sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

/ (533016d4902080b22ae5dc5352802ebdd0d78b16) (2487 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

set -e
. ./
umask 022

mkdir -p $cross_toolchain_dir_root
# we must have a linux source tree in $target_sysroot to generate architecture
# specific headers
if test ! -d $target_sysroot$target_linux_src; then
	echo "Missing linux source tree: $target_sysroot$target_linux_src"
	exit 1;
	echo "found linux source tree in $target_sysroot$target_linux_src"

./pkg-build-target glibc-linux-headers-0
./pkg-build-target linux-firmware
./pkg-build-target cinitramfs-src
./pkg-build-target glibc-headers-static-target-libgcc-0

# the gcc retards did manage to break gcc 4.7.4, the only C compilable iso c++98
# bravo!

./pkg-build cross-gmp
./pkg-build cross-mpfr
./pkg-build cross-mpc
# we need a first cross toolchain to compile the glibc, only c with
# static posix threaded libgcc

# set up the full native system headers in one dir or gcc will fail
cp -r $target_sysroot/nyan/glibc/0/linux/include/* $target_sysroot/nyan/glibc/0/include-static-target-libgcc-linux

./pkg-build cross-static-target-libgcc-binutils
./pkg-build cross-static-target-libgcc-gcc-c

./pkg-build-target glibc-0

# we need now a cross toolchain which will:
#     - able to deal with a shared libgcc_s. The real final libgcc_s, will be
#       from the cross compiled gcc itself
#     - have a crappy c++ front end to cross-compile gcc itself with some
#       c++ runtime crap

# set up the full native system headers in one dir or gcc will fail
cp -r $target_sysroot/nyan/glibc/0/linux/include/* $target_sysroot/nyan/glibc/0/include-linux

./pkg-build cross-binutils
./pkg-build cross-gcc-compilers

Mode Type Size Ref File
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100644 blob 1075 1b5314b511d4c6dc7eb4db36a21dd47ba5a00a9d INSTALL
100644 blob 30 c9b735fa1332286f4b3f5f81fa10527fd7506b6e LICENSE
100644 blob 1973 6aa180fc473777d9ca6b155cbf9b973065cdd77a README
040000 tree - e41fd62d835693c76d6118a7c0e6bb1d14686c0b builders
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100755 blob 289 7f5fbdbb712f274d04a036b9c486cbc9cf581be6 pkg-build-target
100644 blob 915 a7f21134dbc05d0e8227eaee366856b8171832a4
100755 blob 4736 d45246074663b07483d7e01f35b87ccdc44bb114
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