sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

/INSTALL (f19c2d6b293244bb11a3f74ee77c10675cadc7d6) (2142 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

The target audience of this custom UEFI x86_64 glibc/linux distro is:
 - system developers
 - advanced system administators
 - advanced open source software enthusiasts

Either you build the bootstrap, or use a prebuilt bootstrap device image (at
the time of writing, no device image exists due to unavailable suitable online

MAIN METHOD: BUILDING THE BOOTSTRAP --------------------------------------------
Unfortunately, you need a relatively recent glibc/linux distro to build the
nyan bootstrap glibc/linux distro and you will need to get the source code
from internet yourself.
In theory, the nyan bootstrap glibc/linux distro should be able to bootstrap

You need to download the source files/clone the git source repositories in 
"$nyan_root/src" (we don't auto download them to avoid generating excess
traffic on source hosting servers if "mistakes" were to be made). Look
for "*url*" strings in of the packages used in

You need to prepare a disk device with at least 2 partitions as the root user:
 - one partition formatted as vfat/fat32 (minimum 128MB due to broken UEFI
   implementations) for the UEFI bios
 - one partition formatted for the root filesystem, which UUID/GUID you will
   need to know.

Then, configure the bootstrap build onto those partitions in the file. You may have to fiddle with the advanced settings
to fit your glibc/linux distro.

Run as the root user.

Boot from the device (USB key, disk, etc) using the boot menu from your UEFI
bios. Zero shell configuration was done. You won't even have a proper
configured PATH. That to let the users configure their shell(s) their way.

IMPORTANT NOTES: The bootstrap build was only tested on itself, not with other
glibc/linux distros. It means you will probably run into issues which will
require some advanced knowledge.

Not available since we don't have suitable online storage.
But it would be dead simple, for instance an USB key being installed with
"dd if=image_file of=/dev/sdX".

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 5 8eba6c8dd4dcaf6166bd22285ed34625f38a84ff .gitignore
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100644 blob 2142 f19c2d6b293244bb11a3f74ee77c10675cadc7d6 INSTALL
100644 blob 30 c9b735fa1332286f4b3f5f81fa10527fd7506b6e LICENSE
040000 tree - dafcdc47689e7f55dddc3ef81ae62ee65b1cc89d builders
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100644 blob 479 8cc15efe46965ac7750fe304460f5a2b0aa4201c
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100755 blob 356 8fb8be28ac72f7214b59934b9f74a682665f2d32 pkg-build
100644 blob 22800641 e9e6291054c857401f6835c728f31541dae4311e steam.tar.bz2
100644 blob 173 2047af328b22f9d146585cd9e759edbc18122250
040000 tree - 8e23f551092a35f82b37129dd08c35c4d313c17b x64
040000 tree - b7a22de7f5cbd97650dd45412ef7d4246e395eb8 x86
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