Jackalope / simdcpp (public) (License: GPLv3 or later version) (since 2020-04-21) (hash sha1)
SIMD template library for C++.
Some wrapper types for simd intrisics headers.

Goals: make functions with SIMD optimizations easier,
write single template function for several SIMD levels
with possibility to select supported levels in runtime.

The library is incomplete, see TODO for details.

Compiled with clang-10.0.0, c++17.

To include to existing cmake project:

target_include_directories(EXAMPLE PUBLIC ${SIMD_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(EXAMPLE SIMD)

/README (fed18766ec2276c46b358a7f9e18bfba555568ff) (470 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

Some wrapper types for simd intrisics headers.

Goals: make functions with SIMD optimizations easier,
write single template function for several SIMD levels
with possibility to select supported levels in runtime.

The library is incomplete, see TODO for details.

Compiled with clang-10.0.0, c++17.

To include to existing cmake project:

	target_include_directories(EXAMPLE PUBLIC ${SIMD_INCLUDE_DIRS})
	target_link_libraries(EXAMPLE SIMD)

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 212 7f33df8563deb9bf0ed06aec7467028549498353 CMakeLists.txt
100644 blob 35149 f288702d2fa16d3cdf0035b15a9fcbc552cd88e7 COPYING
100644 blob 470 fed18766ec2276c46b358a7f9e18bfba555568ff README
100644 blob 153 d8b88c48fce86e727790817738637498735074a9 TODO
040000 tree - 4b99f942399335c8ead794472f0e9051af815747 include
040000 tree - 082764a1ae066068105b17ec3d5ae679d53bf418 src
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