List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Add files via upload 0724fefb4978a0d91e10a93db4e2cfa7c1780908 poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:23:00
Add files via upload dd347084d37bd2ef37b7e3c77cdb6a009e572c8b poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:20:48
Add files via upload 6ee2563c712fcaac7df1d6eb0b23ffc69f2ac4b9 poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:20:33
Add files via upload cf59c5cfcd4f5ec14fbd2f44259c12eeb6807c25 poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:20:07
Add files via upload 55bbdafca8c9203b5b29b3e1548e55e9b8e6299f poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:19:35
Add files via upload 101413087f21fa91a122027b83935f567a154575 poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:18:46
Add files via upload 4b23b55a1a74e30626ffb0908597a02b8c05c1ba poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:17:53
Add files via upload 7de4d7172002df5784c6585a382de55f35d909a8 poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:17:30
Add files via upload e7780bd581399dcc09a61771e79515b4e5eff1c2 poonamveeral 2020-04-02 15:16:37
Initial commit 19b3cf0fb56429d4c4b5aabb08367390540246d5 Poonam Veeral 2020-04-02 15:09:01
Commit 0724fefb4978a0d91e10a93db4e2cfa7c1780908 - Add files via upload
Author: poonamveeral
Author date (UTC): 2020-04-02 15:23
Committer name: GitHub
Committer date (UTC): 2020-04-02 15:23
Parent(s): dd347084d37bd2ef37b7e3c77cdb6a009e572c8b
Signing key: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
Signing status: E
Tree: f511935a826adb50c54934fad5dd9548118f5e5c
File Lines added Lines deleted
notes/fig/er/Abstract.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Accident.tex 25 0
notes/fig/er/Account.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Alt_Not1.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Alt_Not2.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Alt_Not3.tex 39 0
notes/fig/er/Award.tex 66 0
notes/fig/er/Bad_Design.tex 20 0
notes/fig/er/Belongs.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Bike.tex 50 0
notes/fig/er/Binary_LectureNotes.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Book.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Book2.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Car_Info.tex 31 0
notes/fig/er/Cellphone.tex 13 0
notes/fig/er/CompOS.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Computer.tex 13 0
notes/fig/er/Computer_User.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Constraint1.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Constraint2.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Contains.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Country.tex 40 0
notes/fig/er/Customers.tex 28 0
notes/fig/er/Dependent.tex 16 0
notes/fig/er/Desk.tex 13 0
notes/fig/er/Doula.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Entity_Instructor.tex 20 0
notes/fig/er/Example_of_Derived.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Gym.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Job.tex 64 0
notes/fig/er/KeyOpensDoor.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Library.tex 61 0
notes/fig/er/MappingRelationships1.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/MappingRelationships2.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Membership.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Naming.tex 16 0
notes/fig/er/Naming_short1.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Naming_short2.tex 8 0
notes/fig/er/Parents.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Person.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Pet1.tex 15 0
notes/fig/er/Pet2.tex 13 0
notes/fig/er/Pet3.tex 21 0
notes/fig/er/Phone_Carrier1.tex 15 0
notes/fig/er/Phone_Carrier2.tex 14 0
notes/fig/er/Pilot.tex 17 0
notes/fig/er/Printer.tex 12 0
notes/fig/er/Produces.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Record.tex 62 0
notes/fig/er/Rel_Instance.tex 28 0
notes/fig/er/Role_Name1.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/Role_Name2.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Role_Name3.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Software_Dep.tex 14 0
notes/fig/er/Song.tex 22 0
notes/fig/er/Stays_At.tex 14 0
notes/fig/er/Teaches.tex 11 0
notes/fig/er/Ternary_LectureNotes.tex 10 0
notes/fig/er/template.def 79 0
notes/fig/fd/Course.tex 15 0
notes/fig/fd/Course_Norm1.tex 16 0
notes/fig/fd/DriverExample1.tex 13 0
notes/fig/fd/DriverExample2.tex 16 0
notes/fig/fd/Example.tex 16 0
notes/fig/fd/Example2NF1.tex 14 0
notes/fig/fd/Example2NF2.tex 16 0
notes/fig/fd/Example2NF3.tex 16 0
notes/fig/fd/Notation1.tex 25 0
notes/fig/fd/Notation2.tex 17 0
notes/fig/fd/Notation3.tex 19 0
notes/fig/fd/Print.tex 16 0
notes/fig/fd/Schedule.tex 29 0
notes/fig/fd/StudentExample1.tex 14 0
notes/fig/fd/StudentExample2.tex 15 0
notes/fig/fd/model.tex 28 0
notes/fig/fd/template.def 82 0
notes/fig/fd/tikz-dependency.sty 322 0
File notes/fig/er/Abstract.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..4bda8f0)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (A) {A};
6 \node [relationship] (R) [right=of A] {R} edge node[above]{$\cM$} (A);
7 \node [entity] (B) [right = of R] {B} edge[total] node[above]{$1$} (R);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Accident.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..9765abc)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (person) {Person};
6 \node[attribute] (pid) [left of=person] {\key{id}} edge (person);
7 \node[attribute] (name) [above left of=person] {Name} edge (person);
8 \node[attribute] (address) [below left of=person] {address} edge (person);
10 \node[relationship] (owns) [above right of=person] {Owns} edge node[above, sloped]{$M$} (person);
11 \node[entity] (car) [above right of=owns] {Car} edge node[above, sloped]{$N$} (owns);
12 \node[attribute] (licence) [above left of=car] {\key{licence}} edge (car);
13 \node[attribute] (model) [above of =car] {model} edge (car);
14 \node[attribute] (year) [above right of =car] {year} edge (car);
16 \node[relationship] (accident) [right = 5cm of person] {Accident} edge[total] node[above, sloped]{$M$} (person);
17 \node[attribute] (report_number) [below of = accident] {\key{Report Number}} edge (accident);
18 \node[attribute] (time) [right of = accident] {Time} edge (accident);
19 \node[attribute] (place) [below right of = accident] {Place} edge (accident);
20 \node[attribute] (damage_amount) [above right of = accident] {Damage\_Amount} edge (accident);
22 \draw (car) edge[total] node[above, sloped]{$N$} (accident);
23 \end{tikzpicture}
25 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Account.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..66bcf00)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (CUSTOMER) {CUSTOMER};
6 \node [relationship] (POSSESSES) [right=of CUSTOMER] {POSSESSES} edge node[above]{$1$} (CUSTOMER);
7 \node [entity] [right = of POSSESSES] {ACCOUNT} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (POSSESSES);
8 \node [entity] [below = of POSSESSES] {BANK} edge node[left]{$1$} (POSSESSES);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Alt_Not1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..804a61e)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (CAR) {CAR};
6 \node [relationship] (CARPOOLING) [right=of CAR] {CARPOOLING} edge[total] node[above]{$\cN$} (CAR);
7 \node [entity] (PERSON) [right = of CARPOOLING] {PERSON} edge node[above]{$\cM$} (CARPOOLING);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Alt_Not2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b105ea3)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (CAR) {CAR};
6 \node [relationship] (CARPOOLING) [right=of CAR] {CARPOOLING} edge node[above]{$(1,5)$} (CAR);
7 \node [entity] (PERSON) [right = of CARPOOLING] {PERSON} edge node[above]{$(0, 3)$} (CARPOOLING);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Alt_Not3.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..cf8cc70)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 % Above
6 \node (A) {};
7 \node [relationship] (R) [right=of A] {} edge node[above]{$1$} (A);
8 \node (B) [right = of R] {} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (R);
10 \node (ar) [right of = B] {\(\Rightarrow\)};
12 \node (A1) [right of = ar] {};
13 \node [relationship] (R1) [right=of A1] {} edge node[above]{$(0, \cN)$} (A1);
14 \node (B1) [right = of R1] {} edge node[above]{$(0,1)$} (R1);
16 % Middle
17 \node (A2) [below of = A] {};
18 \node [relationship] (R2) [right=of A2] {} edge[total] node[above]{$1$} (A2);
19 \node (B2) [right = of R2] {} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (R2);
21 \node (ar1) [right of = B2] {\(\Rightarrow\)};
23 \node (A21) [right of = ar1] {};
24 \node [relationship] (R21) [right=of A21] {} edge node[above]{$(1, \cN)$} (A21);
25 \node (B21) [right = of R21] {} edge node[above]{$(0,1)$} (R21);
27 % Below
28 \node (A3) [below of = A2] {};
29 \node [relationship] (R3) [right=of A3] {} edge[total] node[above]{$\cM$} (A3);
30 \node (B3) [right = of R3] {} edge[total] node[above]{$\cN$} (R3);
32 \node (ar2) [right of = B3] {\(\Rightarrow\)};
34 \node (A5) [right of = ar2] {};
35 \node [relationship] (R5) [right=of A5] {} edge node[above]{$(1, \cN)$} (A5);
36 \node (B5) [right = of R5] {} edge node[above]{$(1, \cM)$} (R5);
37 \end{tikzpicture}
39 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Award.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e4f48d9)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
5 \node[entity] (INSTITUTION) {INSTITUTION};
6 \node[attribute] [above of=INSTITUTION] {\key{Name}} edge (INSTITUTION);
7 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of INSTITUTION] {Phone} edge (INSTITUTION);
8 \node[attribute] (Address) [below = .5cm of INSTITUTION] {Address} edge (INSTITUTION);
9 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of Address] {Street} edge (Address);
10 \node[attribute] [below = .5cm of Address] {Zip} edge (Address);
11 \node[attribute] [below left = .5cm of Address] {City} edge (Address);
12 \node[attribute] (Location) [below right = .5cm of Address] {Location} edge (Address);
13 \node[attribute] [below = .5cm of Location] {Country} edge (Location);
14 \node[attribute] [below right = .5cm of Location] {State} edge (Location);
15 \node[derived attribute] [right = .5cm of Location] {Code} edge (Location);
16 %
17 \node[relationship] (AWARDEDTO) [left = 1.5cm of INSTITUTION] {AWARDED\_TO} edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$\cN$} (INSTITUTION);
18 %
19 \node[entity] (AWARD) [left = 1.5cm of AWARDEDTO] {AWARD} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.6]{$\cM$} (AWARDEDTO);
20 \node[attribute] [below right = .5cm and .5cm of AWARD] {Title} edge (AWARD);
21 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of AWARD] {Amount} edge (AWARD);
22 \node[attribute] (Period) [below left = .5cm of AWARD] {Period} edge (AWARD);
23 \node[attribute] [below left = .5cm of Period] {Start} edge (Period);
24 \node[attribute] [below = .5cm of Period] {End} edge (Period);
25 \node[attribute] [above right of = AWARD] {\key{id}} edge (AWARD);
26 \node[attribute] [above = 1cm of AWARD] {Program Officier} edge (AWARD);
27 %
28 % \node[relationship] (EMPLOYS) [below =0.8cm of INSTITUTION] {EMPLOYS} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$\cN$} (INSTITUTION);
29 %
30 \node[entity] (RESEARCHER) [below = 5cm of AWARD] {RESEARCHER};
32 \node[attribute] (Name) [left = 0.5cm of RESEARCHER] {Name} edge (RESEARCHER);
33 \node[attribute] [above left = 0.5cm and 0.5cm of Name] {First Name} edge (Name);
34 \node[attribute] [below left = 0.5cm of Name] {Last Name} edge (Name);
35 \node[attribute] [below = 0.5cm of RESEARCHER] {\key{email}} edge (RESEARCHER);
37 \node[relationship] (CONDUCTEDBY) [below = 1 cm of AWARD] {CONDUCTED\_BY} edge[total] node[right, pos=0.4] {$\cM$} (AWARD) edge node[left]{$\cN$} (RESEARCHER);
38 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of CONDUCTEDBY] {Role} edge (CONDUCTEDBY);
40 \node[attribute] (RePeriod) [right = .5cm of RESEARCHER] {Period} edge (RESEARCHER);
41 \node[attribute] [above right = .5cm of RePeriod] {Start} edge (RePeriod);
42 \node[attribute] [below right = .5cm of RePeriod] {End} edge (RePeriod);
44 \node[entity] (ORGANIZATION) [left = 3cm of AWARD] {ORGANIZATION};
45 \node[attribute] [below = .5cm of ORGANIZATION] {Code} edge (ORGANIZATION);
47 \node[relationship] (GRANTS) [above left = 1cm and 1.5cm of AWARD] {GRANTS} edge node[above]{$1$} (ORGANIZATION) edge[total] node[above right]{$\cM$}(AWARD);
49 \node[entity] (DIRECTORATE) [left = 1.5cm of ORGANIZATION] {DIRECTORATE};
51 \node[attribute] [below right = .5cm and 0 of DIRECTORATE] {Name} edge (DIRECTORATE);
52 \node[attribute] [below left = .5cm and 0cm of DIRECTORATE] {Abbreviation} edge (DIRECTORATE);
53 \node[attribute] [below = 1.3cm of DIRECTORATE] {Assistant Director} edge (DIRECTORATE);
56 \node[relationship] (BELONG1) [above left = 1cm and 0cm of ORGANIZATION] {BELONGS\_TO} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (ORGANIZATION) edge node[above =0.2cm]{$\cM$}(DIRECTORATE);
58 \node[entity] (DIVISION) [left = 1.5cm of DIRECTORATE] {DIVISION};
60 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of DIVISION] {Name} edge (DIVISION);
61 \node[attribute] [below left = 1cm of DIVISION] {Abbreviation} edge (DIVISION);
63 \node[relationship] (BELONG2) [above left = 1cm and 0cm of DIRECTORATE] {BELONGS\_TO} edge node[above]{$1$} (DIRECTORATE) edge[total] node[above=0.2cm ]{$\cM$}(DIVISION);
64 \end{tikzpicture}
66 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Bad_Design.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..fd71b0c)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2em]
5 \node[entity] (people) {PEOPLE};
6 \node[relationship] (has) [right=of people] {HAS} edge (people);
7 \node[entity] (job) [right = of has] {JOB} edge (has);
8 \node[relationship] (in) [above=of job] {IN} edge (job);
9 \node[entity] (employer) [above=of in] {EMPLOYER} edge (in);
11 \draw [->, >=latex] (has)+(0, -1) -- ++(0, -2);
13 \node[entity] (person) [below right = 6.5 and -2.5 of people] {PERSON};
14 \node[relationship] (occupies) [right=of person] {OCCUPIES} edge (person);
15 \node[entity] (position) [right = of occupies] {POSITION} edge (occupies);
16 \node[relationship] (offers) [above=of position] {OFFERS} edge (position);
17 \node[entity] (company) [above=of offers] {COMPANY} edge (offers);
18 \end{tikzpicture}
20 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Belongs.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..a51a071)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[relationship] (contains){BELONGS};
6 \node[entity] (burger) [left = 1cm of contains] {HAND} edge node[above] {$N$} (contains);
7 \node[entity] (ingredient) [right = 1cm of contains] {PERSON} edge node[above]{$1$} (contains);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Bike.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..d6c5280)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
5 \node[entity] (CUSTOMER) {CUSTOMER};
6 \node[attribute] [above of=CUSTOMER] {\key{Name}} edge (CUSTOMER);
7 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of CUSTOMER] {Phone} edge (CUSTOMER);
8 %
9 \node[ident relationship] (DROPPEDBY) [left = 1.5cm of CUSTOMER] {DROPPED\_BY} edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$1$} (CUSTOMER);
10 %
11 \node[weak entity] (BIKE) [left = 1.5cm of DROPPEDBY] {BIKE} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.6]{$\cM$} (DROPPEDBY);
12 \node[attribute] [above of = BIKE] {\pkey{Dropped\_Time\_Date}} edge (BIKE);
13 \node[attribute] (Description) [left = 0.5cm of BIKE] {Description} edge (BIKE);
14 \node[attribute] [above left of = Description] {Color} edge (Description);
15 \node[attribute] [below left of = Description] {Brand} edge (Description);
16 %
17 \node[relationship] (ASSIGNEDTO) [below =1cm of CUSTOMER] {ASSIGNED\_TO} edge [total] node[right, pos=0.4] {$\cM$} (CUSTOMER);
18 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of ASSIGNEDTO] {Level\_Of\_Satisfaction} edge (ASSIGNEDTO);
19 %
20 \node[entity] (EMPLOYEE) [below = 5cm of CUSTOMER] {EMPLOYEE} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$1$} (ASSIGNEDTO);
21 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of EMPLOYEE] {\key{Name}} edge (EMPLOYEE);
22 \node[multi attribute] [below = .5cm of EMPLOYEE] {Specialty} edge (EMPLOYEE);
23 %
24 \node[relationship] (REPAIREDBY) [below right =3cm of BIKE] {REPAIRED\_BY} edge node[below, pos=0.6] {$\cM$} (BIKE) edge node[below, pos=0.6] {$1$} (EMPLOYEE);
27 %\node[entity] (CUSTOMER) {CUSTOMER};
28 %
29 %
30 %
31 %\node[relationship] (SPEAKS) [below right of=CUSTOMER] {SPEAKS} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$M$} (CUSTOMER);
32 %\node[entity] (LANGUAGE) [below right of=SPEAKS] {LANGUAGE} edge node[right, pos=0.5] {$N$} (SPEAKS);
33 %\node[attribute] (code) [left of = LANGUAGE] {\key{Code}} edge (LANGUAGE);
34 %\node[attribute] (symbol) [right of = LANGUAGE] {Name} edge (LANGUAGE);
35 %
36 %\node[relationship] (BWF) [below of = LANGUAGE] {B\_W\_F};
37 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (BWF.west);
38 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (BWF.east);
39 %
40 %
41 %\node[multi attribute] (color) [right =1cm of anthem] {Creator} edge (anthem);
43 %
44 %\node[relationship] (WIN) [above right of =LANGUAGE] {W\_IN};
45 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (WIN);
46 %\draw (anthem) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (WIN);
48 \end{tikzpicture}
50 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Binary_LectureNotes.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..050daf1)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (CLASS) {CLASS};
6 \node [entity] (PROFESSOR) [right = 6cm of CLASS] {PROFESSOR};
7 \node [entity] (LECTURE NOTES) [below right = of CLASS] {LECTURE NOTES};
8 \node [relationship] (USES) [below = 1cm of CLASS] {USES} edge node[left]{$\cM$} (CLASS) edge node[above]{$\cN$} (LECTURE NOTES);
9 \node [relationship] (WRITTEN BY) [below =.4cm of PROFESSOR] {WRITTEN BY} edge node[above]{$\cM$} (LECTURE NOTES) edge node[right]{$\cN$} (PROFESSOR);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Book.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..4edddc5)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (PERSON) {PERSON};
6 \node [relationship] (BOUGHT) [right=of PERSON] {BOUGHT} edge node[above]{$\cM$} (PERSON);
7 \node [entity] [right = of BOUGHT] {BOOK} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (BOUGHT);
8 \node [entity] [below = of BOUGHT] {BOOKSHOP} edge node[left]{$\cO$} (BOUGHT);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Book2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..64e12d3)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node [entity] (PERSON) {PERSON};
6 \node [relationship] (POSSESSES) [right=of PERSON] {POSSESSES} edge node[above]{$1$} (PERSON);
7 \node [entity] (BOOK) [right = of POSSESSES] {BOOK} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (POSSESSES);
8 \node [relationship] (SELLS) [below left = 1cm of BOOK] {SOLD BY} edge node[below right]{$\cM$} (BOOK);
9 \node [entity] (BOOKSHOP) [below = of POSSESSES] {BOOKSHOP} edge node[left]{$\cO$} (SELLS);
10 \node [relationship] (VISITS) [below right = 1.8cm of PERSON] {VISITS} edge node[above right]{$\cN$} (BOOKSHOP) edge node[above right]{$\cO$} (PERSON);
11 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Car_Info.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..9996aad)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node[entity] (person) {PERSON};
6 \node[attribute] (pid) [left of=person] {\key{ID}} edge (person);
7 \node[attribute] (name) [above left of=person] {Name} edge (person);
8 \node[multi attribute] (phone) [above of=person] {Phone} edge (person);
9 \node[attribute] (address) [above right of=person] {Address} edge (person);
10 \node[attribute] (street) [above right of=address] {Street} edge (address);
11 \node[attribute] (city) [right of=address] {City} edge (address);
12 %\node[derived attribute] (age) [right of=person] {Age} edge (person);
14 \node[relationship] (drives) [below right of=person] {DRIVES} edge node[above, pos=0.1] {$1$} (person);
15 \node[entity] (car) [below left of=drives] {CAR} edge node[above, pos=0.7] {$1$} (drives);
16 \node[attribute] (make) [left of=car] {Make} edge (car);
17 \node[attribute] (year) [below left of =car] {Year} edge (car);
18 \node[attribute] (brand) [below of =car] {Brand} edge (car);
20 \node[relationship] (seats) [below left of=person] {SEATS\_IN} edge node[above, pos=0.1] {$N$} (person);
21 \draw (seats) edge node[above, pos=0.3] {$1$} (car);
22 \node[attribute] (position) [left of=seats] {Position} edge (seats);
24 \node[ident relationship] (insured) [right of=car] {INSURED} edge node[above, pos=0.3] {$1$} (car);
25 \node[weak entity] (insurance) [right = 1cm of insured] {CAR\_INSURANCE} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.7] {$N$} (insured);
26 \node[attribute] (amount) [above of =insurance] {Covered Amount} edge (insurance);
27 \node[attribute] (policy) [above right of =insurance] {Policy Number} edge (insurance);
28 \node[attribute] (company) [below right of =insurance] {Company Name} edge (insurance);
29 \end{tikzpicture}
31 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Cellphone.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..965775c)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (cellphone) {CELLPHONE};
6 \node[attribute] (mid) [left of=cellphone] {\key{MIN}} edge (cellphone);
7 \node[multi attribute] (app) [above of=cellphone] {App\_Installed} edge (cellphone);
8 \node[attribute] (plan) [right of=cellphone] {Plan} edge (cellphone);
9 \node[attribute] (carrier) [above right of=plan] {Carrier} edge (plan);
10 \node[attribute] (price) [right of=plan] {Price} edge (plan);
11 \end{tikzpicture}
13 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/CompOS.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..d26366e)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (os) {O.S.};
6 \node [relationship] (installed) [right=of os] {IS SUPPORTED BY} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (os);
7 \node [entity] (comp) [right = of installed] {COMPUTER} edge[total] node[above]{$\cM$} (installed);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Computer.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..4137046)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (computer) {COMPUTER};
6 \node[attribute] (pid) [left of=computer] {\key{Id}} edge (computer);
7 \node[multi attribute] (os) [above of=computer] {Operating\_System} edge (computer);
8 \node[attribute] (devices) [right of=computer] {Devices} edge (computer);
9 \node[attribute] (mouse) [above right of=devices] {Mouse} edge (devices);
10 \node[attribute] (keyboard) [right of=devices] {Keyboard} edge (devices);
11 \end{tikzpicture}
13 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Computer_User.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..76ba06d)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (COMPUTER) {COMPUTER};
6 \node[attribute] (mid) [left of=COMPUTER] {\key{MAC}} edge (COMPUTER);
7 \node[multi attribute] (User) [right of=COMPUTER] {User} edge (COMPUTER);
8 \node[attribute] [above right of=User] {Name} edge (User);
9 \node[attribute] [right of=User] {Email} edge (User);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Constraint1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..0d36919)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (course) {COURSE};
6 \node [relationship] (offeredby) [right=of course] {OFFERED\_BY} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (course);
7 \node [entity] (department) [right = of offeredby] {DEPARTMENT} edge node[above]{$1$} (offeredby);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Constraint2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b7b12bb)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (course) {COURSE};
6 \node [relationship] (offeredby) [right=of course] {OFFERED\_BY} edge[total] node[above]{$\cN$} (course);
7 \node [entity] (department) [right = of offeredby] {DEPARTMENT} edge node[above]{$1$} (offeredby);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Contains.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..ed1462b)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[relationship] (contains){CONTAINS};
6 \node[entity] (burger) [left = 1cm of contains] {BURGER} edge[total] node[above] {$N$} (contains);
7 \node[entity] (ingredient) [right = 1cm of contains] {INGREDIENT} edge node[above]{$M$} (contains);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Country.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..af01a24)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node[entity] (COUNTRY) {COUNTRY};
6 \node[attribute] (name) [left of=COUNTRY] {\key{Name}} edge (COUNTRY);
7 \node[attribute] (population) [below left of=COUNTRY] {Population} edge (COUNTRY);
9 \node[relationship] (SPEAKS) [below right of=COUNTRY] {SPEAKS} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$M$} (COUNTRY);
10 \node[entity] (LANGUAGE) [below right of=SPEAKS] {LANGUAGE} edge node[right, pos=0.5] {$N$} (SPEAKS);
11 \node[attribute] (code) [left of = LANGUAGE] {\key{Code}} edge (LANGUAGE);
12 \node[attribute] (symbol) [right of = LANGUAGE] {Name} edge (LANGUAGE);
14 \node[relationship] (BWF) [below of = LANGUAGE] {B\_W\_F};
15 \draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (BWF.west);
16 \draw (LANGUAGE) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (BWF.east);
18 %\node[relationship] (boundary) [above of = COUNTRY] {S\_B\_W};
19 %\draw (COUNTRY) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (boundary.west);
20 %\draw (COUNTRY) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (boundary.east);
22 %\node[relationship] (conversion) [below of =LANGUAGE] {CONVERSION};
23 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (conversion.west);
24 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (conversion.east);
26 %\node[attribute] (timestamp) [below left of=conversion] {\key{Timestamp}} edge (conversion);
27 %\node[attribute] (rate) [below right of=conversion] {Exchange\_rate} edge (conversion);
29 \node[ident relationship] (hasfor) [right of=COUNTRY] {SINGS} edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$1$} (COUNTRY);
30 \node[weak entity] (anthem) %[right of=hasfor]
31 [right = 1cm of hasfor] {NATIONAL\_ANTHEM} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.6]{$M$} (hasfor);
32 \node[multi attribute] (color) [right =1cm of anthem] {Creator} edge (anthem);
33 \node[attribute] (name) [below right of = anthem] {\pkey{Name}} edge (anthem);
35 \node[relationship] (WIN) [above right of =LANGUAGE] {W\_IN};
36 \draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (WIN);
37 \draw (anthem) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (WIN);
38 \end{tikzpicture}
40 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Customers.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..08a42f7)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
5 \node[entity] (CUSTOMER) {CUSTOMER};
6 \node[attribute] [above of=CUSTOMER] {Name} edge (CUSTOMER);
7 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of CUSTOMER] {\key{ID}} edge (CUSTOMER);
8 \node[attribute] [below of=CUSTOMER] {Address} edge (CUSTOMER);
9 %
10 \node[ident relationship] (PASSEDBY) [left = 1.5cm of CUSTOMER] {PASSED\_BY} edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$1$} (CUSTOMER);
11 \node[attribute] [above = .5cm of PASSEDBY] {DateTime} edge (PASSEDBY);
12 %
13 \node[weak entity] (ORDER) [left = 1.5cm of PASSEDBY] {ORDER} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.6]{$\cM$} (PASSEDBY);
14 \node[attribute] [above of = ORDER] {\pkey{ID}} edge (ORDER);
15 %
16 \node[entity] (PRODUCT) [below = 4cm of ORDER] {PRODUCT};% edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$1$} (ASSIGNEDTO);
17 \node[attribute] [above left = .5cm of PRODUCT] {\key{ID}} edge (PRODUCT);
18 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of PRODUCT] {Brand} edge (PRODUCT);
19 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of PRODUCT] {Price} edge (PRODUCT);
20 \node[attribute] [below left = .5cm of PRODUCT] {Caution} edge (PRODUCT);
21 \node[attribute] [below right = .5cm of PRODUCT] {Material} edge (PRODUCT);
22 \node[attribute] [below = .7cm of PRODUCT] {Description} edge (PRODUCT);
23 %
24 \node[relationship] (CONTAINS) [below=1cm of ORDER] {CONTAINS} edge [total] node[right, pos=0.6] {$\cM$} (ORDER) edge node[right, pos=0.6] {$1$} (PRODUCT);
25 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of CONTAINS] {Quantity} edge (CONTAINS);
26 \end{tikzpicture}
28 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Dependent.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..7dc8bf5)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node[entity] (EMPLOYEE) {EMPLOYEE};
6 \node[attribute] (make) [left of=EMPLOYEE] {\key{SSN}} edge (EMPLOYEE);
7 \node[attribute] (year) [below left of =EMPLOYEE] {Role} edge (EMPLOYEE);
8 \node[attribute] (brand) [below of =EMPLOYEE] {Name} edge (EMPLOYEE);
10 \node[ident relationship] (RELATEDTO) [right of=EMPLOYEE] {RELATED TO} edge node[above, pos=0.3] {$1$} (EMPLOYEE);
11 \node[weak entity] (DEPENDENT) [right = 1cm of RELATEDTO] {DEPENDENT} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.7] {$N$} (RELATEDTO);
12 \node[attribute] (amount) [below of =DEPENDENT] {\pkey{Name}} edge (DEPENDENT);
13 \node[attribute] (company) [below right of =DEPENDENT] {Address} edge (DEPENDENT);
14 \end{tikzpicture}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Desk.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..11f077c)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (DESK) {DESK};
6 \node[attribute] (pid) [left of=DESK] {\key{Serial}} edge (DESK);
7 \node[multi attribute] [above of=DESK] {Color} edge (DESK);
8 \node[attribute] (Location) [right of=DESK] {Location} edge (DESK);
9 \node[attribute] [above right of=Location] {Building} edge (Location);
10 \node[attribute] [right of=Location] {Room} edge (Location);
11 \end{tikzpicture}
13 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Doula.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..927ca6d)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
6 \node[ident relationship] (COVERS) [below right of=HEALTHCAREPROVIDER] {COVERS} edge node[above, pos=0.3] {$1$} (HEALTHCAREPROVIDER);
7 \node[weak entity] (PERSON) [right = 1cm of COVERS] {INSUREE} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.7] {$\cN$} (COVERS);
8 \node[ident relationship] (ISFOLLOWEDBY) [above right of =PERSON] {IS FOLLOWED BY} edge node[above, pos=0.7] {$1$} (PERSON);
9 \node[weak entity] (DOULA) [right = 1cm of ISFOLLOWEDBY] {DOULA} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.3] {$\cM$} (ISFOLLOWEDBY);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Entity_Instructor.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e459f9e)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (entity) {INSTRUCTOR};
6 \node[attribute] (pid) [left = 2em of entity] {\key{Login}} edge (entity);
7 \node[attribute] (name) [above left of=entity] {Position Title} edge (entity);
8 \node[attribute] (name) [above =5em of entity] {Name} edge (entity);
9 \node[attribute] (fname) [above left of = name] {First Name} edge (name);
10 \node[attribute] (lname) [above right of = name] {Last Name} edge (name);
11 \node[multi attribute] (mname) [above of = name] {Middle Name} edge (name);
12 \node[multi attribute] (phone) [right =2em of entity] {Phone} edge (entity);
13 \node[attribute] (address) [below =1em of entity] {Location} edge (entity);
14 \node[attribute] (street) [below right of=address] {Room \#} edge (address);
15 \node[attribute] (city) [below left of=address] {Building} edge (address);
16 \node[derived attribute] (age) [above right of=entity] {Tenured} edge (entity);
18 \end{tikzpicture}
20 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Example_of_Derived.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..2638ff5)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (phone) {PHONE};
6 \node[attribute] [left of=phone] {Price} edge (phone);
7 \node[attribute] [above of=phone] {Weight in oz} edge (phone);
8 \node[derived attribute] [above right of=phone] {Weight in g} edge (phone);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Gym.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..212d7ad)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (MEMBER) {MEMBER};
6 \node [relationship] (RESERVES) [right=of MEMBER] {RESERVES} edge node[above]{$1$} (MEMBER);
7 \node [entity] [right = of RESERVES] {EQUIPMENT} edge node[above]{$1$} (RESERVES);
8 \node [entity] [below = of RESERVES] {TIME\_SLOT} edge node[left]{$\cN$} (RESERVES);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Job.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..80cd4e3)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
5 \node[entity] (COMPANY) {COMPANY};
6 \node[attribute] [above of=COMPANY] {\key{Name}} edge (COMPANY);
7 \node[attribute] (Address) [right = .5cm of COMPANY] {Address} edge (COMPANY);
8 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of Address] {Physical} edge (Address);
9 \node[attribute] [below right = .5cm of Address] {Numerical} edge (Address);
10 \node[multi attribute] [above right = .5cm of COMPANY] {Benefits} edge (COMPANY);
11 %
12 \node[relationship] (ADVERTISEDBY) [left = 1.5cm of COMPANY] {ADVERTISED\_BY} edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$\c1$} (COMPANY);
13 \node[attribute] [above = .3cm of ADVERTISEDBY] {URL} edge (ADVERTISEDBY);
14 %
15 \node[entity] (JOBAD) [left = 1.5cm of ADVERTISEDBY] {JOB\_AD} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.6]{$\cM$} (ADVERTISEDBY);
16 \node[attribute] [above left of = JOBAD] {Title} edge (JOBAD);
17 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of JOBAD] {Salary Range} edge (JOBAD);
18 \node[multi attribute] [below left = .5cm of JOBAD] {Requirement} edge (JOBAD);
19 \node[attribute] [above right of = JOBAD] {\key{id}} edge (JOBAD);
20 %
21 \node[relationship] (EMPLOYS) [below =0.8cm of COMPANY] {EMPLOYS} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$\cN$} (COMPANY);
22 %
23 \node[entity] (CONTACT) [below left = 3cm and 2cm of COMPANY] {CONTACT} edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$\cM$} (EMPLOYS);
24 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of CONTACT] {Name} edge (CONTACT);
25 \node[attribute] [below right = .5cm and .2cm of CONTACT] {\key{Id}} edge (CONTACT);
26 \node[attribute] [below = .5cm of CONTACT] {Role} edge (CONTACT);
27 %
28 \node[relationship] (DISCUSSED) [below right = 0.8cm and 1cm of JOBAD] {DISCUSSED\_BY} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$\cN$} (CONTACT) edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$\cM$} (JOBAD);
29 % \node[relationship] (REPAIREDBY) [below right =3cm of JOBAD] {REPAIRED\_BY} edge node[below, pos=0.6] {$\cM$} (JOBAD) edge node[below, pos=0.6] {$1$} (CONTACT);
30 %
32 \node[weak entity] (OFFER) [below = 5cm of JOBAD] {OFFER};
34 \node[attribute] [left = 0.5cm of OFFER] {Salary Offered} edge (OFFER);
35 \node[attribute] [below left = 0.5cm of OFFER] {Start Date} edge (OFFER);
37 \node[ident relationship] (RESULTEDIN) [below = 1 cm of JOBAD] {RESULTED\_IN} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$1$} (JOBAD) edge[total] node[left]{$1$} (OFFER);
39 \node[attribute] [below of = OFFER] {\pkey{Date}} edge (OFFER);
41 %\node[entity] (COMPANY) {COMPANY};
42 %
43 %
44 %
45 %\node[relationship] (SPEAKS) [below right of=COMPANY] {SPEAKS} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$M$} (COMPANY);
46 %\node[entity] (LANGUAGE) [below right of=SPEAKS] {LANGUAGE} edge node[right, pos=0.5] {$N$} (SPEAKS);
47 %\node[attribute] (code) [left of = LANGUAGE] {\key{Code}} edge (LANGUAGE);
48 %\node[attribute] (symbol) [right of = LANGUAGE] {Name} edge (LANGUAGE);
49 %
50 %\node[relationship] (BWF) [below of = LANGUAGE] {B\_W\_F};
51 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (BWF.west);
52 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (BWF.east);
53 %
54 %
55 %\node[multi attribute] (color) [right =1cm of anthem] {Creator} edge (anthem);
57 %
58 %\node[relationship] (WIN) [above right of =LANGUAGE] {W\_IN};
59 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (WIN);
60 %\draw (anthem) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (WIN);
62 \end{tikzpicture}
64 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/KeyOpensDoor.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..1450d1d)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (key) {KEY};
6 \node [relationship] (opens) [right=of key] {OPENS} edge[total] node[above]{$\cN$} (key);
7 \node [entity] (door) [right = of opens] {DOOR} edge node[above]{$1$} (opens);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Library.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..8365502)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
5 \node[entity] (COPY) {COPY};
6 \node[attribute] [above of=COPY] {\key{Code}} edge (COPY);
7 %
8 \node[relationship] (POSSESSES) [left = 1.5cm of COPY] {POSSESSES} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.4] {$\cM$} (COPY);
9 %
10 \node[entity] (LIBRARY) [left = 1.5cm of POSSESSES] {LIBRARY} edge node[above, pos=0.6]{$1$} (POSSESSES);
11 \node[attribute] [above of = LIBRARY] {\key{Name}} edge (LIBRARY);
12 \node[attribute] (Address) [left = 0.5cm of LIBRARY] {Address} edge (LIBRARY);
13 \node[attribute] [above left of = Address] {Number} edge (Address);
14 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of Address] {Street} edge (Address);
15 \node[attribute] [below left of = Address] {Zip} edge (Address);
16 %
17 \node[relationship] (OF) [right = 1.5cm of COPY] {OF} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.4] {$\cM$} (COPY);
18 %
19 \node[entity] (DOCUMENT) [right = 1.5cm of OF] {DOCUMENT} edge node[above, pos=0.6]{$1$} (OF);
20 \node[attribute] [below of = DOCUMENT] {\key{Catalog Number}} edge (DOCUMENT);
21 \node[attribute] [above of = DOCUMENT] {Kind} edge (DOCUMENT);
22 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of DOCUMENT] {Title} edge (DOCUMENT);
23 %
24 \node[relationship] (BORROWEDBY) [below left = 2cm and 0.5cm of COPY] {BORROWED\_BY} edge node[left, pos=0.4] {$\cM$} (COPY);
25 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of BORROWEDBY] {Return\_Date} edge (BORROWEDBY);
26 %
27 \node[relationship] (HOLDBY) [below right = 2cm and 0.5cm of COPY] {HOLD\_BY} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$\cM$} (COPY);
28 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of HOLDBY] {Expiration\_Date} edge (HOLDBY);
29 %
30 \node[entity] (PATRON) [below = 5cm of COPY] {PATRON} edge node[left] {$1$} (HOLDBY) edge node[right] {$1$} (BORROWEDBY);
31 \node[attribute] [below right = 1cm of PATRON] {\key{Card Number}} edge (PATRON);
32 \node[attribute] [below = 1cm of PATRON] {Name} edge (PATRON);
33 \node[attribute] [below left = 1cm of PATRON] {Email} edge (PATRON);
34 %
35 % \node[relationship] (REPAIREDBY) [below right =3cm of LIBRARY] {REPAIRED\_BY} edge node[below, pos=0.6] {$\cM$} (LIBRARY) edge node[below, pos=0.6] {$1$} (PATRON);
38 %\node[entity] (COPY) {COPY};
39 %
40 %
41 %
42 %\node[relationship] (SPEAKS) [below right of=COPY] {SPEAKS} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$M$} (COPY);
43 %\node[entity] (LANGUAGE) [below right of=SPEAKS] {LANGUAGE} edge node[right, pos=0.5] {$N$} (SPEAKS);
44 %\node[attribute] (code) [left of = LANGUAGE] {\key{Code}} edge (LANGUAGE);
45 %\node[attribute] (symbol) [right of = LANGUAGE] {Name} edge (LANGUAGE);
46 %
47 %\node[relationship] (BWF) [below of = LANGUAGE] {B\_W\_F};
48 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (BWF.west);
49 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (BWF.east);
50 %
51 %
52 %\node[multi attribute] (color) [right =1cm of anthem] {Creator} edge (anthem);
54 %
55 %\node[relationship] (WIN) [above right of =LANGUAGE] {W\_IN};
56 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (WIN);
57 %\draw (anthem) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (WIN);
59 \end{tikzpicture}
61 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/MappingRelationships1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..fe4cf8e)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[relationship] (contains){REL.};
6 \node[entity] (ENTA) [left = 1cm of contains] {ENT. A} edge[total] node[above] {$1$} (contains);
7 \node[attribute] [above of= ENTA] {\key{KeyA}} edge (ENTA);
8 \node[entity] (ENTB) [right = 1cm of contains] {ENT. B} edge node[above]{$1$} (contains);
9 \node[attribute] [above of= ENTB] {\key{KeyB}} edge (ENTB);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/MappingRelationships2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..153b041)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[relationship] (contains){REL.};
6 \node[entity] (ENTA) [left = 1cm of contains] {ENT. A} edge[total] node[above] {$1$} (contains);
7 \node[attribute] [above of= ENTA] {\key{KeyA}} edge (ENTA);
8 \node[entity] (ENTB) [right = 1cm of contains] {ENT. B} edge[total] node[above]{$1$} (contains);
9 \node[attribute] [above of= ENTB] {\key{KeyB}} edge (ENTB);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Membership.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..f900022)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (PERSON) {PERSON};
6 \node [relationship] (MEMBERSHIP) [right=of PERSON] {MEMBERSHIP} edge node[above]{$\cM$} (PERSON);
7 \node [entity] (CLUB) [right = of MEMBERSHIP] {CLUB} edge node[above]{$1$} (MEMBERSHIP);
8 \node[attribute] [above of=PERSON] {CLUB\_MEMBERSHIP\_LEVEL} edge (PERSON);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Naming.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..8c1addb)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (entity) {ENTITY TYPE NAME};
6 \node[attribute] (pid) [left = 2em of entity] {\key{Key}} edge (entity);
7 \node[attribute] (name) [above left of=entity] {Atomic} edge (entity);
8 \node[multi attribute] (phone) [right =2em of entity] {Multi-Valued} edge (entity);
9 \node[attribute] (address) [below =1em of entity] {Composite} edge (entity);
10 \node[attribute] (street) [below right of=address] {Attribute $n$} edge (address);
11 \node[attribute] (city) [below left of=address] {Attribute $1$} edge (address);
12 \node[derived attribute] (age) [above right of=entity] {Derived} edge (entity);
13 \node (dots) [right = 0.4em of city] {…};
14 \end{tikzpicture}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Naming_short1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e8d0956)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (entity) {ENTITY TYPE NAME};
6 \node[attribute] [above left of=entity] {Attribute $1$} edge (entity);
7 \node[attribute] [above right of=entity] {Attribute $n$} edge (entity);
8 \node[above = 3em of entity] {…};
9 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Naming_short2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..802821b)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] {ENTITY TYPE NAME};
6 \end{tikzpicture}
8 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Parents.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..d676ace)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node [entity] (PERSON) {PERSON};
6 \node [relationship] (uses) [right=of PERSON] {DNA HERITAGE} edge[total] node[above]{$1$} (PERSON);
7 \draw (uses) to [bend left] node[below, pos=0.4]{Biological Father} node[below, pos = 0.9]{$\cN$} (PERSON);
8 \draw (uses) to [bend right] node[above, pos=0.4]{Biological Mother} node[above, pos = 0.9]{$\cM$} (PERSON);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Person.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..c9104b4)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (person) {PERSON};
6 \node[attribute] (ssn) [left of=person] {\key{SSN}} edge (person);
7 \node[attribute] (dob) [above of=person] {Date\_Of\_Birth} edge (person);
8 \node[derived attribute] (age) [right of=person] {Age} edge (person);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Pet1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..09999aa)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node[entity] (FRIEND) {FRIEND};
6 \node[attribute] (make) [below of=FRIEND] {\key{Name}} edge (FRIEND);
8 \node[ident relationship] (POSSESSES) [right of=FRIEND] {POSSESSES} edge node[above, pos=0.3] {$1$} (FRIEND);
9 \node[weak entity] (PET) [right = 1cm of POSSESSES] {PET} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.7] {$N$} (POSSESSES);
10 \node[attribute] [below right of =PET] {\pkey{Name}} edge (PET);
11 \node[attribute] [below left of =PET] {Gender} edge (PET);
12 \node[attribute] [below of =PET] {Specie} edge (PET);
13 \end{tikzpicture}
15 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Pet2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..4989295)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node[entity] (FRIEND) {FRIEND};
6 \node[attribute] (make) [below of=FRIEND] {\key{Name}} edge (FRIEND);
7 \node[multi attribute] (PET) [right = 1cm of FRIEND] {PET} edge(FRIEND);
8 \node[attribute] [below right of =PET] {Name} edge (PET);
9 \node[attribute] [below left of =PET] {Gender} edge (PET);
10 \node[attribute] [below of =PET] {Specie} edge (PET);
11 \end{tikzpicture}
13 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Pet3.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..1fb5e1b)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node[entity] (FRIEND) {FRIEND};
6 \node[attribute] (make) [below of=FRIEND] {\key{Name}} edge (FRIEND);
8 \node[ident relationship] (POSSESSES) [right of=FRIEND] {POSSESSES} edge node[above, pos=0.3] {$1$} (FRIEND);
9 \node[weak entity] (PET) [right = 1cm of POSSESSES] {PET} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.7] {$\cN$} (POSSESSES);
10 \node[attribute] [below right of =PET] {\pkey{Name}} edge (PET);
11 \node[attribute] [below left of =PET] {Gender} edge (PET);
12 \node[attribute] [below of =PET] {Specie} edge (PET);
14 \node[entity] (FOOD) [above right= 3cm and 0cm of FRIEND] {FOOD};
15 \node[relationship] (LOVES) [below right of=FOOD] {LOVED\_BY} edge node[above, pos=0.5] {$\cM$} (PET) edge node[above, pos=0.3]{$\cN$}(FOOD);
17 \node[ident relationship] (PLAYSWITH) [above right of =PET] {PLAYS WITH} edge node[above, pos=0.7] {$1$} (PET);
18 \node[weak entity] (TOY) [right = 1cm of PLAYSWITH] {TOY} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.3] {$\cM$} (PLAYSWITH);
19 \end{tikzpicture}
21 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Phone_Carrier1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..814d5ba)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node [entity] (phone) {PHONE};
6 \node [attribute] [above left of=phone] {Attribute $1$} edge (phone);
7 \node [attribute] [above right of=phone] {Attribute $n$} edge (phone);
8 \node (dots) [above = 3em of phone] {…};
9 \node [relationship] (uses) [right=of phone] {USES} edge[total] node[above]{$\cN$} (phone);
10 \node [attribute] [above of=uses] {Average\_Network\_Quality} edge (uses);
11 \node [entity] (carrier) [right = of uses] {CARRIER} edge node[above]{$1$} (uses);
13 \end{tikzpicture}
15 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Phone_Carrier2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..01d9b35)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node [entity] (phone) {PHONE};
6 \node [attribute] [above left of=phone] {Attribute $1$} edge (phone);
7 \node [attribute] [above right of=phone] {Attribute $n$} edge (phone);
8 \node (dots) [above = 3em of phone] {…};
9 \node [relationship] (uses) [right=of phone] {USES} edge[total] node[above]{$\cN$} (phone);
10 \node [attribute] [below of=phone] {Average\_Network\_Quality} edge (phone);
11 \node [entity] (carrier) [right = of uses] {CARRIER} edge node[above]{$1$} (uses);
12 \end{tikzpicture}
14 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Pilot.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..a2596f2)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
5 \node[entity] (person) {PILOT};
6 \node[attribute] (pid) [left of=person] {\key{ID}} edge (person);
7 \node[attribute] (name) [above left of=person] {Name} edge (person);
8 \node[attribute] (phone) [above of=person] {Experience} edge (person);
10 \node[relationship] (drives) [below of=person] {ASSIGNED\_TO} edge node[right, pos=0.1] {$N$} (person);
11 \node[entity] (plane) [below of=drives] {PLANE} edge [total] node[right, pos=0.7] {$1$} (drives);
12 \node[attribute] (make) [left of=plane] {\key{TailID}} edge (plane);
13 \node[attribute] (maxS) [below left of =plane] {MaxSpeed} edge (plane);
14 \node[attribute] (airPlaneType) [below of = plane] {AirPlaneType} edge (plane);
15 \end{tikzpicture}
17 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Printer.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..fe11dc9)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[entity] (printer) {PRINTER};
6 \node[attribute] (mid) [above left of=printer] {\key{Office}} edge (printer);
7 \node[attribute] (firmware) [above right of=printer] {Firmware} edge (printer);
8 \node[attribute] (carrier) [above right of=firmware] {Name} edge (firmware);
9 \node[attribute] (price) [above left of=firmware] {Version} edge (firmware);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
12 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Produces.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..a62308a)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (producer) {PRODUCER};
6 \node [relationship] (produces) [right=of producer] {PRODUCES} edge node[above]{$1$} (producer);
7 \node [entity] (movie) [right = of produces] {MOVIE} edge node[above]{$\cM$} (produces);
8 \node[attribute] (mid) [above of=movie] {Amount\_Given\_By\_Producer} edge (movie);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Record.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b6407e6)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
5 \node[entity] (LABEL) {LABEL};
6 \node[attribute] [above of=LABEL] {\key{Name}} edge (LABEL);
7 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of LABEL] {Phone} edge (LABEL);
8 \node[multi attribute] [above right = .5cm of LABEL] {Genre} edge (LABEL);
9 %
10 \node[relationship] (RELEASEDBY) [left = 1.5cm of LABEL] {RELEASED\_BY} edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$\cN$} (LABEL);
11 %
12 \node[entity] (RECORDING) [left = 1.5cm of RELEASEDBY] {RECORDING} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.6]{$\cM$} (RELEASEDBY);
13 \node[attribute] [above of = RECORDING] {\key{Title}} edge (RECORDING);
14 %
15 \node[ident relationship] (USES) [below =0.8cm of LABEL] {USES} edge [total] node[right, pos=0.4] {$1$} (LABEL);
16 \node[attribute] [above = .5cm of RELEASEDBY] {Date} edge (RELEASEDBY);
17 %
18 \node[weak entity] (LOGO) [below = 3cm of LABEL] {LOGO} edge [total] node[right, pos=0.4] {$1$} (USES);
19 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of LOGO] {\pkey{Name}} edge (LOGO);
20 \node[attribute] [below = .5cm of LOGO] {Color} edge (LOGO);
21 %
22 % \node[relationship] (REPAIREDBY) [below right =3cm of RECORDING] {REPAIRED\_BY} edge node[below, pos=0.6] {$\cM$} (RECORDING) edge node[below, pos=0.6] {$1$} (LOGO);
23 %
25 \node[relationship] (ISSOLDAT) [below left = 1.5cm of RECORDING] {IS\_SOLD\_AT} edge node[above, pos=0.4] {$\cN$} (RECORDING);
26 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of ISSOLDAT] {Number of copies} edge (ISSOLDAT);
28 \node[entity] (SHOP) [below = 5cm of RECORDING] {RECORD SHOP} edge[total] node[right, pos=0.4]{$\cM$} (ISSOLDAT);
30 \node[attribute] (Address) [left = 0.5cm of SHOP] {Address} edge (SHOP);
31 \node[attribute] [above left of = Address] {Zip} edge (Address);
32 \node[attribute] [below left of = Address] {Street Name} edge (Address);
33 \node[attribute] [left = .6cm of Address] {City} edge (Address);
35 \node[relationship] (ISPLAYEDAT) [below right = 1.5cm and 0cm of RECORDING] {IS\_AN\_EXCLUSIVITY\_OF} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$\cN$} (RECORDING) edge node[left]{$1$} (SHOP);
37 \node[attribute] [below of = SHOP] {\key{Name}} edge (SHOP);
39 %\node[entity] (LABEL) {LABEL};
40 %
41 %
42 %
43 %\node[relationship] (SPEAKS) [below right of=LABEL] {SPEAKS} edge node[right, pos=0.4] {$M$} (LABEL);
44 %\node[entity] (LANGUAGE) [below right of=SPEAKS] {LANGUAGE} edge node[right, pos=0.5] {$N$} (SPEAKS);
45 %\node[attribute] (code) [left of = LANGUAGE] {\key{Code}} edge (LANGUAGE);
46 %\node[attribute] (symbol) [right of = LANGUAGE] {Name} edge (LANGUAGE);
47 %
48 %\node[relationship] (BWF) [below of = LANGUAGE] {B\_W\_F};
49 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (BWF.west);
50 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (BWF.east);
51 %
52 %
53 %\node[multi attribute] (color) [right =1cm of anthem] {Creator} edge (anthem);
55 %
56 %\node[relationship] (WIN) [above right of =LANGUAGE] {W\_IN};
57 %\draw (LANGUAGE) to node[left, pos=0.6] {$N$} (WIN);
58 %\draw (anthem) to node[right, pos=0.6] {$M$} (WIN);
60 \end{tikzpicture}
62 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Rel_Instance.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..a26a0f7)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2em]
5 \draw [fill= gray!20] (0,-1) ellipse (1cm and 2cm) node[above=2]{Entity Set 1};
6 \draw [fill= blue!20] (2.75, -1) ellipse (1cm and 2cm) node[above=2]{Relationship Set 1};
7 \draw [fill= green!20] (5.5, -1) ellipse (1cm and 2cm) node[above=2]{Entity Set 2};
8 %
9 \node (e1) {\(e_1\)};
10 \node (e2) [below of = e1] {\(e_2\)};
11 \node (dots) [below of = e2] {\(\vdots\)};
12 \node (en) [below of = dots] {\(e_n\)};
13 %
14 \node (c1) [right = 5 of e1]{\(c_1\)};
15 \node (c2) [below of = c1]{\(c_1\)};
16 \node (cdots) [below of = c2] {\(\vdots\)};
17 \node (cp) [below of = cdots] {\(c_p\)};
18 %
19 \node (r1) [right = 2.25 of e2] {\(r_1\)};
20 \draw (r1) to (e1);
21 \draw (r1) to (c2);
22 %
23 \node (r2) [below of = r1] {\(r_2\)};
24 \draw (r2) to (e2);
25 \draw (r2) to (cp);
26 \end{tikzpicture}
28 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Role_Name1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..045a707)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (company) {COMPANY};
6 \node [relationship] (employs) [right=of company] {EMPLOYS} edge node[above]{Employer} (company);
7 \node [entity] (person) [right = of employs] {PERSON} edge node[above]{Employee} (employs);
8 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Role_Name2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..f88673a)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (person) {PERSON};
6 \node [relationship] (hosts) [above=of person] {HOSTS};
7 \draw (hosts.east) -- node[right]{Guest} (person);
8 \draw (hosts.west) -- node[left]{Host} (person);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Role_Name3.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..571db0a)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (professor) {PROFESSOR};
6 \node [relationship] (mentors) [above=of professor] {MENTORS};
7 \draw (mentors.east) -- node[right]{Mentor} (professor);
8 \draw (mentors.west) -- node[left]{Mentee} (professor);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Software_Dep.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..180475a)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (SOFTWARE) {SOFTWARE};
6 \node [relationship] (REQUIRES) [above=of SOFTWARE] {REQUIRES};
7 \draw (REQUIRES.east) -- node[right]{Requirement} node[right, pos = 0.8]{$\cN$} (SOFTWARE);
8 \draw (REQUIRES.west) -- node[left, pos = 0.8]{$\cM$}(SOFTWARE);
9 \node [attribute] (id) [right= .5cm of SOFTWARE] {\key{Id}} edge (SOFTWARE);
10 \node [attribute, above right of = id] {Version} edge (id);
11 \node [attribute, below right of = id] {Name} edge (id);
12 \end{tikzpicture}
14 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Song.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..96d6d0d)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node[entity] (ALBUM) {ALBUM};
6 \node[attribute] [left = .5cm of ALBUM] {\key{Name}} edge (ALBUM);
7 \node[attribute] (Date) [above of=ALBUM] {Release Date} edge (ALBUM);
8 \node[attribute] [above right of=Date] {Day} edge (Date);
9 \node[attribute] [above = 1.2cm of Date] {Month} edge (Date);
10 \node[attribute] [above left of=Date] {Year} edge (Date);
12 \node[ident relationship] (CONTAINS) [right = 1cm of ALBUM] {CONTAINS} edge node[above, pos=0.3] {$1$} (ALBUM);
13 \node[weak entity] (SONG) [right = 1cm of CONTAINS] {SONG} edge[total] node[above, pos=0.7] {$N$} (CONTAINS);
14 \node[attribute] [right = .5cm of SONG] {\pkey{Track Number}} edge (SONG);
16 \node[attribute] (Length) [above of =SONG] {Length} edge (SONG);
17 \node[attribute] [above left of =Length] {Hours} edge (Length);
18 \node[attribute] [above =1.3cm of Length] {Minutes} edge (Length);
19 \node[attribute] [above right of =Length] {Seconds} edge (Length);
20 \end{tikzpicture}
22 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Stays_At.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..de3269a)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7em]
5 \node[relationship] (contains){STAYS\_AT};
6 \node[entity] (person) [above = 1cm of contains] {PERSON} edge node[right] {$N$} (contains);;
7 \node[attribute] (ssn) [left of=person] {\key{SSN}} edge (person);
8 \node[attribute] (dob) [above = .5cm of person] {Date\_Of\_Birth} edge (person);
9 \node[entity] (burger) [below of= contains] {PLACE} edge node[right] {$1$} (contains);
10 \node[attribute] (dob) [below = .5cm of burger] {\key{Address}} edge (burger);
11 \node[attribute] (ssn) [left of=burger] {Rooms} edge (burger);
12 \end{tikzpicture}
14 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Teaches.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..eb837f8)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (PROFESSOR) {PROFESSOR};
6 \node [relationship] (TEACHES) [right=of PROFESSOR] {TEACHES} edge node[above]{$1$} (PROFESSOR);
7 \node [entity] [right = of TEACHES] {COURSE} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (TEACHES);
8 \node [entity] [above = of TEACHES] {QUARTER} edge node[right]{$\cM$} (TEACHES);
9 \node [entity] [below = of TEACHES] {ROOM} edge node[left]{$\cP$} (TEACHES);
10 \end{tikzpicture}
11 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/Ternary_LectureNotes.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b1a606e)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5em]
5 \node [entity] (CLASS) {CLASS};
6 \node [relationship] (REFERS) [right=of CLASS] {REFERS TO} edge node[above]{$\cP$} (CLASS);
7 \node [entity] [right = of REFERS] {PROFESSOR} edge node[above]{$\cN$} (REFERS);
8 \node [entity] [below = of REFERS] {LECTURE NOTES} edge node[left]{$\cM$} (REFERS);
9 \end{tikzpicture}
10 \end{document}
File notes/fig/er/template.def added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..c38e409)
1 \renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault} % Default family: serif
2 %\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor}
3 \usepackage[x11names]{xcolor}
4 \usepackage{tikz}
5 \usepackage{soulutf8}
6 \usetikzlibrary{arrows,fit,positioning,shapes,calc}
8 %\definecolor{WIRE}{HTML}{002FA7} % Klein Blue
9 \usepackage[normalem]{ulem}
11 \tikzstyle{every entity} = []
12 \tikzstyle{every weak entity} = []
13 \tikzstyle{every attribute} = []
14 \tikzstyle{every relationship} = []
15 \tikzstyle{every link} = []
16 \tikzstyle{every isa} = []
18 \tikzstyle{link} = [>=triangle 60, draw, thick, every link]
20 \tikzstyle{total} = [link, double, double distance=3pt]
22 \tikzstyle{entity} = [rectangle, draw, black, very thick,
23 minimum width=6em, minimum height=3em,
24 every entity]
26 \tikzstyle{weak entity} = [entity, double, double distance=2pt,
27 every weak entity]
29 \tikzstyle{attribute} = [ellipse, draw, black, very thick,
30 minimum width=5em, minimum height=2em,
31 every attribute]
33 %\tikzstyle{key attribute} = [attribute, font=\bfseries]
35 \tikzstyle{multi attribute} = [attribute, double, double distance=2pt]
37 \tikzstyle{derived attribute} = [attribute, dashed]
39 %\tikzstyle{discriminator} = [attribute, font=\itshape]
41 \tikzstyle{relationship} = [diamond, draw, black, very thick,
42 minimum width=2em, aspect=1,
43 every relationship]
45 \tikzstyle{ident relationship} = [relationship, double, double distance=2pt]
47 \tikzstyle{isa} = [isosceles triangle, isosceles triangle apex angle=60,
48 shape border rotate=-90,
49 draw, black, very thick, minimum size=3em,
50 every isa]
52 % for text un key attributes
53 \newcommand{\key}[1]{\underline{#1}}
54 \newcommand{\pkey}[1]{\dashuline{#1}}
56 % for text in discriminator attributes
57 \def\discriminator{\bgroup
58 \ifdim\ULdepth=\maxdimen % Set depth based on font, if not set already
59 \settodepth\ULdepth{(j}\advance\ULdepth.4pt\fi
60 \markoverwith{\kern.15em
61 \vtop{\kern\ULdepth \hrule width .3em}%
62 \kern.15em}\ULon}
64 %%
67 \definecolor{MediumPurple1}{rgb}{0.58, 0.44, 0.86}
68 \definecolor{Chartreuse2}{rgb}{0.5, 1.0, 0.0}
69 \tikzset{every entity/.style={draw=orange, fill=orange!20}}
70 \tikzset{every attribute/.style={draw=MediumPurple1, fill=MediumPurple1!20}}
71 \tikzset{every relationship/.style={draw=Chartreuse2, fill=Chartreuse2!20}}
73 %% Variable for participation constraint
74 \newcommand{\cM}{\mathrm{M}}
75 \newcommand{\cN}{\mathrm{N}}
76 \newcommand{\cO}{\mathrm{O}}
77 \newcommand{\cP}{\mathrm{P}}
79 \begin{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Course.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..015ee6f)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| Course \(\big(\) \& \ul{Teacher} \& \ul{Code} \& Credit Hours \& Textbook \& Difficulty \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=2]{2}{5}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=2]{3}{5}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=2]{2}{6}{}
12 % \depedge[lvl=2]{3}{5}{}
13 \end{dependency}
15 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Course_Norm1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..2991672)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| Course \(\big(\) \& \ul{Teacher} \& \ul{Code} \& Textbook \& Difficulty \& |[none]| \(\big)\) % New Line
7 \& |[none]| CreditHours\(\big(\) \& \ul{Code} \& Credit Hours\& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
8 \end{deptext}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{5}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1]{8}{9}{}
13 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{8}{3}{}
14 \end{dependency}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/DriverExample1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..23f797b)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| DRIVER \(\big(\) \& State \& Driver\_Licence\_Num \& Name \& Governor) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{2}{5}{}
11 \end{dependency}
13 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/DriverExample2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..dac4ff1)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| DRIVER \(\big(\) \& \ul{State} \& \ul{Driver\_Licence\_Num} \& Name) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| GOVERNOR \(\big(\) \& \ul{State} \& Governor \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{2}{}
12 \end{dependency}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Example.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..bfd444b)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| R \(\big(\) \& A \& B \& C \& D \& E \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{2}{5}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{3}{5}{}
10 % \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
11 % \depedge[lvl=2]{2}{6}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1]{4}{3}{}
13 \depedge[lvl=2]{6}{2}{}
14 \end{dependency}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Example2NF1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b087bbf)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& \(A_4\) \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{2}{6}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{3}{6}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{5}{}
12 \end{dependency}
14 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Example2NF2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..26e7160)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R'' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_4\)\& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1]{11}{12}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{3}{}
13 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{11}{3}{}
14 \end{dependency}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Example2NF3.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..3e96837)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| \(R \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_1\)} \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_5\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| \(R' \big(\) \& \ul{\(A_2\)} \& \(A_3\) \& \(A_4\) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{9}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{3}{}
13 % \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{11}{3}{}
14 \end{dependency}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Notation1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..1dbe7d0)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 MARKER.Id \& MARKER.Color \& MARKER.Brand \& MARKER.Owner \\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{1}{2}{} % Edge are organized by level.
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{1}{3}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{1}{4}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{4}{2}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{4}{3}{}
13 \end{dependency}
15 \par
17 \begin{dependency}
18 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
19 TEACHER.Name \& TEACHER.Office \& TEACHER.Phone \\
20 \end{deptext}
21 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{1}{}
22 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{3}{}
23 \end{dependency}
25 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Notation2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..ef09a7c)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| MARKER \(\big(\) \& Id \& Color \& Brand \& Owner \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| TEACHER \(\big(\) \& Name \& Office \& Phone \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{3}{} % Edge are organized by level.
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{5}{3}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{5}{4}{}
13 \depedge[lvl=1]{9}{8}{}
14 \depedge[lvl=1]{9}{10}{}
15 \end{dependency}
17 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Notation3.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..8535559)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| TRAIN \(\big(\) \& Id \& Model \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| CONDUCTOR \(\big(\) \& Name \& Affected-to \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{3}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{6}{7}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{2}{}
11 % \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
12 % \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{5}{}
13 % \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{5}{3}{}
14 % \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{5}{4}{}
15 % \depedge[lvl=1]{9}{8}{}
16 % \depedge[lvl=1]{9}{10}{}
17 \end{dependency}
19 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Print.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..1be1a25)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| PRINT \(\big(\) \& Author \& Technique \& Title \& Price \& Size \& ShippingCost \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{2}{3}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{4}{3}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1]{4}{5}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1]{6}{5}{}
13 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{6}{7}{}
14 \end{dependency}
16 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/Schedule.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..6312057)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| SCHEDULE \(\big(\) \& \ul{Period\_Start} \& \ul{Date} \& Room \& Organizer \& Period\_End \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| LENGTH \(\big(\) \& \ul{Period\_Start} \& \ul{Period\_End} \& Length \& |[none]| \(\big)\)
7 \& |[none]| ROOM \(\big(\) \& \ul{Room} \& Building \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
8 \end{deptext}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{6}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1]{9}{11}{}
13 \depedge[lvl=1]{10}{11}{}
14 \depedge[lvl=1]{14}{15}{}
15 % \depedge[lvl=2, FK]{2}{9}{}
16 % \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{6}{10}{}
17 \end{dependency}
20 %\{Period\_Start, Date\} | →| Room
21 %\{Period\_Start, Length\} | →| Period\_End
22 %\{Period\_Start, Period\_End\} | →| Length
23 %\{Period\_End, Length\} | →| Period\_Start
24 %\{Date, Period\_Start\} | →| Organizer
25 %Room | →| Building
26 %
29 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/StudentExample1.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..ed243e9)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| STUDENT \(\big(\) \& \ul{Login} \& Name \& Major \& Major\_Head) \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 % \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{5}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{4}{5}{}
12 \end{dependency}
14 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/StudentExample2.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..476d5b5)
1 \documentclass[margin=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
6 |[none]| STUDENT \(\big(\) \& \ul{Login} \& Name \& Major ) \& |[none]| \(\big)\) \& |[none]| HEAD \(\big(\) \& \ul{Major} \& Major\_Head \& |[none]| \(\big)\)\\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{3}{4}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{7}{8}{}
11 % \depedge[lvl=1, edge above]{4}{5}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=1, FK, edge above]{7}{4}{}
13 \end{dependency}
15 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/model.tex added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..3240f73)
1 \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone}
2 \input{template.def}
4 \begin{dependency}
5 \begin{deptext}
6 Ename \& \ul{Ssn} \& BDate \& Address \& Dnumber \& Dname \& Dmgr\_ssn \\
7 \end{deptext}
8 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{1}{} % Edge are organized by level.
9 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{3}{}
10 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{4}{}
11 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{5}{}
12 \depedge[lvl=2]{5}{6}{}
13 \depedge[lvl=2]{5}{7}{}
14 \end{dependency}
17 \begin{dependency}
18 \begin{deptext}[TxtBook] % Applying the TxtBook style.
19 \ul{Ssn} \& \ul{Pnumber} \& Hours \& Ename \& Pname \& Plocation \\
20 \end{deptext}
21 \depedge[lvl=1]{1}{3}{}
22 \depedge[lvl=1]{2}{3}{}
23 \depedge[lvl=2]{1}{4}{}
24 \depedge[lvl=3]{2}{5}{}
25 \depedge[lvl=3]{2}{6}{}
26 \end{dependency}
28 \end{document}
File notes/fig/fd/template.def added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..a352d5c)
1 \renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault} % Default family: serif
2 \usepackage{tikz-dependency} % WARNING: we are using an EDITED version of this package.
3 \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta}
4 \usepackage{soulutf8}
5 \setul{}{1.1pt}
7 % The following is to allow the use of \(…\) with the soul package.
8 % cf.
9 \usepackage{expl3}
11 \ExplSyntaxOn
12 \tl_new:N \__l_SOUL_argument_tl
13 \cs_set_eq:Nc \SOUL_start:n { SOUL@start }
14 \cs_generate_variant:Nn \SOUL_start:n { V }
15 \cs_set_protected:cpn {SOUL@start} #1
16 {
17 \tl_set:Nn \__l_SOUL_argument_tl { #1 }
18 \regex_replace_all:nnN
19 { \c{\(} (.*?) \c{\)} } % look for \(...\) (lazily)
20 { \cM\$ \1 \cM\$ } % replace with $...$
21 \__l_SOUL_argument_tl
22 \SOUL_start:V \__l_SOUL_argument_tl % do the usual
23 }
24 \ExplSyntaxOff
26 \begin{document}
28 \depstyle{lvl}{%
29 edge height=2.5ex,
30 % edge unit distance=#1*2.5ex, % Another way of controlling the appearance of the edges.
31 edge below,
32 edge horizontal padding=0,
33 edge start y offset=-(#1-1)*3ex,
34 text only label, % No need for label for functional dependencies.
35 edge slant=0, % Right angles
36 rounded corners=0,
37 edge style={thick, >={Latex[width=2mm,length=2mm]}} % Change the style of the arrowheads.
38 }
40 % To deal with multiple parameters, in order to have a difference between the "level" (distance from node)
41 % and the starting point of the arrows, we could start with something like:
42 %\tikzset{/depgraph/lvl/.style 2 args={%<tikz options>},...}
43 %\tikzstyle{lvl} = {%definition}
44 %\depstyle{lvl}{%
45 % edge height=2.5ex,
46 %edge unit distance=(#1-1)*3ex,, % Another way of controlling the appearance of the edges.
47 %edge below,
48 %edge horizontal padding=0,
49 %edge start y offset=-(#1-1)*3ex,
50 %text only label, % No need for label for functional dependencies.
51 %edge slant=0, % Right angles
52 %rounded corners=0,
53 %edge style={thick, >={Latex[width=2mm,length=2mm]}} % Change the style of the arrowheads.
54 %}
55 %}
57 \depstyle{FK}{%
58 color=red,
59 edge slant = 3pt,
60 rounded corners = 2
61 }
63 \depstyle{none}{%
64 draw=none,
65 fill=none
66 }
68 \tikzset{
69 matrix/.append style={column sep=0.4cm, row sep=2em} % Adding some distance between the attributes.
70 }
72 \tikzstyle{TxtBook}=[% Style to mimic the textbook Fundamentals of Database Systems.
73 column sep=0cm, % No distance between two attributes.
74 nodes={%
75 fill=gray!20,
76 draw=black,
77 inner xsep=3ex,
78 inner ysep=1ex
79 }
80 ]
File notes/fig/fd/tikz-dependency.sty added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..067fb2c)
1 % Copyright 2011 by Daniele Pighin
2 %
3 % This file may be distributed and/or modified
4 %
5 % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
6 % 2. under the GNU Public License.
7 %
8 % See the file doc/generic/tikz-dependency/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
9 %
10 % Changelog
11 %
12 % 1.2 (Nov 3, 2016)
13 % - It's been a while :) Integrated a patch submitted by Jan Strunk <>
14 % (thanks a lot Jan!) fixing a bug with the behavior of "edge end x offset".
15 %
16 % 1.1 (Jan 17, 2012)
17 % - Added the possibility to use simple arcs as edges (keys: arc edge/segmented edge)
18 % - Added "edge start x offset" and "edge end x offset" to fine tune edge start/end point position
19 % - Added \depstyle to define styles more easily
20 % - Added "simple" theme, based on the parse on page 1 of [Nivre and McDonald, 2008 ACL-HLT]
21 % - Added instructions to draw bubble parses
22 % - Fixed bug that would cause groupedges not to be straight under some circumstances;
23 %
24 % 1.0 (Nov 26, 2011)
25 % - First public release
27 \ProvidesPackage{tikz-dependency}[2011/01/08 v1.1 Macros to draw dependency trees]
28 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01]
30 \RequirePackage{tikz,environ}
31 \usetikzlibrary{matrix,arrows,backgrounds,calc,patterns,positioning,fit,shapes}
33 \pgfdeclarelayer{depgroups}
34 \pgfsetlayers{depgroups,main}
36 \newcounter{dt@labelid}
37 \newif\ifdt@linkbelow
38 \newif\ifdt@arcedge
39 \tikzset{
40 /depgraph/.cd,
41 /depgraph/.search also = {/tikz},
42 dep id/.code = {\def\dt@depid{#1}},
43 dep id = dependency,
44 % fix the distance of the edge
45 edge height/.code = {\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@linkheight}{#1}},
46 edge height = 0pt,
47 % the distant of the horizontal line of the edge style for two adjacent words
48 edge unit distance/.code = {\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@linkstep}{#1}},
49 edge unit distance = 3ex,
50 % the horizontal offset defining the trapezoidal look
51 edge slant/.code = {\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@linkslant}{#1}},
52 edge slant = 3pt,
53 % the horizontal offset defining the starting/ending position of the edge style
54 edge horizontal padding/.code = {\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@linkoffset}{#1}},
55 edge horizontal padding = 4pt,
56 % vertical offset of the edge style from the word
57 edge vertical padding/.code = {\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@linkdist}{#1}},
58 edge vertical padding = 0ex,
59 % should links be placed above or below the sentence
60 edge below/.is if = dt@linkbelow,
61 edge below/.default=true,
62 edge above/.code = {\dt@linkbelowfalse},
63 % arc edge
64 arc edge/.is if = dt@arcedge,
65 segmented edge/.code = {\dt@arcedgefalse},
66 arc angle/.store in = \dt@arcangle,
67 arc angle = 60,
68 % an explicit offset to compensate the y position of the edge
69 edge start y offset/.code = {\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@EdgeStartOffsetY}{#1}},
70 edge start y offset = 0,
71 % an explicit offset to compensate the x position of the edge
72 edge start x offset/.code = {\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@EdgeStartOffsetX}{#1}},
73 edge start x offset = 0,
74 edge end x offset/.code = {\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@EdgeEndOffsetX}{#1}},
75 edge end x offset = 0,
76 % the layer that links should connect
77 % (should be set to "1" for edge above, and to the number of rows
78 % in the matrix for edge below)
79 target layer/.store in = \dt@tgtlayer,
80 target layer/.default = 0,
81 target layer = 0,
82 % styling options
83 reserved/edge style/.style = {->, >=stealth, black, solid, rounded corners = 2, line cap = round, segmented edge},
84 edge style/.style = {reserved/edge style/.append style = {#1}},
85 reserved/label style/.style = {
86 anchor = mid,
87 draw, solid,
88 black,
89 scale = .7,
90 text height = 1.5ex, text depth = 0.25ex, % needed to center text vertically
91 inner sep=.5ex,
92 outer sep = 0pt,
93 rounded corners = 2pt,
94 text = black,
95 fill = white},
96 label style/.style = {reserved/label style/.append style = {#1}},
97 hide label/.style = {reserved/label style/.append style = {opacity = 0, text opacity = 0}},
98 show label/.style = {reserved/label style/.append style = {opacity = 1, text opacity = 1}},
99 text only label/.style = {reserved/label style/.append style = {opacity=0, text opacity=1}},
100 reserved/text style/.style = {
101 text height=1.5ex, text depth = 0.25ex, % needed to center text vertically
102 inner sep = .5ex},
103 text style/.style = {reserved/text style/.append style = {#1}},
104 % group styling
105 reserved/group style/.style = {
106 inner sep = 0,
107 draw, solid,
108 outer sep = .5ex,
109 rounded corners = 2pt},
110 group style/.style = {reserved/group style/.append style = {#1}},
111 % themes for text
112 text theme/.is choice,
113 text theme/default/.style = {text style={black}},
114 text theme/brazil/.style = {text style={blue!60!black}},
115 text theme/iron/.style = {text style={black!80}},
116 text theme/copper/.style = {text style={brown!60!black}},
117 text theme/night/.style = {text style={black}},
118 text theme/grassy/.style = {text style={green!40!black}},
119 text theme/simple/.style = {text style={black}},
120 % themes for labels
121 label theme/.is choice,
122 label theme/default/.style = {label style={fill=white, draw=black}},
123 label theme/night/.style = {label style={text=white, fill=black, font=\bfseries}},
124 label theme/brazil/.style = {label style={thick, black, fill=yellow, text=black, font=\bfseries}},
125 label theme/iron/.style = {label style={top color=black!60, bottom color=black!80, draw=black!80, text=white, font=\bfseries}},
126 label theme/copper/.style = {label style={top color=brown!80!pink, bottom color=brown!60!black, draw=brown!80, text=white, font=\bfseries}},
127 label theme/grassy/.style = {label style={bottom color=green!60!black, top color=green!20!black, draw=green!40!black, text=white, font=\bfseries}},
128 label theme/simple/.style = {label style={draw=none,fill=none,above,font=\scriptsize}},
129 % themes for edges
130 edge theme/.is choice,
131 edge theme/default/.style = {edge style={thin,black}},
132 edge theme/night/.style = {edge style={thick}},
133 edge theme/brazil/.style = {edge style={thick,green!60!black}},
134 edge theme/iron/.style = {edge style={thick, black!80}},
135 edge theme/copper/.style = {edge style={thick, brown!80}},
136 edge theme/grassy/.style = {edge style={thick, green!40!black}},
137 edge theme/simple/.style = {arc edge, arc angle=79},
138 % themes styles
139 theme/.style = {label theme = #1, edge theme = #1, text theme = #1},
140 }
142 \newcommand{\depstyle}[2]{\tikzset{#1/.style = {/depgraph/.cd, #2}}}
145 \newenvironment{dependency}[1][]{%
146 \begin{tikzpicture}[/depgraph/.cd, #1]
147 \begin{scope}
148 }{%
149 \end{scope}%
150 \end{tikzpicture}%
151 }
153 \NewEnviron{deptext}[1][]{%
154 \begin{scope}
155 \matrix (\dt@depid)[%
156 nodes = {/depgraph/reserved/text style},
157 column sep = 0,
158 row sep = -.5ex,
159 matrix of nodes,
160 ampersand replacement = \&,
161 nodes in empty cells,
162 #1] {
163 \BODY%
164 };%
165 \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dt@tmp{\pgfmatrixcurrentrow}
166 \xdef\dt@numrows{\dt@tmp}
167 \end{scope}%
168 }
170 \newcommand{\depkeys}[1]{\tikzset{/depgraph/.cd, #1}}
172 \newcommand{\settgtlayer}{%
173 \ifnum\dt@tgtlayer=0%
174 \ifdt@linkbelow%
175 \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\dt@tgtlayer}{\dt@numrows}%
176 \else%
177 \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\dt@tgtlayer}{1}%
178 \fi%
179 \fi%
180 }
182 \newcommand{\deproot}[3][]{% options, root offset, root reserved/label style
183 \begin{scope}
184 \depkeys{#1}
185 \pgfmathsetmacro{\offa}{#2}
186 \settgtlayer
187 \def\anchorpoint{north}
188 \ifdt@linkbelow
189 \def\anchorpoint{south}
190 \fi
191 \def\source{\dt@depid-\dt@tgtlayer-#2}
193 \ifdim\dt@linkheight=0pt
194 \pgfmathsetmacro{\distance}{\dt@linkstep * 4}
195 \else
196 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\distance}{\dt@linkheight}
197 \fi
198 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@startdist}{\dt@linkdist}
199 \ifdt@linkbelow
200 \pgfmathsetmacro{\distance}{-(\dt@linkstep * 4)}
201 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@startdist}{-\dt@startdist}
202 \fi
203 \node at (\source) (\rootref) [yshift=\distance, /depgraph/.cd, reserved/label style, #1] {#3};
204 \draw [/depgraph/.cd, reserved/edge style, #1] (\rootref) -- ($(\source.\anchorpoint) + (0, \dt@startdist)$);
205 \end{scope}
206 }
208 \newcommand{\depedge}[4][]{% options, source offset, target offset, dep name
209 \begin{scope}
210 \depkeys{#1}
211 \pgfmathsetmacro{\offa}{#2}
212 \pgfmathsetmacro{\offb}{#3}
213 \settgtlayer
214 \def\source{\wordref{\dt@tgtlayer}{#2}}
215 \def\dest{\wordref{\dt@tgtlayer}{#3}}
216 \def\depname{#4}
217 \ifdim\dt@linkheight=0pt
218 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\distance}{abs(\offb - \offa)*\dt@linkstep}
219 \else
220 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\distance}{\dt@linkheight}
221 \fi
222 \groupedge[#1]{\source}{\dest}{\depname}{\distance}
223 \end{scope}}
225 \newlength{\xca}
226 \newlength{\yca}
227 \newlength{\xcb}
228 \newlength{\ycb}
230 \newcommand{\wordref}[2]{\dt@depid-#1-#2}
232 \newcommand{\rootref}{\dt@depid-root}
234 \newcommand{\matrixref}{\dt@depid}
236 % \storelabelnode
237 %
238 % \edef#1 the name of the last reserved/label style, stored in \dt@lastlabel
239 %
240 % #1 - a macro
241 \newcommand{\storelabelnode}[1]{\edef#1{\dt@lastlabel}}
243 \newcommand{\storefirstcorner}[1]{\edef#1{\dt@lastlabel-edge-first-corner}}
244 \newcommand{\storesecondcorner}[1]{\edef#1{\dt@lastlabel-edge-second-corner}}
246 \newcommand{\wordgroup}[5][]{% options, layer, col-start, col-end, identifier
247 \begin{scope}[/depgraph/.cd, #1]
248 \pgfonlayer{depgroups}
249 \node (#5) [fit = (\wordref{#2}{#3}) (\wordref{#2}{#4}), /depgraph/.cd, reserved/group style, #1] {};
250 \endpgfonlayer
251 \end{scope}
252 }
254 \newcommand{\groupedge}[5][]{% options, source, target, depname, distance
255 \begin{scope}[/depgraph/.cd, #1]
256 \def\anchorpoint{north}
257 \ifdt@linkbelow
258 \def\anchorpoint{south}
259 \fi
260 \pgfextractx{\xca}{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{\anchorpoint}}
261 \pgfextractx{\xcb}{\pgfpointanchor{#3}{\anchorpoint}}
262 \pgfextracty{\yca}{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{\anchorpoint}}
263 \pgfextracty{\ycb}{\pgfpointanchor{#3}{\anchorpoint}}
264 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\ydiff}{\yca-\ycb}
265 \ifdim\xca>\xcb
266 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\doff}{-\dt@linkoffset}
267 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dslant}{-\dt@linkslant}
268 \else
269 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\doff}{\dt@linkoffset}
270 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dslant}{\dt@linkslant}
271 \fi
272 \addtocounter{dt@labelid}{1}
273 \xdef\dt@lastlabel{\dt@depid-\the\value{dt@labelid}}
274 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@startdist}{\dt@linkdist}
275 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@enddist}{#5}
276 \ifdt@linkbelow
277 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@startdist}{-\dt@startdist}
278 \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\dt@enddist}{-\dt@enddist}
279 \fi
281 % Calculate edge anchors. -edge-first-corner and -edge-second-corner are only
282 % meaningful for segmented edge, but we also draw the nodes for arc edge, someone
283 % may always find these anchors useful...
284 \node (\dt@lastlabel-edge-origin) [coordinate] at ($(#2.\anchorpoint) + (\doff,\dt@startdist) + (\dt@EdgeStartOffsetX,0) + (0,\dt@EdgeStartOffsetY)$) {};
285 \node (\dt@lastlabel-edge-first-corner) [coordinate] at ($(\dt@lastlabel-edge-origin) + (\dslant,\dt@enddist)$) {};
286 \node (\dt@lastlabel-edge-second-corner) [coordinate] at ($(#3.\anchorpoint) + (\dt@EdgeEndOffsetX,0) + (0,\dt@EdgeStartOffsetY) + (-\dslant,\dt@enddist+\dt@startdist+\ydiff)$) {};
287 \node (\dt@lastlabel-edge-endpoint) [coordinate] at ($(#3.\anchorpoint) + (0,\dt@startdist) + (\dt@EdgeEndOffsetX,0)$) {};
289 \ifdt@arcedge
290 % link above, left to right
291 \pgfmathsetmacro{\dt@arcin}{180-\dt@arcangle}
292 \pgfmathsetmacro{\dt@arcout}{\dt@arcangle}
293 \ifdt@linkbelow
294 % link below
295 \pgfmathsetmacro{\dt@arcin}{-\dt@arcin}
296 \pgfmathsetmacro{\dt@arcout}{-\dt@arcout}
297 \fi
298 \ifdim\xca>\xcb
299 % right to left
300 \pgfmathsetmacro{\dt@temp}{\dt@arcin}
301 \pgfmathsetmacro{\dt@arcin}{\dt@arcout}
302 \pgfmathsetmacro{\dt@arcout}{\dt@temp}
303 \fi
304 %\draw [/depgraph/.cd, reserved/edge style, rounded corners = #5/5, #1]
305 \draw [out=\dt@arcout, in=\dt@arcin,/depgraph/.cd, reserved/edge style, rounded corners = #5/5, #1]
306 (\dt@lastlabel-edge-origin)
307 to node (\dt@lastlabel) [/depgraph/.cd, #1, reserved/label style] {#4}
308 (\dt@lastlabel-edge-endpoint);
310 \else
311 \draw [/depgraph/.cd, reserved/edge style, rounded corners = #5/5, #1]
312 (\dt@lastlabel-edge-origin) --
313 (\dt@lastlabel-edge-first-corner) --
314 (\dt@lastlabel-edge-second-corner) --
315 (\dt@lastlabel-edge-endpoint);
316 \node (\dt@lastlabel) [/depgraph/.cd, #1, reserved/label style] at
317 ($ .5*(\dt@lastlabel-edge-second-corner) + .5*(\dt@lastlabel-edge-first-corner) $)
318 {#4};
319 \fi
320 \end{scope}
321 }
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