List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
3d kickstart from clip coords e9729e6b6072cc0bf8aa30b133c3404c62b48bac Sylvain BERTRAND 2020-01-16 23:54:44
render a first frame ae37f575961a8645c967c774d5ce7db6ec50e118 Sylvain BERTRAND 2020-01-16 23:41:31
fix from debug mode d62a1ebe64c1c6257c13507a30e4bb66e53c3db9 Sylvain BERTRAND 2020-01-16 20:31:06
simplification/taylorization and fix cf73091d7461b2d872020e0ea3db3b8f75b27c80 Sylvain BERTRAND 2020-01-14 17:16:45
sync-ing asm and dis for minimal shaders a1aec48b7011a11632eb42acae562e0cee6110df Sylvain BERTRAND 2020-01-03 17:40:13
spirv: introducing asm and dis improvement 9275a362039315e40a5328743846754f47f9559f Sylvain BERTRAND 2019-12-31 03:52:33
adjust and confirm some register acronymes 1f0d098ac18f61f6d9dbc00694da84b5a7d0274e Sylvain BERTRAND 2019-12-02 14:25:44
partial and brainded pm4 disassembler 88bd38675091a9164583a05abb672c6d1962d133 Sylvain BERTRAND 2019-11-30 19:10:22
untested amd gcn gfx6 disassembler 942c2b45ce87dd3c031289acf662679933997c21 Sylvain BERTRAND 2019-11-28 18:45:56
typos 729922e37ff800683763794352533924250e8579 Sylvain BERTRAND 2019-11-17 16:33:36
braindead partial spir-v disassembler a347cbcc8284301ad6989d486373f0d2ffb9657c Sylvain BERTRAND 2019-11-16 17:48:29
Initial commit 1cd013eaa1466522d61c7b0e64d5858055fedbfa Sylvain BERTRAND 2019-10-25 18:49:16
Commit e9729e6b6072cc0bf8aa30b133c3404c62b48bac - 3d kickstart from clip coords
Author: Sylvain BERTRAND
Author date (UTC): 2020-01-16 23:54
Committer name: Sylvain BERTRAND
Committer date (UTC): 2020-01-16 23:54
Parent(s): ae37f575961a8645c967c774d5ce7db6ec50e118
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 9bbc85bd5b49b2029ae9f7ff5024fea15f08beea
File Lines added Lines deleted
3d/clip_coords/ABBREVIATIONS 4 0
3d/clip_coords/NAMESPACE 0 0
3d/clip_coords/README 26 0
3d/clip_coords/TODO 3 0
3d/clip_coords/app.c 362 456
3d/clip_coords/app_core_types.h 0 0
3d/clip_coords/app_state.c 10 3
3d/clip_coords/app_state_types.h 15 22
3d/clip_coords/fs.S 32 0
3d/clip_coords/log.h 0 0
3d/clip_coords/namespace/app.c 36 49
3d/clip_coords/namespace/app_state.c 0 4
3d/clip_coords/namespace/app_state_types.h 2 4
3d/clip_coords/namespace/vk_syms.c 0 0
3d/clip_coords/vk_app.h 188 0
3d/clip_coords/vk_syms.c 15 15
3d/clip_coords/vs.S 73 0
3d/clip_coords/xcb.c 1 1
3d/clip_coords/xcb_syms.c 0 0
nyanvk/types.h 2 1
spirv/asm/asm.c 84 2
File 3d/clip_coords/ABBREVIATIONS copied from file 2d/blit/ABBREVIATIONS (similarity 69%) (mode: 100644) (index ea340d8..67ff39d)
... ... c : Connection (often)
6 6 disp :DISPlay disp :DISPlay
7 7 env : ENVironment env : ENVironment
8 8 evt(s) :EVenT(S) evt(s) :EVenT(S)
9 fs : Fragment Shader (=pixel shader)
9 10 obj(s) : OBJect(S) obj(s) : OBJect(S)
11 ps : Pixel Shader (=fragment shader)
10 12 r : Result (often) r : Result (often)
13 rp(s) : RenderPass(eS)
11 14 rec : RECord rec : RECord
12 15 resz : RESiZe resz : RESiZe
13 16 scr(s) : SCReen(S) scr(s) : SCReen(S)
14 17 tmp : TeMPorary tmp : TeMPorary
18 vs : Vertex Shader
File 3d/clip_coords/NAMESPACE copied from file 2d/blit/NAMESPACE (similarity 100%)
File 3d/clip_coords/README added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..ffdfa90)
1 The vulkan API is, here, simplified and taylored for the app using the
2 C preprocessor. In other words, when there is no ambiguity in the context of
3 this code, vulkan API function parameters get simplified out in a C preprocessor
4 macros.
6 The spirv code for the vertex shader and the pixel shader is handcrafted.
7 Everybody should code straight spirv with a spirv assembler in order to work
8 around the nastyness of many "compilers".
10 We used the braindead spirv asm (which comes with a companion disassembler).
11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 # preprocess the shaders (care, gcc cpp is broken regarding line continuation).
14 cpp vs.S >/tmp/vs.cpp
15 cpp fs.S >/tmp/fs.cpp
17 # assemble the shaders
18 asm </tmp/vs.cpp >/tmp/vs.spirv
19 asm </tmp/fs.cpp >/tmp/fs.spirv
21 # build the app
22 gcc -o /tmp/app app.c -I$xcb_headers_path -ldl
24 RUN:
25 cd /tmp
26 ./app
File 3d/clip_coords/TODO added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..82aac29)
1 - check and use vk_create_renderpass_2
2 - check and use vk_cmdbuf_begin_renderpass_2
3 - remove posix stuff for std c library stuff (the way we read the shaders).
File 3d/clip_coords/app.c copied from file 2d/blit/app.c (similarity 68%) (mode: 100644) (index e483138..13dc075)
5 5 * Sylvain BERTRAND * Sylvain BERTRAND
6 6 */ */
8 /*
9 * XXX vk abstraction is much more complex than real hardware, aka the cost of
10 * most software generalisation/abstraction (and some hardware has lost its
11 * way...). Better know some real hardware programming (for instance AMD
12 * open gpu) and keep that in mind while dealing with vk.
13 * since it's complex, have a "safe mode", kind of minimal use of vk. doing
14 * fancy stuff above this "safe mode" must be validated by hardware vendors
15 * then the user... or you literally walking on eggs.
16 *
17 * The vulkan API is, here, simplified and taylored for the app using the C
18 * preprocessor. In other words, when there is no ambiguity in the context of
19 * this code, vulkan API function parameters get simplified out in C
20 * preprocessor macros.
21 *
22 * XXX: this is a "One Compilation Unit" source code with preprocessor
23 * namespace support. this allow the project to grow to very large and keep the
24 * global identifier space in check (= tradeoff). Each source file, *.h *.c,
25 * should compile without errors.
26 *
27 * XXX: you may have to track the dependencies of vk objs that in order to be
28 * able to deal with any of their brutal state changes:
29 * - a dev can be lost (i.e. power management evt or bad hardware)
30 * - a surf can be lost (i.e. power management evt or something went
31 * really bad)
32 * - a swpchn can become out-of-date. for instance the win system did resz
33 * the parent surf of the swpchn... if you did allow it to happen
34 * asynchronously.
35 * here we choose that any of those evts will be fatal for simplicity. for
36 * instance, if you choose to support the swpchn out-of-date state, if your
37 * rendering state was too much "pre-configured", you would have to
38 * "re-pre-configure" everything... or you should drop "pre-configuring" and
39 * program everything *again* for each swpchn img you draw.
40 *
41 * display programing is demonstrated "officially" in khronos vk cube.c and
42 * there is a tutorial slide "1-Vulkan-Tutorial.pdf" (just abstract away c++
43 * cr*p) which is "the programming manual" on top of specs. this code is
44 * different:
45 * - only 1 "main" synchronous loop
46 * - only xcb wsi. xcb is a client library on top of the x11 protocol.
47 * we know wayland ("x12") should be added.
48 * - dynamic loading of xcb.
49 * - no need of vk headers (using directly the ABI with custom headers).
50 *
51 * WARNING: vk core q fam props discovery is not used for the discovery of
52 * q fams able to support disp, aka wsi. This is the case because disp
53 * handling (wsi), is done as an ext and is not core (vk can be use without
54 * a wsi).
55 *
56 * a phydev must have a q with gfx and compute. additionally, any q with gfx or
57 * compute does implicitely support transfer. basically, it is possible to have
58 * qs with only transfer support, and we are guaranteed to have a q with gfx
59 * and compute and transfer support. Keep in mind that many vk resources must
60 * pay the cost of transfering from 1 q fam to another q fam: then think twice
61 * on how you want to spread your work load on the q fams.
62 *
63 * for proper keyboard support, joypad way or/and text input way, read the
64 * included KEYBOARD file. here, since we use basic layout independent standard
65 * keys, the x11 core keyboard protocol is fairly enough.
66 *
67 * TODO: use as less as possible device memory object, namely try to allocate
68 * one big chunk and manage alignment constraint ourself. vk api does provide
69 * a way to query for the memory alignment constraints.
70 */
8 /* C */
71 9 #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
72 10 #include <string.h> #include <string.h>
11 /* posix, _must_ move that to C */
12 #include <sys/stat.h>
13 #include <sys/mman.h>
14 #include <fcntl.h>
15 /* x11 */
73 16 #include <xcb.h> #include <xcb.h>
74 17 #include "app_core_types.h" #include "app_core_types.h"
75 18 #include "nyanvk/consts.h" #include "nyanvk/consts.h"
79 22 #include "log.h" #include "log.h"
80 23 #include "vk_syms.c" #include "vk_syms.c"
81 24 #include "app_state.c" #include "app_state.c"
25 #include "xcb_syms.c"
82 26 #include "xcb.c" #include "xcb.c"
83 27 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
84 28 #include "namespace/app.c" #include "namespace/app.c"
86 30 #include "namespace/app_state_types.h" #include "namespace/app_state_types.h"
87 31 #include "namespace/app_state.c" #include "namespace/app_state.c"
88 32 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 /*
34 * In "wc", 'w' is the "standard" 4th 3d coord, and 'c' stands for 'C'lipped.
35 * the clip coords in vk is a 3d "cube":
36 * -"wc" <= x <= "wc" (w is the "standard" 4th coord, n
37 * -"wc" <= y <= "wc"
38 * 0.0f <= z <= "wc"
39 * y axis is pointing down
40 * x axis is pointing to the right
41 * z axis is pointing away from you
42 * "wc" is from the "projection matrix" _WITHOUT_ the "wc" division (you must
43 * understand the related 3d maths).
44 *
45 * Z
46 * ^
47 * /
48 * /
49 * center(0,0,0) +------->
50 * | X
51 * |
52 * |
53 * v Y
54 *
55 *
56 * the vtx position which is output by the vtx sh must be in those
57 * "clip coords", because the fixed-function GPU hardware will expect it.
58 * You must understand the different 3d coords from a math point of view.
59 *
60 * In "3d" we have 4 coords, x,y, z, w due to the fact
61 * that "perpective projection", with linear adjustment of z, is a linear
62 * transformation only in 4D. Linear adjustment of z is VERY important
63 * or you won't be able to write this projection as a 4x4 matrix.
64 * This is a "math trick", to allow classic 4x4 linear algebra to just "work".
65 *
66 * "clip coords" means the final w division for a complete "perspective
67 * projection" was not done. See the vk specs, "chapter 23.2 primitive
68 * clipping" (at the time of writing).
69 *
70 */
89 71 #define VK_FATAL(fmt, ...) \ #define VK_FATAL(fmt, ...) \
90 72 if (r < 0) {\ if (r < 0) {\
91 73 LOG(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);\ LOG(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);\
... ... if (r < 0) {\
97 79 LOG(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);\ LOG(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);\
98 80 exit(1);\ exit(1);\
99 81 } }
82 static void file_mmap(u8 *path, u8 **map, u64 *sz)
83 {
84 struct stat file_stat;
85 int r;
86 int fd;
88 r = stat(path, &file_stat);
89 if (r != 0)
90 FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:file_mmap:%s:error stating the file\n", r, path)
91 *sz = (u64)file_stat.st_size;
92 fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
93 if (fd == -1)
94 FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:file_mmap:%s:error openning the file\n", r, path)
95 *map = mmap(0, *sz, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
96 if (*map == 0)
97 FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:file_mmap:%s:fd=%d:error mmaping the file\n", r, path, fd)
98 }
100 100 /* the phydev q fam selected */ /* the phydev q fam selected */
101 101 static void dev_create(void) static void dev_create(void)
102 102 { {
... ... static void dev_create(void)
109 109 /* 1.1 promoted */ /* 1.1 promoted */
110 110 "VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2", "VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2",
111 111 "VK_KHR_swapchain"}; "VK_KHR_swapchain"};
113 112 s32 r; s32 r;
114 113
115 114 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
... ... static void tmp_phydevs_q_fams_surf_support_get(void)
494 493 break; break;
495 494 supported = vk_false; supported = vk_false;
496 495 vk_get_phydev_surf_support(p->vk, j, &supported); vk_get_phydev_surf_support(p->vk, j, &supported);
497 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:physical device:%p:queue family:%u:surface:%p:unable to query queue family wsi/(image presentation to our surface) support\n", r, p->vk, j, surf_g.vk)
496 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:physical device:%p:queue family:%u:surface:%p:unable to query queue family wsi/(image presentation to our surface) support\n", r, p->vk, j, surf_g.vk);
498 497 if (supported == vk_true) { if (supported == vk_true) {
499 498 LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:queue family:%u:surface:%p:does support wsi/(image presentation to our surface) \n", p->vk, j, surf_g.vk); LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:queue family:%u:surface:%p:does support wsi/(image presentation to our surface) \n", p->vk, j, surf_g.vk);
500 499 p->q_fams_surf_support[j] = true; p->q_fams_surf_support[j] = true;
... ... static void texel_mem_blk_conf_select(void)
616 615 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:physical device:%p:surface:%p:unable get the count of valid surface texel memory block configurations\n", r,, surf_g.vk) VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:physical device:%p:surface:%p:unable get the count of valid surface texel memory block configurations\n", r,, surf_g.vk)
617 616 if (confs_n > CONFS_N_MAX) if (confs_n > CONFS_N_MAX)
618 617 FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:physical device:%p:surface:%p:too many surface texel memory block configurations %u/%u\n",, surf_g.vk, confs_n, CONFS_N_MAX) FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:physical device:%p:surface:%p:too many surface texel memory block configurations %u/%u\n",, surf_g.vk, confs_n, CONFS_N_MAX)
620 618 memset(confs, 0, sizeof(confs[0]) * confs_n); memset(confs, 0, sizeof(confs[0]) * confs_n);
621 619 i = 0; i = 0;
622 620 loop { loop {
... ... static void texel_mem_blk_conf_select(void)
630 628 if (confs_n == 0) if (confs_n == 0)
631 629 FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:physical device:%p:surface:%p:no valid surface texel memory block configuration\n",, surf_g.vk) FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:physical device:%p:surface:%p:no valid surface texel memory block configuration\n",, surf_g.vk)
632 630 texel_mem_blk_confs_dump(confs_n, confs); texel_mem_blk_confs_dump(confs_n, confs);
634 631 cc = &; cc = &;
635 632 if ((confs_n == 1) && (confs[0].core.fmt if ((confs_n == 1) && (confs[0].core.fmt
636 633 == vk_texel_mem_blk_fmt_undefined)) { == vk_texel_mem_blk_fmt_undefined)) {
... ... static void tmp_phydevs_mem_props_get(void)
669 666 } }
670 667 } }
671 668
672 static void phydev_mem_heap_dump(void *phydev, u8 i,
673 struct vk_mem_heap_t *heap)
669 static void phydev_mem_heap_dump(void *phydev, u8 i, struct vk_mem_heap_t *heap)
674 670 { {
675 671 LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory heap:%u:size:%u bytes\n", phydev, i, heap->sz); LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory heap:%u:size:%u bytes\n", phydev, i, heap->sz);
676 672 LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory heap:%u:flags:%#08x\n", phydev, i, heap->flags); LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory heap:%u:flags:%#08x\n", phydev, i, heap->flags);
... ... static void phydev_mem_heap_dump(void *phydev, u8 i,
680 676 LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory type:%u:multi instance_g\n", phydev, i); LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory type:%u:multi instance_g\n", phydev, i);
681 677 } }
682 678
683 static void phydev_mem_type_dump(void *phydev, u8 i,
684 struct vk_mem_type_t *type)
679 static void phydev_mem_type_dump(void *phydev, u8 i, struct vk_mem_type_t *type)
685 680 { {
686 681 LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory type:%u:heap:%u\n", phydev, i, type->heap); LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory type:%u:heap:%u\n", phydev, i, type->heap);
687 682 LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory type:%u:flags:%#08x\n", phydev, i, type->prop_flags); LOG("0:MAIN:physical device:%p:memory type:%u:flags:%#08x\n", phydev, i, type->prop_flags);
... ... static void swpchn_imgs_get(void)
784 779 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:surface:%p:swapchain:%p:got %u swapchain images\n",, surf_g.vk,,; LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:surface:%p:swapchain:%p:got %u swapchain images\n",, surf_g.vk,,;
785 780 } }
786 781
782 static void swpchn_imgview_create(u8 i)
783 {
784 struct vk_imgview_create_info_t info;
785 s32 r;
787 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
788 info.type = vk_struct_type_imgview_create_info;
789 info.img =[i];
790 info.view_type = vk_imgview_type_2d;
791 info.fmt =;
792 info.subrsrc_range.aspect = vk_img_aspect_color_bit;
793 info.subrsrc_range.lvls_n = 1;
794 info.subrsrc_range.array_layers_n = 1;
795 vk_create_imgview(&info, &[i]);
796 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:swapchain:%p:image:%u:unable to create image view\n", r,,, i)
797 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:swapchain:%p:image:%u:image view created %p\n",,, i,[i]);
798 }
800 static void swpchn_imgviews_create(void)
801 {
802 u8 i;
804 i = 0;
805 loop {
806 if (i ==
807 break;
808 swpchn_imgview_create(i);
809 ++i;
810 }
811 }
787 813 static void swpchn_init(void) static void swpchn_init(void)
788 814 { {
789 815 struct vk_swpchn_create_info_t info; struct vk_swpchn_create_info_t info;
... ... static void swpchn_init(void)
807 833 info.composite_alpha = vk_composite_alpha_opaque_bit; info.composite_alpha = vk_composite_alpha_opaque_bit;
808 834 info.present_mode = vk_present_mode_fifo; info.present_mode = vk_present_mode_fifo;
809 835 info.clipped = vk_true; info.clipped = vk_true;
810 vk_create_swpchn(&info);
836 vk_create_swpchn(&info, &;
811 837 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:surface:%p:unable to create the initial swapchain\n", r,, surf_g.vk) VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:surface:%p:unable to create the initial swapchain\n", r,, surf_g.vk)
812 838 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:surface:%p:swapchain created %p\n",, surf_g.vk,; LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:surface:%p:swapchain created %p\n",, surf_g.vk,;
813 839 } }
... ... static void tmp_present_modes_dump(void)
851 877 } }
852 878 } }
853 879
854 static void cpu_img_create(u8 i)
855 {
856 struct vk_img_create_info_t info;
857 s32 r;
859 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
860 info.type = vk_struct_type_img_create_info;
861 info.flags = vk_img_create_flag_2d_array_compatible_bit;
862 info.img_type = vk_img_type_2d;
863 info.texel_mem_blk_fmt = vk_texel_mem_blk_fmt_b8g8r8a8_unorm;
864 info.extent.width = APP_CPU_IMG_WIDTH;
865 info.extent.height = APP_CPU_IMG_HEIGHT;
866 info.extent.depth = 1;
867 info.mip_lvls_n = 1;
868 info.samples_n = vk_samples_n_1_bit;
869 info.array_layers_n = 1;
870 info.img_tiling = vk_img_tiling_linear;
871 info.usage = vk_img_usage_transfer_src_bit;
872 info.initial_layout = vk_img_layout_undefined;
873 vk_create_img(&info, &[i].vk);
874 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to create swapchain cpu image %u\n", r,, i)
875 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:swapchain cpu image %u created %p\n",, i,[i].vk);
876 }
878 static void cpu_imgs_create(void)
879 {
880 u8 i;
882 i = 0;
883 loop {
884 if (i ==
885 break;
886 cpu_img_create(i);
887 ++i;
888 }
889 }
891 static void img_mem_barrier_run_once(u8 i, struct vk_img_mem_barrier_t *b)
892 {
893 s32 r;
894 struct vk_cb_begin_info_t begin_info;
895 struct vk_submit_info_t submit_info;
897 memset(&begin_info, 0, sizeof(begin_info));
898 begin_info.type = vk_struct_type_cb_begin_info;
899 begin_info.flags = vk_cb_usage_one_time_submit_bit;
900 vk_begin_cb([i], &begin_info);
901 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:command buffer:%p:unable to begin recording the initial layout transition command buffer\n", r,[i])
902 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
903 vk_cmd_pl_barrier([i], b);
904 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
905 vk_end_cb([i]);
906 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:command buffer:%p:unable to end recording of the initial layout transition command buffer\n", r,[i])
907 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
908 memset(&submit_info, 0, sizeof(submit_info));
909 submit_info.type = vk_struct_type_submit_info;
910 submit_info.cbs_n = 1;
911 = &[i];
912 vk_q_submit(&submit_info);
913 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:queue:%p:unable to submit the initial layout transition command buffer\n", r,
914 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
915 vk_q_wait_idle();
916 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:queue:%p:unable to wait for idle or completion of initial layout transition command buffer\n", r,
917 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
918 /*
919 * since it is tagged to run once its state_g is invalid, we need to
920 * reset it to the initial state_g
921 */
922 vk_reset_cb([i]);
923 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:command buffer:%p:unable to reset the initial layout transition command buffer\n", r,[i])
924 }
926 static void cpu_img_layout_to_general(u8 i)
927 {
928 struct vk_img_mem_barrier_t b;
929 struct vk_img_subrsrc_range_t *r;
931 memset(&b, 0, sizeof(b));
932 b.type = vk_struct_type_img_mem_barrier;
933 b.old_layout = vk_img_layout_undefined;
934 b.new_layout = vk_img_layout_general;
935 b.src_q_fam = vk_q_fam_ignored;
936 b.dst_q_fam = vk_q_fam_ignored;
937 b.img =[i].vk;
938 r = &b.subrsrc_range;
939 r->aspect = vk_img_aspect_color_bit;
940 r->lvls_n = 1;
941 r->array_layers_n = 1;
942 img_mem_barrier_run_once(i, &b);
943 LOG("0:MAIN:cpu image:%p[%u]:transition to general layout successful\n",[i].vk, i);
944 }
946 /* once in general layout, the dev sees the img */
947 static void cpu_imgs_layout_to_general(void)
948 {
949 u8 i;
951 i = 0;
952 loop {
953 if (i ==
954 break;
955 cpu_img_layout_to_general(i);
956 ++i;
957 }
958 }
960 static void tmp_cpu_img_mem_rqmts_get(u8 i)
961 {
962 struct vk_img_mem_rqmts_info_t info;
963 struct vk_mem_rqmts_t *rqmts;
964 s32 r;
966 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
967 info.type = vk_struct_type_img_mem_rqmts_info;
968 info.img =[i].vk;
969 rqmts = &tmp_mem_rqmts_g[i];
970 memset(rqmts, 0, sizeof(*rqmts));
971 rqmts->type = vk_struct_type_mem_rqmts;
972 vk_get_img_mem_rqmts(&info, rqmts);
973 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to get memory requirements for cpu image %u\n", r,, i)
974 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:cpu image %u core requirements are size=%lu bytes, alignment=%lu bytes, memory type=%#08x\n",, i, (long)rqmts->, (long)rqmts->core.alignment, rqmts->core.mem_type_bits);
975 }
977 static void tmp_cpu_imgs_mem_rqmts_get(void)
978 {
979 u8 i;
981 i = 0;
982 loop {
983 if (i ==
984 break;
985 tmp_cpu_img_mem_rqmts_get(i);
986 ++i;
987 }
988 }
990 #define WANTED_MEM_PROPS (vk_mem_prop_host_visible_bit \
991 | vk_mem_prop_host_cached_bit)
992 #define IS_DEV_LOCAL(x) (((x)->prop_flags & vk_mem_prop_dev_local_bit) != 0)
993 static bool match_mem_type(u8 mem_type_idx,
994 struct vk_mem_rqmts_t *img_rqmts, bool ignore_gpu_is_discret)
995 {
996 struct vk_mem_type_t *mem_type;
998 /* first check this mem type is in our img rqmts */
999 if (((1 << mem_type_idx) & img_rqmts->core.mem_type_bits) == 0)
1000 return false;
1001 mem_type = &[mem_type_idx];
1002 if (!ignore_gpu_is_discret)
1003 if ( && IS_DEV_LOCAL(mem_type))
1004 return false;
1005 if ((mem_type->prop_flags & WANTED_MEM_PROPS) == WANTED_MEM_PROPS)
1006 return true;
1007 return false;
1008 }
1009 #undef WANTED_MEM_PROPS
1010 #undef IS_DEV_LOCAL
1012 static bool try_alloc_cpu_img_dev_mem(u8 i,
1013 struct vk_mem_rqmts_t *img_rqmts, u8 mem_type_idx)
1014 {
1015 struct vk_mem_alloc_info_t info;
1016 s32 r;
1018 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
1019 info.type = vk_struct_type_mem_alloc_info;
1020 = img_rqmts->;
1021 info.mem_type_idx = mem_type_idx;
1022 vk_alloc_mem(&info, &[i].dev_mem);
1023 if (r < 0) {
1024 LOG("0:MAIN:WARNING:%d:device:%p:cpu image:%u:unable to allocate %lu bytes from physical dev %p memory type %u\n", r,, img_rqmts->,, mem_type_idx);
1025 return false;
1026 }
1027 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:physical device:%p:cpu image:%u:%lu bytes allocated from memory type %u\n",,, i, img_rqmts->, mem_type_idx);
1028 return true;
1029 }
1031 /*
1032 * we are looking for host visible and host cached mem. on discret gpu we would
1033 * like non dev local mem that in order to avoid wasting video ram. if we have
1034 * a discret gpu but could not find a mem type without dev local mem, let's
1035 * retry with only host visible and host cached mem.
1036 */
1037 #define IGNORE_GPU_IS_DISCRET true
1038 static void cpu_img_dev_mem_alloc(u8 i)
1039 {
1040 struct vk_mem_rqmts_t *img_rqmts;
1041 u8 mem_type;
1043 img_rqmts = &tmp_mem_rqmts_g[i];
1044 mem_type = 0;
1045 loop {
1046 if (mem_type ==
1047 break;
1048 if (match_mem_type(mem_type, img_rqmts,
1050 if (try_alloc_cpu_img_dev_mem(i, img_rqmts,
1051 mem_type))
1052 return;
1053 }
1054 ++mem_type;
1055 }
1056 if (!
1057 FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:physical device:%p:cpu image:%u:unable to find proper memory type or to allocate memory\n",, i)
1058 /*
1059 * lookup again, but relax the match based on discret gpu constraint for
1060 * gpu
1061 */
1062 mem_type = 0;
1063 loop {
1064 if (mem_type ==
1065 break;
1066 if (match_mem_type(mem_type, img_rqmts, IGNORE_GPU_IS_DISCRET)
1067 && try_alloc_cpu_img_dev_mem(i, img_rqmts, mem_type))
1068 return;
1069 ++mem_type;
1070 }
1071 FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:physical device:%p:cpu image:%u:unable to find proper memory type or to allocate memory\n",, i)
1072 }
1075 static void cpu_imgs_dev_mem_alloc(void)
1076 {
1077 u8 i;
1079 i = 0;
1080 loop {
1081 if (i ==
1082 break;
1083 cpu_img_dev_mem_alloc(i);
1084 ++i;
1085 }
1086 }
1088 static void cpu_imgs_dev_mem_bind(void)
1089 {
1090 struct vk_bind_img_mem_info_t infos[swpchn_imgs_n_max];
1091 u8 i;
1092 s32 r;
1094 memset(&infos, 0, sizeof(infos[0]) *;
1095 i = 0;
1096 loop {
1097 if (i ==
1098 break;
1099 infos[i].type = vk_struct_type_bind_img_mem_info;
1100 infos[i].img =[i].vk;
1101 infos[i].mem =[i].dev_mem;
1102 ++i;
1103 }
1104 vk_bind_img_mem(infos);
1105 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:cpu images:unable to bind device memory to images\n", r,
1106 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:cpu images:bound device memory to images\n",;
1107 }
1109 static void cpu_imgs_dev_mem_map(void)
1110 {
1111 u8 i;
1113 i = 0;
1114 loop {
1115 s32 r;
1117 if (i ==
1118 break;
1119 vk_map_mem([i].dev_mem,
1120 &[i].data);
1121 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:cpu image:%u:unable to map image memory\n", r,, i)
1122 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:cpu image:%u:image memory mapped\n",, i);
1123 ++i;
1124 }
1125 }
1127 static void cpu_img_subrsrc_layout_get(u8 i)
1128 {
1129 struct vk_img_subrsrc_t s;
1131 memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
1132 /* 1 subrsrc = uniq color plane of mip lvl 0 and array 0 */
1133 s.aspect = vk_img_aspect_color_bit;
1134 vk_get_img_subrsrc_layout([i].vk, &s,
1135 &[i].layout);
1136 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:cpu image:%u:layout:offset=%lu bytes size=%lu bytes row_pitch=%lu bytes array_pitch=%lu bytes depth_pitch=%lu bytes\n",, i,[i].layout.offset,[i],[i].layout.row_pitch,[i].layout.array_pitch,[i].layout.depth_pitch);
1137 }
1139 static void cpu_imgs_subrsrc_layout_get(void)
1140 {
1141 u8 i;
1143 i = 0;
1144 loop {
1145 if (i ==
1146 break;
1147 cpu_img_subrsrc_layout_get(i);
1148 ++i;
1149 }
1150 }
1152 880 static void sems_create(void) static void sems_create(void)
1153 881 { {
1154 882 s32 r; s32 r;
... ... static void sems_create(void)
1164 892 vk_create_sem(&info, &[sem]); vk_create_sem(&info, &[sem]);
1165 893 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to create a semaphore %u for our swapchain\n", r,, sem) VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to create a semaphore %u for our swapchain\n", r,, sem)
1166 894 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:semaphore %u for our swapchain created %p\n",, sem,[sem]); LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:semaphore %u for our swapchain created %p\n",, sem,[sem]);
1167 896 ++sem; ++sem;
1168 897 } }
1169 898 } }
... ... static void cbs_create(void)
1186 915 static void cb_rec(u8 i) static void cb_rec(u8 i)
1187 916 { {
1188 917 s32 r; s32 r;
1189 struct vk_cb_begin_info_t begin_info;
1190 struct vk_img_mem_barrier_t b;
1191 struct vk_img_blit_t region;
918 struct vk_cb_begin_info_t cb_info;
919 struct vk_rp_begin_info_t rp_info;
920 union vk_clr_val_t clr_val;
1192 921 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1193 memset(&begin_info, 0, sizeof(begin_info));
1194 begin_info.type = vk_struct_type_cb_begin_info;
1195 vk_begin_cb([i], &begin_info);
922 memset(&cb_info, 0, sizeof(cb_info));
923 cb_info.type = vk_struct_type_cb_begin_info;
924 vk_begin_cb([i], &cb_info);
1196 925 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:swapchain img:%u:command buffer:%p:unable to begin recording\n", r, i,[i]) VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:swapchain img:%u:command buffer:%p:unable to begin recording\n", r, i,[i])
1197 926 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1198 /* acquired img (undefined layout) to presentation layout */
1199 memset(&b, 0, sizeof(b));
1200 b.type = vk_struct_type_img_mem_barrier;
1201 b.old_layout = vk_img_layout_undefined;
1202 b.new_layout = vk_img_layout_present;
1203 b.src_q_fam = vk_q_fam_ignored;
1204 b.dst_q_fam = vk_q_fam_ignored;
1205 b.img =[i];
1206 b.subrsrc_range.aspect = vk_img_aspect_color_bit;
1207 b.subrsrc_range.lvls_n = 1;
1208 b.subrsrc_range.array_layers_n = 1;
1209 vk_cmd_pl_barrier([i], &b);
927 /*XXX this is where the link between a rp and a fb is created */
928 memset(&rp_info, 0, sizeof(rp_info));
929 rp_info.type = vk_struct_type_rp_begin_info;
930 rp_info.rp =;
931 rp_info.fb =[i];
932 rp_info.render_area.offset.x = 0;
933 rp_info.render_area.offset.y = 0;
934 rp_info.render_area.extent.width = APP_WIN_WIDTH;
935 rp_info.render_area.extent.height = APP_WIN_HEIGHT;
936 clr_val.color.f32s[0] = 0.0f;
937 clr_val.color.f32s[1] = 0.0f;
938 clr_val.color.f32s[2] = 0.0f;
939 clr_val.color.f32s[3] = 1.0f;
940 rp_info.clr_vals_n = 1;
941 rp_info.clr_vals = &clr_val;
1210 942 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1211 /* blit from cpu img to pe img */
1212 memset(&region, 0, sizeof(region));
1213 region.src_subrsrc.aspect = vk_img_aspect_color_bit;
1214 region.src_subrsrc.array_layers_n = 1;
1215 region.src_offsets[1].x = APP_CPU_IMG_WIDTH;
1216 region.src_offsets[1].y = APP_CPU_IMG_HEIGHT;
1217 region.dst_subrsrc.aspect = vk_img_aspect_color_bit;
1218 region.dst_subrsrc.array_layers_n = 1;
1219 /* XXX: it is a scaling blit: you can use APP_WIN_WIDTH/APP_WIN_HEIGHT */
1220 region.dst_offsets[1].x = APP_CPU_IMG_WIDTH;
1221 region.dst_offsets[1].y = APP_CPU_IMG_HEIGHT;
1222 vk_cmd_blit_img([i],[i].vk,
1223[i], &region);
943 vk_cmd_begin_rp([i], &rp_info);
944 vk_cmd_bind_pl([i]);
945 vk_cmd_draw([i], 3, 1, 0, 0);
946 vk_cmd_end_rp([i]);
1224 947 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1225 948 vk_end_cb([i]); vk_end_cb([i]);
1226 949 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:swapchain img:%u:command buffer:%p:unable to end recording\n", r, i,[i]) VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:swapchain img:%u:command buffer:%p:unable to end recording\n", r, i,[i])
... ... static void phydev_init(void)
1263 986 tmp_present_modes_dump(); tmp_present_modes_dump();
1264 987 } }
1265 988
989 static void rp_create(void)
990 {
991 s32 r;
992 struct vk_rp_create_info_t info;
993 struct vk_at_desc_t color_at; /* only one color at for all sps */
994 struct vk_sp_desc_t sp; /* our only sp */
995 struct vk_at_ref_t color_at_ref; /* for our only sp */
997 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
998 memset(&sp, 0, sizeof(sp));
999 memset(&color_at, 0, sizeof(color_at));
1000 memset(&color_at_ref, 0, sizeof(color_at_ref));
1001 /* our rp, namely all its supasses will need only 1 color at */
1002 color_at.fmt =;
1003 color_at.samples_n = vk_samples_n_1_bit;
1004 color_at.load_op = vk_at_load_op_clr;
1005 color_at.store_op = vk_at_store_op_store;
1006 color_at.stencil_load_op = vk_at_load_op_dont_care;
1007 color_at.stencil_store_op = vk_at_store_op_dont_care;
1008 color_at.initial_layout = vk_img_layout_undefined;
1009 color_at.final_layout = vk_img_layout_present;
1010 /*
1011 * our rp will include 1 sp which will use the above
1012 * color at, hence we declare its ref
1013 */
1014 = 0; /* idx of the only at in our rp */
1015 color_at_ref.layout = vk_img_layout_color_at_optimal;
1016 /*
1017 * our only sp using a ref to the only color at. In the
1018 * frag/pixel shader, outputting to this attachment will have to be done
1019 * using "location 0" spirv decoration
1020 */
1021 sp.pl_bind_point = vk_pl_bind_point_gfx;
1022 sp.color_ats_n = 1;
1023 sp.color_ats = &color_at_ref;
1024 /*
1025 * we use a full gfx pl which we sync with the presentation
1026 * engine using semaphore. Then default/automatic sps sync is ok.
1027 */
1028 info.type = vk_struct_type_rp_create_info;
1029 info.ats_n = 1;
1030 info.ats = &color_at;
1031 info.sps_n = 1;
1032 info.sps = &sp;
1033 vk_create_rp(&info);
1034 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to create the render pass\n", r,
1035 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:created render pass %p\n",,;
1036 }
1038 static void shmods_create(void)
1039 {
1040 s32 r;
1041 struct vk_shmod_create_info_t info;
1043 /* vs */
1044 file_mmap("./vs.spirv", (u8**)&tmp_vs_g, &tmp_vs_sz_g);
1045 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
1046 info.type = vk_struct_type_shmod_create_info;
1047 info.code_sz = tmp_vs_sz_g;
1048 info.code = tmp_vs_g;
1049 vk_create_shmod(&info, &tmp_vs_mod_g);
1050 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to create the vertex shader module", r,
1051 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:created vertex shader module %p\n",, tmp_vs_mod_g);
1052 /* fs/ps */
1053 file_mmap("./fs.spirv", (u8**)&tmp_fs_g, &tmp_fs_sz_g);
1054 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
1055 info.type = vk_struct_type_shmod_create_info;
1056 info.code_sz = tmp_fs_sz_g;
1057 info.code = tmp_fs_g;
1058 vk_create_shmod(&info, &tmp_fs_mod_g);
1059 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to create the fragment/pixel shader module", r,
1060 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:created fragment/pixel shader module %p\n",, tmp_fs_mod_g);
1061 }
1063 static void shmods_destroy(void)
1064 {
1065 vk_destroy_shmod(tmp_vs_mod_g);
1066 munmap(tmp_vs_g, tmp_vs_sz_g);
1067 vk_destroy_shmod(tmp_fs_mod_g);
1068 munmap(tmp_fs_g, tmp_fs_sz_g);
1069 }
1071 static void *pl_layout_empty_create(void)
1072 {
1073 struct vk_pl_layout_create_info_t layout_info;
1074 s32 r;
1075 void *pl_layout;
1077 memset(&layout_info, 0, sizeof(layout_info));
1078 layout_info.type = vk_struct_type_pl_layout_create_info;
1079 vk_create_pl_layout(&layout_info, &pl_layout);
1080 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to create the pipeline layout", r,
1081 return pl_layout;
1082 }
1084 static void pl_create(void)
1085 {
1086 struct vk_gfx_pl_create_info_t pl_info;
1087 struct vk_pl_sh_stage_create_info_t sh_stage_infos[2];
1088 struct vk_pl_vtx_input_state_create_info_t vtx_info;
1089 struct vk_pl_input_assembly_state_create_info_t assembly_info;
1090 struct vk_pl_viewport_state_create_info_t viewport_info;
1091 struct vk_viewport_t viewport;
1092 struct vk_rect_2d_t scissor;
1093 struct vk_pl_raster_state_create_info_t raster_info;
1094 struct vk_pl_multisample_state_create_info_t multisample_info;
1095 struct vk_pl_color_blend_at_state_t color_blend_at;
1096 struct vk_pl_color_blend_state_create_info_t color_blend_info;
1097 s32 r;
1098 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1099 memset(sh_stage_infos, 0, sizeof(sh_stage_infos));
1100 sh_stage_infos[0].type = vk_struct_type_pl_sh_stage_create_info;
1101 sh_stage_infos[0].stage = vk_sh_stage_vtx_bit;
1102 sh_stage_infos[0].shmod = tmp_vs_mod_g;
1103 sh_stage_infos[0].name = "main";
1104 sh_stage_infos[1].type = vk_struct_type_pl_sh_stage_create_info;
1105 sh_stage_infos[1].stage = vk_sh_stage_frag_bit;
1106 sh_stage_infos[1].shmod = tmp_fs_mod_g;
1107 sh_stage_infos[1].name = "main";
1108 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1109 memset(&vtx_info, 0, sizeof(vtx_info));
1110 vtx_info.type = vk_struct_type_pl_vtx_input_state_create_info;
1111 /* our triangle vtxs are hardcoded in the vtx shader */
1112 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1113 memset(&assembly_info, 0, sizeof(assembly_info));
1114 assembly_info.type = vk_struct_type_pl_input_assembly_state_create_info;
1115 assembly_info.topology = vk_prim_topology_triangle_list;
1116 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1117 /* "viewport" is actually a transformation from "normalized" coords */
1118 memset(&viewport_info, 0, sizeof(viewport_info));
1119 viewport_info.type = vk_struct_type_pl_viewport_state_create_info;
1120 viewport_info.viewports_n = 1;
1121 viewport.x = 0.0f;
1122 viewport.y = 0.0f;
1123 viewport.width = (f32)APP_WIN_WIDTH;
1124 viewport.height = (f32)APP_WIN_HEIGHT;
1125 viewport.depth_min = 0.0f;
1126 viewport.depth_max = 1.0f;
1127 viewport_info.viewports = &viewport;
1128 memset(&scissor, 0, sizeof(scissor));
1129 viewport_info.scissors_n = 1;
1130 scissor.offset.x = 0;
1131 scissor.offset.y = 0;
1132 scissor.extent.width = APP_WIN_WIDTH; /* same than our swpchn imgs */
1133 scissor.extent.height = APP_WIN_HEIGHT; /* same than our swpchn imgs */
1134 viewport_info.scissors = &scissor;
1135 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1136 memset(&raster_info, 0, sizeof(raster_info));
1137 raster_info.type = vk_struct_type_pl_raster_state_create_info;
1138 raster_info.polygon_mode = vk_polygon_mode_fill;
1139 raster_info.cull_mode = vk_cull_mode_back_bit;
1140 raster_info.front_face = vk_front_face_clockwise;
1141 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1142 memset(&multisample_info, 0, sizeof(multisample_info));
1143 multisample_info.type = vk_struct_type_pl_multisample_state_create_info;
1144 multisample_info.raster_samples_n = vk_samples_n_1_bit;
1145 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1146 memset(&color_blend_at, 0, sizeof(color_blend_at));
1147 /*
1148 * XXX: we do not use any of the hw fixed stage color bleand ops, but we
1149 * init some vals anyway (will have to remove those, probably)
1150 */
1151 color_blend_at.color_write_mask = vk_color_comp_r_bit
1152 | vk_color_comp_g_bit
1153 | vk_color_comp_b_bit
1154 | vk_color_comp_a_bit;
1155 memset(&color_blend_info, 0, sizeof(color_blend_info));
1156 color_blend_info.type = vk_struct_type_pl_color_blend_state_create_info;
1157 color_blend_info.ats_n = 1;
1158 color_blend_info.ats = &color_blend_at;
1159 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1160 memset(&pl_info, 0, sizeof(pl_info));
1161 pl_info.type = vk_struct_type_gfx_pl_create_info;
1162 pl_info.sh_stages_n = 2;
1163 pl_info.sh_stages = sh_stage_infos;
1164 pl_info.vtx_input_state = &vtx_info;
1165 pl_info.input_assembly_state = &assembly_info;
1166 pl_info.viewport_state = &viewport_info;
1167 pl_info.raster_state = &raster_info;
1168 pl_info.multisample_state = &multisample_info;
1169 pl_info.color_blend_state = &color_blend_info;
1170 pl_info.layout = pl_layout_empty_create();
1171 pl_info.rp =;
1172 pl_info.sp = 0; /* idx */
1173 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1174 vk_create_gfx_pls(&pl_info);
1175 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:unable to create the pipeline", r,
1176 }
1266 1178 static void dev_init(void) static void dev_init(void)
1267 1179 { {
1268 1180 phydev_init(); phydev_init();
1269 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1270 1181 dev_create(); dev_create();
1271 1182 dev_syms(); dev_syms();
1272 1183 q_get(); q_get();
1273 1184 cp_create(); cp_create();
1185 rp_create();
1186 shmods_create();
1187 pl_create();
1188 shmods_destroy(); /* we can destroy the shmods after pl creation */
1189 }
1191 static void swpchn_fb_create(u8 i)
1192 {
1193 s32 r;
1194 struct vk_fb_create_info_t info;
1196 memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
1197 info.type = vk_struct_type_fb_create_info;
1198 /* all fbs use the same rp */
1199 info.rp =;
1200 info.ats_n = 1;
1201 info.ats = &[i];
1202 info.width = APP_WIN_WIDTH;
1203 info.height = APP_WIN_HEIGHT;
1204 info.layers_n = 1;
1205 vk_create_fb(&info, &[i]);
1206 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:swapchain:%p:image:%u:unable to create the framebuffer\n", r,,, i)
1207 LOG("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:device:%p:swapchain:%p:image:%u:framebuffer created %p\n", r,,, i,[i]);
1208 }
1210 static void swpchn_fbs_create(void)
1211 {
1212 u8 i;
1214 i = 0;
1215 loop {
1216 if (i ==
1217 break;
1218 swpchn_fb_create(i);
1219 ++i;
1220 }
1274 1221 } }
1275 1222
1276 1223 static void surf_init(void) static void surf_init(void)
... ... static void surf_init(void)
1279 1226 dev_init(); dev_init();
1280 1227 swpchn_init(); swpchn_init();
1281 1228 swpchn_imgs_get(); swpchn_imgs_get();
1282 /* our cpu imgs for swpchn imgs */
1283 cpu_imgs_create();
1229 swpchn_imgviews_create();
1230 /*
1231 * the link between one of the fbs and our only rp/pl is
1232 * done while recording cmds, namely it is per cb.
1233 */
1234 swpchn_fbs_create();
1284 1235 sems_create(); sems_create();
1285 1236 cbs_create(); cbs_create();
1286 cpu_imgs_layout_to_general();
1287 cpu_imgs_subrsrc_layout_get();
1288 tmp_cpu_imgs_mem_rqmts_get();
1289 cpu_imgs_dev_mem_alloc();
1290 cpu_imgs_dev_mem_bind();
1291 cpu_imgs_dev_mem_map();
1292 1237 cbs_rec(); cbs_rec();
1293 1238 } }
1294 1239
... ... static void init_vk(void)
1300 1245 check_vk_version(); check_vk_version();
1301 1246 instance_exts_dump(); instance_exts_dump();
1302 1247 instance_layers_dump(); instance_layers_dump();
1303 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1304 1248 instance_create(); instance_create();
1305 1249 instance_syms(); instance_syms();
1306 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1307 1250 surf_init(); surf_init();
1308 1251 } }
1309 1252
... ... static void swpchn_acquire_next_img(u32 *i)
1323 1266 LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:swapchain:%p:acquired image %u\n",,, *i); LOG("0:MAIN:device:%p:swapchain:%p:acquired image %u\n",,, *i);
1324 1267 } }
1325 1268
1326 /* solid color */
1327 static void cpu_img_draw(u8 i)
1328 {
1329 u32 *texel;
1330 u64 row;
1331 u64 col;
1333 texel = (u32*)[i].data;
1334 row = 0;
1335 loop {
1336 if (row == APP_CPU_IMG_HEIGHT)
1337 break;
1338 col = 0;
1339 loop {
1340 struct vk_subrsrc_layout_t *l;
1341 u64 o; /* _byte_ offset */
1342 u64 o_w; /* _32 bits_ word offset */
1344 if (col == APP_CPU_IMG_WIDTH)
1345 break;
1346 l = &[i].layout;
1347 o = row * l->row_pitch + col * sizeof(*texel);
1348 o_w = o >> 2;
1349 texel[o_w] = fill_texel_g;
1350 ++col;
1351 }
1352 ++row;
1353 }
1354 }
1356 static void cpu_img_to_pe(u8 i)
1269 static void draw(u8 i)
1357 1270 { {
1358 1271 s32 r; s32 r;
1359 1272 struct vk_submit_info_t submit_info; struct vk_submit_info_t submit_info;
... ... static void cpu_img_to_pe(u8 i)
1370 1283 submit_info.cbs_n = 1; submit_info.cbs_n = 1;
1371 1284 = &[i]; = &[i];
1372 1285 submit_info.signal_sems_n = 1; submit_info.signal_sems_n = 1;
1373 submit_info.signal_sems = &[app_sem_blit_done];
1374 LOG("MAIN:queue:%p\n",;
1286 submit_info.signal_sems = &[app_sem_draw_done];
1376 1287 vk_q_submit(&submit_info); vk_q_submit(&submit_info);
1377 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:queue:%p:unable to submit the image pre-recorded command buffer\n", r,
1288 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:queue:%p:unable to submit the image/framebuffer pre-recorded drawing command buffer\n", r,
1378 1289 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1379 1290 idxs[0] = i; idxs[0] = i;
1380 1291 memset(&present_info, 0, sizeof(present_info)); memset(&present_info, 0, sizeof(present_info));
1381 1292 present_info.type = vk_struct_type_present_info; present_info.type = vk_struct_type_present_info;
1382 1293 present_info.wait_sems_n = 1; present_info.wait_sems_n = 1;
1383 present_info.wait_sems = &[sem_blit_done];
1294 present_info.wait_sems = &[sem_draw_done];
1384 1295 present_info.swpchns_n = 1; present_info.swpchns_n = 1;
1385 1296 present_info.swpchns = &; present_info.swpchns = &;
1386 1297 present_info.idxs = idxs; present_info.idxs = idxs;
1387 1298 present_info.results = 0; present_info.results = 0;
1388 1299 vk_q_present(&present_info); vk_q_present(&present_info);
1389 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:queue:%p:unable to submit the image %u to the presentation engine\n", r,, i)
1300 VK_FATAL("0:MAIN:FATAL:%d:queue:%p:unable to submit the image/framebuffer %u to the presentation engine\n", r,, i)
1390 1301 } }
1391 1302
1392 1303 static void render(void) static void render(void)
... ... static void render(void)
1394 1305 u32 i; u32 i;
1395 1306
1396 1307 swpchn_acquire_next_img(&i); swpchn_acquire_next_img(&i);
1397 cpu_img_draw(i); /* cpu rendering */
1398 cpu_img_to_pe(i);
1308 draw(i);
1399 1309 do_render_g = false; do_render_g = false;
1400 if (fill_texel_g == 0x0000ff00)
1401 fill_texel_g = 0x00ff0000;
1402 else
1403 fill_texel_g = 0x0000ff00;
1404 1310 } }
1405 1311
1312 /* "main" loop */
1406 1313 static void run(void) static void run(void)
1407 1314 { {
1408 1315 state_g = state_run; state_g = state_run;
... ... int main(void)
1439 1346 LOG("0:starting app\n"); LOG("0:starting app\n");
1440 1347 app_xcb_init(); app_xcb_init();
1441 1348 init_vk(); init_vk();
1442 fill_texel_g = 0x0000ff00;
1443 1349 run(); run();
1444 1350 LOG("0:exiting app\n"); LOG("0:exiting app\n");
1445 1351 exit(0); exit(0);
File 3d/clip_coords/app_core_types.h copied from file 2d/blit/app_core_types.h (similarity 100%)
File 3d/clip_coords/app_state.c copied from file 2d/blit/app_state.c (similarity 77%) (mode: 100644) (index 8096941..a33723a)
5 5 * Sylvain BERTRAND * Sylvain BERTRAND
6 6 */ */
8 #include <stddef.h>
9 8 #include <xcb.h> #include <xcb.h>
10 9 #include "app_core_types.h" #include "app_core_types.h"
11 10 #include "nyanvk/types.h" #include "nyanvk/types.h"
16 15 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 16 static u8 state_g; static u8 state_g;
18 17 static bool do_render_g; static bool do_render_g;
19 static u32 fill_texel_g;
20 18 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
21 19 static void *instance_g; static void *instance_g;
22 20 static struct surf_t surf_g; static struct surf_t surf_g;
... ... static u32 tmp_phydevs_n_g;
27 25 static struct vk_surf_caps_t tmp_surf_caps_g; static struct vk_surf_caps_t tmp_surf_caps_g;
28 26 static u32 tmp_present_modes_g[tmp_present_modes_n_max]; static u32 tmp_present_modes_g[tmp_present_modes_n_max];
29 27 static u32 tmp_present_modes_n_g; static u32 tmp_present_modes_n_g;
30 static struct vk_mem_rqmts_t tmp_mem_rqmts_g[swpchn_imgs_n_max];
28 /* NSPC */
29 static u32 *tmp_vs_g;
30 static u64 tmp_vs_sz_g;
31 static void *tmp_vs_mod_g;
32 /* NSPC */
33 static u32 *tmp_fs_g;
34 static u64 tmp_fs_sz_g;
35 static void *tmp_fs_mod_g;
36 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 37 #define CLEANUP #define CLEANUP
32 38 #include "namespace/app_state_types.h" #include "namespace/app_state_types.h"
33 39 #include "namespace/app_state.c" #include "namespace/app_state.c"
34 40 #undef CLEANUP #undef CLEANUP
41 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
35 42 #endif /* APP_STATE_C */ #endif /* APP_STATE_C */
File 3d/clip_coords/app_state_types.h copied from file 2d/blit/app_state_types.h (similarity 75%) (mode: 100644) (index c1c4653..1b21ab8)
5 5 * Sylvain BERTRAND * Sylvain BERTRAND
6 6 */ */
8 #include <stddef.h>
9 8 #include <xcb.h> #include <xcb.h>
10 9 #include "app_core_types.h" #include "app_core_types.h"
10 #include "nyanvk/consts.h"
11 11 #include "nyanvk/types.h" #include "nyanvk/types.h"
12 12 #include "nyanvk/syms_dev.h" #include "nyanvk/syms_dev.h"
13 /* this is the default initial cpu rendering size */
14 #define APP_CPU_IMG_WIDTH 50
15 #define APP_CPU_IMG_HEIGHT 50
13 #include "vk_app.h"
16 14 #define APP_WIN_WIDTH 100 #define APP_WIN_WIDTH 100
17 15 #define APP_WIN_HEIGHT 100 #define APP_WIN_HEIGHT 100
18 16 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 17 #include "namespace/app_state_types.h" #include "namespace/app_state_types.h"
20 18 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
21 19 constant { constant {
22 state_run = 1,
23 state_quit = 2
20 state_run = 1,
21 state_quit = 2
24 22 }; };
25 23
26 24 constant { constant {
... ... constant {
29 27
30 28 struct swpchn_t { struct swpchn_t {
31 29 void *vk; void *vk;
33 30 u32 imgs_n; u32 imgs_n;
34 31 void *imgs[swpchn_imgs_n_max]; void *imgs[swpchn_imgs_n_max];
32 void *imgviews[swpchn_imgs_n_max];
33 void *fbs[swpchn_imgs_n_max];
35 34 }; };
36 35
37 36 struct phydev_t { struct phydev_t {
... ... struct phydev_t {
44 43 struct vk_mem_type_t mem_types[VK_MEM_TYPES_N_MAX]; struct vk_mem_type_t mem_types[VK_MEM_TYPES_N_MAX];
45 44 }; };
46 45
47 struct cpu_img_t {
48 void *vk;
49 struct vk_subrsrc_layout_t layout;
50 void *dev_mem; /* TODO: we should use 1 big dev_mem chunk */
51 void *data;
52 };
54 46 constant { constant {
55 sem_acquire_img_done = 0,
56 sem_blit_done = 1,
57 sems_n = 2,
47 sem_acquire_img_done = 0,
48 sem_draw_done = 1,
49 sems_n = 2,
58 50 }; };
59 51
60 52 struct dev_t { struct dev_t {
... ... struct dev_t {
65 57 void *cp; void *cp;
66 58 void *cbs[swpchn_imgs_n_max]; void *cbs[swpchn_imgs_n_max];
67 59 void *sems[sems_n]; void *sems[sems_n];
68 struct app_cpu_img_t cpu_imgs[swpchn_imgs_n_max];
69 VK_DEV_SYMS_FULL /* should cherry pick the syms we use */
60 void *rp;
61 void *pl;
62 VK_DEV_SYMS_FULL /* XXX: cherry pick the symbols we use */
70 63 }; };
71 64
72 65 struct surf_t { struct surf_t {
... ... struct surf_t {
76 69 /*============================================================================*/ /*============================================================================*/
77 70 /* tmp state */ /* tmp state */
78 71 constant { constant {
79 tmp_phydevs_n_max = 16,
80 tmp_phydev_q_fams_n_max = 16,
81 tmp_present_modes_n_max = 16
72 tmp_phydevs_n_max = 16,
73 tmp_phydev_q_fams_n_max = 16,
74 tmp_present_modes_n_max = 16
82 75 }; };
83 76
84 77 struct tmp_phydev_t { struct tmp_phydev_t {
File 3d/clip_coords/fs.S added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..d6b64b5)
1 capability shader
2 //==============================================================================
3 memory_model addressing_model=logical memory_model=glsl450
5 //==============================================================================
6 entry_point execution_model=fragment entry_point=%13 name="main" \
7 /*interfaces[0]=*/%9
8 //==============================================================================
9 decorate target=%9 decoration=location 0
10 //==============================================================================
11 /* %2 */ type_void %2
12 /* %3 */ type_function id=%3 return_type=%2
13 /* %6 */ type_float id=%6 width=32
14 /* %7 */ type_vector id=%7 component_type=%6 components_n=4
15 /* %8 */ type_pointer id=%8 storage_class=output type=%7
16 /* %9 */ variable pointer_id=%9 type=%8 storage_class=output
17 //==============================================================================
18 // section end: non function declarations, breaking opcode=function(54)
19 /* %10 */ constant type=%6 id=%10 /*values[0]=*/0.0
20 /* %11 */ constant type=%6 id=%11 /*values[0]=*/1.0
21 // {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
22 /* %12 */ constant_composite type=%7 id=%12 \
23 /*constituents[0]=*/%11 \
24 /*constituents[1]=*/%11 \
25 /*constituents[2]=*/%11 \
26 /*constituents[3]=*/%11
27 //==============================================================================
28 /* %13 */ function id=%13 return_type=%2 control=none type=%3
29 /* %14 */ label id=%14
30 store pointer=%9 object=%12
31 return
32 function_end
File 3d/clip_coords/log.h copied from file 2d/blit/log.h (similarity 100%)
File 3d/clip_coords/namespace/app.c copied from file 2d/blit/namespace/app.c (similarity 61%) (mode: 100644) (index 689caec..eed91db)
1 1 #ifndef CLEANUP #ifndef CLEANUP
2 2 #define check_vk_version app_check_vk_version #define check_vk_version app_check_vk_version
3 #define cmdbuf_record app_cmdbuf_record
4 #define cmdbufs_create app_cmdbufs_create
5 #define cmdbufs_record app_cmdbufs_record
6 #define cmdpools_create app_cmdpools_create
7 #define cpu_img_create app_cpu_img_create
8 #define cpu_img_dev_mem_alloc app_cpu_img_dev_mem_alloc
9 #define cpu_img_draw app_cpu_img_draw
10 #define cpu_img_layout_to_general app_cpu_img_layout_to_general
11 #define cpu_img_subrsrc_layout_get app_cpu_img_subrsrc_layout_get
12 #define cpu_img_to_pe app_cpu_img_to_pe
13 #define cpu_imgs_create app_cpu_imgs_create
14 #define cpu_imgs_dev_mem_alloc app_cpu_imgs_dev_mem_alloc
15 #define cpu_imgs_dev_mem_bind app_cpu_imgs_dev_mem_bind
16 #define cpu_imgs_dev_mem_map app_cpu_imgs_dev_mem_map
17 #define cpu_imgs_subrsrc_layout_get app_cpu_imgs_subrsrc_layout_get
3 #define cb_rec app_cb_rec
4 #define cbs_create app_cbs_create
5 #define cbs_rec app_cbs_rec
6 #define cp_create app_cp_create
18 7 #define dev_create app_dev_create #define dev_create app_dev_create
19 8 #define dev_init app_dev_init #define dev_init app_dev_init
20 9 #define dev_type_str app_dev_type_str #define dev_type_str app_dev_type_str
21 #define img_mem_barrier_run_once app_img_mem_barrier_run_once
10 #define draw app_draw
11 #define file_mmap app_file_mmap
22 12 #define init_vk app_init_vk #define init_vk app_init_vk
23 13 #define instance_create app_instance_create #define instance_create app_instance_create
24 14 #define instance_exts_dump app_instance_exts_dump #define instance_exts_dump app_instance_exts_dump
25 15 #define instance_layers_dump app_instance_layers_dump #define instance_layers_dump app_instance_layers_dump
26 #define match_mem_type app_match_mem_type
27 16 #define phydev_exts_dump app_phydev_exts_dup #define phydev_exts_dump app_phydev_exts_dup
28 17 #define phydev_init app_phydev_init #define phydev_init app_phydev_init
29 #define phydevs_exts_dump app_phydevs_exts_dup
30 #define phydevs_props_dump app_phydevs_props_dump
18 #define phydev_mem_heap_dump app_phydev_mem_heap_dump
19 #define phydev_mem_type_dump app_phydev_mem_type_dump
20 #define pl_layout_empty_create app_pl_layout_empty_create
21 #define pl_create app_pl_create
31 22 #define present_mode_to_str app_present_mode_to_str #define present_mode_to_str app_present_mode_to_str
32 23 #define q_get app_q_get #define q_get app_q_get
33 24 #define render app_render #define render app_render
25 #define rp_create app_rp_create
34 26 #define run app_run #define run app_run
35 27 #define sems_create app_sems_create #define sems_create app_sems_create
28 #define shmods_create app_shmods_create
29 #define shmods_destroy app_shmods_destroy
36 30 #define surf_create app_surf_create #define surf_create app_surf_create
37 31 #define surf_init app_surf_init #define surf_init app_surf_init
38 32 #define swpchn_acquire_next_img app_swpchn_acquire_next_img #define swpchn_acquire_next_img app_swpchn_acquire_next_img
33 #define swpchn_fb_create app_swpchn_fb_create
34 #define swpchn_fbs_create app_swpchn_fbs_create
39 35 #define swpchn_imgs_get app_swpchn_imgs_get #define swpchn_imgs_get app_swpchn_imgs_get
36 #define swpchn_imgview_create app_swpchn_imgview_create
37 #define swpchn_imgviews_create app_swpchn_imgviews_create
40 38 #define swpchn_init app_swpchn_init #define swpchn_init app_swpchn_init
39 #define texel_mem_blk_conf_select app_texel_mem_blk_conf_select
41 40 #define texel_mem_blk_confs_dump app_texel_mem_blk_confs_dump #define texel_mem_blk_confs_dump app_texel_mem_blk_confs_dump
42 #define tmp_cpu_img_mem_rqmts_get app_tmp_cpu_img_mem_rqmts_get
43 #define tmp_cpu_imgs_mem_rqmts_get app_cpu_imgs_mem_rqmts_get
44 41 #define tmp_phydev_and_q_fam_select app_tmp_phydev_and_q_fam_select #define tmp_phydev_and_q_fam_select app_tmp_phydev_and_q_fam_select
45 #define tmp_phydev_mem_heap_dump app_phydev_mem_heap_dump
46 42 #define tmp_phydev_mem_heaps_dump app_phydev_mem_heaps_dump #define tmp_phydev_mem_heaps_dump app_phydev_mem_heaps_dump
47 43 #define tmp_phydev_mem_props_dump app_tmp_phydev_mem_props_dump #define tmp_phydev_mem_props_dump app_tmp_phydev_mem_props_dump
48 44 #define tmp_phydev_mem_props_get app_tmp_phydev_mem_props_get #define tmp_phydev_mem_props_get app_tmp_phydev_mem_props_get
49 #define tmp_phydev_mem_type_dump app_tmp_phydev_mem_type_dump
50 45 #define tmp_phydev_mem_types_dump app_tmp_phydev_mem_types_dump #define tmp_phydev_mem_types_dump app_tmp_phydev_mem_types_dump
51 46 #define tmp_phydev_q_fams_get app_tmp_phydev_q_fams_get #define tmp_phydev_q_fams_get app_tmp_phydev_q_fams_get
52 47 #define tmp_phydev_q_fams_dump app_tmp_phydev_q_fams_dump #define tmp_phydev_q_fams_dump app_tmp_phydev_q_fams_dump
62 57 #define tmp_selected_phydev_cherry_pick app_tmp_selected_phydev_cherry_pick #define tmp_selected_phydev_cherry_pick app_tmp_selected_phydev_cherry_pick
63 58 #define tmp_surf_caps_dump app_surf_caps_dump #define tmp_surf_caps_dump app_surf_caps_dump
64 59 #define tmp_surf_caps_get app_surf_caps_get #define tmp_surf_caps_get app_surf_caps_get
65 #define tmp_texel_mem_blk_conf_select app_tmp_texel_mem_blk_conf_select
66 #define try_alloc_cpu_img_dev_mem app_try_alloc_cpu_img_dev_mem
67 60 #define uuid_str app_uuid_str #define uuid_str app_uuid_str
68 61 /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/
69 62 #else #else
70 63 #undef check_vk_version #undef check_vk_version
71 #undef cmdbuf_record
72 #undef cmdbufs_create
73 #undef cmdbufs_record
74 #undef cmdpools_create
75 #undef cpu_img_create
76 #undef cpu_img_dev_mem_alloc
77 #undef cpu_img_draw
78 #undef cpu_img_layout_to_general
79 #undef cpu_img_subrsrc_layout_get
80 #undef cpu_img_to_pe
81 #undef cpu_imgs_create
82 #undef cpu_imgs_dev_mem_alloc
83 #undef cpu_imgs_dev_mem_bind
84 #undef cpu_imgs_dev_mem_map
85 #undef cpu_imgs_layout_to_general
86 #undef cpu_imgs_subrsrc_layout_get
64 #undef cb_rec
65 #undef cbs_create
66 #undef cbs_rec
67 #undef cp_create
87 68 #undef dev_create #undef dev_create
88 69 #undef dev_init #undef dev_init
89 70 #undef dev_type_str #undef dev_type_str
90 #undef img_mem_barrier_run_once
71 #undef draw
72 #undef file_mmap
91 73 #undef init_vk #undef init_vk
92 74 #undef instance_create #undef instance_create
93 75 #undef instance_exts_dump #undef instance_exts_dump
94 76 #undef instance_layers_dump #undef instance_layers_dump
95 #undef match_mem_type
96 77 #undef phydev_exts_dump #undef phydev_exts_dump
97 78 #undef phydev_init #undef phydev_init
98 #undef phydevs_exts_dump
99 #undef phydevs_props_dump
79 #undef phydev_mem_heap_dump
80 #undef phydev_mem_type_dump
81 #undef pl_create
82 #undef pl_layout_empty_create
100 83 #undef present_mode_to_str #undef present_mode_to_str
101 84 #undef q_get #undef q_get
102 85 #undef render #undef render
86 #undef rp_create
103 87 #undef run #undef run
104 88 #undef sems_create #undef sems_create
89 #undef shmods_create
90 #undef shmods_destroy
105 91 #undef surf_create #undef surf_create
106 92 #undef surf_init #undef surf_init
107 93 #undef swpchn_acquire_next_img #undef swpchn_acquire_next_img
94 #undef swpchn_fb_create
95 #undef swpchn_fbs_create
108 96 #undef swpchn_imgs_get #undef swpchn_imgs_get
97 #undef swpchn_imgview_create
98 #undef swpchn_imgviews_create
109 99 #undef swpchn_init #undef swpchn_init
100 #undef texel_mem_blk_conf_select
110 101 #undef texel_mem_blk_confs_dump #undef texel_mem_blk_confs_dump
111 #undef tmp_cpu_img_mem_rqmts_get
112 #undef tmp_cpu_imgs_mem_rqmts_get
113 102 #undef tmp_phydev_and_q_fam_select #undef tmp_phydev_and_q_fam_select
114 103 #undef tmp_phydev_mem_heap_dump #undef tmp_phydev_mem_heap_dump
115 104 #undef tmp_phydev_mem_heaps_dump #undef tmp_phydev_mem_heaps_dump
131 120 #undef tmp_selected_phydev_cherry_pick #undef tmp_selected_phydev_cherry_pick
132 121 #undef tmp_surf_caps_dump #undef tmp_surf_caps_dump
133 122 #undef tmp_surf_caps_get #undef tmp_surf_caps_get
134 #undef tmp_texel_mem_blk_conf_select
135 #undef try_alloc_cpu_img_dev_mem
136 123 #undef uuid_str #undef uuid_str
137 124 #endif #endif
File 3d/clip_coords/namespace/app_state.c copied from file 2d/blit/namespace/app_state.c (similarity 84%) (mode: 100644) (index 5d2f8b3..a74008d)
1 1 #ifndef CLEANUP #ifndef CLEANUP
2 2 #define do_render_g app_do_render #define do_render_g app_do_render
3 #define fill_texel_g app_fill_texel
4 3 #define instance_g app_instance #define instance_g app_instance
5 4 #define state_g app_state #define state_g app_state
6 5 #define surf_g app_surf #define surf_g app_surf
7 #define tmp_mem_rqmts_g app_tmp_mem_rqmts
8 6 #define tmp_phydevs_g app_tmp_phydevs #define tmp_phydevs_g app_tmp_phydevs
9 7 #define tmp_phydevs_n_g app_tmp_phydevs_n #define tmp_phydevs_n_g app_tmp_phydevs_n
10 8 #define tmp_present_modes_g app_tmp_present_modes #define tmp_present_modes_g app_tmp_present_modes
13 11 /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/
14 12 #else #else
15 13 #undef do_render_g #undef do_render_g
16 #undef fill_texel_g
17 14 #undef instance_g #undef instance_g
18 15 #undef state_g #undef state_g
19 16 #undef surf_g #undef surf_g
20 #undef tmp_mem_rqmts_g
21 17 #undef tmp_phydevs_g #undef tmp_phydevs_g
22 18 #undef tmp_phydevs_n_g #undef tmp_phydevs_n_g
23 19 #undef tmp_present_modes_g #undef tmp_present_modes_g
File 3d/clip_coords/namespace/app_state_types.h copied from file 2d/blit/namespace/app_state_types.h (similarity 88%) (mode: 100644) (index a1d2e76..46825b6)
1 1 #ifndef CLEANUP #ifndef CLEANUP
2 #define cpu_img_t app_cpu_img_t
3 2 #define dev_t app_dev_t #define dev_t app_dev_t
4 3 #define phydev_t app_phydev_t #define phydev_t app_phydev_t
5 4 #define sems_n app_sems_n #define sems_n app_sems_n
6 5 #define sem_acquire_img_done app_sem_acquire_img_done #define sem_acquire_img_done app_sem_acquire_img_done
7 #define sem_blit_done app_sem_blit_done
6 #define sem_draw_done app_sem_draw_done
8 7 #define state_quit app_state_quit #define state_quit app_state_quit
9 8 #define state_run app_state_run #define state_run app_state_run
10 9 #define surf_t app_surf_t #define surf_t app_surf_t
16 15 #define tmp_present_modes_n_max app_tmp_present_modes_n_max #define tmp_present_modes_n_max app_tmp_present_modes_n_max
17 16 /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/
18 17 #else #else
19 #undef cpu_img_t
20 18 #undef dev_t #undef dev_t
21 19 #undef phydev_t #undef phydev_t
22 20 #undef sems_n #undef sems_n
23 21 #undef sem_acquire_img_done #undef sem_acquire_img_done
24 #undef sem_blit_done
22 #undef sem_draw_done
25 23 #undef state_run #undef state_run
26 24 #undef surf_t #undef surf_t
27 25 #undef state_quit #undef state_quit
File 3d/clip_coords/namespace/vk_syms.c copied from file 2d/blit/namespace/vk_syms.c (similarity 100%)
File 3d/clip_coords/vk_app.h added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..bb55aa6)
1 #ifndef VK_APP_H
2 #define VK_APP_H
3 /*
4 * this is public domain without any warranties of any kind
5 * Sylvain BERTRAND
6 */
8 /*
9 * this is the simplification and taylorization of vk api for the specific
10 * uses of the app.
11 */
12 #define vk_get_dev_q() \
13,, 0, &
15 #define vk_create_cp(info) \
16 r =, info, 0, &
18 /* a swpchn can become "out of date" */
19 #define vk_create_swpchn(info, swpchn) \
20 r =, info, 0, swpchn)
22 #define vk_get_swpchn_imgs() \
23 r =,, &,
25 #define vk_alloc_cbs(info) \
26 r =, info,
28 #define vk_begin_cb(...) \
29 r =
31 #define vk_end_cb(...) \
32 r =
34 #define vk_q_submit(info) \
35 r =, 1, info, 0)
37 #define vk_acquire_next_img(...) \
38 r =,##__VA_ARGS__)
40 #define vk_q_present(...) \
41 r =,##__VA_ARGS__)
43 #define vk_create_sem(info, sem) \
44 r =, info, 0, sem)
46 #define vk_create_imgview(info, imgview) \
47 r =, info, 0, imgview)
49 #define vk_create_rp(info) \
50 r =, info, 0, &
52 #define vk_create_shmod(info, shmod) \
53 r =, info, 0, shmod)
55 #define vk_destroy_shmod(shmod) \
56, shmod, 0)
58 #define vk_create_pl_layout(info, layout) \
59 r =, info, 0, layout)
61 #define vk_create_gfx_pls(info) \
62 r =, 0, 1, info, 0, &
64 #define vk_create_fb(info, fb) \
65 r =, info, 0, fb)
67 #define vk_cmd_begin_rp(cb, info) \
68, info, vk_sp_contents_inline)
70 #define vk_cmd_bind_pl(cb) \
71, vk_pl_bind_point_gfx,
73 #define vk_cmd_end_rp
75 #define vk_cmd_draw
76 /******************************************************************************/
77 /* from nyanvk/syms_global.h */
78 #define VK_GLOBAL_SYMS \
79 static void *(*dl_vk_get_instance_proc_addr)(void *instance, u8 *name);\
80 static void *(*dl_vk_get_dev_proc_addr)(void *dev, u8 *name);\
81 \
82 static s32 (*dl_vk_enumerate_instance_version)(u32 *version);\
83 static s32 (*dl_vk_enumerate_instance_layer_props)(\
84 u32 *props_n,\
85 struct vk_layer_props_t *props);\
86 static s32 (*dl_vk_enumerate_instance_ext_props)(\
87 u8 *layer_name,\
88 u32 *props_n,\
89 struct vk_ext_props_t *props);\
90 static s32 (*dl_vk_create_instance)(\
91 struct vk_instance_create_info_t *info,\
92 void *allocator,\
93 void **instance);\
94 static s32 (*dl_vk_enumerate_phydevs)(\
95 void *instance,\
96 u32 *phydevs_n,\
97 void **phydevs);\
98 static s32 (*dl_vk_enumerate_dev_ext_props)(\
99 void *phydev,\
100 u8 *layer_name,\
101 u32 *props_n,\
102 struct vk_ext_props_t *props);\
103 static void (*dl_vk_get_phydev_props)(\
104 void *phydev,\
105 struct vk_phydev_props_t *props);\
106 static s32 (*dl_vk_create_dev)(\
107 void *phydev,\
108 struct vk_dev_create_info_t *create_info,\
109 void *allocator,\
110 void **dev);\
111 static void (*dl_vk_get_phydev_q_fam_props)(\
112 void *phydev,\
113 u32 *q_fam_props_n,\
114 struct vk_q_fam_props_t *props);\
115 static s32 (*dl_vk_create_xcb_surf)(\
116 void *instance,\
117 struct vk_xcb_surf_create_info_t *info,\
118 void *allocator,\
119 void **surf);\
120 static s32 (*dl_vk_get_phydev_surf_support)(\
121 void *phydev,\
122 u32 q_fam,\
123 void *surf,\
124 u32 *supported);\
125 static s32 (*dl_vk_get_phydev_surf_texel_mem_blk_confs)(\
126 void *phydev,\
127 struct vk_phydev_surf_info_t *info,\
128 u32 *confs_n,\
129 struct vk_surf_texel_mem_blk_conf_t *confs);\
130 static void (*dl_vk_get_phydev_mem_props)(\
131 void *phydev,\
132 struct vk_phydev_mem_props_t *props);\
133 static s32 (*dl_vk_get_phydev_surf_caps)(\
134 void *phydev,\
135 struct vk_phydev_surf_info_t *info,\
136 struct vk_surf_caps_t *caps);\
137 static s32 (*dl_vk_get_phydev_surf_present_modes)(\
138 void *phydev,\
139 void *surf,\
140 u32 *modes_n,\
141 u32 *modes);
142 /******************************************************************************/
143 #define vk_get_instance_proc_addr dl_vk_get_instance_proc_addr
145 #define vk_get_dev_proc_addr dl_vk_get_dev_proc_addr
147 #define vk_enumerate_instance_version(...) \
148 r = dl_vk_enumerate_instance_version(__VA_ARGS__)
150 #define vk_enumerate_instance_layer_props(...) \
151 r = dl_vk_enumerate_instance_layer_props(__VA_ARGS__)
153 #define vk_enumerate_instance_ext_props(props_n, props) \
154 r = dl_vk_enumerate_instance_ext_props(0, props_n, props)
156 #define vk_create_instance(info) \
157 r = dl_vk_create_instance(info, 0, &app_instance)
159 #define vk_enumerate_phydevs(...) \
160 r = dl_vk_enumerate_phydevs(app_instance,##__VA_ARGS__)
162 #define vk_enumerate_dev_ext_props(phydev, props_n, props) \
163 r = dl_vk_enumerate_dev_ext_props(phydev, 0, props_n, props)
165 #define vk_get_phydev_props dl_vk_get_phydev_props
167 #define vk_create_dev(info) \
168 r = dl_vk_create_dev(, info, 0, &
170 #define vk_get_phydev_q_fam_props dl_vk_get_phydev_q_fam_props
172 #define vk_create_xcb_surf(info) \
173 r = dl_vk_create_xcb_surf(app_instance, info, 0, &app_surf.vk)
175 #define vk_get_phydev_surf_support(phydev, q_fam, supported) \
176 r = dl_vk_get_phydev_surf_support(phydev, q_fam, app_surf.vk, supported)
178 #define vk_get_phydev_surf_texel_mem_blk_confs(...) \
179 r = dl_vk_get_phydev_surf_texel_mem_blk_confs(,##__VA_ARGS__)
181 #define vk_get_phydev_mem_props dl_vk_get_phydev_mem_props
183 #define vk_get_phydev_surf_caps(info, caps) \
184 r = dl_vk_get_phydev_surf_caps(, info, caps)
186 #define vk_get_phydev_surf_present_modes() \
187 r = dl_vk_get_phydev_surf_present_modes(,app_surf.vk, &app_tmp_present_modes_n, app_tmp_present_modes)
188 #endif
File 3d/clip_coords/vk_syms.c copied from file 2d/blit/vk_syms.c (similarity 84%) (mode: 100644) (index e66679f..51b551c)
17 17 #include "namespace/vk_syms.c" #include "namespace/vk_syms.c"
18 18 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 static void *loader_g; /* we put the dl handle in vk namespace */
21 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 static void *loader_g;
22 21 #define INSTANCE_STATIC_SYM(x,y) \ #define INSTANCE_STATIC_SYM(x,y) \
23 22 dl_##y = vk_get_instance_proc_addr(0, #x); \ dl_##y = vk_get_instance_proc_addr(0, #x); \
24 23 if (dl_##y == 0) { \ if (dl_##y == 0) { \
... ... static void instance_static_syms(void)
39 38 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
40 39 #define INSTANCE_SYM(x,y) \ #define INSTANCE_SYM(x,y) \
41 40 dl_##y = vk_get_instance_proc_addr(app_instance, #x); \ dl_##y = vk_get_instance_proc_addr(app_instance, #x); \
42 if (dl_##y == 0) { \
41 if (dl_##y == 0) { \
43 42 LOG("0:MAIN:FATAL:unable to find vulkan " #x "\n"); \ LOG("0:MAIN:FATAL:unable to find vulkan " #x "\n"); \
44 43 exit(1); \ exit(1); \
45 44 } }
... ... static void dev_syms(void)
80 79 DEV_SYM(vkCreateCommandPool, vk_create_cp); DEV_SYM(vkCreateCommandPool, vk_create_cp);
81 80 DEV_SYM(vkCreateSwapchainKHR, vk_create_swpchn); DEV_SYM(vkCreateSwapchainKHR, vk_create_swpchn);
82 81 DEV_SYM(vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR, vk_get_swpchn_imgs); DEV_SYM(vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR, vk_get_swpchn_imgs);
83 DEV_SYM(vkCreateImage, vk_create_img);
84 DEV_SYM(vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR, vk_get_img_mem_rqmts);
85 DEV_SYM(vkAllocateMemory, vk_alloc_mem);
86 DEV_SYM(vkBindImageMemory2KHR, vk_bind_img_mem);
87 DEV_SYM(vkMapMemory, vk_map_mem);
88 82 DEV_SYM(vkAllocateCommandBuffers, vk_alloc_cbs); DEV_SYM(vkAllocateCommandBuffers, vk_alloc_cbs);
89 83 DEV_SYM(vkBeginCommandBuffer, vk_begin_cb); DEV_SYM(vkBeginCommandBuffer, vk_begin_cb);
90 84 DEV_SYM(vkEndCommandBuffer, vk_end_cb); DEV_SYM(vkEndCommandBuffer, vk_end_cb);
91 DEV_SYM(vkCmdPipelineBarrier, vk_cmd_pl_barrier);
92 85 DEV_SYM(vkQueueSubmit, vk_q_submit); DEV_SYM(vkQueueSubmit, vk_q_submit);
93 DEV_SYM(vkQueueWaitIdle, vk_q_wait_idle);
94 DEV_SYM(vkGetImageSubresourceLayout, vk_get_img_subrsrc_layout);
95 86 DEV_SYM(vkAcquireNextImage2KHR, vk_acquire_next_img); DEV_SYM(vkAcquireNextImage2KHR, vk_acquire_next_img);
96 DEV_SYM(vkResetCommandBuffer, vk_reset_cb);
97 DEV_SYM(vkCmdBlitImage, vk_cmd_blit_img);
98 87 DEV_SYM(vkQueuePresentKHR, vk_q_present); DEV_SYM(vkQueuePresentKHR, vk_q_present);
99 88 DEV_SYM(vkCreateSemaphore, vk_create_sem); DEV_SYM(vkCreateSemaphore, vk_create_sem);
89 DEV_SYM(vkCreateImageView, vk_create_imgview);
90 DEV_SYM(vkCreateRenderPass, vk_create_rp);
91 DEV_SYM(vkCreateFramebuffer, vk_create_fb);
92 DEV_SYM(vkCreateShaderModule, vk_create_shmod);
93 DEV_SYM(vkDestroyShaderModule, vk_destroy_shmod);
94 DEV_SYM(vkCreatePipelineLayout, vk_create_pl_layout);
95 DEV_SYM(vkCreateGraphicsPipelines, vk_create_gfx_pls);
96 DEV_SYM(vkCmdBeginRenderPass, vk_cmd_begin_rp);
97 DEV_SYM(vkCmdBindPipeline, vk_cmd_bind_pl);
98 DEV_SYM(vkCmdDraw, vk_cmd_draw);
99 DEV_SYM(vkCmdEndRenderPass, vk_cmd_end_rp);
100 100 } }
101 101 #undef DEVICE_SYM #undef DEVICE_SYM
102 102 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
103 103 #define DLSYM(x, y) \ #define DLSYM(x, y) \
104 dl_##y = dlsym(loader_g, #x); \
104 dl_##y = dlsym(loader_g, #x); \
105 105 if (dl_##y == 0) { \ if (dl_##y == 0) { \
106 106 LOG("0:MAIN:FATAL:%s:unable to find " #x "\n", dlerror()); \ LOG("0:MAIN:FATAL:%s:unable to find " #x "\n", dlerror()); \
107 107 exit(1); \ exit(1); \
... ... static void loader_syms(void)
115 115 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
116 116 static void load_vk_loader(void) static void load_vk_loader(void)
117 117 { {
118 /* no '/' in the shared dynamic lib path name, then standard lookup */
118 /* no '/' in the shared dynamic lib path, then standard lookup */
119 119 loader_g = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY); loader_g = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
120 120 if (loader_g == 0) { if (loader_g == 0) {
121 121 LOG("0:MAIN:FATAL:%s:unable to load the vulkan loader dynamic shared library\n", dlerror()); LOG("0:MAIN:FATAL:%s:unable to load the vulkan loader dynamic shared library\n", dlerror());
File 3d/clip_coords/vs.S added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..9db39d4)
1 capability shader
2 //==============================================================================
3 memory_model addressing_model=logical memory_model=glsl450
4 //==============================================================================
5 entry_point execution_model=vertex entry_point=%23 name="main" \
6 /*interface[0]=*/%9 \
7 /*interface[1]=*/%10
8 //==============================================================================
9 decorate target=%9 decoration=builtin vertex_index
10 decorate target=%10 decoration=builtin position
11 //==============================================================================
12 /* %1 */ type_void %1
13 /* %2 */ type_bool %2
14 /* %3 */ type_function id=%3 return_type=%1
15 /* %4 */ type_int id=%4 width=32 signedness=unsigned
16 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 /* %5 */ type_float id=%5 width=32
18 /* %6 */ type_vector id=%6 component_type=%5 components_n=4
19 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 /* %7 */ type_pointer id=%7 storage_class=input type=%4
21 /* %8 */ type_pointer id=%8 storage_class=output type=%6
22 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 // vertex_index
24 /* %9 */ variable type=%7 pointer_id=%9 storage_class=input
25 // position
26 /* %10 */ variable type=%8 pointer_id=%10 storage_class=output
27 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 /* %14 */ constant type=%5 id=%14 /*values[0]=*/0.0
29 /* %15 */ constant type=%5 id=%15 /*values[0]=*/1.0
30 /* %16 */ constant type=%5 id=%16 /*values[0]=*/0.5
31 /* %17 */ constant type=%5 id=%17 /*values[0]=*/0.1
32 /* %18 */ constant type=%5 id=%18 /*values[0]=*/-1.0
33 /* %19 */ constant type=%5 id=%19 /*values[0]=*/-0.5
34 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 // the following are the vertexes of our triangle IN CLIP COORDINATES.
36 // our wc = 1.0f (wc --> 'w' is the forth 3D coord/'c' stands for 'C'lipped.
38 // {0.0f, -0.5f, 0.1f, 1.0f}
39 /* %20 */ constant_composite type=%6 id=%20 \
40 /*constituents[0]=*/%14 \
41 /*constituents[1]=*/%19 \
42 /*constituents[2]=*/%17 \
43 /*constituents[3]=*/%15
44 // {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f, 1.0f}
45 /* %21 */ constant_composite type=%6 id=%21 \
46 /*constituents[0]=*/%16 \
47 /*constituents[1]=*/%16 \
48 /*constituents[2]=*/%17 \
49 /*constituents[3]=*/%15
50 // {-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f, 1.0f}
51 /* %22 */ constant_composite type=%6 id=%22 \
52 /*constituents[0]=*/%19 \
53 /*constituents[1]=*/%16 \
54 /*constituents[2]=*/%17 \
55 /*constituents[3]=*/%15
56 //==============================================================================
57 /* %23 */ function return_type=%1 id=%23 control=none type=%3
58 /* %24 */ label id=%24
59 /* %25 */ load id=%25 type=%4 pointer=%9
60 selection_merge block=%29 selection_control=none
61 switch selector=%25 default=%29 0 %26 1 %27 2 %28
62 /* %26 */ label id=%26
63 store pointer=%10 object=%20
64 return
65 /* %27 */ label id=%27
66 store pointer=%10 object=%21
67 return
68 /* %28 */ label id=%28
69 store pointer=%10 object=%22
70 return
71 /* %29 */ label id=%29 /* switch merge block */
72 return
73 function_end
File 3d/clip_coords/xcb.c copied from file 2d/blit/xcb.c (similarity 100%) (mode: 100644) (index 1485287..322d32c)
8 8 #include <string.h> #include <string.h>
9 9 #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
10 10 #include <xcb.h> #include <xcb.h>
11 #include "app_core_types.h"
12 11 #include "log.h" #include "log.h"
12 #include "app_core_types.h"
13 13 #include "xcb_syms.c" #include "xcb_syms.c"
14 14 #include "app_state.c" #include "app_state.c"
15 15
File 3d/clip_coords/xcb_syms.c copied from file 2d/blit/xcb_syms.c (similarity 100%)
File nyanvk/types.h changed (mode: 100644) (index 0bf3648..0c81e9d)
... ... struct vk_pl_color_blend_at_state_t {
518 518 u32 dst_alpha_blend_factor; u32 dst_alpha_blend_factor;
519 519 u32 alpha_blend_op; u32 alpha_blend_op;
520 520
521 /* normalized integer */
521 /* normalized integer */
522 /* XXX: must always be set, blending enabled or disabled */
522 523 u32 color_write_mask; u32 color_write_mask;
523 524 }; };
524 525 struct vk_pl_color_blend_state_create_info_t { struct vk_pl_color_blend_state_create_info_t {
File spirv/asm/asm.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 141c14c..a0f885a)
... ... static u32 ids_bound(void)
114 114 break; break;
115 115 bit--; bit--;
116 116 } }
117 return 32 * word + bit;
117 return (32 * word + bit) + 1;
118 118 } }
119 119 if (word == 0) if (word == 0)
120 120 break; break;
... ... static void out_hdr(void)
129 129 word = 0x07230203; /* magic number */ word = 0x07230203; /* magic number */
130 130 fwrite(&word, sizeof(word), 1, stdout); fwrite(&word, sizeof(word), 1, stdout);
131 131
132 word = 0x0001000; /* version 0xxx1.xxx0 */
132 word = 0x00010000; /* version 0xxx1.xxx0 */
133 133 fwrite(&word, sizeof(word), 1, stdout); fwrite(&word, sizeof(word), 1, stdout);
134 134
135 135 word = 0xdeadbeef; /* generator magic number, namely ours */ word = 0xdeadbeef; /* generator magic number, namely ours */
... ... static void op_store(void)
2468 2468 } }
2469 2469 } }
2470 2470
2471 static void op_load(void)
2472 {
2473 u8 r;
2474 bool have_type;
2475 u32 type;
2476 bool have_id;
2477 u32 id;
2478 bool have_pointer;
2479 u32 pointer;
2480 u8 *err_str;
2482 u32 memory_opds[VAR_OPDS_N_MAX];
2483 u32 memory_opds_n;
2485 u32 word;
2487 have_type = false;
2488 have_pointer = false;
2489 have_id = false;
2490 memory_opds_n = 0;
2492 loop {
2493 u8 *opd_s;
2494 u8 *opd_e;
2496 r = ws_skip();
2497 if (r == EOL) {
2498 err("ERROR:%u:type_function:missing operands\n", line_num);
2499 exit(1);
2500 }
2502 opd_s = b;
2503 ws_or_eol_or_eq_reach();
2504 opd_e = b;
2506 if (str_slice_cmp("type", opd_s, opd_e)) {
2507 type = opd_id("load", "type", "type id");
2508 have_type= true;
2509 } else if (str_slice_cmp("id", opd_s, opd_e)) {
2510 id = opd_id("load", "id", "id");
2512 r = id_use(id, &err_str);
2513 if (r != OK) {
2514 err("ERROR:%u:load:something is wrong with the id:%s\n", line_num, err_str);
2515 exit(1);
2516 }
2517 have_id = true;
2518 } else if (str_slice_cmp("pointer", opd_s, opd_e)) {
2519 pointer = opd_id("load", "pointer", "pointer id");
2520 have_pointer = true;
2521 } else {
2522 err("ERROR:%u:load:unknown operand \"%.*s\"\n", line_num, opd_e - opd_s, opd_s);
2523 exit(1);
2524 }
2526 if (have_type && have_id && have_pointer)
2527 break;
2528 }
2530 r = ws_skip();
2531 if (r == OK) /* have memory opd(s) */
2532 memory_opds_collect("load", memory_opds, &memory_opds_n);
2534 word = 61;
2535 word |= (4 + memory_opds_n) << 16;
2536 emit(word);
2538 emit(type);
2539 emit(id);
2540 emit(pointer);
2542 word = 0;
2543 loop {
2544 if (word == memory_opds_n)
2545 break;
2546 emit(memory_opds[word]);
2547 ++word;
2548 }
2549 }
2471 2551 static void op_dispatch(void) static void op_dispatch(void)
2472 2552 { {
2473 2553 u8 *op_s; u8 *op_s;
... ... static void op_dispatch(void)
2521 2601 op_switch(); op_switch();
2522 2602 else if (str_slice_cmp("store", op_s, op_e)) else if (str_slice_cmp("store", op_s, op_e))
2523 2603 op_store(); op_store();
2604 else if (str_slice_cmp("load", op_s, op_e))
2605 op_load();
2524 2606 /* TODO: MORE */ /* TODO: MORE */
2525 2607 else { else {
2526 2608 err("ERROR:%u:unknown instruction \"%.*s\"\n", line_num, op_e - op_s, op_s); err("ERROR:%u:unknown instruction \"%.*s\"\n", line_num, op_e - op_s, op_s);
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