List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Fixing da441e5483d8153bff9b25f50230f584c4d67c5e au 2018-12-16 05:38:00
re-adding templates. bfe4f6aa774c7befef9eda07f31edb5c9907cedb au 2018-12-16 05:30:19
Restore er tex files. 771634fed59ac3a00fa3fa8ee292e98c4e35e3d6 au 2018-12-16 05:26:43
Changing vect. format from SVG to PDF. fa1276c21b6d139d52bd2c0405a9eb694e1a932d au 2018-12-16 05:25:50
Fixing minor typos 3fd56098f9022b48fadff8e3ea10fd7fcd49213a au 2018-12-16 04:05:47
Re-organization of the project. ccb3e4e35a17076f72b836720948ba7cfe86155b au 2018-12-16 03:16:19
Ending reporting notes on paper, added planned schedule, added meta-info and made tthe pdf TOC deeper. 96ffdff901b7e059471c34d7f7df6771ded38783 2018-05-30 15:46:13
Starting to work on ER def, adding some diagrams. 4a938b9a338846c988800a1cc4d0c5f9fcd31f8d 2018-05-29 21:16:02
Finished SQL, started Design. 00c36f130c3f88bd548d009eb80e910db64ec823 2018-05-25 20:46:33
Adding the temp file, trying to patch the numbering of exercises inside problems. e4e4624cd1037e65a45e8690f2b92e183714b486 2018-05-24 19:22:13
Cleaned up the code, fixed some typos, added a list of problems, started working onthe problem for SQL. 701556c081df0bbf8e8800106c7aa4c997e560de 2018-05-24 07:21:26
Finishing exo for chapter SQL aea58f58f06d99615ae7cb85247bdc08c5ce9d96 2018-05-23 17:52:51
Progress on the SQL chapter. e13cddc35a709c6714a90b21d8ed8db6b037793c 2018-05-23 05:12:21
Started type some relational model examples in latex, reviewed chapter 1 and 2. 1ddf3000e0cb4f8f02b2b2de1ffd8ae14a81c9dc 2018-05-22 21:09:12
Finished correcting Chapter 1. Added a preamble and tweaked a lot (math, references, titles of subsubsections, etc.) acdd1bb083cd6985763afd9b77e1b7995dc1ebd7 2018-05-22 07:02:51
Cleaning latex dependencies: removed colors, fonts, etc., added header and footer. b4c1232d6091e12bc2cdf038529921143a55b758 2018-05-22 05:06:04
Putting all latex material aside, changing class. e43fb54e6ecb0ec4669ed16feba940b47ee3e35c 2018-05-21 15:14:48
Gathering references, fixing many small typos, adding references in bib. 4f5281a0770f07d2f48f36462ab25f0a3945f4e0 2018-05-21 04:54:59
Finished merging exercises into lecture notes! 36e1f79080a8ac56837632bcac2c119fc3efa24f 2018-05-20 18:50:54
Almost done with the homeworks! f82824a2ca9769a0ecf8fc75d6bf1cae1ef3c7a4 2018-05-20 05:23:43
Commit da441e5483d8153bff9b25f50230f584c4d67c5e - Fixing
Author: au
Author date (UTC): 2018-12-16 05:38
Committer name: au
Committer date (UTC): 2018-12-16 05:38
Parent(s): bfe4f6aa774c7befef9eda07f31edb5c9907cedb
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 477288d07c9597b511497b2c5f03a3d79f605813
File Lines added Lines deleted
notes/Makefile 1 1
notes/vec/rel_mod/template.def 69 0
File notes/Makefile changed (mode: 100644) (index 13d7159..2df94cf)
... ... $(VEC):
15 15
16 16 # Rule to compile the pdf # Rule to compile the pdf
17 17
18 pdf: | $(PDF) # $(PDF) is an "order-only" pre-requisite. Cf.
18 pdf: | $(VEC) # $(VEC) is an "order-only" pre-requisite. Cf.
19 19 pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --pdf-engine-opt=-shell-escape --toc --filter pandoc-numbering --filter pandoc-citeproc --top-level-division=chapter -V links-as-notes -M date="$$(LANG=en_us_88591 date '+%B %e, %Y (%r)')" -o lectures_notes.pdf $< pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --pdf-engine-opt=-shell-escape --toc --filter pandoc-numbering --filter pandoc-citeproc --top-level-division=chapter -V links-as-notes -M date="$$(LANG=en_us_88591 date '+%B %e, %Y (%r)')" -o lectures_notes.pdf $<
20 20
21 21 # #
File notes/vec/rel_mod/template.def added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..f4ca1d8)
1 \renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault} % Default family: serif
2 \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor}
3 \usepackage{tikz}
4 \usepackage{soul}
5 \usetikzlibrary{calc}
6 \usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.markings,positioning,backgrounds,shapes}
7 \definecolor{WIRE}{HTML}{002FA7} % Klein Blue
8 \usepackage{ulem}
9 \renewcommand{\ULdepth}{3pt}
11 \newcommand\whiteuline{\bgroup\markoverwith
12 {\textcolor{white}{\rule[-0.5ex]{2pt}{0.4pt}}}\ULon}
14 \tikzset{FK/.style={thick,<-,thick,>=latex}}
16 \newbox\ubox
17 \begin{document}
18 \begin{tikzpicture}[
19 PK/.style={% Style for empatized boxes
20 rectangle, line width =1pt,
21 anchor=west,
22 underline, % new property
23 align=center,
24 text=white,
25 minimum height=.8cm,
26 text height=1.5ex,
27 text depth=.25ex,
28 fill=WIRE!50,
29 draw=black,
30 },
31 A/.style={% Style for normal boxes.
32 rectangle,
33 line width =1pt,
34 anchor=west,
35 align=left,
36 minimum height=.6cm,
37 text height=1.5ex,
38 text depth=.25ex,
39 fill=WIRE!10,
40 draw=black,
41 inner ysep=5pt
42 },
43 underline/.append style={% define new style property
44 execute at begin node={%
45 \setbox\ubox=\hbox\bgroup
46 },
47 execute at end node={%
48 \egroup\whiteuline{\box\ubox}%
49 }
50 },
51 ] % Uff that is all the configuration for tickzpicture xD
53 % Define an brute force objet "Frame"
54 % Variables 1:Position, 2: Identifier, 3: Title of frame 4: Subframe/Boxtype
55 \def\Frame(#1)#2[#3]#4{%
56 \begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}]
57 \node[font=\bf, anchor=west] (Title) at (-0.2,0.7) {#3};
58 \edef\k{0}% Variable for box positión
59 \edef\x{0}% Variable for named coordinate centering - below box
60 \foreach \id/\style in {#4} {%enter sub frame data Name/Boxtype ,Name2/Boxtype | An space before Boxtype is needed
61 \node[\style] (h) at (\k pt,0) {\id}; % % Draw a node depending on the variables.
62 \pgfmathparse{\k+0.5*width{"\id"}+3.4pt} % Uses the textwidth to calculate named coordinate
63 \xdef\x{\pgfmathresult} % The resul is saved in the variable \x
64 \draw (\x pt,-0.4) coordinate (\id#2); %Create a named coordinate concatenated: "sub frame data Name"+"identifier"
65 \pgfmathparse{\k+width{"\id"}+6.8pt}% Calculate positión for each subframe box.
66 \xdef\k{\pgfmathresult}% Save the value to be added to the next iteration value.
67 }
68 \end{scope}
69 }% disadvantages: Is not posible to use Frame data Name like: Name_another_desc instead I use Name-another-desc
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