffc71094695fa8ad871c
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 12b2bca2784b9b934cd12021b33840c977964031
File Lines added Lines deleted
files/EDLF64.draft 11 2
File files/EDLF64.draft changed (mode: 100644) (index e6fa9a0..ba5ec5f)
... ... mostly the same than the SYSV ABI (arg has no argc). The process_entry function
78 78 its stack:could be a "mmap" system call or a part of the "bss", namely from the extra memory past its stack:could be a "mmap" system call or a part of the "bss", namely from the extra memory past
79 79 the end of the loaded file (including a guard memory page or not), or blunty book some room into the the end of the loaded file (including a guard memory page or not), or blunty book some room into the
80 80 file, etc. file, etc.
81 On "mmap/munmap" platforms, process_info must be cleanely munmap-able. Other platform types may
82 implement other mechanisms to let process_entry remove/free/reuse such bytes from the process.
82 On "mmap/munmap" platforms, process_info must be cleanely munmap-able, namely process_info address
83 must fit the requirement of the platform munmap to do so (usually aligned on the size of the memory
84 page used to mmap it). Other platform types may implement other mechanisms to let process_entry
85 remove/free/reuse such bytes from the process.
87 Additionnaly, for 'mmap/munmap' platforms, the executable must be cleanely munmap-able: the aux
88 vector must provide the address used to mmap the executable which would be used to munmap it. Same
89 fate than process_info for the other platform types.
91 (On linux, the EDLF64 vdso would have to be cleanely munmap-able too).
83 92
84 93 For the executable, you may need its path in order to load private dynamic libraries based on For the executable, you may need its path in order to load private dynamic libraries based on
85 94 its file system location. On linux it is possible only if the /proc file system is mounted and it its file system location. On linux it is possible only if the /proc file system is mounted and it
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