sylware / nyanmp (public) (License: AGPLv3) (since 2020-02-12) (hash sha1)
intended to become a collection of media players for gnu/linux based on ffmpeg, alsa, vulkan, x11, wayland, etc.

/README (9a52a592d1900f30202d2059a04755caece4397a) (422 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

nyan collection of wip (Work-In-Progress) media players

WARNING: they won't work unless you have a recent fixed git version of alsa-lib,
this, at the time of writting.

those are _not_ ffplay, which is built upon libSDL and experimental ffmpeg
features/apis (test bed for ffmpeg developers)
npa: Nyan Player Audio. alsa/terminal.
npv: Nyan Player Video, audio driven video player. alsa/x11(xcb)/vulkan.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 422 9a52a592d1900f30202d2059a04755caece4397a README
040000 tree - 9afe95bc7301793d0c29d11b7e2abba1aab6ddcc npa
040000 tree - eda76a6a6af424ebd4eced467ce19cd89f6d8524 npv
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