sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

Mode Type Size Ref File
040000 tree - fa080f2920d634374699037bd52b657c701091da asm
100755 blob 1999 300414e9352c25ed9099f6bd2e80aae0e1e33f93 bugz
100644 blob 67 297b19664df1a0dad8d0f504c2328cda4e5bae33 dash.root.interactive
100644 blob 185 71359ebd74fa8f13d54f75133b02e80d26e9b2c9 dash.root.profile
100644 blob 3247 61e9d72bd66de32024bc34221a406fe4d61951af fvwm.sample
100644 blob 94 b93baa87964302c3725d8c0110fe3b27f619d260 gitconfig.sample
100755 blob 1960 d3020698d526d25b59dc873924a5f9f9a27c2d7d hls
100644 blob 115 09201202b25da043b4938f32e3ca41bf5bc34e85 lsb-release
100644 blob 163020 f52047d1d156f7be001bd947723d4a3951ded1bc lynx.cfg.2.9.0dev4
100644 blob 3583 a46d1636133f896573a7b5ce815a005de8f3a565 lynx.lss.2.9.0dev4
100644 blob 167 7f7e2f26745ff7b67895050d9d8b6886407c5ea1 mailcap.sample
100755 blob 1450 4641c1ca36ccda7f8a20ef0cdb9c85dc804f8c6d
040000 tree - 692a9986c174e76ced4c5d27ee4a40ad7a300e7d mlterm.sample
100644 blob 168 2c7287ff1a9045029d9989d3a3c2a1ca56868ca2 nsswitch.conf.sample
100755 blob 839 7700cdc72e08c4c8dafc18efa42d9efaaa45b142 nyandhcp
100755 blob 3483 a136011f06fce1d4eeaecddd96125d81e21198e5 rival110
100644 blob 143360 402273b4c0d5d401bcaa5c661fc6cd7b8019ab39 stg.tar.xz
100755 blob 213 127292ef44e8a2ddf838eaa5477da064a3b8525e
100755 blob 4631 cf24a1d535986809abec2545d787ae224358c4b7 sysstart.bootstrap
100644 blob 320 f5d90da87d63ff24f1bcf4b0573c243af0f846c7 term_color.c
100644 blob 667 d2059ed31cb6dbaf3d9091071b730a7d30350053 vimrc-st
100644 blob 11928 704118972eb5bca423802c4de8da6f45774a2994 x11cursorvis.c
100644 blob 5549 39a6041eef21264ea8e08e31871a3c5d45cb90d7 x11keyautorepeat.c
100644 blob 508 6bfdca7de88df13313310ceabaa4316c35bff68c xorg.conf.sample
100755 blob 63 f1f41d7fd80f3a36bc0fbc4e78e0e189847476e3 zenity
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