sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro
List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
EDLF64:preliminary bootstrap work 24cc54e74c72c242e4113aadadda396da86fb56a Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-10-01 13:16:55
Gfx stack update 5f12d0b10418e3116bdf3ee0152b7e30f24f36c7 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-09-30 14:03:41
Gfx stack udate 25da82b769c08ef07394a360d1d4c035c15e2d3e Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-09-23 13:53:13
Gfx stack update a35951b14766105c30f239aa0af037357d69d576 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-09-16 13:06:46
Gfx stack and EDLF64 draft update 49bf9fc4675d23aa501d3f89ce36d702a284d1f4 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-09-09 15:02:03
mesa cleanup 2c2206c739d6c66fe38bdfeb5eb1e4662023fe17 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-09-02 15:57:52
Gfx stack update and more 4d115c508205a8080ff77f58ff1fcb8adbc8d295 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-09-02 14:28:23
onetouch: update with disablewifi c18796f8aff16603804900d0dc5a4c8a56a44622 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-24 13:21:12
binutils-tinycc: update 01e603aab2ae33fff1fb0116b250cd9c61891503 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-22 10:57:48
nyanmp: update bbd1b8576770f3d0a818744767e802c626aef977 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-13 20:56:48
Gfx stack update 87e87e1667b52802e05cca455ef6d0fabc1e14db Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-12 19:55:36
doc fixes fbea1d2712d6ac940171c305a4365685ae4ea2b3 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-11 15:01:33
glibc is lost cb48e764d36c6e6a17fd3b86057cd9d16372866b Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-11 01:43:24
alsa-lib-1.2.9 3ab47daf0697640797409403e89479750e1df3a4 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-09 13:13:44
update that c++ diarrhea. 830386d522bc9cac08202ded04ce501c56712db4 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-08 19:58:39
cleanup 1f706f57277405496cd6432a339259801e9df90b Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-08 17:20:05
dwm: move from tag to toggletag 2f5184715c58a00b739857d295d375522f3f2535 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-08-03 00:35:14
Gfx stack update e25ed24c7d1a9b145de3cad63dcd617c3b9bd6f5 Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-29 14:14:06
EDLF64.draft, reentrancy and thread safety f66313fdcb17b2fa8ba3f227bc26bfac94f189ee Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-29 14:13:12
clear a bit the EDLF64 draft. 4dd34b7fa5ae978dce295cc4a836e367d25f007d Sylvain BERTRAND 2023-07-25 14:06:13
Commit 24cc54e74c72c242e4113aadadda396da86fb56a - EDLF64:preliminary bootstrap work
Author: Sylvain BERTRAND
Author date (UTC): 2023-10-01 13:16
Committer name: Sylvain BERTRAND
Committer date (UTC): 2023-10-01 13:16
Parent(s): 5f12d0b10418e3116bdf3ee0152b7e30f24f36c7
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 0be99d496393da67c7de1818cc862f791bf090fe
File Lines added Lines deleted
files/EDLF64.draft 0 166
files/edlf64.tar.bz2 0 0
File files/EDLF64.draft deleted (index 0281493..0000000)
1 EDLF64 is the JSON/wayland of the executables and dynamic libraries for 64bits platforms with a
2 reentrancy lock mechanism.
4 EDLF64=_E_xecutable and _D_ynamic _L_ibrary _F_ormat for _64_bits platforms with a reentrancy lock
5 mechanism.
7 The excrutiating simplicity of the format is intended while doing a good enough job.
9 To avoid a circular dependency with a high level threading dynamic library, the hardware
10 architecture with or without the kernel must provide a pre-inited/ready to use reentrancy lock
11 mechanism. On many cores systems, reentrancy lock means thread safe, and usually is an atomic
12 compare and exchange hardware instruction or kernel syscall on memory locations which are already
13 inited with some specific content.
14 ====================================================================================================
15 0x00 "EDLF64",0x00,version_b (version_b will very probably stay 0x00 forever).
16 0x08 alignment, power of two (then cannot be 0, namely at least 1), from "EDLF64" .
17 0x10 mem_bytes_n (including the header).
18 0x18 process_entry_file_offset, 0 if this is a dynamic library (register passing, no stack).
19 0x20 resolve_file_offset, 0 if there are no symbols in this edlf64 file.
20 ----
21 0x28 edlf64_hdr_bytes_n.
22 ====================================================================================================
23 A loader64 instance will keep a registry of what was loaded via reference counting. Usually, there
24 will be only one static instance of loader64 per process inited by the process_entry function.
25 The main loader64 instance code is usually dependent only on the hardware architecture and kernel,
26 to stay independent of all dynamic libraries.
28 Only one thread can use a loader64 instance at a time. Entry must be guarded by the reentrancy lock
29 mechanism.
31 Dynamic libraries should try to presume not they are the only instance in a process: there could be
32 others loaded by other loader64 instances, or the "same" dynamic library but from different files.
33 Dodging related conflicts could be expensive and should be clearly documented in a dynamic library
34 documentation if it is supported or not.
36 uint64_t loader64_open( /*INPUT*/ void *pathname, /* we presume the pathname is self-sizing */
37 /*OUTPUT*/ uint64_t *handle, void **start);
39 Return values:
40 0 if ok, and a loader handle and the pointer on the start of the loaded dynamic
41 library, namely the first byte of the loaded dynamic library ELDF64 header.
42 11 (-EAGAIN), if the loader is currently busy.
43 other an error did happen.
45 If pathname targets an already loaded file, the same handle/start will be returned by the
46 loader. On linux, the triplet (dev_major/dev_minor/inode) should defines file system
47 unicity.
49 The _CALLER_ may use, on platforms which can support it, the EDLF64_LIBRARY_PATH environment
50 variable to build the pathnames, or any other private means (similar to ELF DT_RUNPATH). See
51 below for a description of the EDLF64_LIBRARY_PATH.
53 NOTE: we use a handle, that to avoid to have to map a start virtual address to some loader
54 internals (for instance, the handle could be directly an offset into such internals).
56 uint64_t loader64_close(/*INPUT*/ uint64_t handle);
58 Return values:
59 0 if ok, non-zero The handle becomes invalid.
60 11 (-EAGAIN), if the loader is currently busy. The handle stays valid.
61 other if something wrong did happen while closing the edlf64 file. The handle becomes
62 invalid.
63 ====================================================================================================
64 EDLF64 is about loading only one RWX memory segment.
65 ====================================================================================================
66 A EDLF64 file may honor the following environment variable in order to lookup for dynamic
67 libraries. Of course, only on platforms where it is possible. Such incompatible platforms may
68 defines their own "EDLF64_LIBRARY_PATH way" (could have a conflicting name separator).
70 EDLF64_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to lookup for EDLF64 dynamic libraries: byte string
71 ending with a 0x00 byte. Each path from EDLF64_LIBRARY_PATH is prepended to a dynamic library name.
73 We use the char '%' used to escape the path separator ':'. To have a '%' in path, you must double
74 the '%', "%%", and to have a ':' in a path not being interpreted as a separator, use "%:". "::"
75 means an empty path, usually the current working directory at the time of the lookup. Any invalid
76 combination of '%' with a non handled char ('%' or ':') will result in the path being skiped.
77 ====================================================================================================
78 Prototype of the process_entry function, WARNING, there is no stack, those must be passed in
79 registers. This is, very probably, not a classic ABI function call.
81 void process_entry(
82 void *process_info, /* Virtual address */
83 uint64_t process_info_bytes_n, /* size in bytes */
84 );
86 process_info is, on compatible platforms, arg,env and aux with their respective data and they are
87 mostly the same than the SYSV ABI (arg has no argc). The process_entry function will have to setup
88 its stack:could be a "mmap" system call or a part of the "bss", namely from the extra memory past
89 the end of the loaded file (including a guard memory page or not), or blunty book some room into the
90 file, etc.
92 On "mmap/munmap" platforms, process_info must be cleanely munmap-able, namely process_info address
93 must fit the requirement of the platform munmap to do so (usually aligned on the size of the memory
94 page used to mmap it). Other platform types may implement other mechanisms to let process_entry
95 remove/free/reuse such bytes from the process.
97 Additionnaly, for 'mmap/munmap' platforms, the executable must be cleanely munmap-able: the aux
98 vector must provide the address used to mmap the executable which would be used to munmap it. Same
99 fate than process_info for the other platform types.
101 (On linux, the EDLF64 vdso would have to be cleanely munmap-able too).
103 For the executable, you may need its path in order to load private dynamic libraries based on
104 its file system location. On linux it is possible only if the /proc file system is mounted and it
105 will target the actual executable via the pathname in the symbolic link /proc/self/exe (all symbolic
106 links were resolved in this pathname). Namely, without mounted /proc, the executable will need a
107 private method to lookup for its private dynamic libraries (similar to ELF LD_ORIGIN environment
108 variable).
109 ====================================================================================================
110 C prototype of the resolve function:
112 uint64_t resolve(
113 /*INPUT*/ uint64_t *symbol_id,
114 /*OUTPUT*/ void **symbol_virtual_address);
116 Entry must be guarded by the reentrancy lock mechanism.
118 symbol_id is a 64bits unique value identifying a symbol (similar to kernel syscalls). Like kernel
119 syscalls, those symbol ids must be _EXTREMELY_ stable in time.
121 Return values:
122 0 if ok, with the virtual address of the symbol via the symbol_virtual_address argument. No
123 assumption must be made about the location of this virtual address.
124 11 (-EAGAIN), if the resolve function cannot be run right now.
125 other the symbol was not found.
126 ====================================================================================================
127 In init or fini functions, be very careful about circular dependencies with other components. It
128 is worth on the long run to provide permanent reentrancy detection while aborting using a very loud
129 maneer.
131 Init/fini functions have the responsibility to keep the dynamic library state consistent (for
132 instance using reference counting like a loader instance).
134 Example C prototype of a basic init function:
135 uint64_t init(
136 /*INPUT*/ void *process_info, uint64_t process_info_bytes_n, void *pathname,
137 uint64_t (*loader64_open)(void *pathname, uint64_t *handle, void **start),
138 uint64_t (*loader64_close)(uint64_t handle));
140 The process_info here may be a variant from the one provided by the kernel to process_entry.
141 Pathname is a pointer on the pathname used to load this edlf64 file. If successful, it should return
142 0. Do not expect process_info to stay in memory after the call, neither pathname. On x64/x86_64 with
143 the SYSV ABI, if going with more than 6 parameters, just init a transient structure to pass the
144 whole data to work around some ABI kludge.
146 Alternative C prototype of a basic init function:
147 uint64_t init(
148 /*INPUT*/ void *process_info, uint64_t process_info_bytes_n,
149 int distribution_dir_fd, int fd,
150 uint64_t (*loader64_open)(void *pathname, uint64_t *handle, void **start),
151 uint64_t (*loader64_close)(uint64_t handle));
153 Same thing than the previous one, but with the process file descriptor used to load/mmap the edlf64
154 file instead of the pathname supplemented with the process directory file descriptor of the
155 distribution directory.
157 Example C prototype of basic fini function:
158 void fini(void)
159 ====================================================================================================
160 NOTES:
162 No static and implicit TLS anymore, explicit initialization is required, for instance via the
163 pthread dynamic library on POSIX-like systems.
165 errno would be accessed via an all-thread shared pthread key, or an additional parameter, or
166 bluntly trashed. errno would become a macro using that shared pthread key to get the value.
File files/edlf64.tar.bz2 added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..924900f)
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